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Compare and contrast page design and layout of Daily nation and The Standard newspapers.

In your
argument consider text, pictures,headlines, story arrangements, columns and any other features.


Comparing and contrasting the standard newspaper and the Daily Nation newspaper reveals significant
differences in layout, content, and target audience. Whereas the standard newspaper tends to have a
more traditional format with longer, in-depth articles and a relatively dry design, the Daily Nation caters
to a younger, more dynamic readership with shorter, punchier articles and a more visually appealing
layout. In terms of content, the standard newspaper often focuses on high-level politics, business, and
finance, while the Daily Nation covers a wider range of topics, including sports, entertainment, and
lifestyle.Despite these differences, however, both newspapers strive to provide accurate and objective
reporting as well as insightful analysis of the issues of the day.


Both newspapers share a common goal of delivering news, but their different design approaches cater
to distinct reader preferences. The Standard newspaper focuses on providing extensive written content,
making it suitable for those who seek an in-depth understanding of news topics. The Daily Nation, on
the other hand, balances informative texts with visually appealing elements, making it more accessible
and engaging for a wider audience, including younger readers who prefer bite-sized news and eye-
catching visuals.


Headline .

Differences on the headline.

1. Headline styles; The Newspapers use different headline styles to catch the reader's attention. The
Daily nation often uses bold and large headlines, with concise and catchy phrases.In contrast the
standard newspaper uses a more formal approach, utilizing a mix of bold,italic and capital letters to
create hierarchial structure and emphasize important news stories.

2. Headline length; The Daily nation often features shorter headlines that are concise and to the point.
These headlines aim to capture the reader's attention quickly and provide a clear summary of the news
story. In contrast, the Standard newspaper uses longer headlines that provide more context and detail.
These headlines maybe more descriptive, allowing reader's to understand the article's content before
reading further.

3. Headline structure;The Daily nation typically employs straightforward and direct headlines that
immediately convey the essence of the news story. The headlines are concise and placed prominently at
the top of the articles. In contrast, the Standard newspaper uses more naunced and descriptive
headlines providing additional context or highlighting specific angles of the news story. Subheadings are
also be used to breakdown complex stories into manageable sections.
4. Headline placement; The Daily nation often places headlines directly above the articles they
represent.This placement ensures a clear association between the headline and the corresponding
content. The standard newspaper in the other hand uses a more varied approach placing headlines both
above and beside the articles. They also span across columns or sections, allowing for better
categorization and organization of news stories.

5. Headline design; The Daily nation employs a clean and modern design for it's headlines, often using
solid colors, such as black or dark blue, against a white background. This design choice ensures
legibility.In contrast to the Standard newspaper which uses solid colors such as red against a white
background which also legible.


• Both the Daily nation and The Standard newspapers utilize attention - grabbing headlines to
summarize the main points of the articles and entire readers to engage with the content.

• Both the Daily nation and The Standar newspapers headlines are accompanied by sub headings or
deck lines that provide additional context or highlights.



• Both the Daily nation and The Standard newspapers typically use serif fonts for body text, which are
easier to read in paint.

•They both set larger, bold typefaces in the headlines and subheadings to grab the reader's attention.

•Both newspapers organize their text in columns, allowing for efficient use of space and easy navigation.


1. Article length and Density; The Daily nation often features shorter articles with a higher density of
text. It aims to provide concise news pieces that can be quickly digested by the readers . On the other
hand the standard tends to have longer articles, allowing for more in depth coverage of various topics.
The text is spread out across the page, giving the articles a more expansive feel .

2. Text formatting; The Daily nation emphasizes clarity and readability by employing shorter paragraphs
and frequent use bullet points or numbered list to breakdown information. This formatting technique
makes it easier for the reader to scan and grasp the main points where as the standard newspaper have
longer paragraphs and fewer bullet points compared to the Daily nation .

3. Use of Quotations; The Daily nation frequently utilizes quotations within the text to give voice to
different perspectives and add a human element to the news stories. The quotations are typically
presented within the article body and often in smaller font sizes. The Standard newspaper also uses
quotations but they are more selectively used typically displayed in large font sizes and sometimes in
separate text boxes to draw attention.

