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Project HEADWAY Webinar Series


18 08 2022
Webinar Objectives

Explore The Opportunity Of Being A Freelancer

Understand The Implications Of Freelance Life

Develop Strategies To Manage Successfully

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Webinar Process – Things to Know

This Is A Zoom Webinar Presentation

• PowerPoint
• Computer-based audio stream

Problems or Help?
• Contact Heather using the Q&A box

• Submit a question in the Q&A box
• Questions will be answered during the Q&A session
• We may not be able to answer all questions

This Presentation Will Be Recorded for Future Reference


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• Introduction
• Defining Our Terms
• Exploring The Dark Side
• Challenges Of Independence
• Strategies For Making Freelancing Work
• Question & Answer Session

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Defining ‘Freelancer'

'Freelancer' Means:
• A person who pursues a profession without a long-term commitment to any one
• A person who acts independently without being affiliated with or authorized by an

• Definition taken on 15 August 2022

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Defining ‘Contractor'

‘Contractor' Means:
• One that contracts or is party to a contract
• One that contracts to perform work or provide supplies
• One that contracts to erect buildings
• Something (such as a muscle) that contracts or shortens

• Definition taken on 15 August 2022

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Defining ‘Consultant'

'Consultant' Means:
• One who consults another

• One who gives professional advice or services

• Expert

• Definition taken on 15 August 2022

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What Does The PMBOK Have To Say?

On This Topic, Nothing At All

The Term “Freelance” Does Not Appear Once

“Contractor” And “Consultant” Do

• In reference to suppliers that a project manager would tender and contract for
• Not related to being a contract/consulting project manager

The PMBOK Is Silent On What It Takes To Manage Projects On A Contracted Basis

• And how your approach to project management needs to change as a

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Being An Employee Is Challenging

Project Management Is A Challenging Career

• There is a lot of stress
• Not everything goes perfectly or well
• There are going to be unreasonable expectations and missed commitments

Being An Employee Can Feel Constraining

• Opportunities for challenge and advancement may not feel like they exist
• Getting to do the kind of work and projects that you value and aspire to may be difficult
• Being labelled with a box or a niche—because it is what you have done, or what is
valued by the organization

Looking Elsewhere Can Feel Extremely Appealing And Tempting

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Freelancing Can Look Appealing

To The Outside Observer, Freelancing Can Look Extremely Tempting

• Being your own boss
• Choosing the kind of work you do
• Having freedom and independence
• Working when you feel like it, and taking time for personal desires and interests

The Demands And Expectations Are Certainly Different

• Working through a contract
• Negotiating and agreeing on expectations
• Theoretically having independence and freedom in terms of actions and approach

The Reality Isn’t Always Quite As Appealing As It Sounds

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In Essence, The Grass Is Always Greener Elsewhere

To The Employee, Freelancing Can Feel Remarkable Appealing

• Having autonomy and the ability to manage expectations and commitments
• Being respected for your advice, perspective and skillset
• Higher compensation

There Can Also Be A Lot Of Appeal For Employment To A Freelancer

• Belonging to an organization and working as part of a team
• Feeling a sense of impact and making a difference in the long-term
• A regular and steady source of income

There Are Aspects That Will Appeal In Either Instance

• The challenge is figuring out what context is most relevant and valuable

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Not All Freelancing Is Created Equally

Freelancing Can Take Many Forms

• It doesn’t fit in a neat box, and can adapt and evolve to a variety of

• Often casual and
• Time commitment
occasional work • Often full-time effort
can vary from part- to
• Delivering specific and commitment
tasks and activities • Taking on a particular
• Delivering of specific
• May involve a subset role
expertise and ability
of a project • Usually tied to
• Can be in or outside
• Usually tied to delivery of a project
of a project

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Defining Your Options

Staying Employed
• Remaining part of an organization
• Valuing the on-going commitment and stability that comes from employment

Pursuing Freelance Opportunities

• May be in the context of staying employed
• Identifying roles and opportunities to contribute where you are valued

• Finding long-term project opportunities that align with your skillsets and knowledge

• Leveraging specialist expertise and knowledge to deliver guidance and advice

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Bottom Line, Impressions Can Be Deceiving

The Perception Of The Awesomeness Of Freelancing Is Not The Reality

• You might be your own boss—but your boss will be a tyrant
• Choice of work is framed by what is available, and that you can successfully win
• Freedom and independence is often the freedom to work really long hours
• There is more work involved than it appears on the surface
• It is the rare day that you can actually with confidence say, “I’m free to do what I want!”

