A Mixed-Method Research On Stress Among Government Workers: Analysis Using The Health and Safety Executive Management Standards

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Volume: 8
Issue: 8
Pages: 895-901
Document ID: 2023PEMJ699
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7922237
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-05-10 23:30:35
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 895-901, Document ID: 2023PEMJ699, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7922237, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

A Mixed-Method Research on Stress Among Government Workers: Analysis Using the

Health and Safety Executive Management Standards
Rona Jean Dimapilis*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.


This study examined the government workers’ experiences of stress in the workplace. This study aimed to test the significant
relationships between the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age group, gender, employment status, length of
service, and divisions, as to the six key areas of the workplace identified by the health and safety executive management
standards: demand, control, support (manager and peer), relationship, role, and change. An explanatory sequential mixed-
methods design that employed both quantitative methods and qualitative procedures was utilized. There were 81 respondents
who answered the modified HSE Management Standard Indicator Tool and 10 respondents from the sample size representing
the divisions for the semi-structured interview. Statistical treatments of data such as frequency distribution, weighted mean,
composite mean, and Chi-square Test were used. Moreover, thematic analysis was used for the qualitative phase. Findings
revealed that age group, length of service, and divisions had a significant relationship to job stress in terms of demand, support
(manager and peer), and relationship. For the qualitative findings, a total of 18 themes emerged. Lastly, the study revealed that
the qualitative results supplemented the survey’s significant results on government workers’ experience of stress in the
workplace. Government agencies may use the modified tool and record the results to formulate guidelines, policies, and
procedures to improve their working environment. Yielded results of the tools may be correlated to attendance records, staff
turnover figures, performance ratings, and accident reports.

Keywords: Philippines, Job Stress, Explanatory Sequential Research Design, Government Workers,
HSE Management Standards

Introduction Sabeena (2019), staff nurses in both the public and

private sectors were experiencing a mild to severe
range of stress whereas in nurses working in the
Stress may come from one's own mental state or be government sector mean stress score was significantly
driven by the environment. It can be acquired through higher than that of the nurses working in the private
many forms, such as by thinking, acting upon, or sector. Contrary to this, in the study of Pandey et al.
communicating with others. In a workplace, stress can (2018), women employees in the private sector had a
be said as always present for several reasons, like, higher level of stress but they were more satisfied with
workload, working environment, and its nature. In the their working environment and condition compared to
recent study conducted by De los Santos and Labrague the women workers in the government sector. With
(2021), they considered the COVID-19 pandemic to regards to this study, it was an eye-opener that there
have an impact on the job stress and turnover were more aspects to explore and conduct the study
intentions of frontline nurses in the community. The when it came to the stress in a government sector.
virus was not only a threat to their health but also to
their family’s health as well. This environmental factor Working in one of the government agencies in the
was found to be a factor why frontline nurses have an Philippines is a common dream job of many Filipinos.
intent to leave their jobs due to high stress rooting There was a belief that working with the government
from the demand of working hours and high-risk is a secured type of job since the government is
conditions. A different variable was seen to have a indestructible. Furthermore, job positions are never-
significant relationship with job stress and depression ending because agencies are all continuously growing
among educators in the Philippines. and have a strong foundation ever since the country
had built its republic.
Stress is also universal. This is felt by all people
around the world within their family, friends, and other During this global pandemic, people are experiencing
social and non-social activities. It is a global stress in varying degrees, considering the different
experience. The workplace, as one of the areas where aspects of life that they need to perform. In fact, a
one can get stress, will be the area of study in this study conducted by Mayer (2020) rated COVID-19 as
research, particularly working with one of the the most stressful time with 88% of workers reporting
government agencies. In the study of Ancy and that they were experiencing moderate to extreme

