Fitter Theory 1st Year Zero To Hero Series

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Fitter Theory 1st Year (Zero to Hero Series)

Global iTi YouTube Channel

1. What is the name of file?

फाइल का नाम क्या है?

A. Single cut file स िंगल कट फाइल

B. Hand file हैण्ड फाइल
C. Bastard file बास्टडड फाइल
D. Rasp cut file रा कट फाइल
2. Name the portion marked as X in screw thread.
स्क्रू थ्रेड में X के रूप में सिसित भाग का नाम बताएिं ।

A. Crest क्रेस्ट
B. Flank फ्लेंक
C. Pitch सपि
D. Root रूट
3. What is tolerance?
टॉलरें क्या है ?
A. 0.02
B. 0.2
C. 0.4
D. 0.04
4. What is to be done immediately for an injured person?
घायल व्यक्क्ि के सलए तुरिंत क्या करना िासहए?
A. Intensive care गहन दे खभाल
B. First Aid प्राथसमक चिककत्सा
C. Medical treatment चिककत्सा उपिार
D. Call a doctor सिसकत्षक को बुलाओ
5. Name the portion marked as X in screw thread.
स्क्रू थ्रेड में X के रूप में सिसित भाग का नाम बताइए।?

A. Flankफ्लेंक
B. Leadलीड
C. Depth गहराई
D. Pitchसपि
6. Which file is used for die-sinking work?
डाई-स िंसकिंग कायड के सलए सक फाइल का उपयोग ककया जािा है ?
A. Mill saw fileसमल सॉ फाइल
B. Crossing file क्रास िंग फाइल
C. Barrot file बरोट फाइल
D. Riffler file ररफ्लेर फाइल

7. Identify the part marked as ‘X’.

X' के रुप में सिसित भाग को पहिानें

A. Oxygen gas cylinder ऑक्सीजन गै स लेंडर

B. Blow pipe ब्लो पाइप
C. Steel bottle स्टील की बोतल
D. Valve spindle वाल्व स्पिंडल

8. What is the name of the angle marked x in the reamer?

jhej es x ds :i es fpfUgr dks.k dk uke D;k gS\

A. Rake angle jsd dks.k

B. Flute angle ¶ywV dks.k
C. Helix angle gsfyDl dks.k
D. Clearance angle Dyh;jsal dks.k
9. What is the name of the process of finishing the drilled hole?
fMªy fd, x, Nsn dks fQfu”k djus dh izfØ;k dk D;k uke gS\
A. Reaming jhfeax
B. Spot facing LiksVa Qsflax
C. Counter boring dkmaVj cksfjax
D. Counter sinking dkmaVj flafdx
10. What is the name of the element marked as x of the thread?
FkszM ds x ds :i es fpfUgr rRo dk uke D;k gS

A. Root :V B. Lead yhM

C. Pitch fip D. Flank ¶yasd
11. What is the angle of counter sink head screws?
dkmaVj flad gsM LØw dk dks.k fdruk gS\
A. 600 B. 900
C. 105 D. 1200
12. What is the name of the angle in the drill bit marked as x?
fMªy fcV es ‘x’ ds }kjk fpfUgr fd;k x;k dks.k dk D;k uke gS\

A. Chisel angle Nsuh dk dks.k

B. Rake angle jsd dks.k
C. Point angle fcanq dks.k
D. Lip clearance angle fyi Dyh;jsal dks.k
13. Which decides the point angle of drill? fMªy ds fcanq dks.k dks dkSu r; djrk gS\
A. Drill material fMªy eVsfj;y
B. Job material tkWc eVsfj;y
C. Cutting speed dkVus dh xfr
D. Size of the drill fMªy dk lkbt
14. What is the name of the tool? bl Vwy dk uke D;k gS\

A. Stone dresser LVksu Mªl s j

B. Diamond dresser Mk;eaM Mªslj
C. Star wheels dresser LVkj OghYl Mªslj
D. Abrasive stick dresser,czSflo fLVd Msªlj
15. Which indicates the strength of bond in grinding wheel?
dkSu xzkbafMax Oghy es ckaM dh rkdr dks bafxr djrk gS\
A. Grid fxzM B. Grade xzsM
C. Structure lajpuk D. Grain size xzsu dk vkdkj
16. What is the name of part marked as X ?
x ds :i es fpfUgr Hkkx dk uke D;k gS\

