W7 Learning and Memory

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Dr Nurwina Akmal binti Anuar

Created by 14/4/2023 by Dr Nurwina Anuar UKM

Learning and
01 Type of memory
02 Long – term memory

03 Sensory memory

04 Aids to learning and

Sensory memory
Cocktail party phenomenon.

How Echoic Iconic memory Notes

Memory that is memory Visual stimuli Limited both in
unconscious, Auditory stimuli time and stimulus
fleeting, like echo information.

Example, count 1-
0 but got
Short term memory,
Function : To keep sensory impression
momentarily available for further processing
Often called working memory.

How What Chunking Implication

Without being Limited in capacity On going Adults can
aware of it availability of remember 6-7
occurring. When small items. items.
started to being
aware, it passes
to STM.
Why short term memory is limited

1 2 3
Decay theory Displacement theory Interference theory

Holds that memory Limited number of Advances the notion

traces vanish quickly slots to be filled in that previous learning
with the passage of short term memory might somehow
time and that incoming interfere with short
information displaces term memory
old information
Long term memory,

Highly stable Generative Understanding Some things

influences more easily
You can simply
You can simply Influenced by Flashbulb
impress your
impress your what we memories.
audience and add
audience and add understand and
a unique zing and
a unique zing and by our intentions
appeal to your
appeal to your
Sensory Short Long


Alternate labels Echoic/iconic Primary/working Secondary

Duration Less than 1sec Less than 20 Sec Indefinite

Stability Fleeting Easily disrupted Not easily disrupted

Capacity Limited Limited 7+- items Unlimited

general Momentary, Active, Knowledge

unconcious immediate based, passive
Why we forget and how to help

Possible instruction
Memory traces decay from disuse
Fading v Provide opportunities for repetition and
v Teach in a variety of setting
v Using different approaches

Possible instruction
Memory is generative rather than reconstructive
Distortion v Emphasize the most important,
What is recalled changes over time.
v Emphasize the most salient
v Features of what is to be learned
Why we forget and how to help
Possible instruction
Traumatic experiences are unconsciously buried
Repression v Avoid traumatizing students
and no longer consciously accessible

Possible instruction
Old memories interfere with learning new
Interference v Teach for transfer
v Highlight similarities and differences
New learning interferes with recall of old learning

Possible instruction
Learner lacks cues that enable specific recall
Retrieval v Point out relationships and association
cue failure that can serve as retrieval cues
v Teach specific retrieval cues
v Teach learners some of the memory aids.
Teaching how to think
Cognitive strategies

Tools of cognitive behaviour

Goal directed sequences in
action such as rehearsing,
organizing, or elaborating
What we actually do to learn and


Knowing about knowing.

Our knowledge and beliefs about
Learning/ our own cognitive process and
Metacognition our attempt to play in the game
of cognition well. Knowledge is
what permits us to select
different approaches for learning
and remembering
It allows us to monitor our
cognitive activities and assess
the likelihood
I decide to learn the meanings of common, educationally
relevant terms in the new cognitive sciences

Metacognitive Metacognitive experiences Metacognition

Setting a goal of which I I stop after 2 lines. I have I sense that I an
suspect I am capable vague feeling that I missed understanding

Contents Contents Contents

Contents Contents Contents

Cognitive activity Cognitive activity Cognitive strategies

I begin to read I read the line again I continue reading. I repeat
this box each separate definition
mentally once or twice
Memory Aids
Rhymes and other sayings
How to help students
An activity. Find an
The Link system
example for this…
The Loci System

The phonetic system

Jarvis, P. (2006). Towards a philosophy of human learning: An existentialist perspective. In Human Learning (pp. 1-15). Routledge.

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