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Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03


Muhammad Shao Cheng

00 Issued for approval Chenng Chen Song 27-May-2023




DOCUMENT No.: R08-HE3C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 Rev C1

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Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner Consultant EPC Contractor Document number: Rev:
Document Title: Page 2 of 23
Emergency Response

Revision Record
Description of Modification and
Version Date Section Page

00 27-May-2023 All All First Submission

C1 09-JUl-2023 All All 2nd Submission


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner Consultant EPC Contractor Document number: Rev:
Document Title: Page 2 of 23
Emergency Response

Table of content
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5

2. Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 5

3. Objective .......................................................................................................................................... 5

4. Definitions and Abbreviations ....................................................................................................... 5

4.1 Crisis/Emergency ..................................................................................................................... 6

5. References ....................................................................................................................................... 6

6.EMT & ERT. ......................................................................................................................................6

6.1 EMT............................................................................................................................................ 6
6.2 ERT. ........................................................................................................................................... 7

7. Responsibilities & Duties of ERT.................................................................................................. 7

7.1 Project Director-Emergency Commander ............................................................................. 7
7.2 Emergency Coordinator ........................................................................................................... 8
7.3 Doctor/Site Nurse ...................................................................................................................... 9
7.4 First Aider ................................................................................................................................... 9
7.5 Ambulance Driver ..................................................................................................................... 9
7.6 Fire Fighting Team .................................................................................................................. 10

7.7 HSE Personnel ........................................................................................................................ 10

7.8 Security .....................................................................................................................................10
7.9 Site Supervisor ...................................................................................................................... 11

8. Training and communication .......................................................................................................11

8.1 Training ..................................................................................................................................... 12
8.2 Communication ......................................................................................................................... 12

9. Assembly points ............................................................................................................................12

10. Evacuation procedures ..............................................................................................................12

11. Prevention of emergencies .......................................................................................................12

12. Preparedness ..............................................................................................................................13


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Document number: Rev:
R08-HE3C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 C1

Document Title: Page 4 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

13. Responsible for implementation ...............................................................................................13

14. Review and monitoring ..............................................................................................................13

14.1 Review .................................................................................................................................... 13
14.2 Monitoring .............................................................................................................................. 13

15. Emergency Control Centre........................................................................................................14

16. Procedure in case of emergency .............................................................................................14

16.1 Fire / Explosion Emergency Response Procedure ......................................................... 14

17. Communication ...........................................................................................................................15

18.Drills ............................................................................................................................................... 17

19. Appendix ......................................................................................................................................18

Emergency Drill Report Format .................................................................................................. 18
Emergency Drill Attendance ....................................................................................................... 20
Emergency Flow Chart ................................................................................................................ 21
First Aid Checklist ......................................................................................................................... 22
Emergency Drill Schedule ........................................................................................................... 23


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
Document number:

R08-HE3C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 C1

Document Title: Page 5 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

1. Introduction
The Tiejun Project Director and his associated staff are committed to the health and safety
of personnel and assets on their Project sites. Without proper guidance and training it is
almost certain that when employees are faced with a sudden threat, they will follow their
own natural inclination which could result in chaos and panic. The effect of uncontrolled
emergency situation could be catastrophic and cause complete disruption of all Project
activities, damage to property, serious injury or death.

It is essential that corrective action taken to cope with an emergency will be prompt,
coordinated and disciplined in order to prevent disaster. Not all the aspects of this
emergency plan will be applicable in every situation, as this plan suits local circumstances
and only acts as a guideline. One essential common feature is the necessity for efficient
communications. The Tiejun Emergency Commander or his nominee, the Tiejun HSE
Manager (Emergency Coordinator) must be advised immediately of an emergency and be
kept informed of all the developments.

2. Scope. This procedure applies to Onshore / Offshore emergency response and evacuation by
Contractors and subcontractor(s) employees and visitors entering project site of Shura Golf Villas &
Ancillary Buildings– Red Sea Project.

