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Everybody makes mistakes, just like Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana once said.

Everyone is
equal, and everything should be fine as long as you learn from your mistakes. Usually children
make the most mistakes, and it's not because they are less than older people, but because they are
not afraid to make mistakes. Most people are really scared of doing things wrong because of the
social construct of hypocrisy and the people that could make fun of them. And they're not really
worng, there are people out there that do and say mean thing to other people just for fun, even if
the people abused aren't in the wrong at all. But we all should learn from our mistakes, to
reevaluate the situation, see what we did wrong, think of ways to solve the problem, and from
then, evolve. Grow, change, be a better person. Our mistakes do not define us, and neither should
the mean things throwed at us. If little kids can accept each other for who they are, with or
without mistakes, then we can do the same thing. When I was little I used to miss my homework
assignments, I didn't do well in class either. I was afraid of doint things wrong, afraid of makeing
mistakes, so I didn't participate neither in class nor at home at all. I stayed in thaf state of mind
for about a year, and it didn't do me well. Once my homeroom teacher realized what was
happening she helped me get more comfortable with myself in the school sistem. She thought me
that everyone makes mistakes, and that no matter how big the wrong is, as long as I learn from
my mistake, then it's forgotten. As time passed, I keep getting better as school. Better at home,
better with homework, grades, even making friends. I wasn't afraid anymore. I am really thankful
for the change I went through, and as long as I can help other people get out of their shells and be
more confident, with our without mistakes, I am happy.

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