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1. Which type of ads provide a great deal of versatility and are used in other ad types such as
carousel ads and interactive ads?
a. Lead form
b. Text
c. Boosted posts
d. Video (versatile)
e. Collection

2. Content creators focus on:

a. reviews and likes.
b. videos or podcasts.
c. broadcast media.
d. traditional advertising.
e. brand promotion.

3. Which type of influencers have 10,000 to 100,000 followers and are usually specialists in their
a. Nano curators
b. Macro
c. Mega
d. Content creators
e. Micro (where subject experts such as experts on phones…)

4. According to the Digital Marketing Institute, which of these is NOT one of the five most critical
KPIs for influencers?
a. Conversions
b. Referral traffic
c. Monetary payment (you don't measure using this method)
d. Reach
e. Awareness

5. Which of these is NOT a best practice for developing a paid social strategy?
a. Use research for SMM plans.
b. Monitor conversations about competitive brands.( not what you measure from the
c. Commit to contributing resources.
d. Integrate organic and paid social.
e. Keep track of influencer ROI. (of course want to see them what are they doing)
6. Participating in social listening to ensure that you are meeting the needs of your customers
refers to which BEST practice for developing a paid social strategy?
a. Know your target market.
b. Incorporate paid social and influencer relationships into the overall SMM strategy.
c. Commit to contributing resources.
d. Use research for SMM plans. (then you will know your target market)
e. Have clear goals for your paid social strategy.

7. Which statement is FALSE?

a. Having enough team members to monitor results is as important as creating the ads and
b. Investing in software that can help the SMM team work efficiently is only for big
companies. (small company will be more important)
c. All posts should work together for your audience.
d. Clear goals are necessary for selecting the right social media platform.
e. Creating buyer personas based on your target market is crucial for paid social success and
for selecting influencers.

8. Each platform varies in the number of videos or images that can be added for a carousel ad,
BUT the range is limited to what number?
a. 3 to 5

b. 10 to 12
c. 6 to 10
d. 13 to 15
e. 1 to 10

9. Facebook uses three broad categories of objectives in its ad manager: awareness,

conversion, and what other category?
a. Engagement
b. Consideration
c. Risk
d. Budget
e. Schedule
Essay Questions
1. Describe the major social media advertising formats. Support your answer with relevant
screenshots from social media.
The broad categories are Image, Carousel, Product, Collection, Interactive,
Lead Form, Video, and Text.

The different social media platforms provide help centres for creating ads
and best practices for each ad type.

The emphasis on these posts is the image, which is why Facebook suggests that less than
20% of the content be text-based on its research of ad performance.

Carousel ads allow the user to tell a brand story by including different images or videos, and
many platforms allow a separate call to action (CTA) or link for each image or video.

Each platform varies in the number of videos or images that can be added for a carousel ad,
but the range is 6 to 10. Carousel ads include subcategories, such as product, panoramic,
and process.
As the name suggests, a product ad is used for showcasing numerous
products, as many as 10. It is also used for retargeting.

When a visitor looks at products on a website, if the Facebook pixel is embedded in a website
and the product feed is uploaded, a retargeting ad is served when the website visitor is on

Collection ads are similar to product ads but are meant to give a more
engaging experience to visitors and are viewed on mobile devices. Collection ads differ
significantly across platforms.

Collection ads are constantly evolving and typically serve as a gateway for social selling
directly on the social media platform or via a link to the website.
The name is a perfect description for this type of ad, which varies across platforms
and evolves with technology.

Chatbots, lenses, and polls are just a few examples of interactive ads used in stories,
messaging, and user feeds. A 2021 Deloitte study found that interacting with AR products led
to a 94% increase in conversion.

Lead Form:
The purpose of this ad type is similar to that of a website landing page. The goal of the
ad is to generate a lead by promoting some form of content such as an eBook, white
paper, or industry guide.

When clicked, a landing form appears requesting information for the download…
when submitted, the data may be integrated into the advertiser’s customer relationship
management (CRM) software.
This ad type is offered on every social media platform.

Video ads provide a great deal of versatility and are used in other ad types such as carousel
ads and interactive ads.

Many platforms offer creator studios in addition to help centers. Even when it’s not mandatory,
it is recommended to use these resources to ensure that the video specifications are correct
for the best viewing experience.

Creating videos that appear authentic to the users of the platform can help with engagement
and especially sharing.

Text Ads:
Text ads are short and have typically have a CTA to click on a url.

Facebook text ads appear on the right-hand side of the user’s newsfeed

Algorithms determine which text ads appear.

2. Describe the concept of Influencer Marketing.

The definition of influencer marketing by Big Commerce, an ecommerce enterprise solutions
company, incorporates more than social media platforms since influencers operate across
numerous media platforms.

