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Republic of the Philippines

North Eastern Mindanao State University

Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132




Video Surveillance System is now widely used across the world. Similar

difficulties are encountered when trying to ascertain the number of schools that

currently have Video Surveillance System. It is harder still to gather details on the

specific of the system; the number of cameras, their technological sophistication, the

motivations for implementation, and details about how the system is operated.

(Emmeline Taylor, “I Spy with My Little Eye: The Use of Video Surveillance System

in Schools and the Impact on Privacy.”) The use of Video Surveillance System as a

tool to prevent incident in schools continues to expand, in particular among local

governments (Iris Ltd. 2005). Indeed, its popularity and use is not restricted solely to

preventing crime. Video Surveillance System has been implemented for a range of

purposes that includes use as an access control measure, as a method to reduce fear of

crime and improve perceptions of community safety, to potentially detect crime and

also to be an evidentiary tool (Allard, Wortley& Stewart 2006).

When it comes to school security, video surveillance is the first line of

defense. With modern security cameras, a school can be more proactive about campus

safety and detect suspicious activity in real time. Video surveillance improves

emergency response in schools and shows that the school values safety. Video

Surveillance System has a great purpose for individual, specially to the students in

school, to provide information for action. It is an excellent deterrent against incidents

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

occurring during school hours, whether that is bullying, unauthorized access, or

criminal activity such as vandalism and many more.

Corpuz (2011) Installation of Surveillance Camera Systems as a way to

determine crimes or criminal acts has gained traction in recent years. When video

surveillance is visible, most people will think twice before committing crime because

the possibility of facing negative legal repercussions increases dramatically.

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

Background of the study

Bennett & Gelsthorpe, 2010, stated that a common goal of most CCTV

systems has been the prevention of crime and disorder through deterrence. Claims are

also made that CCTV provides public reassurance and therefore reduces fear of crime,

which may, in turn, increase the use of public spaces.

As nations develop and their economies grow bigger, social problems also

intensify. One great concern deals with peace and order as well as safety and security

of the people. The government of different nations have launched various innovations

on how to prevent crimes. One of these innovations is the use of CCTV. The

surveillance prevents crime to high levels due to various factors. First, the cameras

provide evidence of crime hence it deems easier to track the criminals (Murphy, 1999

p. 396).

In Schools, specifically, as public educational institutions, bear a primary

responsibility to ensure the ongoing safety of their students and teachers while on

school grounds. CCTV camera surveillance systems are increasingly being used in

schools to maintain safety and security, allowing school and faculty personnel to

focus on their responsibilities and preventing criminal activity on the premises.

School districts are expected to provide students, parents, teachers, and staff with a

safe and secure learning environment. This necessitates keeping weapons, violence,

and disruptive behavior out of schools. With bullying on the rise and gun violence on

the rise, you cannot assume your school's current security system is adequate. The use

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

of CCTV as a tool to prevent incident in schools continues to expand, in particular

among local governments (Iris Ltd. 2005). Indeed, its popularity and use is not

restricted solely to preventing crime. CCTV has been implemented for a range of

purposes that includes use as an access control measure, as a method to reduce fear of

crime and improve perceptions of community safety, to potentially detect crime and

also to be an evidentiary tool (Allard, Wortley& Stewart 2006).

CCTV cameras should be placed in designated viewing areas such as

entrances, hallways, stairwells, or even classroom environments to provide the best

possible view of what the camera's primary focus should be. It should be noted that all

video surveillance will remain in a fixed position, providing a focused view of what is

most important. Video surveillance cameras should only be used as a backup security

measure on school campuses.

Specifically, this study aims to investigate how beneficial and effective the

installation of video surveillance to the students, facilitators, and to North Eastern

Mindanao State University Cantilan Campus itself.

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

Theoretical Framework

This research is anchored on the theory of Clarke's CCTV and Situational

Crime Prevention Theory with supporting theory namely, Rational choice theory and

Routine activity theory.