Rona Jean Dimapilis

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 895-901, Document ID: 2023PEMJ699, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7922237, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

stress. Suicide attempts, ideation, and successful alleviate the possibility of having mental health
suicide were products of extensive stress. Awareness problems rooted in the workplace.
may not increase if they did not focus on job stress
among the Filipino workers who were not just working
for their families but also working for the country Literature Review
since they were the tax resources.
There were few studies in the country where stress was
measured, and researchers focused on the private
sectors as well. It was mainly limited to the type of job The study utilized the explanatory sequential mixed-
of health workers such as nurses and doctors, or method research design. The design employed aspects
teachers. This research focused on the public sector of both quantitative methods and qualitative
working in a national government agency. procedures. The quantitative method of research
Government agencies in the Philippines have ten (10) helped the researcher in gathering the numerical values
types of employment such as permanent, temporary, that represented the independent and dependent
substitute, coterminous, fixed-term, contractual, variables, categorized under the demographic profile
casual, institutional contract of service, individual and job-related stress under the HSE Management
contract of service, and job order employees. Their Standards six key areas of stressors. A qualitative
nature of work conditions also was categorized into research design was used to support and elaborate the
office work and fieldwork. These factors were also experiences of the respondents about their work-
considered in this study which was also used in the related stress in the workplace. Integration of these
other pieces of literature. The researcher wanted to dig designs made this research complex but rich in gaining
into this sector since they were all working in service both depth and breadth for the researcher and readers.
for the Filipino community. They were also doing
public service and it was crucial to see how they were As cited in the study of Subedi (2016), the explanatory
doing in their job, by knowing their source of stress in design was highly popular and consisted of distinct
the workplace. phases as follows: Phase 1, collection of quantitative
data, analysis and evaluation, Phase 2, collection of
Additionally, government agencies were following a qualitative data through an interview, analysis, and
structured hierarchy that was also an interesting factor evaluation, and Phase 3 which was the integration of
to look upon. People in this hierarchy also provided results and findings of phase 1 and 2. The integration
different kinds of support that an employee received. of results of the quantitative and qualitative phase
The demand of the job, the controlling factors, and helped the researcher to provide an in-depth
roles such as completing their deliverables, decision- interpretation and explanation of the collected data.
making process, and problem-solving were discussed
in this study. Identifying such may provide fruitful Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the researcher
ideas which can help other sectors and concerned conducted the study at the Department of Science and
organizations to build programs that can aid job stress Technology (DOST) Regional Office CALABARZON
and support the government agency workers. since this was the most feasible government agency to
visit for paper works in line with this research. This
Thus, this study was conducted to explore what the national government agency is located at Jamboree
work-related stress of government workers was, to see Road, Barangay Timugan, Los Baños, Laguna with a
if there was a significant relationship between the total of 142 employees and 24 functional units. It was
demographic profile and job stress among government also chosen to be the locale of this research since this
workers, and the emergent themes of stress agency has been in the public service for almost 40
experienced by the government workers. At the end of years. The population in this study were government
the study, it tried to provide rich elaboration of the workers at the Department of Science and Technology
working condition of the government workers, where Regional Office CALABARZON. With the help of the
job stress was inevitable, where sources were institutional statistician of the Laguna College of
identified through a quantitative and qualitative Business and Arts assigned to the researcher, a total of
analysis. The results implied that the government 81 respondents were identified by G*Power as the
agency needed to have programs or policies that can required sample size based on an effect size of 0.35
help address the potential sources of job stress among and power of 0.90.
their workers as they were the strongest assets of the
organization. These programs and policies may The total respondents in the study were 81 government

Rona Jean Dimapilis

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 895-901, Document ID: 2023PEMJ699, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7922237, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