A. Heel ghy
B. Cutting edge dfVax ,t
C. Position rake angle /kukRed jsd dks.k
D. Negative rake angle _.kkRed jsd dks.k
17. Name the type of the reamer.? bl jhej ds izdkj dk uke crk,aA
A. Hand reamer gS.M jhej
B. Helical reamer gsfydy jhej
C. Machine reamer e”khu jhej
D. Taper pin reamer Vsij fiu jhej
18. Which reamer has a long taper lead? dkSu ls jhej es ,d yack Vsij yhM gksrk gS\
A. Socket reamer lkWdsV jhej
B. Hand reamer gS.M jhej
C. Machine reamer e”khu jhej
D. Helical fluted reamer gsfydy ¶ywfVM jhej
19. Which cast iron has the ability to reduce vibration and tool chattering in machine
fdl dkLV vk;ju es e”khu VwYl es daiu vkSj Vwy pVfjax dks de djus dh {kerk gksrh gS\
A. Grey cast iron xsz dkLV vk;ju
B. White cast iron okbV dkLV vk;ju
C. Nodular cast iron xzafFkyh dkLV vk;ju
D. Malleable cast iron vk?kkro/kZuh; <yokW yksgk
20. Which ore is used to extract zinc?
tLrk fudkyus ds fy, fdl v;Ld dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
A. Bauxite ckWDlkbV B. Galena xsysuk
C. Calamine dSysekbu D. Calamine dslVsjkbV
21. Which tool is used to check the internal clearance of the bearing?
fdl midj.k dk mi;ksx fc;fjax dh vkarfjd Dysjals dh tkap djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS \
A. Steel rule LVhy :y B. Feeler gauge Qhyj xst
C. Depth gauge MsIFk xst D. Vernier caliper ofuZ;j dSyhilZ
22. What is the name of part marked as X?
x ds }kjk fpfUgr Hkkx dk uke D;k gS\
A. Collar dkWyj B. Square head Ldk;j gsM
C. Fingers fQaxlZ D. Body ckWMh

23. What is the angle of ACME thread ?

ACME थ्रेड का कोण क्या है ?
A. 660 B. 550
C. 290 D.450
24. What is the name of elements of screw marked as X? x ds :i es fpfUgr LØw ds rRoks dk
uke D;k gS\

A. Root:V B. Pitch fip

C. Crest ØsLV D. Thread angle FkszM ,axy
25. Which term describes the axial movement of screw in one complete turn? dkSu lk in
,d iw.kZ ?kqeko es LØw ds v{kh; xfr dk o.kZu djrk gS\
A. Lead yhM B. Flank ¶ysad
C. Pitch fip D. Depth xgjkbZ
26. How the size of drill bit is measured?
fMªy fcV dk lkbt dSls ekik tkrk gS\
A. Between flutes ¶ywV~l ds chp
B. Between the lands ySM ds chp
C. Between web osc ds chp
D. Neck diameter xnZu dk O;kl
27. What is the name of tool? bl Vwy dk uke D;k gS\
A. Pilot drill ik;yV fMªy B. Counter sink flad
C. Drill with pilot fMªy ds lkFk ik;yV
D. Countersink with pilot dkmaVjflad ds lkFk ik;yV
28. Which part of a reamer is designed for the removal of chips?,d jhej dk dkSu lk Hkkx
fpIl fudkyus ds fy, fMtkbu fd;k x;k gS\
A. Face Qsl B. Flute ¶ywV
C. Heel ,Mh D. Cutting edge dfVax ,t
29. What is the name of operation?
bl vkWijs”ku dk uke D;k gS

A. Drilling fMªfyax B. Spot facing LikWV Qsflax

C. Counter sinking dkmaVj flafdax
D. Counter boring dkmaVj cksfjax
30. What is the name of the tool? bl Vwy dk uke D;k gS\

A. Reamer jhej
B. Spot facing tool LikWV Qsflax Vwy
C. Countersink tool dkmaVjflad Vwy
D. Counter boring tool dkmaVj cksfjax Vwy
31. What is the name of the operation producing flat seat on drilled hole? fMªy fd, x,
fNnz ij ¶ySV lhV cukus okys vkWijs”ku dk uke D;k gS\
A. Drilling fMªfyax B. Spot facing LikWV Qsflax
C. Countersinking dkmaVj flafdx
D. Counterboring dkmaVj cksfjax
32. What is the name of the die? MkbZ dk uke D;k gS\