The central concepts of the situational crime prevention theory are deeply

rooted in and influenced by other theories, including the rational choice theory, the

routine activity theory, and the crime pattern theory (Clarke and Felson, 1993; Felson,

1994). At the heart of every crime is a rational decision designed to weigh the risks

and benefits for the offender, and in the absence of effective controls, offenders will

focus on suitable targets. Routine activity theory relies on the occurrence of three key

characteristics: a motivated offender, a suitable victim, and a lack of control.

Prevention techniques are thus aimed at decreasing the number of suitable victims and

increasing the presence of control and guardian at all times.

CCTV surveillance is grounded in the criminology theory that suggests

potential offenders are less likely to commit crime if they believe they are being

watched or have a greater risk of being apprehended. This is also known as the

rational choice theory (La Vigne et al. 2011). CCTV is also grounded in situational

crime prevention strategy, which argues that opportunities to offend can be reduced

by altering a variety of mechanisms such as increasing the risk of an offender being

apprehended, increasing the effort to commit the crime, decreasing rewards from

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

crime commission, and reducing provocations that give rise to criminal opportunities

(La Vigne et al. 2011). This means that the offender must be aware of the added

surveillance for it to achieve its desired effect

Furthermore, proponents of public surveillance systems also believe that such

systems have the ability to increase perceptions of safety among citizens, as well as

encourage citizens to use public spaces they know are guarded by surveillance (La

Vigne et al. 2011). Through increasing the number of citizens using public spaces,

more individuals can potentially serve as witnesses to crimes, presenting the

possibility of greater crime reduction.

As described by Cornish and Clarke (2003), CCTV is a form of “formal

surveillance,” meaning that not only does CCTV have the ability to take the place of

police or security officers but CCTV can also enhance officers’ capabilities (Welsh

and Farrington 2008). In addition to functioning as a deterrent, cameras can alert

police of crimes as they happen, which can enable officers to respond quickly and

efficiently (La Vigne et al. 2011). On a larger scale, the use of CCTV also presents

the possibility of aiding in the criminal justice system, as video footage of a crime

may help in investigations and prosecutions (La Vigne et al. 2011).

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132



 Profile of the respondents

 Video Surveillance System for security and crime

prevention in NEMSU-Cantilan Buildings


 Collection of data

 Analysis and interpretation of data.

 Presentation of findings and results


 Implementation of CCTV at NEMSU- cantilan


Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

The input contains respondents, on where we used to conduct the study, and

their demographic profiles, namely; Age, sex and rank. This also includes the

subjects of the study, The Efficacy of Video Surveillance System for security

and crime prevention in NEMSU-Cantilan Campus. Under the process, the

researchers will analyze, interpret the collected data gathered from the

respondents. Within the output, it determines the Efficacy of Video

Surveillance System of Security and Crime Prevention in NEMSU- Cantilan


Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

Statement of the Problem

This study is aimed to determine the Efficacyof a Video Surveillance System

in the Nemsu- Cantilan Campus.

Especially, it aimed to answer the following:

1. What is the respondent’s profile in terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Rank

2. What are the benefits of having video surveillance system in Nemsu-Cantilan

Campus in terms of;

2.1 Security

2.2 Surveillance

2.3 Theft

2.4 Crime

3. How many reports were reported using CCTV footage?

4. What recommendation to promote the use of CCTV?

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

Objectives of the Study

General objectives:

The main purpose of this study is to determine the Efficacy of the Video

Surveillance System for Security and Crime Prevention in the NEMSU- Cantilan

Campus in terms of safety and security measures.

Specific objective:

Specifically, this study aims to;

a. Determine the efficacy of having public video surveillance system in

NEMSU-Cantilan buildings.

b. Identify the importance of having public Video surveillance system in

NEMSU-Cantilan buildings.


1. There is a significant difference among the respondents’ perspective

towards CCTV as school safety and security measure.

2. There is a significant difference among the respondents’ perspective

towards CCTV as a means of monitoring students’ and employees’ activities

and performances?

3. There is a significant difference among the respondents’ perspective

towards issues behind the use of CCTV in the school campus.