workers with at least six months of working were properly recognized and cited in this study.
experience in the DOST Regional Office
CALABARZON who participated in the quantitative The statistical treatment for the quantitative data were
phase of the study. This number represented 100% of the following: (1) frequency distribution, (2) weighted
the total population. They were classified according to mean, (3) composite mean, and (4) Chi-Square Test.
age group, gender, status of employment, length of This measure of central tendencies was used in
service, and divisions. The agency has two (2) interpreting the results of the 5-point Likert Scale of
Divisions, the Finance and Administrative Services the HSE Management Standard Indicator Tool. To test
Division, and the Technical Operations Division. Due the relationship between the demographic profile in
to limited time and the inability to conduct a paper and terms of (1) age group, (2) gender, (3) status of
pencil survey, they were asked to answer a digital employment, (4) length of service, and (5) divisions to
survey. Everyone that was chosen to participate in this job stress among the six key areas of stressors which
research was able to answer and complete a consent are: (1) demand, (2) control, (3) support (manager and
form. peer), (4) relationship, (5) role and (6) change, the
researcher used Chi-Square Test. In this test, the
The researcher chose 10 participants from the 81 demographic profile is tested if this has a significant
survey respondents randomly and made sure to have relationship with the stress felt by the government
an equal representation of different working workers under the six key areas in the workplace.
conditions. This gave the researcher rich pieces of
information on their experiences in the workplace. The data obtained in the qualitative phase were
These individuals were interviewed using an online analyzed using thematic analysis. The following
platform with their consent to record for transcription themes that were derived from the qualitative analysis
and analysis. gave enlightenment and support to the quantitative
results of this study. Thematic analysis was useful in
For the quantitative phase of the study, the researcher this study in summarizing key features of gathered
utilized the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) data and a useful method in examining the
Management Standards Indicator Tool. It was a perspectives of different research participants,
standalone measuring device with 35 items that had highlighting similarities and differences, and
been designed to give a perspective on how well an generating unanticipated insights. All themes under the
employee rated his/her performance in managing the six key areas of stressors in the HSE Management
risks associated with work-related stress. The said tool Standard were presented in a chart but discussed with
covered six key areas of stressors which were (1) direct quotations for further explanations.
demand, control, support (managers and peer), role,
relationships, and change with a 5-point Likert scale
(never, seldom, sometimes, often, and always).

In gathering the data for the qualitative phase of the For the Demographic Profile of the Respondents in
study, the researcher used a semi-structured terms of, there were 40 workers comprising 49.4% of
questionnaire that included the six key areas in the the sample size that belonged to the age group of 21 to
workplace: demand, control, support (manager and 30 years old, 25 workers comprising 30.9% of the
peer), relationships, role, and change. A recorder was sample size that belonged to the 31 to 40 years old age
also used to document the interview and was also group, 11 workers comprising 13.6%of the sample size
needed for the transcription. The researcher that belonged to the age group of 41 to 50 years old
continuously takes note of important points during the and five workers comprising 6.2% of the sample size
interview to see if there are areas that need belonged to the 51 to 60 years old age group.
clarifications and follow-ups. All data gathered on the
interview were formed into themes using thematic According to Gener, there were 39 male respondents
analysis. A chart of the presentation was included in representing 48.1% of the sample size and 42 female
the fourth chapter of this research paper. respondents representing 51.9% of the sample size.
For Status of Employment, there were 20 permanent
The researcher followed the ethical guidelines stated in workers comprising 24.7% of the total sample size and
the Research Manual of the school. Respondents’ 61 contract of service workers comprising 75.3% of
consent was obtained, and confidentiality of data and the sample size. Mwanwhile, in terms of Length of
information collated by the researcher were handled Service, there were seven workers representing 8.6%
and kept strictly confidential. Other research authors of the sample size with six months and less than one

Rona Jean Dimapilis

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 895-901, Document ID: 2023PEMJ699, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7922237, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