A. Split die fLIyV MkbZ B. Half die gkQ MkbZ

C. Solid die lkWfyM MkbZ
D. Adjustable screw plate die ,MtLVscy LØw IysV MkbZ
33. What is the colour of aluminium metal?
,Y;wehfu;e /kkrq dk jax D;k gS\
A. Dull white ean lQsn
B. White lQsn
C. Bright white pednkj lQsn
D. Bluish grey colour Cyqb”k xzs jax
34. What is produced from blast furnace?
CykLV QusZl ls D;k mRiUu gksrk gS\
A. Pig iron पिग आयरन
B. Cast iron कास्ट आयरन
C. Wrought iron रॉट आयरन
D. Malleable iron uje yksgk
35. What is the name of the fit? bl fQV dk uke D;k gS\

A. Transition fit Vªkath”ku fQV

B. Clearance fit Dyh;jsal fQV
C. Shrinkage fit fJdst fQV
D. Interference fit bUVjQsjsal fQV
36. Which part of vernier micrometer is marked with vernier scale graduation? ofuZ;j
ekbØksehVj ds fdl Hkkx dks ofuZ;j Ldsy xzstq,”ku ds lkFk fpfUgr fd;k x;k gS\
A. Anvil ,ufoy B. Frame Ýse
C. Thimble fFkacy D. Barrel cSjy
37. What is the name of system if the size of the hole is kept constant, shaft is varied?;fn
Nsn dk vkdkj fLFkj j[kk tkrk gS] vkSj “kk¶V vfLFkj gS] rks flLVe dk uke D;k gS \
A. Bilateral system ckbysVjy flLVe
B. Unilateral system ;wuhysVjy flLVe
C. Hole basis system gksy csfll flLVe
D. Shaft basis system “kk¶V csfll flLVe
38. Which surface is used for scraping large bearing surface? cMs fc;fjax dh lrg dks [kqjpus
ds fy, fdl [kqjpuh dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
A. Flat scraper likV [kqjpuh
B. Hook scraper gqd [kqjpuh
C. Triangular scraper; [kqjpuh
D. Bull-nose scraper cqy ukst [kqjpuh
39. What is the name of fit? fQV dk uke D;k gS\

A. Transition fit Vªkath”ku fQV

B. Shrinkage fit flzda st fQV
C. Clearance fit Dyh;jsal fQV
D. Interference fit baVjQsjsal fQV
40. What is the angle of holding the scrapers for soft metal? uje /kkrq ds fy, LØsilZ dks
idMus dk dks.k D;k gksrk gS
A. 300 B. 600
C. 40 D. 200
41. What is the name of operation? bl vkWijs”ku dk uke D;k gS\

A. Filing Qkbfyax B. Drilling fMªfyax

C. Scraping LØsfiax D. Chiseling fptfyax
42. Which gauge used to check internal thread of components
Hkkxks dh vUrj pwfM;ksa dks ukius ds fy, dkSu ls xSt dk mi;ksx gksrk gS\
A. Thread ring gauge FkszM fjax xSt
B. Taper ring gauge Vsij fjax xSt
C. Thread plug gauge FkszM Iyx xSt
D. Caliper gauge dSfyij xSt
43. What is the name of the lathe specification of marked as x? x ds :i es fpfUgr [kjkn
fofunsZ”k dk uke D;k gS\

A. Length of the bed csM dh yackbZ

B. Centre height of lathe [kjkn dh laVs j gkbV
C. Length between centre dsna z ds chp dh yackbZ
D. Diameter of work (Swing) कायय का व्यास (प्वगिं )
44. What is the name of the part marked ‘X’ in the lathe carriage? [kjkn dSfjt es x vafdr
Hkkx dk uke D;k gS\

A. Tool post Vwy iksLV B. Top slide VkWi LykbM

C. Cross slide ØkWl LykbM D. saddle lock सैडल लॉक
45. What is the name of the part marked x?
x fpfUgr Hkkx dk uke D;k gS\
A. Body ckWMh B. Back plate cSd IysV
C. External jaw ckgjh tcMk D. Crown wheel क्राउन व्हील
46. What is the name of the operation?
bl vkWijs”ku dk uke D;k gS