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132


The following assumptions are made regarding this study:

1. The instrument being used will obtain consistent responses.

2. That the respondents answered the questions honestly.

3. That the respondents understand the questions being asked.

4. That the study is relatable to the respondents.

Significance of the Study

The outcome of this study could give valuable information to the following:

Student - the result of this research will help the students to feel safe inside the

school. The security of the students inside the campus will intensively monitored.

Students may be less inclined to cause trouble because of the solid documentation that

the video recording provide.

Faculty and Staff- It will give them peace of mind while working inside the campus.

They can be more focus on their work and not minding the possible threats

specifically , crime against person or crime against property

Campus- this study will provide safety inside the campus. Campus will easily secure

the safety of the students enrolled and the employee or faculty and staff working

inside the campus.

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study focused and limits only in NEMSU - Cantilan Campus. The gathers

information from the respondents helps us researchers to deepened our knowledge

about how video surveillance benefits the Administrators and also the campus itself,

NEMSU- Cantilan Campus specifically in terms of crime prevention.

Definitions of Terms

For the purpose of the study, the following terms are defining below:

Crime prevention - strategies and measures aim to reduce the likelihood of crimes

occurring, as well as their potentially harmful effects on individuals and society,

including crime fear, by intervening to influence their multiple causes.

Security - the state of being free from danger or threat. Closed-circuit television

(CCTV)- also known as video surveillance, is the use of video cameras to transmit a

signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. Campus- is traditionally the

land on which a college or university and related institutional buildings are situated.

Surveillance- involves the act of observing a scene or scenes and looking for specific

behaviors that are improper or that may indicate the emergence or existence of

improper behavior.

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

CCTV- Closed-circuit television

CHAPTER 2: Review of Related Literature and Studies

This Chapter contains a variety of local and foreign literature and studies that

provide direct support for the research study. This particular research study

summarizes the relevant readings conducted by the researcher that are relevant to the

current research study. Foreign and local literature and studies would be used as a

guide and source of support in the interpretation and analysis of the data gathered.


In May 22, 2009, Mr. Andy J. Thompson wrote an article entitled “CCTV

Security Cameras they help fight crime” where stated that “The UK has more CCTV

camera coverage than any other country. Recent study examined the effectiveness of

UK security cameras as it pertains to crime prevention. CCTV is clearly an effective

deterrence to criminal activity.”

It was also stated that CCTV video is often used in police investigations and

the writer believes that most people are convinced of the effectiveness of video

surveillance and may even feel a certain amount of comfort in knowing that it adds to

their sense of personal safety and they understand that their chances of being a victim

of crime are reduced when they find themselves in an area monitored with CCTV


Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

Initial justification for CCTV surveillance in schools was directed towards the

need to protect students, staff and property from external threats such as vandalism

and intruders. Norris and Armstrong (1999) discuss the original intentions of the

implementation of CCTV surveillance in schools as being for purposes of protection

and security. Surveillance equipment was focused on school access and perimeter

areas, with the aim of preventing unwelcome intruders.

According to Rodriguez (2013) CCTV or Closed Circuit Cameras are video

cameras used for the purposed of observing an area. They are often connected to a

recording device, IP network, and/or watched by a security personnel/law

enforcement officer. Video Surveillance Systems consist of cameras placed in areas

where they can monitor activity as it takes place.

Research conducted by Hope (2009a) has revealed a range of additional

justifications for the change from external to internal observation practices.

Justifications for the use of CCTV surveillance and the aims of implementation

include: to deter inappropriate social behaviour (bullying, loitering,); to reduce theft

and property damage attributed to students; to increase the areas of observation

without increasing . According to Schmode (2014) said HD video surveillance and

access control in schools are “key security measures” and that they could be used to

keep out intruders, reduce bullying, and even ensure higher enrollment. One

university in Sydney was able to reduce crime by 25 percent year-over-year following

the installation of a new security system, he said.


Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

According to Bautista (2012), the Quezon City government is mulling

theinstallation of CCTV (closed-circuit television) cameras in public schools to

improvethe security measures for more than 400,000 public school students.

