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Prayer Guide

If you would like the Lord Jesus Christ to show you who He really is and
how He feels about you, here are some guidelines to help you to pray:

• Admit to t h e L o r d J e s u s that you have had a false concept of who He really is as your
• Confess to Him that you have believed a lie about Him
• If you have perceived Him to be a father that is UN-LOVING and UN-CARING. or a father that
is DEMANDING and HARSH, a father that is PUNISHING and CRUEL. that SPOILS YOUR FUN and

Then tell Him in your own words how you have perceived Him to be ...

• Ask Him to forgive you for believing these lies about Him
• Ask Him to show you who He really is, to reveal His father heart to you. and help you know
the truth about how he really feels about you.
• Ask Him to help you to be able to forgive (when you are ready to) every person who caused
you to feel this way about Him
• Ask Him to help you to forgive those who spoke negative words over your life and caused
you to believe a lie about yourself.
• Ask Him to forgive you for your own sins - for the bitterness. hatred, or resentment you
have held towards the person or people who represented a father figure to you.
• Ask Him to heal you of every hurt and all the damage that was done to your life
Thank Him that the blood of Jesus Christ. His Son. bought you and gave you the right to be
called His child.

Affirmation of Faith
I recognize that there is only one true and living God (Ex 20:2-3) who exists as the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit, and that He is worthy of all honour, praise and glory as the Creator, Sustainer and Beginning and
End of all things. (Rev 4:11, 5:9-10, Is 43:1,7,21)

I recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:1. 14) I
believe that He came to destroy the works of Satan (1 John 3:8) that He disarmed the rulers and
authorities and made a public display of them, having triumphed over them. (Col 1:13-14)

I believe that God has proven His love for me because when I was still a sinner, Christ died for me (Rom
5:8) I believe that He delivered me from the domain of darkness and transferred me to His Kingdom,
and in Him I have redemption and the forgiveness of sins. (Col 1: 13-14)

I believe that I am now a child of God (1 John 3:1-3) and that lam seated with Christ in the heavenlies.
(Eph 2:6) I believe that I was saved by the grace of God through faith. that it was a gift of God and not
the result of any works on my part. (Eph 2:8-9)

I choose to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might (Eph 6:10) I put no confidence in
the flesh (Phil 3:3) for the weapons of warfare are not of the flesh (2 Cor 10:4) I put on the whole
armour of God (Eph 6:10-20) and I resolve to stand firm in my faith and resist the Evil One.

I believe that apart from Christ. I can do nothing (John 15:5) so I declare myself dependent on Him. I
choose to abide in Christ in order to bear much fruit and glorify the Lord (John 15:8) l announce to
Satan that Jesus is my Lord (lCor 12:3) and I reject any counterfeit gifts or works of Satan in my life.

I believe that the truth will set me free (John 8:32) and that walking in the light is the only path of
fellowship (1 John 1:7) Therefore, I stand against Satan's deception by taking every thought captive in
obedience to Christ. (2 Cor 10:5) I declare that the Bible is the only authoritative standard (Tim 3:15-16)
I choose to speak the truth in love. (Eph 4:15)

I choose to present my body as an instrument of righteousness, a living and holy sacrifice, and I renew
my mind by the living Word of God in order that I may prove that the will of God is good, acceptable
and perfect (Rom 6:13, 12:1-2) I put off the old self with its evil practices and put on the new self (Col
3:9-10) and declare myself to be a new creature in Christ. (2 Cor 5:17)

I trust my Heavenly Father to fill me with His Holy Spirit (Eph 5:18) to lead me into all truth (John
16:13) and to empower my life that I may live above sin and not carry out the desires of the flesh (Gal
5:16) I crucify the flesh (Gal 5:24) and choose to walk by the Spirit.

I renounce all selfish goals and choose the ultimate goal of love (1 Tim 1:5) l choose to obey the two
greatest commandments: to love the Lord my God with all my heart. soul, and mind. and to love my
neighbour as myself. (Matt 22:37-39)

I believe that Jesus Christ has all authority in Heaven and on Earth (Matt 28:18) and that He is the head
over all rule and authority (Col 2:10). I believe that Satan and his demons are subject to me in Christ
since 1 am a member of Christ's Body (Eph 1:19-23). Therefore, I obey the command to submit to God
and to resist the Devil (James 4:7) and I command Satan in the name of Jesus to leave my presence!
Renunciation from Occult Involvement
Father-God Jehovah

Your Word says that the reason that Your Son Jesus Christ came to Earth, was to defeat the works of the
Evil One. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sin. That He has risen in the flesh and is alive for
evermore. He is my Lord and Saviour and His blood has defeated the enemy. So I confess and renounce
the works of the Evil One in my life today... so that You can set me free.
I ask You to forgive me Lord Jesus Christ for any involvement that I have had with these occult
practices and false religions.
I confess that all the things that I have marked on this list are sin.
I confess that whether I did it deliberately or ignorantly - I have been worshiping false gods through
involvement in these things, and I repent. Father God, I am sorry for offending You like this, please
forgive me.
I renounce these false gods today.

