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Create a Telegram Bot using Python

Difficulty Level : Easy ● Last Updated : 11 Oct, 2021

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In this article, we are going to see how to create a telegram bot using

In recent times Telegram has become one of the most used

messaging and content sharing platforms, it has no file sharing limit
like Whatsapp and it comes with some preinstalled bots one can use
in any channels (groups in case of whatsapp) to control the behavior
or filter the spam messages sent by users.

• A Telegram Account: If you don’t have the Telegram app installed
just download it from the play store. After downloading create an
account using your mobile number just like WhatsApp.
• .python-telegram-bot module: Here we will need a module called
python-telegram-bot, This library provides a pure Python
interface for the Telegram Bot API. It’s compatible with Python
versions 3.6.8+. In addition to the pure API implementation, this
library features a number of high-level classes to make the
development of bots easy and straightforward. These classes are
contained in the “telegram.ext” submodule. For more information,
you can check their official GitHub repo.
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Installation of the module

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We can install this module via pip and conda with the below

# installing via pip

pip install python-telegram-bot

# installing via conda

conda install -c conda-forge python-telegram-bot

Steps to create your first bot

Step 1: After opening an account on Telegram, in the search bar at the
top search for “BotFather”

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Step 2: Click on the ‘BotFather’ (first result) and type /newbot

Step 3: Give a unique name to your bot. After naming it, Botfather will
ask for its username. Then also give a unique name BUT remember
the username of your bot must end with the bot, like my_bot,
hellobot etc.

Step 4: After giving a unique name and if it gets accepted you will get
a message something like this –

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Here the token value will be different for you, we will use this token in
our python code to make changes in our bot and make it just like we
want, and add some commands in it.

Stepwise implement

Step 1: Importing required libraries


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from telegram.ext.updater import Updater
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from telegram.update import Update

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from telegram.ext.callbackcontext import CallbackContext

from telegram.ext.commandhandler import CommandHandler
from telegram.ext.messagehandler import MessageHandler
from telegram.ext.filters import Filters

Brief usage of the functions we are importing:

• Updater: This will contain the API key we got from BotFather to
specify in which bot we are adding functionalities to using our
python code.
• Update: This will invoke every time a bot receives an update i.e.
message or command and will send the user a message.
• CallbackContext: We will not use its functionality directly in our
code but when we will be adding the dispatcher it is required (and
it will work internally)
• CommandHandler: This Handler class is used to handle any
command sent by the user to the bot, a command always starts
with “/” i.e “/start”,”/help” etc.
• MessageHandler: This Handler class is used to handle any normal
message sent by the user to the bot,
• FIlters: This will filter normal text, commands, images, etc from a
sent message.

Step 2: Define functions for operation

Start function: It will display the first conversation, you may name it
something else but the message inside it will be sent to the user
whenever they press ‘start’ at the very beginning.


updater = Updater("your_own_API_Token got from BotFather",


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def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
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"Enter the text you want It !show to the user whenever they start the bot"

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Create a Telegram Bot using Python - GeeksforGeeks

Basically, in the start message, you should add something like “Hello
Welcome to the Bot” etc.

Help function: It is basically in this function you should add any kind
of help the user might need, i.e. All the commands your bot
understands, The information related to the bot, etc)


def help(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):

update.message.reply_text("Your Message")

Adding some more functionalities to the Bot.


def gmail_url(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):

update.message.reply_text("gmail link here")

def youtube_url(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):

update.message.reply_text("youtube link")

def linkedIn_url(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):

update.message.reply_text("Your linkedin profile url")

def geeks_url(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):

update.message.reply_text("GeeksforGeeks url here")

def unknown_text(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):

"Sorry I can't recognize you , you said '%s'" % update.message.text)

We useunknown(update: Update,
cookies to ensure you have the best context: CallbackContext):
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"Sorry '%s' is not a valid command" % update.message.text)
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Here we have added 4 functions one to open Gmail, one for youtube,
one for LinkedIn, and the last one for GeeksforGeeks. These are not
MANDATORY functions, you can add any kind of functions and their
reply_text as you want, these are just for demonstration. Here the
unknown_text function will send the message written inside it
whenever it gets some unknown messages and the unknown
function will Filter out all the unknown commands sent by the user
and reply to the message written inside it.

Step 3: Adding the Handlers to handle our messages and commands


updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', start))
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('youtube', youtube_url))
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('help', help))
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('linkedin', linkedIn_url))
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('gmail', gmail_url))
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('geeks', geeks_url))
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.text, unknown))
# Filters out unknown commands
Filters.command, unknown))

# Filters out unknown messages.

updater.dispatcher.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.text, unknown_text))

Here each line suggests that whenever a user writes a command i.e.
the first parameter of the CommandHandler in reply the user gets the
message written inside the function mentioned in the next

Step 4: Running the bot

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Here whenever we start polling the bot will be active and it will look
for any new message sent by any of the users and if it matches the
command specified there it will reply accordingly.

Below is the full implementation:


from telegram.ext.updater import Updater

from telegram.update import Update
from telegram.ext.callbackcontext import CallbackContext
from telegram.ext.commandhandler import CommandHandler
from telegram.ext.messagehandler import MessageHandler
from telegram.ext.filters import Filters

updater = Updater("your_own_API_Token got from BotFather",


def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):

"Hello sir, Welcome to the Bot.Please write\
/help to see the commands available.")

def help(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):

update.message.reply_text("""Available Commands :-
/youtube - To get the youtube URL
/linkedin - To get the LinkedIn profile URL
/gmail - To get gmail URL
/geeks - To get the GeeksforGeeks URL""")

def gmail_url(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):

"Your gmail link here (I am not\
giving mine one for security reasons)")

We useyoutube_url(update:
def cookies to ensure you have theUpdate,
best browsing experience
context: on our website. By using our site, you
acknowledge that you have read and understood our
update.message.reply_text("Youtube Cookie
Link Policy & Privacy Policy
=>\")Got It !

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def linkedIn_url(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):

"LinkedIn URL => \")

def geeks_url(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):

"GeeksforGeeks URL =>")

def unknown(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):

"Sorry '%s' is not a valid command" % update.message.text)

def unknown_text(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):

"Sorry I can't recognize you , you said '%s'" % update.message.text)

updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('start', start))
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('youtube', youtube_url))
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('help', help))
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('linkedin', linkedIn_url))
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('gmail', gmail_url))
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('geeks', geeks_url))
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.text, unknown))
Filters.command, unknown)) # Filters out unknown commands

# Filters out unknown messages.

updater.dispatcher.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.text, unknown_text))



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