year in service, 47 workers representing 58% of the reported the ways of taking breaks at work involved
sample size with 1 to 5 years in service, 15 workers managing time for taking breaks within core work
representing 18.5% of the sample size with 6 to 10 hours and weekends as part of their solution in
years in service, six workers representing 7.4% of the addressing the job demand at work.
sample size with 11 to 15 years in service, three
workers representing 3.7% of the sample size with 16 Manager’s Support. The respondents experienced job
to 20 years in service and three workers representing stress in terms of manager’s support due to the modes
3.7% of the sample size with 21 to 25 years in service. of providing feedback, how and what were the
construct and lastly, the equitable kind of support.
Lastly, there were 67 (82.7%) government workers
that belonged to the Technical Operations and 14 Peer Support. The respondents experienced job stress
(17.3%) that belonged to the Finance and in terms of peer support due to the number of types of
Administrative Services. support given at work in a form of instrumental and
social/emotional support as well as the observed
On the other hand, Job Stress among Government display of respect at work.
Workers in terms of Demand had a composite mean of
3.22 interpreted as Sometimes (ST). Control had a Relationships. The respondents experience little to
composite mean of 3.42 interpreted as Often (O). non-recurring job stress in the relationships they have
Manager’s Support had a composite mean of 3.28 at work such as tentative, transactional, and trusted
interpreted as Sometimes (ST). Peer support had a relationships.
composite mean of 3.98 interpreted as Often (O).
Relationship had a composite mean of 2.05 interpreted Role. The respondents experience job stress at work in
as Seldom (SM). Role had a composite mean of 4.42 terms of roles due to the categorized task that emerged
interpreted as Always (A). And, Change had a such as task roles and social-emotional tasks. In
composite mean of 3.66 interpreted as Often (O). addition, managerial and supervisory roles held crucial
roles experience, and expectations were the sources of
This research found that there was a significant stress for the workers.
relationship between age group, length of service, and
divisions to demand, manager’s and peer support and Change. The respondents experience job stress in
relationship as shown in their probability values of terms of change because of the work adjustments they
.001,.012, .017,.041, .033, and .005 which were less went through such as workers turnover and change of
than the level of significance of .05%. management. In addition, thinking of the coping
mechanism and fast adaptability and applying
For the qualitative phase, the researcher interviewed flexibility on the change at hand contributed to the
ten (10) government workers previously determined stress they experienced.
from phase 1. The thematic analysis of data gathered
from the semi-structured interview initially revealed The findings of the quantitative and qualitative phases
the respondents’ job stress experiences as follows: of the study revealed that age group, length of service
and divisions had a significant relationship to job
Demand. The respondents experience job stress in stress in terms of demand, support (manager and peer),
terms of demands during strategic planning, task and relationship and was supported by the 18 emergent
delegation, and monitoring, identifying the different themes presented in the chapter 4. It showed that the
tasks assigned to the government workers, and various qualitative findings supplemented the results of the
ways of delivering services and tasks. Also, the tasks survey’s significant result on the government workers’
they performed needed collaborative and individual experience of stress in the workplace.
office and fieldwork. Lastly, to properly account for
the tasks that they performed, they made write-ups of
accomplishments and special reports.

Control. The respondents experienced job stress in This study found that that the respondents are
terms of control by being in full control at work and dominated by the age group 21-30 years old, where
doing tasks aligned based on their expertise and roles. there are 42 females comprising 51.9% of the total
On the other hand, being in partial control at work due sample size. There is more contract of service
to the limitations of roles and functions became a respondents who participated in the study and they are
source of stress in their work. Lastly, respondents 61 in count comprising 75.3% of the sample size. In

Rona Jean Dimapilis

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 895-901, Document ID: 2023PEMJ699, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7922237, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