A. Square shoulder Ldk;j “kksYMj

B. Filleted shoulder fQYysVM “kksYMj
C. Bevelled shoulder csoyM “kksYMj
D. undercut shoulder अिंडरकट “kksYMj
47. Which gauge is used to compare the profile of thread? FkszM dh izksQkby dks dEis;j djus ds
fy, fdl xst dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
A. Plug gauge Iyx xst B. Feeler gauge Qhyj xst
C. Radius gauge f=T;k xst D. Screw pitch gauge ्क्रू पिच गेज
48. What is the name of the part marked X ? x fpfUgr Hkkx dk uke D;k gS\

A. Bed csM B. Tail stock Vsy LVkWd

C. Feed shaft QhM “kk¶V D. Lead screw लीड ्क्रू
49. Which part is mainly supporting the lengthy job in lathe machine? dkSu lk Hkkx eq[; :i
ls [kjkn e”khu es yach tkWc dks liksVZ djrk gS\
A. Face plate Qsl IysV B. Steady rest LVSfM jsLV
C. Dog carrier MkWx dSfj;j D. Dead centre डेड सेंटर
50. Which tool materials are manufactured by powder metallurgy technique? ikmMj
esVythZ VsDuhd }kjk dkSu ls Vwy lkexzh dk fuekZ.k fd;k tkrk gS\
A. Carbides dkjckbM B. High speed steel gkbZ LihM LVhy
C. High carbon steel mPp dkcZu LVhy
D. Medium carbon steel मध्यम dkcZu LVhy
51. What is the unit of cutting speed in turning?
dkVus dh xfr dh bdkbZ D;k gS
A. mm/sec B. m/sec
C. m/min D. mm/min
52. What is the principle of dial test indicator?
Mk;y VsLV bafMdsVj dk fl)kar D;k gS
A. Sliding LykbfMax B. Screw and nut LØw vkSj uV
C. Rack and pinion jSad vkSj fifu;u
D. Worm and worm wheel वर्य और वर्य व्हील
53. What is the name of instrument?
bl ;a= dk uke D;k gS\

A. Vernier micrometer ofuZ;j ekbØksehVj

B. Outside micrometer ckgjh ekbØksehVj
C. Three wire micrometer rhu ok;j ekbØksehVj
D. Screw thread micrometer ्क्रू थ्रेड ekbØksehVj
54. What is the purpose of back gear unit in lathe machine?
[kjkn e”khu es cSd fx;j ;wfuV dk mn~ns”; D;k gS\
A. Reduce the spindle speed fLiaMy dh xfr de djsa
B. Increase the spindle speed fLiaMy dh xfr dks c<k,W
C. Quick change spindle speed fLiaMy dh dks tYnh cnyuk
D. To avoid abnormal impact on spindle धरु ी िर असार्ान्य प्रभाव से बचने के पलए
55. What is the name of gauge? Xkst dk uke D;k gS\

A. Ring gauge fjax xst B. Screw Pitch gauge ्क्रू fip xst
C. Feeler gauge Qhyj xst D. Radius gauge रे पडयस गेज
56. Identify the type of bolt? cksYV ds izdkj dh igpku djsa\
A. Bolt with clearance hole Dyhjsla gksy ds lkFk cksYV
B. Body fit bolt ckWMh fQV cksYV
C. Anti-fatigue bolt ,aVh QVhx cksYV
D. T bolt Vh cksYV
57. Name the type of part shown in assembly technique. vlacs yh rduhd es fn[kk, x, Hkkx ds
izdkj dk uke crk,A

A. Taper pin Vsij fiu B. Split pin fLiYV fiu

C. Cotter pin dkWVj fiu D. Spring pin fLIkzax fiu
58. Which assembly technique is similar to riveting method?
dkSu lh vlsca yh rduhd fjosVbax fof/k ds leku gS\
A. Dowelling Mksosfyax B. Pinning fifuax
C. Peening ihfuax D. Staking LVkfdax

59. Name the mandatory symbol. bl vfuok;Z izrhd dk uke crk,A

A. Stop LVkWi B. Give way jkLrk ns

C. Guarded lajf{kr D. Unguarded vuxkMsZM
60. What is the class of fire caused by fire wood, paper, cloth?
ydMh dh vfXu] dkxt] dims ds dkj.k yxh vkx fdl Dykl ds varxZr vkrh gS\
A. Class A fire Dykl , vkx B. Class B fire Dykl ch vkx
C. Class C fire Dykl lh vkx D. Class D fire Dykl Mh vkx
61. What A denotes in ABC of first aid?
izkFkfed fpfdRlk ds ,chlh es , D;k n”kkZrk gS?
A. Air way ,;j os B. Attention vVs”a ku
C. Arresting vjsZfLVax D. Atmosphere ,sV~efLQj
62. What is the colour code for plastic waste bin?
IykfLVd dpjk fcu ds fy, dyj dksM D;k gS?
A. Red yky B. Blue uhyk
C. Green gjk D. Yellow ihyk
63. Name the part of file marked as x.
Qkby ds x ds :i es fpfUgr Hkkx dks uke ns A

