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What is the most meaningful community you’ve been apart of?

Agaby Team.

● What is your best memory of that community?

There is no specific memory that I prefer. All my memories there were
beautiful and special. The team is really cooperative and helpful, and they all
respect each other.

● How well did that community welcome new people?

I remember my first meeting with them, I was nervous and I felt lonely,
but a member of the team came to talk to me, and indeed we made a
wonderful friendship, and she relieved my stress, saying we are all here
as a family, do not worry.
● How well did that community create deep bonds between members?
The Ajebi team is a theatrical team, QQ. The team always broke the ice
by performing funny scenes to make the members laugh and feel at home.
We always sat and talked as a family to form strong bonds between us.

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