Literary Devices Worksheet

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Primary Literary Devices

Simile Diction Juxtaposition

Metaphor Consonance Onomatopoeia
Personification Assonance Hyperbole
Repetition Alliteration Synecdoche
Syntax Sibilance Imagery

Diction is ____________________________________________________________

The three general levels of diction are:

1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________

Syntax is ____________________________________________________________

Assonance is _________________________________________________________

Consonance is _____________________________ which occurs ________________________,

while alliteration is ____________________________ which occurs _______________________

Sibilance is _________________________________. It is a special type of __________________

Hyperbole is __________________________________________________________

Synecdoche is ________________________________________________________

The five types of imagery are:

1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________

4. ____________________________

5. ____________________________
Never use the word ‘imagery’ by itself in an essay!
Primary Literary Devices
Simile Diction Juxtaposition
Metaphor Consonance Onomatopoeia
Personification Assonance Hyperbole
Repetition Alliteration Synecdoche
Syntax Sibilance Imagery

Diction is the choice and use of words in writing.

The three general levels of diction are:

1. Low (informal) diction

2. Middle (neutral) diction

3. High (formal) diction

Syntax is the structure and length of a sentence.

Assonance is the repetition of a vowel sound.

Consonance is the repetition of a consonant sound which occurs anywhere within a word,

while alliteration is the repetition of a consonant sound which occurs at the start of a word.

Sibilance is the repetition of ‘s’ sounds. It is a special type of consonance.

Hyperbole is exaggeration.

Synecdoche is using a part of something to represent the whole.

The five types of imagery are:

1. Sensory

2. Auditory

3. Tactile

4. Olfactory

5. Gustatory
Never use the word ‘imagery’ by itself in an essay!

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