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B1 Gerund and Infinitive GI011

Fill in the correct form: Gerund or Infinitive (with or without "TO")

1. It's impossible on this pitch because the ball won't bounce. (PLAY)
2. They accused his youngest son of the fence. (BREAK)
3. I blamed him for me with my homework. That's why I got a bad mark.
4. I would like to know why he insisted on this alone (DO).
5. I suggest for a walk this afternoon. How about it? (GO)
6. The doctor advised him swimming because of his cold. (NOT GO)
7. I managed to balance my account without out a new loan. (TAKE)
8. I can't afford money on new clothes. (SPEND)
9. She can't tolerate the centre of attention. (NOT BE)
10. I regret that the event must be cancelled due to the circumstances.
11. Dad demanded what I was doing up at this time of the night. (KNOW)
12. For some people it's difficult to get used up early in the morning.
13. Why did you avoid your father the truth? (TELL)
14. Do you fancy out with me tonight? (GO)
15. In the old days you were allowed almost everywhere. (SMOKE)
16. My teacher forbade us school during lessons. (LEAVE)
17. I forgot at the store for some groceries. (STOP)
18. This car needs . Could you do for me? (WASH)
19. We postponed to the cinema until next week. (GO)
20. I didn't expect her the award. (WIN)
21. He spends all his spare time stamps and coins. (COLLECT)
22. When I was in London, I managed almost all the important sights,
despite the little time I had. (SEE)
23. He denied contact with the suspect. (HAVE)
24. I remember to my first concert when I was 18. (GO)
25. We were anxious abroad for the first time. (GO)
Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 1

1 Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets in the appropriate form.

1 I can't stand _ _ in queues. ( wait )

2 I wouldn't like in his shoes. ( be )

3 Jim loves in Thailand. ( work )

4 I hate _ the shopping on Saturday. ( do )

5 Blast! I forgot _ milk. ( buy )

6 In the end we decided_________________in. ( stay )

7 I need_________________some information about Portugal. ( find )

8 My parents like _________ for long walks at the weekend. ( go )

9 Tony gave up ___________ years ago. ( smoke )

10 I wanted and see Troy but no one else was interested. ( go )

11 Mrs Leith offered__________________us to the airport. ( take )

12 Clare refused clean up after the party. ( help )

13 I tried him to come but it was no use. ( persuade )

14 Do you mind not__________________? ( smoke )

15 Everybody really enjoyed _ the cha-cha-cha. ( dance )

16 Lionel admitted __________ my chocolate mousse. ( eat )
Gerund or Infinitive Exercise 2

1 Use the verbs in brackets to fill the gaps.

1 We arranged _ under the station clock at half nine. ( meet )

2 I always try to avoid _ him whenever I can. ( see )

3 I long _ _ in Scotland again. ( be )

4 My Mum demanded _ the manager. ( see )

5 My brother denied my chocolate mousse. Maybe his hamster ate it. ( eat )

6 I tried but I just couldn't. ( understand )

7 In the end I gave up _ to persuade her. ( try )

8 Charlie was pretending _ a chicken. ( be )

9 They chose in a cheap hotel but spend more money on meals. ( stay)

10 We like Galicia so much that we keep _ back there. ( go )

11 He deserves _ severely punished. ( be )

12 When we visit my aunt, they expect me on my best behaviour. ( be )

13 I didn't mean _ her feelings. I'm really sorry. ( hurt )

14 I always put off _ my homework until the last possible moment. ( do )

15 He goes on __ me the same thing over and over again. ( tell )

16 I can't stand _ _ in the queue at the baker's. ( wait )

17 The firemen managed _ the fire pretty quickly. ( put out )

18 I never risk __ through that part of town. ( go )

19 Clare offered _ me to the airport, which was very kind of her. ( take )

20 Dad threatened _ my pocket money if I didn't do my homework. ( stop )

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