A. Heel ghy B. Tang VaSx

C. Ferrule Qs:Zys D. File length Qkby dh yackbZ
64. Which marking media is poisonous? dkSu lk ekfdZx ehfM;k tgjhyk gS\
A. White wash okbV ok”k B. Prussian blue izf”k;u Cyw
C. Copper sulphate dkWij lYQsV D. Cellulose lacquer lsY;wykst ySdj
65. Which part of universal surface gauge holds the scriber?
;wfuolZy ljQst xst dk dkSu lk fgLlk LØkbcj dks idMuk gS\
A. Snug Lux B. Guide pin xkbM fiu
C. Rocker arm jkWdj vkeZ D. Fine adjustment screw Qkbu ,MtLVesaV isp
66. What is the name of the vice? bl okabl dk uke D;k gS\

A. Pin vice fiu okbl B. Pipe vice ikbi okbl

C. Hand vice gS.M okbl D. Quick releasing vice fDod fjyhftax okbl
67. Name the part of a hammer marked as x .
x ds :i es fpfUgr gFkkSMs ds Hkkx dk uke crk,A
A. Face Qsl B. Pein fiu iap
C. Cheek phd D. Eye hole vkW; gksy
68. What is the use of feeler gauge?
Qhyj xst dk mi;ksx D;k gS\
A. Check the width pkSMkbZ dh tkWp djuk
B. Check the height mWpkbZ dh tkWp djuk
C. Check the length yackbZ dh tkaWp djuk
D. Check the gap between the mating parts
feyus okys Hkkxks ds chp dh xSi dh tkWp djukA
69. Which is an integral part of the stock in vernier bevel protractor?
ofuZ;j csoy izksVªSDVj es LVkWd dk ,d vfHkUu fgLlk dkSu lk gS\
A. Disc fMLd B. Dial Mk;y
C. Blade CysM D. Main scale eq[; iSekuk
70. Which caliper is used to mark the centre of round bar?
jkmaM ckj ds dsnz dks fpfUgr djus ds fy, fdl dSyhij dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS?
A. Jenny caliper tsuh dSfyij B. Inside caliper bulkbM dSyhij
C. Outside caliper vkmVlkbM dSyhij D. Firm joint caliper QeZ tkWbaV dSyhij
71. Which chisel is used for cutting oil grooves?
vk;y xzwOl dks dkVus ds fy, fdl Nsuh dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
A. Flat chisel ¶ySV NSuh
B. Web chisel osc Nsuh
C. Half round nose chisel gkQ jkmaM ukst Nsuh
D. Diamond point chisel Mk;eaM ikWbaV Nsuh
72. What is the name of vice? bl okbl dk uke D;k gS\

A. Pin vice fiu okbl B. Pipe vice ikbi okbl

C. Hand vice gS.M okbl D. Machine vice e”khu okbl
73. Name the part marked as x .
x ds :i es fpfUgr Hkkx dks uke crk,A

A. Anvil ,fUoy B. Thimble fFkEcy

C. Spindle fLiaMy D. Spindle lock fLiaMy ykWd
74. What is the accuracy of metric outside micrometer?
ehfVªd vkmVlkbM ekbØksehVj dh ,D;wjslh D;k gS\
A. 0.01 mm B. 0.001 mm
C. 0.02 mm D. 0.002 mm
75. Name the part marked as x .
x ds :i es fpfUgr Hkkx dks uke crk,A

A. Lip fyi B. Land ySaM

C. Flank ¶ysad D. Point angle fcanq dks.k
76. Which punch is used for witness marks?
fu”kku fn[kus ds fy, fdl iap dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
A. Dot punch MkWV iap B. Pin punch fiu iap
C. Bell punch csy iap D. Centre punch ls.Vj iap
77. Which file is used for filing wood and leather?
ydMh vkSj peMs dh Qkbfyax djus ds fy, fdl Qkby dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS \
A. Hand file gS.M Qkby B. Bastard file ckLVMZ Qkby
C. Rasp cut file jkLi dV Qkby D. Single cut file flaxy dV Qkby
78. What is the name of part marked as x in drill?
fMªy es x ds :i es fpfUgr Hkkx dk uke D;k gS\

