Familiarization With The Top Loading Balance and Analytical Balance

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Familiarization with Top Loading and Analytical Balance


This laboratory experiment was executed in order to gain familiarity with two different
types of balances–-the top loading and the analytical balance. To do this, five similar coins were
provided as the specimen in the activity. Each of the coin’s mass was measured independently
and via mass by difference. This allowed for the testing of the reliability and accuracy of the
balances by computing the mean and percent error. The data gathered exhibited a slight
difference in the accuracy of the balances wherein the analytical balance could be considered as
the more accurate apparatus as it can record more than four significant figures while having a
low percent error whereas the top loading balance was only able to measure up to three
significant figures with a higher percent error relative to the values sampled from the analytical
balance. It can be concluded that depending on required accuracy and precision, the appropriate
balance could be utilized.


Measurement is a method of quantifying certain aspects and properties of any object. It

can pertain to values that describe attributes such as mass, volume, temperature and many more.
It is imperative for these quantities to be precise and accurate so that it would result in correct
calculations which is critical in Analytical Chemistry.

In this academic endeavor, methods of obtaining mass were explored through the
utilization of balances–a laboratory apparatus generally used to determine the accurate mass of a
substance. For the entirety of this experiment, two types of balances were employed: the top
loading balance and the analytical balance. The principal difference between the two balances is
the extent of its accuracy. Top loading balance is typically used for measurements that require
two to three significant figures. On the other hand, weighings that necessitates more than four
significant figures for much higher accuracy, the analytical balance would be operated. These
balances are extremely sensitive to exterior disturbances such as vibration and even air which
could cause a slight discrepancy in the accrued data. In any case, proper usage of such
apparatuses are promoted so that errors such as this could be minimized and avoided when
maneuvering the balance.

In order to gain a better understanding on balances, an experiment was facilitated wherein

five coins were weighed on both the top loading and analytical balance. The procedure on the
manipulation of the apparatus was strictly followed to ensure utmost efficiency in conducting
activity. The information gathered was interpreted and analyzed. Subsequently, conclusions were
drawn from the data.

For this experiment, five similar coins were provided as the specimen. A calibrated top
loading and analytical balance were also prepared. Equipped with the necessary protective
measures, the experiment proceeded as follows:

The coins were labeled with a marker so as to avoid potential error of recording the
wrong values under which coin. Before measuring the mass of the coin, taring of the balances
were done in order to yield accurate results. After taring, the coins were handled using a tweezer
and gently put down on the top loading balance. This process was repeated until all individual
masses were recorded. Next, the coins were weighed together on the balance and proceeded onto
removing one coin at a time while recording the values each time a coin was withdrawn. The
same procedure was done on the analytical balance.

The measurements were collected and tabulated for interpretation and analysis.


Table 1. Using Top Loading balance

Coin Individual Mass Mass By Mean Percent Error

1 7.36 7.33 7.345 0.4076

2 7.39 7.41 7.4 0.2706

3 7.37 7.41 7.39 0.5427

4 7.38 7.39 7.385 0.1355

5 7.36 7.34 7.35 0.2717

The table above shows the mass of the coins collected using a top loading balance by
individual weighing and mass by difference. Mean was evaluated by adding the two masses
(individual mass and mass by difference) and dividing it by two, while percent error was
calculated using this formula:
|Mass by difference−Individualmass|
%Error= ×100
Individual mass

Table 2. Using Analytical balance

Coin Individual Mass Mass By Mean Percent Error

1 7.3597 7.3610 7.3604 0.0177

2 7.3889 7.3902 7.3896 0.0176

3 7.3744 7.3732 7.3738 0.0163

4 7.3789 7.3795 7.3792 0.0081

5 7.3601 7.3608 7.3602 0.0095

Table 2 exhibits data collected from weighing the coins using an analytical balance. The
raw data was recorded. The mean was calculated by averaging the individual mass and mass by
difference. On the other hand, the percent error was determined using this formula:
|Mass by difference−Individualmass|
%Error= ×100
Individual mass

The individual mass and mass by difference gathered from the top loading balance vary
in a small scale. The same results can be described with the data garnered from the analytical
balance. Differences on the last digits of the individual mass and mass by difference can be
counted on environmental factors such as vibrations on the surface where the balances are
placed. It can be said that the top loading balance recorded values of three significant figures
while the analytical balance specified more than four. Apart from this, it can be observed from
the tabulated data that the results from both balances only differ by mere decimal places but
values collected from the analytical balance exhibit greater accuracy possessing a percent error
with a range of 0.0081 - 0.0177 which is extremely low and within acceptable limits whereas the
top loading balance percent error ranged from 0.1355 - 0.5427.