3. Objective. To ensure that through providing emergency procedures and guidelines that
in the case of an emergency, personnel will be able to act swiftly and decisively. Such
procedures and guidelines if followed will prepare staff to handle, rectify and/or minimize
emergencies that will potentially affect Project activities, protect all employees and assets on
the Project site. 4. Definitions and Abbreviations

PD Project Director
PM Project Manager
HSE Health Safety Environment
EPC Engineering Procurement Construction
ERT Emergency Response Team
EOC Emergency Operation Center
ISOS International Health & Security Risk Management.
SCBA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
CMT Crisis Management Team
CMP Crisis Management Plan
ECC Emergency Control Center
RO Reverse Osmosis
IWP Independent Water Project
SDS Safety Data Sheet
TRA Task Risk Assessment


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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Document Title: Page 6 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

4.1 Crisis / Emergency

An uncontrolled, unplanned event has the potential to result in the loss of life, serious injury
or major damage to property.

This plan specifically covers the following emergency situations:

• Project offshore site & Onshore Site

• Fire and/or explosion

• Spill response plan.

• Incident or accident (Property / Person)

• Medical emergency (amputation, electrocution, fracture, multiple injuries, etc.)

• Diving emergency

• Missing or floating away of offshore equipment/accessories

5 References

 TRS-HS-FSP-0011 _Emergency Response Plan_Shaura Island

6 Emergency Management Team & Emergency Response Team.

6.1 Emergency Management Team

The emergency management main function is to ensure that in case of an emergency

all individuals are certain what role they must play to prevent, control and take corrective

The Committee will consist of the;

• Project Director—Emergency Commander

• Project Manager—Deputy Emergency Commander


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
Document number:

R08-HE3C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 C1

Document Title: Page 11 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

• HSE Manager-Emergency Coordinator

• Construction Manager

• Administration Department Manager

• Other Department/Discipline Managers

6.2 Emergency Response Teams

The emergency response team’s main function is to respond to the different types of
emergency situations and take the necessary rescue action according to the emergency
plan to avoiding casualties and minimize loss.

The Emergency Response teams will consist of the:

• Project Director

• Project Manager

• Construction Manager

• HSE Manager

• Environmental Engineer
• Emergency Controller
• Site Nurse
• First Aider
• Firefighting team
• Security Manager/Supervisor
• HSE personnel
• Administration Manager/Department head
• Diver

management’s mobile phones.

Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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R08-HE3C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 C1

Document Title: Page 12 of 23

Emergency Response Plan
6.4 Emergency Response Planning
Tiejun offices, construction sites, owned and operated offices / buildings / facilities and Tiejun Sub-Contractors shall
have an appropriate Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and ensure the following:
• Location specific ERPs shall be developed in cooperation with building management and / or facility management
companies as required.
• Appropriate threat specific scenarios shall be considered and incorporated as necessary in ERP.
• Appropriate numbers of trained Emergency Responders (Emergency Response Lead, first aiders and fire
wardens, shall be assigned.
• Appropriate Emergency Response equipment shall be available in all facilities and project sites (i.e. first aid
boxes, automated external defibrillators, clinic facility, trauma bags, ambulances, stretchers, evacuation chairs, fire
extinguishers, etc.)
•Tiejun and sub-Contractors and / or facility management companies responsible for the management of Tiejun
sites and facilities shall develop ERP’s that interface with Tiejun emergency response processes.
• Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP) or necessary arrangements shall be incorporated in ERP for each
person identified as having special needs, in coordination and consultation with the individual(s).
• Training and awareness on ERP and requirements shall be included in the HSE induction and visitor induction
programs. • Communication methodology and process is in place to effectively communicate the ERP requirements
to all potentially affected parties.
• Periodic HSE inspection of all Tiejun owned or operated buildings occurs. This inspection shall include verification
of the emergency response equipment requirements are meet and appropriate maintenance of equipment is being

6.5 Possible Emergencies At Site:

• Fire and Explosion
• Extreme Weather (Cold/Hot)
• Medical Emergency
• Hazardous Chemical spill
• Heat Stress/Heat Stork

6.6 Incident Classification

management’s mobile phones.

Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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Document Title: Page 13 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

Arrangements of Emergency Response

• Site Nurse Along with Ambulance and driver
• Site Clinic with Full facilities.
• Number of First Aider (1:50)
• First Aid boxes at site
• Proper evacuation routes
• Emergency Contact number displayed at site.

management’s mobile phones.

Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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Document Title: Page 14 of 23

Emergency Response Plan
7 Responsibilities & Duties of ERT

7.1 Project Director-Emergency Commander

• Overall in-charge to control emergency, recovery & Operation continuity
• Authorize for Resources
• Coordinate Emergency Control through onsite emergency teams and
• Confirm that Emergency Services have been called, and that the correct site
assembly pointshas been specified to them.
• Without further endangering life, arrange for injured personnel to be rescued as
soon aspossible.
• Activate local operation emergency plans as appropriate
• Consider evacuation of the site.
• Obtain full briefing upon the situation.
• Immediately send someone to control access to the site.
• Inform to Owner.
• Arrange for a full written log to be maintained throughout the incident period.
• Ensure that staffs involved in the emergency response are kept fully informed
ofup-to-date information of developments.
• Ensure that, wherever possible, evidence is preserved and/or recorded.
• Organize rescue team with rescue apparatus etc.

7.2 Emergency Coordinator

• Coordinate Emergency Control through on site emergency teams.

• Ensure that Senior Management and TRSDC are informed of the situation as
soon aspossible.
• Authorize for raise request for Resources and its use at site

• Coordinate Medical Team, Rescue Team, Fire Fighting Team, etc. to facilitate
control,rescue & treatment of victims.

• Coordinate with Recovery & Operation Continuity teams to clear of the accident
locations and restart the site.
• Communicate with the Emergency Commander and apprise him of the
emergency situation at site.
• Ensure witnesses do not leave the site before making written statements. If they
insist on leaving, for any reason, obtain names and addresses first.
• Responsible to assess and inform the end of emergency at the site
• Responsible to call the end of emergency.
• Coordinate with Recovery & Operation Continuity teams to clear of the accident
location and restart the site.

• Coordinate with TRSDC Emergency Operation Center (EOC) / emergency

response team as necessary in case of any life threating emergency.
• Immediate deploy emergency Ambulance (MOH_KSA Approved).
• Coordinate with EOC for assistance whenever required.
management’s mobile phones.

Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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Emergency Response Plan

In addition to the above responsibilities, HSE Manager shall communicate with TRSDC
–EOC team & ISOS.
• Ensure Ambulance is in good working condition.
• Ensure emergency Ambulance is equipped with emergency rescue equipment/
resources and all are in good condition.
• Ensure communication system (VHF radio & mobile phones) system is
• Ambulance shall be MOH (KSA) permits.
7.3 Doctor/Site Nurse:
• EOC Site Nurse / Doctor first aid treatments of casualties after receiving notice
of accident from the Emergency Team / Coordinator,
• EOC Responsible for transportation of all injured patients to ISOS medical center
at COV.
• Ensure medicines, medical equipment and ambulance are inspected,
maintained and available during emergency response.

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Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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Emergency Response Plan

• Inspect the site first aid facility monthly basis and keep the record.
• TIEJUN Site Nurse shall be MOH (KSA) Certified.
7.4 First Aider
• Maintains all the first-aid kits and medical aids
• Assess and prioritize patient according to medical and/or injury.
• Intervenes with oxygen therapy or assisted ventilations, using oxygen
adjuncts whenappropriate.
• Identifies life-threatening bleeding and intervenes appropriately.
• Evaluates the patient's responsiveness (awake, alert and oriented vs.
unresponsive)based on the patient's response to verbal and painful stimuli.
• Determines whether patients need emergency or non-emergent transport.
• Works to maintain the patient's well-being, emotionally as well as physically.
• Assesses the patient's vital signs using a watch, stethoscope, and
• Performing first aid treatment with site first aid box.
• First Aider shall be Third Party Certified.

7.5 Ambulance Driver:

• Assisted in lifting patient and rendering first aid.
• Assisted in removal of patient from vehicles or the scene of an accident.
• Assisted in the transfer of patient to recovering facilities.
• Respond to emergency calls of almost all types of situation performing
extrications of seriously injured fatalities putting into safety.
• Provide medical transportation assistance with medical care to individuals in need.
• Attend in-service trainings on emergency first response and first aid application
to stay updated on the innovations in the field.
management’s mobile phones.

Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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Emergency Response Plan
• Performed routine checks on all equipment.
• Assisted in transporting sick, injured, or convalescent patients.
• Assigned as a backup emergency driver.