A. Lip fyi B. Land ySaM

C. Flank ¶ysad D. Web osc

79. Which vice is used for holding hollow cylindrical jobs?

[kks[kyh csyukdkj tkWCl dks idMus ds fy, fdl okbl dk bLrseky fd;k x;k\
A. Pin vice fiu okbl B. Pipe vice ikbi okbl
C. Hand vice gS.M okbl D. Bench vice csp a okbl
80. Which metal cutting saw is used for cutting different profiles?
fofHkUu izksQkby dks dkVus ds fy, fdl /kkrq dkVus okyh lkW dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS \
A. Power saw ikWoj lkW B. Circular saw ldqZyj lkW
C. Contour band saw daVwj cSM lkW D. Horizontal band saw gkWfjtkWUVy caSM lkW
81. What is the name of hammer?
bl gFkkSMk dk uke D;k gS\

A. Mallet hammer eSysV gFkkSMk B. Ball pein hammer ckWy ihu gFkkSMk
C.Cross pein hammer ØkWl fiu gFkkSMk D.Straight pein hammer LVSªV fiu gFkkSMk
82. Which part of universal surface gauge is used to set scriber at required position
;wfuolZy ljQsl xst ds fdl Hkkx dk mi;ksx vko”;d lgh iksth”ku ij LØkbcj lsV djus ds fy,
fd;k tkrk gS\
A. snug Lux B. Guide pin xkbM fiu
C. Rocker arm jkWdj vkeZ D. Fine adjustment screw Qku ,MtLVeSV LØw
83. Convert one metre into millimetre
,d ehVj dks feyhehVj es cnysA
A. 10 mm B. 100 mm
C. 1000 mm D. 10000 mm
84. What is the name of file? bl Qkby dk uke D;k gS\

A. Rotary file jksVjh Qkby B. Tinkers file fVadj Qkby

C. Barrette file cSjsV Qkby D. Crossing file Økflax Qkby
85. Which part of the vernier height gauge is an intergral part of the main slide?
ofuZ;j gkbV xst dk dkSu lk ikVZ eq[; LykbM dk ,d baVjxzy ikVZ gS\
A. Jaw tkW B. Base csl
C. Beam che D. Jaw clamp tkW DySai
86. Which part of the bevel protractor contact with the inclined surface while
ekius ds nkSjku csoy izksVSªDVj dks dkSu lk fgLlk bUDykbUM lrg ds dkaVsDV es gksrk gS \
A. Dial Mk;y B. Disc fMLd
C. Blade CysM D. Stock LVkWd
87. Which chisel is used for cutting keyways?
fdl Nsuh dk mi;ksx dh os dkVus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS\
A. Flat chisel ¶ySV Nsuh B. Cross cut chisel ØkWl dV Nsuh
C. Punching chisel iafpax Nsuh D. Diamond point chisel Mk;eaM ikWbaV Nsuh
88. What is the name of micrometer?
bl ekbØksehVj dk uke D;k gS\
A. Depth micrometer MsIFk ekbØksehVj
B. Inside micrometer bulkbM ekbØksehVj
C. Vernier micrometer ofuZ;j ekbØksehVj
D. Outside micrometer vkmVlkbM ekbØksehVj
89. Which type of screw threads are rounded at the crest and root?
fdl LØw FkszM es dszLV vkSj :V dks jkmaM fd;k tkrk gS\
A. B.A FkzsM B. B.S.F FkzsM
C. B.S.W FkzsM D. ACME FkzsM
90. Which cutting fluid used for drilling in cast iron?
dkLV vk;ju es fMªfyax ds fy, fdl dfVax ¶ywbM dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
A. Dry air jet MªkbZ ,;j tsV B. Soluble oil ?kqyu”khy rsy
C. Mineral oil [kfut rsy D. Vegetable oil ouLifr rsy
91. Name the zinc coated iron?
ftad dksVsM vk;ju dk uke crk,\
A. Black iron dkyk yksgk B. Tinned iron fVuM vk;ju
C. Stainless steel LVsuysl LVhy D. Galvanised iron tLrk p<k gqvk yksgk
92. What is the material used to manufacture rivets?
fjosV ds fuekZ.k ds fy, mi;ksx dh tkus okyh lkexzh D;k gS\
A. Rubber jcj B. Synthetic d`f=e
C. Hardened steel gkMsZu LVhy D. Mild steel ekbYM LVhy
93. Name the part marked as x in a rivet?
,d fjosV es x ds :i es fpfUgr Hkkx dks uke crkb,\