“Surveillancecameras are needed to make up for the lack of security personnel in

Quezon City’spublic schools,” said City Mayor Herbert Bautista in a recent meeting

on child safetyin public places. In a statement, Bautista said the city government

remains serious in its anti-crime campaign especially human trafficking and


Ex-officio board member Clarito Demaala IV said the resolution is

specifically addressed to Palawan Governor Jose Alvarez for inclusion in the

education component of the Infrastructure, Health, Education, Livelihood, and

Protection of the Environment (IHELP) development agenda. He said equipping all

public schools in the province with closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras will

help ensure the safety of students while they are away from their homes.

In his resolution, Demaala said CCTV cameras are aimed at preventing

crimes that might be committed against students, teachers, and the schools, where

important learning facilities should be taken care of. “If something bad happens to

them, CCTV cameras can help determine what happened and who the responsible

individuals are. If an incident happens within the school premises, CCTV footages

can be readily secured to tell the story. It will also help authorities solve traffic

accidents, bullying, and fighting among students,” said by Demaala.

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132


Foreign Studies
According to the study of Aundreia Cameron, Elke Kolodinski,Heather May and

Nicholas Williams on May 5 e20d8d Measuringthe Effects of Video Surveillance on

Crime in Los Asgated thatlocal program characteristics likely affect the overall

success of CCTVprograms-which are often very different from one etharreducingand

preventing crinhe.

In relation to the present study, the researchers believe that CCTVwill be effective in

conducting crime investigations if real-time monitoringwill be follow.

In the study Mlark McComlLfbrary Securitypublished in SanFrancisco on

2004 stated that Video surveillance and closed-circuittelevision(CCTV) systems serve

as a way to monitor and record security,deter crime, and ensure safêty.

Local Studies

Senate Bill 1073, also referred to as the “Security Camera Evidence

Preservation Act,” provides for a mechanism where videos recorded from CCTV

cameras are preserved and duly authenticated to aid law enforcement agencies in their

campaign against crimes.

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

De Lima cited events when security cameras have been very crucial in

recording criminal activities, including instances when an employee of the Bureau of

Customs (BuCor) was caught by the CCTV camera accepting bribe money and when

a woman was captured by the security camera being shot dead by her robber, in 2016.

In the study “Proposed Class Monitoring System using SurveillanceCamera for CAS,

ESC” by Raymart A. Aborque, Rodolfo B. Delorino,Joemary A. Olanka, Mark Bryan

F. Ramirez and Ron Nikko T.Socorrostated that due to increased terrors and crimes,

the use of the videosurveillance camera system is increasing and it has been operated

forpublic interest such as prevention of crimes and fly-tipping by the policeand local

government, but private information such as faces or behaviorpatterns can be recorded

in CCTV.

When the recorded video data isexposed, it may cause an invasion to privacy

and erimes. In relation to the present study, the researchers believe that CCTV has its

negative impact in regards of privacy exposure. The national privacy commission

reminded that the cameras should not be placed in spaces with "heightened

expectation of privacy" such as toilets, fitting rooms and breastfeeding rooms.

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

Chapter 3:


This study discusses the procedure used to achieve the study's objectives. The

following methods were used in the study: research design, locale, respondents and

sampling technique, research instrument, data collection and procedures, data

interpretation and analysis, transcript and matrices.


The Descriptive method of research will be utilized in this study. According to

(Travers, 1976), Descriptive method is a design which describes the nature of a

situation as it exists at the time of the study and to explore the force of a particular

phenomenon. The researchers believe that this design is relevant to this study, since

this study involves the collection regarding to the current status of the subjects under

this study.


Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

The study will be conducted at NEMSU-Cantilan Campus, Purok-6 Brgy. Pag-

Antayan, Cantilan Surigao del Sur.


The respondents of the study are the Administrators of NEMSU-Cantilan Campus.

They were chosen because the researchers find them as suitable for the study.