I also ask You to forgive my ancestors on both my mother and father's sides for all false religions and
occult practices that they may have been involved in.
Father I may not know in which ways they have sinned against you - but You do.
Please forgive all idolatry and rebellion in my family bloodline.
I repent on behalf of my family and myself for indulging in these sins.
I renounce every idol that we worshiped, every ungodly contract or pact that we made,
every oath that we swore in allegiance to foreign gods.
I renounce every agreement that was made, every sacrifice that was done, and every
ritual that I did or that was done on my behalf that bound me to false religions and un•
godly organizations.
I ask that the Blood of Jesus erase all those contracts, oaths, pacts and agreements in
Jesus Name.
I ask You Lord God to cut the cords that have bound me to people, alive or dead and any ungodly
authority that might have been given them over me.
I renounce all un-godly gifting and ranking that I received as a result of my own or my
ancestors' involvement in these things on this list.

l ask you to cancel every lie and deception, and I acknowledge that You Jesus are the
Way the Truth and the Life. There is no other name by which I can be saved.
l ask You Father to set me free from all the consequences of these sins on my life.

l choose to walk in the Light and Truth of your Word. Thank you
that the blood of Jesus Christ sets me free.

In Jesus Name,

House Cleaning
ACTS 19: 18-19

1. first pray that God would reveal any book, picture or article that would give Satan
a legal right in your home

2. Then remove and destroy (break or burn -don't give away or sell): Deuteronomy 25
- 26) all satanic literature. posters, paintings, homeopathic medicines, any artifacts
associated with false religions, cults or occult practices. also any music CDs or tapes
(punk, reggae. metal, etc) ceremonial articles of clothing, statues and pictures of
. saints, Mary, Buddha, Chinese or Hindu gods, idols, dragons, African tribal masks
and paraphernalia, all jewelry that gives glory to violence, occult. Eastern
religions or any of Satan's counterfeit (crescent sign, leprechaun staff, Egyptian
scarab, ankh, yin and yang sign, peace sign, St Christopher, crucifix. signs of the
Zodiac, rosary
etc) occult type toys and games or videos. pornographic magazines and videos etc.

3. Anoint the door posts and windows of your home with oil in Jesus
Name, committing your home to Him ·

4. Address spirits associated with objects in your home (that you once had) and
command them to leave in Jesus Name . . they have no right to remain

5. Pray the House Cleaning Prayer on the next page

6. Play praise and worship/Christian music often. It makes your home a sanctuary

7. Pray over your family at night


Ask yourself:
• Is keeping this thing worth sacrificing my freedom for? ls it really worth it?
• If you are married to an unbeliever you cannot destroy what is not yours, even
though you know the item is an abomination in the sight of God. Anoint it with oil
and bind
all the spirits associated with it
• Stop your children from participating in martial arts - they are inviting demons in
• Replace with healthy sports and activities
• While your children are under your authority you CAN stop them listening to
the wrong music and watching occult shows and cartoons on TV or the Movies ...
first explain why
• lf you are obedient and uncompromising, God will bless and prosper your home
and family with all the blessings of Deuteronomy 28
House Cleaning Prayer

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this place to live. We ask that You make our home a
place of spiritual safety and protection from all the attacks of the

We take our position as children of God seated with Christ in the

heavenly realms, and we command every evil spirit claiming ground in
the structures and furnishings of this place based on the activities of
the previous occupants, to leave and never return.

We renounce all spells and curses utilized against this place and cancel
them in the name of Jesus.

We invite You Holy Spirit to presence Yourself here in every room in this
home. We make You welcome and give You the right to be Head of this family.

Lord please post Your angels around this place to guard it from the
attempts of the enemy to enter and disturb Your purposes for us.

We thank You for doing this in the name of the lord Jesus Christ.

Rebellion and Submission
Six Sources of Rebellion

1. Rejection

2. Unfulfilled needs

3. Carnal nature

4. Too little discipline in the home (or too much)

5. Occult involvement - including un-godly music (not the instruments - the lyrics and

6. Hurts
§ Hurt to resentment
§ Resentment to bitterness
§ Bitterness to hatred
§ Hatred to rebellion

There are two Biblical responses we should have to authority figures:

1. Submit to them

2. Pray for them

These are the authorities that God's word says we need to submit to:
1. Civil Government (Rom. 13:1-7, 1 Tim. 2:1-4, 1 Peter 2:13,14)
2. Parents (Eph. 6:1-3)
3. Husbands (1 Peter 3:1-4)
4. Wives - in the same way (1 Peter 3:7)
5. One Another (Eph. 5:21)
6. Employers (1 Peter 2:18-20)
7. Church Leaders (Heb. 13:17)
8. God (Dan. 9:5,9)