4. The Daily nation focuses more on hard-hitting news, topics while the Standard newspaper tends to
have more entertainment and softernews pieces .

5. The Daily nation tends to be more straight forward and factual where as the Standard uses more
creative writing techniques to engage the readers.

6. In terms of content the Daily nation newspaper tends to cover more nationally and internationally
significant events while the Standard newspaper has more local and regional stories .

Story arrangements.


• The Daily nation and The Standard newspapers typically organize stories based on their importance
and relevance.

• The front page stories often cover the most significant news while inside pages features a mix of local,
national and international news as well as other sections like sports, business and opinion pieces.

They both typically use the News pryamid format where they start with the most important News to the
least important News considering the 5W's and H.


1. The Daily nation tends to have more traditional layout with a mix of news, opinions and human
interest .It has a lot of short form articles, emphasizing the importance of getting accurate information
quickly to it's readers .The Standard newspaper on the other hand often features more in depth stories
and analysis. It also tends to include a wider variety of editorial content.

2. Its layout often has a bigger emphasis placed on images with many stories accompanied by a striking
photo. The key difference is while the daily nation tends to emphasize brief news items, The Standard
newspaper tends to have more detailed longer, analytical features.

3. In terms of layout The Standard newspaper employs more larger photos in it's stories compared to
the Daily nation which typically features fewer and often thumbnail- sized images.



The Standard newspaper is primarily black and white with the occasional use of blue and red for
headlines and other important features while the Daily nation on the other hand typically employs a
bright and colourful palette of blue, yellow and red. Additionally, the Daily nation features many images
and photographs that are well saturated and vivid in colour. It aims to visually striking and engaging to
it's readers compared to the Standard newspaper which uses fewer and unsaturated photographs.


Both the standard newspaper and Daily nation newspaper have similar approaches to using pictures, but
the Daily nation tends to use more images overall. Both newspapers use photos to support and enhance
their stories breaking up blocks of text and lending visual interest to their pages. The Standard for
instance tends to use larger, more prominent images on their front page, but also includes photographs
throughout their pages to illustrate articles and stories. The Daily nation however tends to have more
images included for every sroty they publish on almost every page .They seem to take a more visual
approach to their storytelling.



• Both newspapers have a wide range of columns covering different topics. Such columns include
politics, sports, entertainment, health, education and opinion pieces. Additionally, they both have
columnists who provide insightful and informative content.

•However there are some differences between the two newspapers . The Daily nation tends to have
longer and more detailed columns while the Standard newspaper has shorter pieces that are sometimes
lighter in tone . Furthermore the Daily nation has more intensive coverage of national, international
news which increases the columns compared to the Standard which gives more spaces for local news
making it to have fewer columns.


Certainly! The standard newspaper and the daily nation are two well-known newspapers in Kenya.


1. Both newspapers are published daily.

2. They cover a wide range of news, from local to international stories.

3. Both newspapers have online versions and are active on social media platforms.

4. They both provide opinion pieces and editorials written by journalists and guest contributors.


1. The Standard has a circulation of around 50,000 copies daily while the Daily Nation has a much larger
circulation of around 170,000 copies.
2. The Standard newspaper is generally seen as politically independent, whereas the Daily Nation has
affiliations with the ruling Jubilee party.

3.Both newspapers have different writing styles, with different tones and editorial policies.


Inconclunsion ,Daily Nation newspaper differs from other standard newspapers in several ways. For
instance, the Daily Nation typically focuses on more comprehensive coverage of the latest news, current
affairs, and trending stories across Kenya and the world. In contrast, the standard newspaper usually has
more localized coverage of domestic stories and events.

The Daily Nation also has a more vibrant and interactive online presence, with digital media platforms
that promote engagement with readers in real-time. This creates a sense of community among its
readers and highlights its reputation for insightful, compelling, and entertaining content.

Overall, the Daily Nation newspaper stands out as a unique publication that provides a thought-
provoking and insightful perspective on the latest developments in Kenya and the world.


The Daily Nation and The Standard newspaper; Print media, Kenya.Kosick, G. M. (2021). The media
priming effect: News media and considerations.

The Daily nation newspaper. co. ke.

The Standard

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