Activity 1 and 2 Gen - Ed 8

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Name: Peralta, Cheri-Guile V.

Course/Year/Section: BPED-4B
Directions: Answer the given question base on your existing knowledge about the
1. Pick four from the following topics and identify four arguments, two for in favor and two
for opposing. In two paragraphs, write down your own opinion about the chosen topic.

Universal Health Care

I am in favor to the universal health care because each and every one of us needs an
assistance to our health. For example one of the advantage of universal health care is is that
everyone has health insurance and access to medical services and that no one goes
bankrupt from medical fees. Where universal health is a big help to every people, especially
on this time of pandemic, because whatever happened we are sure that we have access to a
affordable health care.

Free Education
I am in favor to free education because as a future educator, I know that education is
very important to every youth. Free education must be implemented, I believe that it is also
part of their needs as a youth, and I believe that education is the only way to the successful
life of every youth.

Lowering of the Age for Juvenile Law

Lowering the age of the juvenile, I am not favor to this because I believe that youth
ages 12-15 years old is in the process of maturation and process of understanding the right
and wrong in our society. Yes, youths are prone in doing mistakes especially those youths
that don’t have an education or guidance of parents. But I believe that putting them on jail is
not the answer, they need an attention, guidance, education and love.

The Facebook Dilemma

We all know that Facebook has a big impact to our daily lives, because facebook
made our life easier to contact and have a communication to any person in the different part
of the world, but we also know that sometimes our data and informations to facebook is not
protected in short our privacy is not protected that is why facebook dilemma is not favor for

Name: Peralta, Cheri-Guile V. Date: BPED-4B

Directions:Answer the following questions concisely.

1. Differentiate the three levels of Moral Dilemma. Site an example.

Individual dilemma basically are those experience and resolved personally or by
individual. Example of this is, whether or not to enroll to the university you have passed. I
personally experience this dilemma, when I am at this situation where I need to decide
between enrolling to NEUST or not. It was a difficult situation for me to decide because
NEUST is far from our municipality, and also I don’t have any friends or any person who is
my acquaintance. But after all I decided to enroll myself to the NEUST because I realized
that maybe that was the plan of God for me.

Organizational dilemma are those dilemma’s experienced and resolved by an
organization, This category includes moral dilemmas in business, medical field, and public
sector. Example of organizational dilemma is the situation whether the company will
increase the salary of their employees or not because they are experiencing decrease on


A structural dilemma is a conflict of perspective of sectors, groups and institutions

that may be affected by the decisions. Example of this is a decision that can affect a large
amount of community, like juvenile law.

2. Think of personal dilemma that you’ve encountered before and write down the details.

A personal dilemma that I have encountered was, whether or not to enroll to the
university I have passed. I personally experience this dilemma, when I am at this situation
where I need to decide between enrolling to NEUST or not. It was a difficult situation for me
to decide because NEUST is far from our municipality, and also I don’t have any friends or
any person who is my acquaintance studying in the university.. But after all I decided to
enroll myself to NEUST because I realized that maybe that was the plan of God for me.

3. What is moral dilemma? Cite an example.

Moral dilemma is a conflict or a difficult situation in which the choice one makes
causes a moral decision. Example of is choosing one of your friends, both of them is from the
different circle of your friend where they’re both inviting you to their birthday party.

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