7.6 Fire Fighting Team:

• When a fire alarm sounds, assemble at the Assembly Point to lead the team to
the area fighting fire Report status to Emergency coordinator.
• Coordinate with the Site Emergency Controller (Engineer / Supervisor).
• Responding immediately and safely to fire fighting and rescue assistance as
emergency calls and request
• Rescuing trapped people.
• Minimizing distress and suffering, including giving first aid before ambulance
crews arrive.
• Cleaning up and checking the site after dealing with an incident;
• Taking time to become familiar with location and buildings so you can
respond to emergency calls with speed and efficiency;
• Inspecting and maintaining the appliance (fire extinguisher) and its equipment,
assisting intesting fire hydrants and checking emergency water supplies.
• Trained Fire Warden are appointed for Fire Fighting Team.

7.7 HSE Personnel:

• Communicate & coordinate with the emergency to HSE Manager.

• Responding immediately and call for assistant at the initial stage of emergency.
• Evaluate site condition and evacuate people leave from the site.
• Rescue trapped people and quarantine dangerous area.
• Assist other emergency response team clear the access and head count
people atassembly yard.
• Coordinate with other emergency response team members under command
of HSEManager.

7.8 Security:
• Respond immediately once receive the emergency call.
• Coordinate staff when responding to emergencies and alarms.
• Assist the HSSE manager to control the situation and ensure the evacuation
• Assist other emergency response team clear the access
• Coordinate with other emergency response team members under command
of HSEManager.

7.9 Site Supervisor:

• Report to emergency coordinator about incidents observed by crew member.
• Organize crew to adopt initial rescue method.
• Evacuate crew according to the command from Emergency Commander.
management’s mobile phones.

Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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Document Title: Page 17 of 23

Emergency Response Plan
• Provide necessary assistant to the emergency response team .
• Participate in incident investigation as required.

7.10 Environmental Engineer

• Manage the day-to-day environmental elements of construction as per monitoring
program and Inform Construction Manager / HSE Manger to stop work
immediately in case of non-compliance observed and/or there are significant
environmental effects or risks of effects occurring;
• Undertaking site inspections, carrying out monitoring activities, Inspect the work
site daily and correct/close out any environmental non-compliance issues and
conditions which may endanger the environment.
• Maintains an environmental checklists and register, documenting all incidents of
compliance/non-compliance and keeps Environmental Manager appropriately
The schedule for the responsibilities handover due to vacation, off-duty will be
developed based on the real conditions to ensure the 24/7 coverage of the ERT.
8. Training and communication
8.1 Training
• The Emergency Plan will be communicated to all visitors and new
employees through the project induction & orientation program;
• The emergency response team shall be trained for the emergency plan.
• Visitors and labor will be trained on their responsibilities in case of an emergency.
• Construction Managers, Engineers, HSE Engineer, Environmental Engineer,
diver and Foreman will be trained on the full procedure.
• All Record of training on this Procedure will be kept on file as part of the
Contractors records.
8.2 Communication
• In case of any emergency report immediately EOC / TRSDC.
• Mobile phones will be the main communication method for emergency purposes.
Some 24/7 dedicated Emergency Contact Hot line / TRSDC EOC will be shared
with all team. The area where has no network signal will equipped with satellite
• Location of accidents should be clearly communicated by area according to the
area Identification system.
• Location and route map for nearest EOC / ISOS and its communication to
ambulance driver and relevant staff will be ensured.
• All Emergency contact numbers should be saved on all project line

management’s mobile phones.

Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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Document Title: Page 18 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

management’s mobile phones.

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Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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Document Title: Page 19 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

• All Emergency contact numbers should be clearly displayed in all project site
working and office areas.
• Plot plans indicating assembly points and evacuation routes should be clearly
displayed in all project site working and office areas.
• A simple process flow of the steps to take should be clearly displayed in all
project site working and office areas.
• All managers will receive a copy of the plan and it will also be their responsibility
to effectively communicate and implement the plan on their scope of work and to
their responsible employees. If there is any confusion or disagreement about the
plan or procedures the HSE Manager can be contacted for assistance.
• Location and route map for nearest EOC / ISOS and its communication to
ambulance driver and relevant staff.
9. Assembly points

• Tiejun will identify suitable and appropriate assembly point areas.

• These areas will be sufficiently communicated to all employees and visitors.
• Evacuation routes must be identified and marked to the closest designated
assembly points
• The Identified areas must have a sign so that employees can clearly identify the
area in caseof an emergency.
• Assembly point shall not be obstructed with any work activities or materials.

