Excel m0 m33

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List of MCUs selection: 21 items.

Database version: 2023-05-12

Favorite Part No Reference Marketing Status Unit Price for 10kU (US$)
STM32G0B1RB STM32G0B1RBIxN Active 2.344
STM32G0B1RB STM32G0B1RBTx Active 2.6198
STM32G0B1RB STM32G0B1RBTxN Active 2.6198
STM32G0B1RC STM32G0B1RCIxN Active 2.4988
STM32G0B1RC STM32G0B1RCIxN Active 2.4988
STM32G0B1RC STM32G0B1RCTx Active 2.777
STM32G0B1RC STM32G0B1RCTxN Proposal NA
STM32G0B1RC STM32G0B1RCTx Active 2.777
STM32G0B1RC STM32G0B1RCTx Active 2.9714
STM32G0B1RE STM32G0B1REIxN Active 3.1749
STM32G0B1RE STM32G0B1REIxN Active 3.3972
STM32G0B1RE STM32G0B1RETx Active 3.1102
STM32G0B1RE STM32G0B1RETxN Active 3.1102
STM32G0C1RC STM32G0C1RCIxN Coming soon NA
STM32G0C1RC STM32G0C1RCTx Active 3.3795
STM32G0C1RC STM32G0C1RCTx Active 2.9387
STM32G0C1RC STM32G0C1RCTxN Proposal NA
STM32G0C1RE STM32G0C1REIxN Coming soon NA
STM32G0C1RE STM32G0C1RETx Active 3.272
STM32G0C1RE STM32G0C1RETxN Proposal NA
STM32H503RB STM32H503RBTx Active 1.6312
Graphic Accelerator Board Package RAM
UFBGA 64 5x5x0.6 P 0.5 mm 144 kBytes
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 144 kBytes
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 144 kBytes
UFBGA 64 5x5x0.6 P 0.5 mm 144 kBytes
UFBGA 64 5x5x0.6 P 0.5 mm 144 kBytes
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 144 kBytes
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 144 kBytes
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 144 kBytes
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 144 kBytes
UFBGA 64 5x5x0.6 P 0.5 mm 144 kBytes
UFBGA 64 5x5x0.6 P 0.5 mm 144 kBytes
NUCLEO-G0B1RE LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 144 kBytes
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 144 kBytes
UFBGA 64 5x5x0.6 P 0.5 mm 144 kBytes
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 144 kBytes
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 144 kBytes
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 144 kBytes
UFBGA 64 5x5x0.6 P 0.5 mm 144 kBytes
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 144 kBytes
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 144 kBytes
NUCLEO-H503RB LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm 32 kBytes
Commercial Part No Flash Core
STM32G0B1RBI6N 128 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0B1RBT6 128 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0B1RBT6N 128 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0B1RCI6N 256 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0B1RCI6NTR 256 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0B1RCT6 256 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0B1RCT6N 256 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0B1RCT6TR 256 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0B1RCT7 256 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0B1REI6N 512 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0B1REI7N 512 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0B1RET6 512 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0B1RET6N 512 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0C1RCI6N 256 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0C1RCT3 256 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0C1RCT6 256 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0C1RCT6N 256 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0C1REI6N 512 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0C1RET6 512 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32G0C1RET6N 512 kBytes Arm Cortex-M0+
STM32H503RBT6 128 kBytes Arm Cortex-M33
List of MCUs selection: 21 items. Database version: 2023-05-12

Filter Value User Selected

Line STM32H503, STM32G0x1 Y
Segment STM32 High Performance MCUs, STM32 Mainstream MCUs N
Series STM32G0, STM32H5 N
MarketingStatus Active, Coming soon, Proposal N
Package LQFP 64 10x10x1.4 mm, UFBGA 64 5x5x0.6 P 0.5 mm N
Core Arm Cortex-M0+, Arm Cortex-M33 N
FPU No, Yes N
Coprocessor Cordic, FMAC N
DualBankFlash No, Yes N
TimerFunction Dual Watchdog, IR timer, RTC, SysTick N
USB USB Device, USB FS, USB Type-C N
AdditionalInterface HDMI CEC, SD/MMC N
Cryptography AES, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, TRNG N
SecurityFunction Secure Boot, Silicon Device Lifecycle N
FDCAN 1 to 3 Y
PinCount 64 to 64 Y
Price 0.0 to 3.3972 N
Freq 64 to 250 N
CoproFreq 0 to 250 N
Flash 128 to 512 N
Eeprom 0 to 0 N
RamTotal 32 to 144 N
Ram 32 to 144 N
CcmRam 0 to 0 N
SRAM 0 to 0 N
TimerTotal 5 to 10 N
Timer8 0 to 0 N
Timer16 4 to 9 N
Timer32 1 to 1 N
LpTimer 2 to 2 N
ADCTotal 0 to 1 N
ADC10Channel 0 to 0 N
ADC12 0 to 1 N
ADC12Channel 16 to 16 N
ADC12ChannelSTM8 0 to 0 N
ADC14 0 to 0 N
ADC14Channel 0 to 0 N
ADC16 0 to 0 N
ADC16Channel 0 to 0 N
DAC12 2 to 2 N
COMP 1 to 3 N
OPAMP 0 to 1 N
CANTotal 1 to 2 N
CAN 0 to 0 N
CAN2 0 to 0 N
I2CTotal 2 to 3 N
I2C 2 to 3 N
FMPI2C 0 to 0 N
SPITotal 6 to 9 N
SPI 3 to 3 N
I2S 2 to 3 N
SAI 0 to 0 N
UARTTotal 4 to 8 N
USART 3 to 6 N
UART 0 to 0 N
LINUART 0 to 0 N
LPUART 1 to 2 N
EthernetPort 0 to 0 N
USB2 0 to 0 N
USBHHS 0 to 0 N
UCPD 0 to 2 N
QUADSPITotal 0 to 0 N
QUADSPI 0 to 0 N
OCTOSPI 0 to 0 N
DFSDM 0 to 0 N
SDMMC 0 to 0 N
IO 49 to 60 N
VoltageLow 162 to 170 N
VoltageHigh 360 to 360 N
CurrentLow 0 to 3 N
CurrentRun 0 to 10000 N
CurrentStandby 0 to 0 N
RXCurrent 0 to 0 N
TXCurrent 0 to 0 N
RXSensitivity 0 to 0 N
OutputPowerLow 0 to 0 N
OutputPowerHigh 0 to 0 N
TemperatureLow -40 to -40 N
TemperatureHigh 85 to 125 N
JunctionTempLow 0 to 0 N
JunctionTempHigh 0 to 0 N

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