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Dear John,

I hope this email finds you well. I´m so glad you finally are coming to Mexico. I´m sure this
experience would boost your Spanish skills.

First and foremost, you have done a great choice. Mexico is the best place to learn
Spanish, as the country has a multicultural population you would be able to learn many
Spanish variants from Latin America and Spain.

On the one hand, I can tell based on my own experience that enrolling in workshops of
cooking, bakery, reading, painting, or any hobby you have is the best chance to practice
Spanish with natives. Almost all the people are nice and enjoy showing their culture and
language during those workshops’ small talks.

On the other hand, some of my friends had travelled the country to fully immerse in the
culture. To their view, local cuisine, manners, and festivities led them be aware of the
variety and richness of Mexican culture. My piece of advice is to be respectful because
most Mexican people are generous and easily offended when rejected.

Last, but not least, take care of yourself. Mexico is not as dangerous as news said but
bearing in mind some measures help. Avoid using jewelry in public transportation, walking
alone late at night, and taking taxis, Uber is more expensive but safer.

I´m so thrilled you are coming, I can´t wait to hang out with you. Please don´t hesitate to
reach if you have any questions or need support.

See you soon!


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