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CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students Element Plane daily essone using | Pane single estons or | Plans diferentiated | PERRAUMERENNS | Pans ciferentiated available curiculam and_| sequence ofssons | instruction hasecion | én. WhihiSTH88 | instraction that provides ‘information from distiet_| using aklitional knowledge of students’ | ombAIAMRORREAEB! | systematic opportunities and state required fassezoment information | academicreadiness, | sidensehfaeies for supporting and Sssessments fonstadent academic | academic ‘esourcesandspetfie | extending student learning readiness language, | diverse ‘tategiestosidents’ | hased on comprehensive 4:1 Using knowledge cutural background, | backgrounds, and dverseleamingnerds | information on students ofstudents’academic ‘and individ individual cognitive, | neil backer readiness, language development seca emotional, and proficiency cultural physical development to background, and eet their india individual needs ram, | Engages tude dovelopment to plan_| ts aware ofimpact of bias stereotyping, and analysis of bias, Instruction. ontearning Becomesawareof | txammnes potential assumptions about stereotyping. and potential areas ofbias | sources of bias and calturesanimembersar | assumptions ‘and sceksto learn about | stereotyping when cultures. Sralyrespnsie | panning lesions Uses ld pedagory. culturally responsive pedagogy in planning. CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students Element When doing ou novel sud, organize he ‘udonte into groupe to este a fzen soane ‘tom the chapter ealed ‘tableau. Tre alows ‘tudente to got up and be physical wnile also working withthe eading materia. This (ves students who aro hatenged with wring an opportunityto show their underetancing and Intoret with the reading ina diferent way. Tires ‘Communicates learning | Establishes andshares | S8TabISHESA ‘Sstablishes and articulates | stablishes and articulates objectives forasingle | learning goalsfor skill | @onMUnIGaESTORRUHENE | learning goalsto students | comprehensive short-term lesson to students based | development with ‘dearlesmminggoalsfot — | that integrate content | and long-term learning 42 Establishingand | on contentstandants and_| stents in single contentthat are standands with students’ | goal for students. Assists articulating goals for | yaitablecuriculum. | lessons and sequence of | aceessibi@sehallengin®, | strengths, interests, and | students to articulate and student learning lessons ‘anciterentiatedto | learning needs ‘monitor learning goals. address student’ diverse learning needs. znres CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students Element | explcytllthe students what they are ‘expected to lear before the lesson. | wate ton the board. At the end of the leccon, | ane ‘siden What the ake "were and fence the learning ale, 7ATIS CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students Element ‘Usesavalablecuriclan | Begins to plan Sstablshesshort-and | REERERRERREGEA | Viizes extensive fordaly shore andiong: | curicukimunits that | longterm curicaumn | EMBARK | knowledge of curva, 43 Developingand _ | term plas inch series of | plans ors {integrations ofeuriealu | conten standards nd sequencing longterm connected esons and | Concepts and essential | dEMSAFAMEWOHE, | ses learning neds to nd shortterm felinkedtolongterm | related academic language | aiaSsesS@UisiveHOH | design cohesive and instructional plans to Planning te support |and formats that support | AASHERRERREERAY | comprehensire long-and support student tudentiearing | student eariog eae 7717729 short-term instructional arning pls tht ensure high levels of earning CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students Element ot {create a leezon plan calendar forthe year that includes the feng term goals ana sequencing of the CA Sandards, Then | 90 beck and plan and Incorporate hor term Issonefrom the curiculun guietinos land frameworks, maT CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students Element Selects strategies for Plans instruction sing a | Plans instruction slg lessons or ‘wide range of strategies | inconorating 4 repertote suggented by curiam | sequence of lessons tht svlress learning stles | of strategies specially sidelines. Fespond to students andmectstudens” | meet students averse pees ‘verse earning needs cand begun angus arg faring lering needs Provides | ned and tls 0 appropriate support and | vance learning forall Incorporates necro halengesforstuents spproprs Isaweareofstident | Sekstolearnabout Facitates opportntes aegis to mectthe | content, leaming,and | students diverse Integrates results fom | for students torelect on learning nee language needs through | learning and language ‘rot range of their learning an the data provided by the ste sand dtc assessments into planning ommect students diverse learning and language ede, Impact of instructional strategies to meet thelr earning and language ned, CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students Element 45 Adapting Inetructional plans and caricalar ‘materials to meet the Assessed learning ‘needs ofall students Implements lessons ane ‘ues mater frm curriculum provided Begins to adapt plans ‘and materiale engle lessons or sequences of lesions to adress student Tearing needs Thete aretimes when | need to scaffold etuont Teaming to extend lessons, Diferent inaructional etrategie | Lee are onine gamoe andmanipulatves. One fassecement use ie simple check for Uunderetning, m7 Makes adjustments and ‘adaptations to ‘hiferentiateinstrtional pans Uses cultural ‘esponsive pedagogy and ‘ulitonal materiale to Support student dere Tearning needs. to lessons baseon in dept analsis of inva sfident needs ‘Sngazes with studentsto deny types of adjastments in instruction thatbest meet their earning goals CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students Element ‘One way! make agutmert to the Instructional plans ito ‘how students veal representations of ‘carta words or oncopts that they might not understand, ‘One time we were reading about dog ‘lecang ana stucen's ‘dh tknom what that was 20 brought up a Video andthe stents ‘Were eeally muh mare ‘engaged wih the ng because of the tolerance they has mrs

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