terms of length of service, the sample size is giving assistance during hard tasks are bringing up
dominated by government workers who have been in stress to each one of them.
the service for 1-5 years. Respondents from Technical
Operations from various functional units dominate the Fifth, the government workers are unlikely to
sample size. experience stress at low risk due to relationship-
resource imbalance wherein no immediate action
In terms of the job stress experienced by the required but may be improved. The different types of
respondents, it varies in the six key areas of the HSE relationships are tentative, transactional, and trusted.
Management Standards. First, the government workers These are beneficial because it limits the interactions
possibly experience stress at moderate risk due to which create borderline lessening stress to be felt by
demand-resource imbalance wherein specific the respondents in the case of a tentative relationship.
management responsibility is required. The agency has In the case of a transactional relationship, it is bringing
strategic planning and task delegations at hand that productivity because of the fitted functions of each
they manage to operate so they can achieve their goals. member of their unit helping them reach their goals.
However, there are other intervening tasks that The last one is the trusted relationship where they also
compromises their work plans. Moreover, this job build friendships inside the workplace.
stress was felt sometimes because they have calendar
Sixth, the government workers are almost certain to
of works that states seasonal big events and projects.
experience stress at extreme risk due to role-resource
During these days, they feel stress but the rest of the
imbalance wherein senior leader/s immediate action is
days in their calendar they are doing their common
required. Although respondents know their roles,
daily tasks.
doing such made them feel the need for social-
Second, the government workers are likely to emotional support. Their workloads themselves are
experience stress at a high risk due to control-resource manageable for them. In the case of the respondents on
the managerial and supervisory level, stress is
imbalance wherein junior leader/s management is
extremely recurring because there are high
required. Based on the findings, these are brought
expectations of them reaching the target with their
about by additional tasks which are beyond their core
respective teams. Moreover, these respondents have
function and minimal participation on the decision-
professional expertise that the higher management
making process for their out-based tasks. Even having
utilizes even though the tasks are beyond their core
those busy days at work, they still found a way to take
functions. Since they are holding these high positions,
their breaks during the weekend which eases their
they feel that saying yes is what the unit really needs
to get the job done.
Third, the government workers can possibly
And lastly, the government workers are likely to
experience stress at moderate risk due to the manager’s
experience stress at a high risk due to change-resource
support-resource imbalance wherein specific
imbalance wherein junior leader/s management
management responsibility is required. They feel the
attention is required. The changes in their working
stress because a mode of giving feedback sometimes environment such as work set up due to the pandemic
oversteps their personal spaces, but somehow there are are bringing stress to them. There is a need for them to
other tools that managers used to give them room for learn new things to be flexible and adaptable to work
improvement. It was just sometimes recurring since conditions. Nevertheless, they take this opportunity to
the feedback holds criticisms that the respondents use enhance their hard skills and soft skills by learning
to improve themselves. Although sometimes they are new remote tools and improving communication skills.
still looking for compliments and appreciation.
Nevertheless, to increase their productivity, they Moreover, significant relationship is found between
receive enough resources which also reduces their age and job stress in terms of relationship, length of
stress. If they have limited funds to use, they see it service and job stress in terms of demands, peer
positively wherein they are being creative and support, and relationship, and functional unit and job
resourceful to give quality outputs and services. stress in terms of managers support and peer support.
Thus, rejecting the null hypothesis that there is no
Fourth, the government workers are likely to significant relationship in the above-mentioned areas
experience stress at high risk due to peer support- or source of stress.
resource imbalance wherein junior leader/s attention is
required. Although they are receiving words of The following themes emerged based on the interview
encouragement and appreciation, sharing tasks, and transcripts of the respondents. These are the highlights

Rona Jean Dimapilis

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 895-901, Document ID: 2023PEMJ699, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7922237, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of their experiences of job stress in their workplace. In found to be a good fit with functions thus creating
the key area of demand, strategic planning, task minimal stress as well. Trusted relationships on the
delegation, and monitoring, proper identification of other hand are friendships within the workplace. This
different tasks as a government worker and exploring involves conversations about personal life and
various ways in delivering services and tasks help the families.
respondents reduce stress. Moreover, doing
collaborative and individual office and field work is In the key area of role, respondents shared that they
part of how they achieve their goal as a unit. Part of could fulfill their roles properly since they have
their work is writing accomplishments and special understood what their duties in their respective units
reports. These are what they do in their respective are, however, these tasks are a lot of workloads and
units and doing so does not exhibit a high level of some of their tasks are just added because it was their
stress. line of expertise. Thus, leading to recurring stress.
Managerial and supervisory roles are crucial since they
In the key area of control, the respondents feel full are holding main tasks such as delegation of work,
control with tasks based on their expertise. However, monitoring, and execution. Respondents in these
they are experiencing partial work control to tasks that positions have a line of expertise which also made
need co-workers’ expertise and approval. Due to their immediate superior put more tasks aligned to
workload, having breaks are their choice but they their expertise but are not part of their core functions
consider their weekends as a hard stop of working so in the agency which also results in recurring
they can ease their stress by traveling spending time experiences of job stress.
with family, and other fun activities.
In the key area of change, the major changes they
In the key area of manager’s support, there are several experience are the work set up because of the
platforms used in giving feedback: Facebook pandemic and the management transition. During the
conduct of the study, DOST Regional Office
messenger, email, and standard documents. However,
CALABARZON recently hired a new regional director
for them giving feedback through Facebook messenger
therefore, this brought new management styles. With
is very informal as they see Facebook as a personal
the current pandemic, the remote work setup affected
space that should not be tapped by co-workers about
their work as well because there is a need to learn
work-related concerns. The content of feedback they
remote tasks tools. Despite the changes, they still view
are receiving is generally about negative actions and
these as opportunities for growth by giving time to
outcomes of their work. But they see this as room for
enhancing their soft and hard skills.
improvement, however, they are still seeking
appreciation from their manager and compliments, so Overall, the integration of findings revealed that the
they may have high morale. qualitative results supplemented the survey’s
significant results. Moreover, the management
In the key area of peer support, respondents were able
standard framework helped the researcher consider the
to receive appreciation and words of appraisal for
numerical values of the experiences of the government
every success and achieved the goal in the workplace. worker’s stress in the workplace in terms of demand,
Yet, peer support also includes reciprocal actions control, support (manager and peer), relationship, role,
which means that during hard tasks, if their co-workers and change as to the respondents profiling. At the
help them there is an expectation of them of help back same time, complete evidence in the six key areas
that co-worker if he/she will also encounter a hard task through the narratives the workers contributed to this
which can be a potential factor for stress. Generally, study which are rich in gaining both depth and breadth
respect is felt by the respondents since they see the of the study.
peer support as a form of respect too wherein, they feel
being trusted of their potentials and honoring them of This study revealed a significant relationship between
what they can do for the unit. age and job stress, a significant relationship between
the length of service and job stress as to demands, peer
In the key area of relationship, there are barriers support, and relationship and there is a significant
created that keep the interaction professional. For relationship between the functional unit and job stress
tentative relationships, government workers have as to managers’ support and peer support. Thus, the
minimal interaction which creates minimal stress but following recommendations are hereby presented:
manages to achieve targets. With transactional
relationships, government employees can do their jobs First, the organization may promote positive behaviors
based on required transactions where each worker are at work to avoid conflict and ensure fairness, policies,