10. Evacuation plan

• Contractor shall develop evacuation plan for all Shura island and communicate to
all crews and staff.
• Assembly points will be define for the project site and camp area and
communicated to all employees as well as posted on the safety notice board
• Ways/routes to assembly points will be highlighted and keep visible to
employees in case of emergency response.
• A dedicated officer will be deployed to coordinate with site employees and
external parties during the time of emergency.
• Employees head counting will be ensured once they reached to the Assembly
• A short briefing will be ensured to the employees regarding the emergency
happened on site.
• Contractor will ensure the involvement of security during time of emergency
evacuation for controlling the vehicle's and guiding the emergency vehicle to the
scenario location.
• Site employees will be trained on emergency evacuation plan and random drill
will be conducted to evaluate the compliance.
• Evacuation procedures must be sufficiently communicated to all employees and
• Contractor shall display the evacuation procedure on site notice board and near
the working area.
• Contractor will ensure safe evacuation or location of personnel with special
needs if required.
• Contractor have approved living area where the emergency evacuation plan
displayed and communicated to the employees to response in case of
emergency happen on site. 19

Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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Document Title: Page 13 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

11. Prevention Of Emergency

• Apart from natural disasters, unavoidable incidents and deliberate attacks, all efforts
must be directed at the prevention of any emergency prior to it occurring. This will require
all personnel to stand up and be counted for in terms of taking responsibility as faras safety
and health is concerned on the project site.
• Personnel must acquire a positive attitude towards safety that will recognize safety
and health as the prime requirement for working efficiently. They must promote and foster
this attitude with all staff on the project site.

12. Preparedness

• The success rate of containing any emergency will always depend on how
well prepared a team is when an emergency occurs. It is thus extremely
important that every emergency committee member and every single
person on the project site, as far as reasonably practicable, must be
familiar with the contents of this emergency document.
• Regular practice of evacuation drills will be conducted to ensure that all
personnel are aware ofevacuation routes and assembly point and what to
do in case of emergency.
• The schedule of the planned/proposed drill scenarios for high risk activities
will be developed based on the project real situation to ensure the specific
drills can be conducted more frequently.
• The emergency drill in the camp and office shall be incorporated into the
schedule .

13. Responsible for implementation

• Line Managers and Construction Managers are responsible to ensure

that their sub-ordinatesare familiar and properly trained on this
procedure and implemented accordingly.
• All training drill are to be recorded and reports, including lesson learned and
attendance record.

14. Review and monitoring

14.1 Review
• The Tiejun HSE Manager in consultation with the emergency
committee is responsible to review this procedure, depending on
the change in project activities.
14.2 Monitoring
• The Emergency plan’s implementation performance will be monitored
through the Contractor audit and inspection system.


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
Document number:

R08-HE3C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 C1

Document Title: Page 14 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

15. Emergency Control Centre

Emergency control center EOC / TRSDC located at P-12.

16. Procedure in case of emergency
16.1 Fire / Explosion Emergency Response
Procedure The following steps to be taken in
case of fire emergency:
• When you hear the siren, stop your work immediately and / or any source
of ignition i.e. engines or electrics or naked flame and proceed to the
nearest assembly point upwind / crosswind direction, depending on the
location of emergency.
• Barricade the area and contain if you are trained and it is safe to do so.
• Wait for the HSE Officer for the head count and further instruction.
• On discovery of a fire the following must be done (if the fire can be
contained with fire extinguisher / fire hydrant):
 Sound the fire alarm and/or shout FIRE FIRE FIRE…
 Put out the fire by using fire extinguisher / fire hydrant.
 Report the incident to the supervisor, superintendent or assigned
safety officer immediately.
 TRSDC should be informed immediately.
 On discovery of a fire the following must be done (if the fire cannot
be contained with fire extinguisher):
 Call your Site Supervisor and incident commander.
 HSE Manager / Emergency Coordinator to call the project’s emergency
contact number / EOC / TRSDC number.
 Site Supervisor / engineer to call the Project Manager and HSE
 TRSDC to be informed
16.2 onshore Medical Emergencies

If the medical case is minor and can be treated by the on board first aider, the following
proceduresmust be followed:


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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R08-HE3C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 C1

Document Title: Page 22 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

• The injured person or the observer of the case must contact the first aider who’s
available onboard for treatment.
• The first aid case will then be reported to the HSE Manager, HSE department
and TRSDC accordingly.
• The injured person shall check/assess by the medical staff in case further
treatment is required.