Therefore, it is more interesting to determine the Efficacy of video surveillance

system for Security and Crime Prevention in NEMSU - Cantilan Campus. Purposive

sampling will be applied in determining the respondents. Purposive sampling involves

the selection of participants to fulfil a specific purpose (Cohen, Manion & Morrison,



The researcher’s instrument used in the study is the self- made qualitative survey

questionnaire, develop by the researchers, based on the statement of the problem.

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132


In gathering the relevant data for the study of the following procedures were


The researchers' survey questionnaires were distributed to the targeted

respondents, who are NEMSU-Cantilan Campus Administrators. After the

questionnaires were completed, the researchers personally administered and collected

them. The collected data will be tallied and recorded.

Statistical Treatment of data

The data were obtained from the questionnaire. The results were analyzed and

interpreted using the following method:

Frequency counting- This was used to describe the respondent’s demographic

profile. The calculation of how many people fit into a certain category or the number

of times a characteristic occurs, this calculation is express by both the absolute (actual

number) and (percentage) totals.

Weighted Means- It is the average computed by giving different weights to some of

the individual values. It represents of a given data.

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132




Bennett and Geld Thorpe, 2010, Retrieved May 23, 2015 CCTV, school surveillance

and social control by Andrew Hope, December 6, 2009

Clarke and Cornish 2010, Retrieved September 10, 2015

Coupe, T. and Kaur, S. (2005) 'The Role of Alarms and CCTV in Detecting Non-

residential Burglary', Security Journal, 18 (2): 53-72.

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

Phillips, G. (2010) A Review of CCTV Evaluation: Crime Reduction Effects and

Attitude towards its Use. Crime Prevention Studies.

Vol.10 Ratcliffe, J. H., Taniguchi, T., & Taylor, R. B. (2009). The crime reduction

effects of public CCTV cameras: a multi‐method spatial approach. Justice Quarterly,

26(4), 746-770.

Sivarajasingam, V., Shepherd, J.P. and Matthews, K. (2003) 'Effect of urban closed

circuit television on assault injury and violence detection. [Online]. 9: 312-326.

Available at:

Surveillance for Crime Prevention in Public Space: Results And Policy Choices In

Britain And America by Welsh and Farrington, July 2,


Welsh & Farrington, 2009 A Review of CCTV


problem-oriented, , Retrieved November 22, 2014 48.





Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132



This questionnaire aims to determine the perspective of the

Administrators of NEMSU-Cantilan towards the Efficacy of Video Surveillance

System for Security and Crime Prevention in NEMSU-Cantilan Campus.

A. Student Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Total

Agree Disagre
1. Is Video Surveillance System benefits you as a
2. Is Video surveillance system is an effective tool
for student’s safety and security measured?

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

3. Is Video surveillance system invading personal

privacy of students?
4. CCTV cameras keep an eye on your school
when you aren’t there?
5. Video surveillance helps to ensure adherence to
safety policies to school?
6. Is Video Surveillance system help to prevent
7. Is Video Surveillance system help to monitor
the behavior of the students specifically to
criminology students?
8. Is Video Surveillance system guarantee the
safety of the students?
9. Is Video Surveillance system can provide


10. Is the use of the Video Surveillance system

can make you feel safe and protective against
Name: Age:



This questionnaire aims to determine the perspective of the students, faculty

and staffs towards the installation of Video Surveillance System in NEMSU-Cantilan




B. FACULTY/STAFFS Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Total

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

Agree Disagre
1. Is Video Surveillance System benefits you as
2. Is Video surveillance system is an effective tool
for faculty/staffs safety and security measured?
3. Is Video surveillance system invading personal
privacy of faculty/staffs?
4. Is Video surveillance system cameras keep an
eye to secure the important documents and
equipment inside the office when you aren’t
5. Video surveillance helps to ensure adherence to
safety policies to school?
6. Is Video Surveillance system help to prevent
7. Is Video Surveillance system help to monitor
the behavior of the students specifically to
criminology students?
8. Is Video Surveillance system guarantee the
safety of the faculty/staffs??
9. Is Video Surveillance system can provide
10. Is the use of the Video Surveillance system can
make you feel safe and protective against


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