N.B. The only time God permits us to disobey our earthly leaders
is when they require us to do something that is morally wrong
and against God's Word -
If that is the case, you need to obey GOD rather
than man.
Renunciation Prayer for
Pride and Rebellion
Father God,

I truly repent of being rebellious in my attitude towards those that You have put in
authority over me. You have shown me through Your Word that rebellion is like witchcraft
and idolatry and that it is a serious sin against You.
Please forgive me for the ways that 1 have rebelled against You and Your Word.
I ask You to help me to be able to forgive my parents and authority figures for things they
said or did that caused me to react by rebelling against them.
Please help me to change my attitude and to submit to the human authority that You
have put over me.
I renounce all the occult activities that l identified on the list and I ask You father to pull
up the root of rebellion in my life. in Jesus' Name.
Lord, Your Word says, in Proverbs 16:18, that pride goes before destruction and an
arrogant spirit before stumbling. I confess my pride and arrogance today.
1 confess that l have been critical. judgmental. and intolerant. elevating myself above
others, thinking that l am better than them.
father I am ashamed to admit that I have been selfish and self-willed, insensitive to the
needs of others. 1 have thought only of myself and my own needs and desires.
1 confess that 1 have felt that l have deserved special respect for my status in life. my
achievements, or my possessions.
forgive me Lord, for thinking that I can earn your favour by what 1 do.
I confess to racial pride, Father. I have no right to look down on people that are
different in colour or culture to me. You love all your children equally.
Lord I confess my spiritual pride. forgive me for elevating myself above my brothers and
sisters in Christ because of my knowledge of the Word, or my position as a leader. or because of
my denomination or church.
father, I repent of my selfish, proud attitude. I renounce and break all oaths and
allegiance to any legalistic, Pharisaical. religious system that 1 may have been involved with
which may have opened a door to pride in my life. 1 renounce all false humility
and any religious or Luciferian spirit that I may have opened a door to.
I give you full permission, Holy Spirit, to examine me and convict me of all pride and
rebellion that 1 may still have in my heart. I take back the legal rights that I gave to Satan,
through all these things that I confess today, and I give them to my Lord and Saviour, Jesus
Christ. who is the Son of the Most High God.
Jesus, You came to set the captive free. If I have been held captive in any area that I have
confessed today, please set me free by the power of Your Blood that was shed for me. Thank you
Help me and remind me to endeavour to be meek and humble in heart as You are. from this
day forward.
In Jesus Name I pray,
Continual Healing for Reiection,
Anger and Abuse
Once you have allowed Jesus to take the splinters out of your heart, you need to allow the
wounds to drain so that all the infection can come out. Don't put a 'denial plaster' on and
refuse to look or think about it.

Remember: "Feeling the feeling is part of the healing!"

'Pillow Therapy' (Emergency Measures)

When the pressure builds up so much that you think you are going to explode:

1. STOP EVERYTHING! Go to your room and lock the door, or go somewhere else private
where you won't be disturbed (even the car or the toilet will do). Take a pillow and
some tissues or a handkerchiefwith you if possible
2. GO TO FATHER GOD and get verbal - express all your feelings to Him. He knows anyway.
He won't judge you or condemn you if you are honest with Him. Get real! The issue is not
whether it's wrong or right to feel those feelings, the fact is that you
do! Say: "Father I feel so ... "
3. CRY IF YOU NEED TO. God gave you emotions... don't be afraid of them. Get every tear out
until there are none left. Weep and mourn your losses... you are allowed to be a child with
Father God
4. SCREAM AND YELL into the pillow if you're angry. Get it out. It seems foolish but if there is
rage inside you it will escape sooner or later and hurt you or someone else. Get rid of it!
Scream and yell until it's all out. Vent your anger in a non-destructive
way (punch the pillow, hit a punching bag etc.)
5. WRITE A LETTER to whoever you are angry at, expressing the way you feel... and then
burn it and forgive them
6. FORGIVE! There is no healing at all without forgiveness. Choose to forgive.
Unforgiveness, hatred, bitterness and resentment are like a cancer. .. it grows until it
destroys you. Don't hold on to it. Forgive for your own sake and continue to forgive and
bless them until the memory no longer has the power to hurt you - then you know you
are completely healed

Other tips:
• TALK IT OUT! Find a friend or counselloryou can trust. DISCUSS IT. DISSECT IT.
• DON'T HIDE IT. This takes courage but denial prevents healing. Remember it's the truth
that sets you free! When it is out in the open it can heal. You're not looking for
sympathy-you're looking for healing.
spread a bad report about someone you don't like - think twice! Don't use this as an excuse
for selfpity.
• PLAY A SPORT - Whack a ball, go for a run or a swim, cycle or go to the gym - it all helps
to relieve stress.
Forgiveness Prayer
Make a list of all the people you need to forgive and then pray this prayer for
each one:
(Persons name)______________ I forgive you for ______________________
(get specific- what, where,when). It made me feel so ___________________
(express all your emotions) but inspite of this, I choose to forgive you, and I cancel
every debt, and release you in the name of Jesus Christ.