Rona Jean Dimapilis

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 895-901, Document ID: 2023PEMJ699, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7922237, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

and procedures to prevent or resolve unacceptable on stress among government workers and use the
behavior may be in place locally to respond to any findings to correlate them on the worker’s attendance
individual concerns that consider the composition of records, staff turnover figures, performance ratings,
the organization in terms of age group. and accident reports to be able to look into the
potential sources of stress in the workplace.
Second, the organization may provide its employees
with adequate and achievable demands in relation to
the agreed hours of work. Worker’s hard and soft skills
are continuously improved, and jobs are designed to be
within the capabilities of employees for them to be Ancy, M., & Sabeena, T. (2019). Occupational Stress among
Nurses: Government Versus Private Sector. International Journal of
able to cope with the demands of their jobs. Moreover, Nursing Care, 7(1), 1–5.
the organization may continuously promote positive https://doi.org/10.5958/2320-8651.2019.00001.2
behaviors at work to avoid conflict and ensure
De los Santos, J. A. A., & Labrague, L. J. (2021). The impact of fear
fairness, policies, and procedures to prevent or resolve
of COVID-19 on job stress, and turnover intentions of frontline
unacceptable behavior. Also, the organization may nurses in the community: A cross-sectional study in the Philippines.
have systems in place to enable and encourage Traumatology, 27(1), 52–59. https://doi.org/10.1037/trm0000294
employees to support their colleagues and know what
Mayer, K. (2020, April 14). Employee stress levels caused by
support is available and how and when to access it to COVID19 | HRExecutive.com. Retrieved from hrexecutive.com
be able to do their job. website:
Third, the organization may have systems in place to Pandey, A., Singh, A., & Mohapatra, S. (2018). Analysis of
women’s response towards enjoyment and occupational stress level
enable and encourage managers to support their staff
in private and public sector at the time of work in Allahabad district.
and employees to receive regular and constructive ~ 114 ~ International Journal of Home Science, 4(1), 114–116.
feedback that can increase their work productivity.
Subedi, D. (2016). Community of Knowledge Claim. American
Journal of Educational Research, 4(7), 570–577.
Fourth, the researcher recommends using the modified
tool to the government agencies in general since the
data found in this study gave significant results that
agencies can use to investigate the sources of stress in
the work area. Furthermore, results from this tool can Affiliations and Corresponding Informations
be correlated to attendance records, staff turnover
Corresponding: Rona Jean Dimapilis
figures, performance ratings, and accident reports.
Email: rjdimapilis78@gmail.com
Thus, they can do focus groups and policy Phone:
developments from the results of the survey.

And lastly, the researcher recommends further studies Rona Jean Dimapilis:
Cognizant Technology Solutions Philippines, Inc.

Rona Jean Dimapilis


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