If the medical case / illness cannot be treated by the first aider, then the following
procedures mustbe followed:
• The injured / ill person, if possible, or the observer of the case must contact
the project’sEmergency contact number / EOC (TRSDC), the incident
commander and the HSE department.
• EOC will send the ISOS ambulance to be used by the Emergency response
If the injury / illness can be treated in the site first aid room then,
 The assigned nurse will treat the patient and will submit a detailed report for the HSE
 The detailed report will be submitted to the TRSDC within 3 days along with incident
investigation report.
 If the injury cannot be treated in the site first aid room then,
 The patient shall be sent / transferred to the EOC and a detailed medical report shall
be obtained from the respective EOC and keep it as record in the HSE department.

16 Communication

The Emergency Response Plan together with the Emergency Action Sequence shall be used
to brief all site staff, visitors and subcontractors by inclusion as part of the Induction
programme, as this is most effective.


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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Document Title: Page 23 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

Communication will be by Mobile Phone, Satellite phone, two (2) ways radio, or Landline by
usingthe area code.
In case of an offshore emergency please contact:
• TIEJUN - HSE Manager Contact Number. - 058-029-4693
• TRSDC - Emergency Operation Center - 011-212-7111

To reinforce awareness, laminated copies of the Emergency Contact numbers and

emergency response action sequence / flow chart to be placed at prominent places around
the site, in particular at areas of higher risk. It is mandatory to post these details in the
following locations;
• Canteens
• First aid room
• Office Reception
• Chemical and Fuel Storage areas
• Rest Areas / HSE Bulletin Boards

During an emergency, work in the affected area will cease until the all clear is given. In the
event of a total communication breakdown all work will cease until communications are

All relevant emergency numbers must be displayed at all working areas.

Emergency hot line number shall be available 24/7.
Procedure of handover of hot line operator in case of the shift change:
• Hot line Number shall be available with Tiejun site nurse.
• In case of night shift work, the person who will be assigned for night shift safety
coverage,Hot line number will be handed over to him and it will be documented.


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
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R08-HE3C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 C1

Document Title: Page 24 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

Name Designation Telephone / Mobile

Project Emergency Contact Person Numbers

TRSDC EOC 011-212-7111


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Document Title: Page 17 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

Mr. Mo Bing Project CEO 053-590-8886

Mr Chen Song Project Director 050-820-4287
Mr Shao Cheng Cheng Project Manager 058-302-5046

Mr Muhammad Zameer Project HSE Manager 058-029-4693

Mr Muhammad Kashif Construction Manager 055-002-6361
Mr. Shu Admistration Manager 059-414-8031
Civil Defence
Traffic Police
Coast Guard

18. Drills

To ensure the effectiveness of this Emergency Response Plan, quarterly drills shall be
conducted,where the contractor shall notify TRSDC HSE department at least 1 week prior.
All potential emergency situations relevant to the site and its activities shall be drilled as
shown in drill matrix and when the conditions do not pose a hazard to the safety and:
All drills shall have a clearly defined scope and scale.
Drills shall be followed by a proper debrief and communicated to all personnel.
Performance shall be monitored and when relevant, tendered against pre-defined
performance targets. All drills will be recorded.
If a Drill is considered to be unsuccessful, it will be recorded as such and an action
Developed and corrective/preventive actions implemented before the same drill scenario
is re-run.The actions will be recorded and be available upon request.


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
Document number:

R08-HE3C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 C1

Document Title: Page 26 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

Appendix 19.1 Emergency Drill Report


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
Document number:

R08-HE3C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 C1

Document Title: Page 27 of 23

Emergency Response Plan


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
Document number:

R08-he3c32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 C0

Document Title: Page 20 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

Appendix 19.2 Drill Attendance Sheet


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
Document number:

R08-HE3C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 C1

Document Title: Page 21 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

Appendix 19.3 Emergency Flow Chart


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
Document number:

R08-HE3C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 C1

Document Title: Page 21 of 23

Emergency Response Plan

Appendix 19.4 First Aid Checklist

Appendix 19.5 Emergency Drill Schedule


Shura Island Program 8 Hotel East No 3- HE03

Owner: Consultant: EPC Contractor Rev:
Document number:

R08-HE3C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0004 C1

Document Title: Page 21 of 23

Emergency Response Plan


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