After going through the list and forgiving everyone, allowing yourself to get in
touch with your emotions, pray:

Father God,
I have chosen as an act of my will to forgive all these people on my list for all their
offences against me. I ask you please forgive them too Father. and not to hold these
things against them on my account. I choose not to judge them or wish them any harm
You are the Righteous Judge so I hand each case over to the courts of Heaven, knowing ·
that you are also merciful and kind. righteous and fair.

l confess that l have held bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness in my heart

towards these people. I admit that I am guilty of this sin. Forgive me Father.

Father God please forgive me if l have held resentment towards You for allowing hurts
that have happened to me. l cannot hold You responsible for another person's sin -
they have a free will just like me. I receive Your forgiveness now and thank You for
cleansing my heart from all unrighteousness through the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ.

If I have any more negative feelings stored up inside me towards anyone on this list,
l ask You to cleanse me from them now.

Father l ask that You heal the wounded places in my heart. Heal every memory of
those offences so that I can look back on them realistically, accepting that they were
hurtful, but also trusting that You Lord have healed the hurt.

I open myself to the Holy Spirit to replace all negative emotions with the Fruits of
the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness. Goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and

Father I ask You please to bless all these people on my list with Your
abundant mercy. Prosper them in every way, body, soul, and spirit.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We have been reconciled to God - Romans 5:10

We need to be obedient to the Lord and be reconciled to one another because it is a

ministry God has given each one of us - 2 Corinthians 5:18

We CAN do it! It takes humility ... but it is an act of true forgiveness. which protects us from
condemnation - Romans 12:18-21


Writea list of all the people you are committed to making right with where it is
possible, then reconcile by doing one or more of these things:

• Make a phone call

• Write a Jetter or send and email
• Send a card
• Invite them to dinner
• Pay a visit
• Do a favour
• Send a small gift or flowers

Philippians 3:13b-14 "But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward
what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me
heavenward in Christ Jesus."
How to Maintain your Victory
You have gone in and taken possession of your Promised Land - now you need to
"Occupy until He comes!" (Num 33: 15)
Gal 5:1 says: "It is for freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm then, and do not let
yourselves be burdened by a yoke of slavery."

Put this list up where you can see it to remind you to stand firm:
• Be a committed member of the Body of Christ - Get yourselves involved in a church that
preaches and teaches the full gospel message
• Read your Bible regularly- That way you will grow into maturity as a Christian
• Be accountable to someone you can trust and report to them regularly about how you are
maintaining your victory
• Pray! Prayer is an intimate relationship with the Living God. Nothing is more important than that
• Two keys: Believe that your prayers will be answered
Forgive if you want them answered!
• Put on your armour daily- remember you are in a war! Submit to God, resist the Devil and he
will flee
• Don't be passive! Others can help you but they can't pray, read the Bible, attend church and
choose the truth for you-you have to do it yourself!
Remember there will always be tests and trials - but "Thanks be to God who always causes
us to triumph in Christ Jesus!"
• live right - Don't give the enemy a foothold
• Remember when you slip - CONFESS, REPENT, RENOUNCE, FORSAKE and
FORGIVE if you want to stay free!
• Go over your OTC notes from time to time to keep you spiritually strong
Here are some scriptures you can war with.
Look them up, write them down, program them in -
and find more!
Luke 10:19-20 (Authority)
Isaiah 55:8-11 (The Word is powerful)
James 4:7 (Submit/Resist) Romans
8:1-2 (No condemnation) Romans 8:31
( God is for us) Romans 3:24 (No
2 Thess 3:3 (Protection and strength)
John 10:27-28 (Protection)
Psalms 138:7-8 (Protection)
Psalms 27:5 (Protection)
1 Corin 1:8 (Strength)
Col 2:15 (The enemy is disarmed)
Isaiah 51:12-13 (Comfort) lJohn
4:4 (Overcoming) Psalms
18:16, 19 (Comfort)
-1John 2:13 (Overcoming)
Eph 6:10-20 (Warfare)
Matt 16:18 (Overcoming)
Heb 4:12-13 (The Word is a sword) Luke
10:19 (Overcoming)
2Corin 10:4-5 (Pulling down strongholds)
1 John 3:8b (Why Jesus came)

Do not dwell in the past (Isaiah 43:18-19)

"I have told you these things that in Me you may have peace.
John 16:33
In this world you will have trouble ... but take heart - I have overcome
the world!"

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