The importance of knowing the proper usage of the balance is critical in conducting
experiments in Analytical Chemistry. The magnitude of being familiar with the proper usage of
the balance became more apparent as this experiment was conducted especially in facilitating
laboratory activities that require the use of different types of balances. Upon performing this
activity, an adequate amount of information was collected and analyzed and conclusions were
drawn thereafter.

The difference between the top loading and analytical balance lies down in its accuracy.
From the experiment, it could be observed that the percent error calculated in the set of values
gathered from the analytical balance is notably lower than that of the top loading balance. Albeit
both yielding accurate measurements, the analytical balance is better for appraising more specific
values as it can record more than four significant figures. It can also be inferred from this
academic endeavor that there are certain factors and circumstances that may affect the accuracy
of the result gathered from the balance.

There are a few elements that may cause an error in recording the mass of a sample such as
heat, pressure, air currents, vibration, slope, calibration, human error and more. First and
foremost, before using a balance, one must verify to a laboratory technician whether or not the
apparatus is calibrated, if not, the balance cannot be used for it will not yield any accurate
measurements. In any case, one can guarantee the accuracy of the balance by keeping it well-
maintained. Another factor to consider when using the balance is the temperature of the
specimen; the temperature of the sample would affect its weighing which is the reason why
substances are typically weighed at room temperature (Dubey, P.K., 2021). According to Dubey
(2021), the accuracy of the balance is relative to the slope of the surface the balance is set upon;
balances should be placed on a level surface to avoid this error. The National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) emphasized that balances are sensitive to environmental
factors, especially the analytical balance as one needs to close the door of this certain type of
balance to ensure an accurate mass collected from the balance for even a mere air current can
cause a discrepancy on the measurement. The institute also asserted that taring must be done in
order to establish an accurate result (NIST, 2019).

In general, the top loading and analytical balance are efficient tools for measuring accurate
weight of samples or substances. Depending on the requirements, one may opt to use whichever
balance that fits.


Dubey, P. K.. (2021). Re: What factors affect analytical balance read-out during prolonged
use?. Retrieved from:

Libretexts. (2022, August 17). Proper Use of Balances. Chemistry LibreTexts. Retrieved
September 13, 2022, from

National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2019). Good Measurement Practice for
Understanding Factors Affecting Weighing Operations.


The following solutions show the calculation of the data gathered from the experiment.

Appendix 1. Formula of Mean ( x ) and Percent Error (σ ):

Σ =1 x i
x= i

Individual Mass+ Mass by Difference


xi −xt
Er = × 100%

Massby Difference−Individual Mass

Er = × 100
Individual Mass❑

Appendix 2. Mean Calculations of Values from the Top Loading Balance

Coin 1:
7.36 g+ 7.33 g
x= = 7.345

Coin 2:
7.39 g+7.41 g
x= = 7.4

Coin 3:
7.37 g+ 7.41 g
x= = 7.39

Coin 4:
7.38 g+7.39 g
x= = 7.385

Coin 5:
7.36 g+ 7.34 g
x= = 7.35

Appendix 3. Mean Calculations of Values from the Analytical Balance

Coin 1:
7.597 g+ 7.3610 g
x= = 7.3604

Coin 2:
7.3889 g+7.3902 g
x= = 7.3896
Coin 3:
7.3744 g +7.3732 g
x= = 7.3738

Coin 4:
7.3789 g+7.3795 g
x= = 7.3792

Coin 5:
7.3601 g+7.3608 g
x= = 7.3605

Appendix 4. Percent Error Calculations of Values from the Top Loading Balance

Coin 1:
7.33 g−7.36 g
Er = × 100 = -0.4076
7.36 g

Coin 2:
7.41 g−7.39 g
Er = × 100 = -0.2706
7.39 g

Coin 3:
7.41 g−7.37 g
Er = × 100 = -0.5427
7.37 g

Coin 4:
7.39 g−7.38 g
Er = × 100 = -0.1355
7.38 g

Coin 5:
7.34 g−7.36 g
Er = × 100 = -0.2717
7.36 g

Appendix 5. Percent Error Calculations of Values from the Analytical Balance

Coin 1:
7.3610 g−7.3597 g
Er = × 100 = 0.0177
7.3597 g

Coin 2:
7.3902 g−7.3889 g
Er = × 100 = 0.0176
7.3889 g

Coin 3:
7.3732 g−7.3744 g
Er = × 100 = -0.0176
7.3744 g

Coin 4:
7.3795 g−7.3789 g
Er = × 100 = 0.0081
7.3789 g

Coin 5:
7.3608 g−7.3601 g
Er = × 100 = 0.0095
7.3601 g

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