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India has entered into several Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with different countries and regional blocs.

Here's a brief overview of some of the major FTAs and the reasons for their features:

1. **ASEAN-India FTA**: This agreement was aimed at integrating the economies of ASEAN countries
with India. The focus was on liberalizing trade in goods, services, and investments. It facilitated access to
a larger market for India and promoted economic cooperation in the region.

2. **India-Sri Lanka FTA**: This agreement was aimed at fostering economic ties between India and Sri
Lanka. It primarily focused on reducing tariffs on a wide range of products to promote bilateral trade.

3. **India-Nepal FTA**: The objective was to strengthen economic relations and promote well-being in
both countries. The agreement allows for duty-free access or preferential duties on a number of
products, and also includes provisions for economic cooperation.

4. **SAFTA (South Asian Free Trade Area)**: This regional agreement aims to promote economic
cooperation and integration among South Asian countries, including India. It seeks to lower trade tariffs
within the region to increase intra-regional trade.

5. **India-Bhutan Agreement on Trade, Commerce, and Transit**: The primary focus is on facilitating
seamless transit of Bhutanese exports to third countries, and also to strengthen trade ties by providing
duty-free access to a number of products.

6. **India-Thailand FTA (Early Harvest Scheme)**: This is a limited agreement with an “early harvest”
scheme that fast-tracked tariff reductions on select products. It was aimed at fostering trade relations
and was viewed as a precursor to a more comprehensive agreement.

7. **India-Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA)**: This agreement goes

beyond just trade in goods, it includes trade in services, investments, intellectual property, etc. The idea
was to establish closer economic ties with Singapore, which is a significant financial hub.

8. **India-South Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)**: Similar to CECA with
Singapore, this agreement with South Korea covers goods, services, investments, and more. It aimed to
diversify India’s trade and tap into technological advancements of South Korea.
9. **India-Japan CEPA**: This agreement aims at eliminating barriers in trade and promoting
investments between India and Japan. It also reflects the strategic relationship between the two
countries and their commitment to a free and open trade environment.

10. **India-Malaysia CECA**: It focuses on broad-based partnership across various sectors including
goods, services, investments, and intellectual property rights. This agreement aims to strengthen the
economic ties between India and Malaysia.

In summary, the features of each FTA reflect the economic objectives, historical ties, geopolitical
considerations, and strategic interests of India with respect to the partner country or region. These
agreements are aimed at reducing trade barriers, expanding market access, promoting investments, and
fostering economic cooperation.

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