According to Big Commerce, “Influencer marketing is a way brands can promote their
products through endorsements or recommendations from influencers and content creators
on the Internet.”

In 2006, PayPerPost was launched as the first influencer company to pay bloggers to promote

Over the years, influencer marketing has grown, and now 9 out of 10 brands use some form
of influencer marketing.

Celebrity influencers are successful at using their status outside of social media, such as
careers in sports or acting, to gain a following and influence those followers with their posts.

Anyone who follows the Kardashian–Jenner family should realize that this family of
influencers used their TV show to help boost their social media profiles.

The growth in social media and platforms such as TikTok and YouTube has contributed to
more content creators.

Some people mistakenly use these terms interchangeably.

Content creators may be influencers, but their focus is creating content such as
videos or podcasts, whereas not all influencers create content beyond photos.
According to Alexa, YouTube is still the second-most visited website, and its content creators
can make millions of dollars each month from monetizing their videos.

The individual account with the highest number of subscribers is PewDiePie, which has over
110 million people following his channel.

Content collaborations have become increasingly popular as some content creators work to
build their influence.

Content creator collectives are houses in which content creators live together, create content
together, and promote the content of each other on social platforms such as YouTube,
Instagram, and TikTok.

Hype House is one of the most well-known content creator collectives, and in 2021, Netflix
announced plans for a reality TV show starring several of the inhabitants.

3. (a) Describe the main categories of influencers.

(b) Provide examples of influencers (local or international) in each category.
(c) Describe the audience of the influencers mentioned in 3.(b).
Nano-influencers have 1,000 to 10,000 followers. They tend to have high
engagement rates due to their interaction with their followers. They have the
highest engagement rate with their followers (8%) and are most likely to
respond to direct messages.

Micro-influencers have 10,000 to 100,000 followers and are usually a specialist

in their field. They are careful in developing relationships with brands as they
are working to build their brand. Their followers view these influencers as being
authentic. The engagement ROI on these posts tends to be higher than with
macro- and mega-influencers.

Macro-influencers have between 100,000 and 1 million followers. These

influencers are usually either a B-list celebrity or an expert in their field.



4. Discuss the risk for brands in using influencers. Provide 3 examples of influencers who have
caused embarrassment or image damage for their brand sponsors.
Problems have arisen with posts that are not honest or forthcoming about relationships
between the influencer and the brand. Influencers have a legal requirement to disclose any
financial, employment, personal, or family relationship when they post for a brand.
This includes posts for which they receive monetary payment, free merchandise, or any other
financial compensation for the post.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) oversees advertising complaints and regulations. It
provides a guide for influencers to follow to ensure the influencer is not violating any laws.

Disclosure has to be clear, and the FTC gives clear guidelines for this. Using the hashtag
#sponsored and adding any required statements is an easy way to identify the post as being
paid rather than just the influencer’s opinion.

Influencers are not company employees, so there is limited control over what they post.
Contracts frequently include clauses related to exclusivity in the product category or grounds
for terminating the relationship early. Companies have cut ties with influencers due to
unrelated social media posts or behavior.

5. Assess the best practices for developing a paid social strategy.

Incorporate paid social and influencer relationships into the overall SMM strategy.
- SMM should be part of the overall IMC strategy, so all paid social needs to fit within the
company’s consistent image. An integrated approach creates synergy and has the most
impact on objectives.

Use research for SMM plans.

- Gather secondary data from industry and government resources. Create surveys for your
customers. Use social listening to ensure that you are meeting the needs of your customers.
Analyzing your data is your best guide.

Know your target market.

- Creating buyer personas based on your target market is crucial for paid social success and
for selecting influencers. Know which platforms your personas use and which type of content
they prefer.

Have clear goals for your paid social strategy.

- Clear goals are necessary for selecting the right social media platform, using the best type of
ad format or influencer, and setting campaign objectives.

Integrate organic and paid social into your SMM strategy.

- All posts should work together for your audience. Metrics from successful organic posts
should provide direction for paid social and help you select influencers that are the right fit for
the target market.

Monitor conversations about your brand.

- Influencers are people who like products and post on their social media accounts, and social
listening can help you identify influencers.

Choose influencers carefully.

- Monitor anyone with whom your brand is considering developing a relationship. Using an
agency or platform such as Klear can help select influencers; however, do your research and
monitoring. When an influencer is canceled, it can hurt your brand.
Commit to contributing resources.
- Having enough team members to monitor results is as important as creating the ads and
content. If no one is carefully monitoring the results and making corrections, then the money
is being wasted. Invest in software that can help the SMM team work efficiently and

Monitor social ROI and influencer ROI.

- Follow best practices for calculating social ROI (Hootsuite has a free calculator online), and
companies such as Klear have dashboards that calculate influencer ROI. Set benchmarks to
help evaluate effectiveness.

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