A. Tail Vsy B. Body ckWMh

C. Head gsM D. Diameter O;kl
94. Which rivet is used in heavy structural work?
Hkkjh lajpukRed dk;Z es fdl fjosV dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
A. Pan head rivet iSu gsM fjosV
B. Snap head rivet Lusi gsM fjosV
C. Counter sunk rivet dkmaVj lad fjosV
D. Conical head rivet dksfudy gSM fjosV
95. What is the name of part marked X ?
Hkkx x dk uke D;k gS\

A. Body ckWMh B. Clamp DyaSi

C. Upper blade mijh CysM D. Lower blade fupyh CysM
96. Which rivets are used in light assembly work?
gYdh vlsca yh ds dke es dkSu ls fjosV dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
A. Pan head rivet iSu gsMs fjosV B. Snap head rivet Lusi gsM fjosV
C.Counter sunk rivet dkmaVj lad fjosV D.Conical head rivet dksfudy gsM fjosV
97. What is the name of the notch in sheet metal work?
“khV esVy odZ es bl ukSp dk D;k uke gS\

A. V notch V ukSp B. Slant notch frjNh ukSp

C. Square notch LDok;j ukSp D. Straight notch LVªSV ukSp
98. What is the name of tool used to cut thicker sheets?
eksVh “khV~l dks dkVus ds fy, iz;qDr midj.k dk uke D;k gS\
A. Bent snips caVs fLui B. Lever shears yhoj f”k;j
C. Straight snips LVªSV fLui D. Circle cutting machine lfdZy dfVax e”khu
99. Which flux is used for soldering tin sheets?
fVu dh pknjks dh lksYMfjax ds fy, fdl ¶yDl dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
A. Resin jsflu B. Paste isLV
C. Zinc chloride ftad DYkksjkbM D. Ammonium chloride veksfu;e DyksjkbM
100. Which sheet metal is easiest to joint and solder?
tksM vkSj lksYMj ds fy, dkSu lh /kkrq dh “khV lcls vklku gS\
A. Tinned plate fVUM IysV B. Lead yhM
C. Galvanised iron tLrk yksgk D. Stainless sheet LVsuysl “khV
101. What is the colour painted on the acetylene gas cylinders?
,flfVyhu xSl flysM a j ij fdl jax dk isV gksrk gS\
A. Black dkyk B. Green gjk
C. Blue uhyk D. Maroon eS:u
102. What is the name of distortion occurs in the weld direction?
osYM fn”kk es mRiUu gksus okyh fod`fr dk D;k uke gS\
A. Angular distortion; fod`fr
B. Bending distortion csfUMax fod`fr
C. Longitudinal distortion ykfUtV~Muy fod`fr
D. Transverse distortion VªSUTolZ fod`fr
103. What is the name of the the metal edge in an angle during welding and
cutting operations?
osfYMax vkSj dfVax vkWijs”ku ds nkSjku dks.k es /kkrq ds fdukjs dk uke D;k gS\
A. Kerf dQZ B. Drag MSªx
C. Bevel csoy D. Gouging xkmftax
104. What is the oxygen cylinder colour?
vkWDlhtu flysM a j dk jax D;k gksrk gS
A. Red yky B. Blue uhyk
C. Black dkyk D. Maroon eS:u
105. What is the name of PPE?
PPE dk uke D;k gS\
A. Portable screen iksVsZcy LØhu
B. Chipping goggles fpfIiax xkWxy
C. Welding hand screen gkFk okyh osfYMax LØhu
D. Welding helmet screen osfYMax gsyesV LØhu
106. Why humming sound effects during arc welding?
vkdZ osfYMax ds nkSjku /ofu izHkko D;ks xquxqukrs gS\
A. Long arc length yach pki dh yackbZ
B. Speedy welding “kh/kz osfYMax
C. Short arc welding y?kq pki osfYMax
D. Normal arc length lkekU; pki dh yackbZ

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