That Doesn’t Mean Being Independent Can’t Be Awesome. You Just Need To:
• Know what you are getting in to
• Be not just okay with it, but actively embrace it as what you want
• You need to be prepared to do the work to required to succeed

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Knowing Your Value

The Biggest Challenge Of Being Independent Is Being Confident In Your Value

• What you are good at
• The difference that you make
• What other people value about your contributions

Figuring This Out Is Essential

• Until you can answer it clearly, you are going to struggle

You Will Get Asked (Repeatedly) What It Is That You Do

• You need a clear, compelling and memorable answer
• “Whatever you need done” is NOT an acceptable response
• It should be defined, it should be specific and its value should be evident

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Putting A Price On Your Head

As An Independent, You Need To Deal With The “How Much Do You Charge?” Question
• This is inevitable
• For many, this is a deeply uncomfortable conversation

You Need To Know What You Are Worth

• You need to be comfortable with that number and express it confidently
• You also need to resist the urge to downplay or apologize for it

The Number Should Be Realistic

• Knowing the going rates in the marketplace is an essential start
• Being clear about your relative value to the average person is critical

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Needing To Sell Yourself - Constantly

One Of The Inherent Challenges Of Independence Is You Have To Sell Yourself

• You might genuinely be awesome and amazing
• If no one knows that, then it doesn’t matter in the slightest

It Is Easy To Compare Yourself To Others

• Asking yourself “why did they get that gig? I could do it so much better”
• The simple answer is: they were known, you were not

You Need To Put Yourself Out There

• This needs to be a consistent and constant effort
• Find ways that you can usefully stand out and be visible—and keep doing them

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Not Chasing After Every Opportunity That Moves

You Need To Be Choosy About The Work That You Take On

• It will be tempting to take anything that is offered, particularly at the start
• Sometimes you may need to, because it is available and you need the work
• This is not a sustainable strategy

Be Clear About What Makes A Good Fit

• The kind of work and the degree to which it aligns with interests and talents
• The type of client that you best work with

Be Prepared To Walk Away If Fit Isn’t There

• Pay attention to warning signals and things that feel off—those are important

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Recognize That Project Management Has Become A Commodity

There Was A Time When Project Management Was A Specialized Skillset

• Contract project managers got paid well
• Good project managers could charge a healthy premium

That Is True To An Extent In Narrow And Very Well-Defined Niches Today

• While it may be true in limited contexts, it is by no means common or expected

For The Most Part, Project Management Has Become A Default Skillset
• It is expected that project-related professionals will be able to manage projects
• Certification is no longer a significant form of differentiation, either
• Clients tend to view project management as a skill to be hired for, one that is no longer
considered unique or special

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Know What You Are Trying To Do

Have An Intent In Terms Of What You Are Trying To Accomplish

• What is the kind of work that you want to do?
• What are the arrangements that you are looking for?
• How dedicated and committed are you to making this work?

Know Why You Are Trying To Do It

• The answer “to make lots of money” is never a good one
• What is the purpose that you seek to fulfill by being an independent?

Define A Clear Picture In Your Mind Of What Success Would Look Like
• What needs to happen for you in order to realize a level of success?
• What would your work experience look and feel like?
• How would this fit into the rest of your life and your personal commitments?

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Be Honest About What You Need To Make

Getting To The Price That You Charge Has Two Dimensions

• The value of the role that you seek to play and the value you uniquely offer
• The income that you need to make in order to survive and pay the bills

You Need An Income That Is Reasonable And Comfortable

• That allows you to meet your commitments and be financially stable
• Where you are able to build enough of a cushion to sustain a downturn
• Allowing for you to also save appropriately for the future

Candidly Assess Whether This Is Attainable

• Whether there are sufficient opportunities for you to be successful
• The amount of work and effort that is required for you to earn what you need

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Have A Niche

Have A Specialization That Defines What You Do And/Or Who You Do It For
• Not just that you are a ‘project manager’
• Or even a project manager in a specific industry or for a type of project
• Get specific and clear

Have A Clear Voice That Is Uniquely Yours

• Assertively express what it is you do and the value of doing it

Stand For Something, And Confidently Speak To What You Do Stand For
• Be clear about your views, your perspective and your take
• Communicate what they are and why they make a difference

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Build A Network

You May Be An Independent, But You Do Not Need To Be Alone

Build Networks Of Support That You Can Draw On

• Prospective clients, certainly
• Sources of information, ideas and support
• Resources that you can draw on for help

Pay It Forward
• Just as others are going to help you, be helpful to others
• If an opportunity isn’t right for you, put it out to your network or recommend
someone that is better qualified

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Know The Contexts In Which You Deliver Value Well

Be Clear About The Kind Of Situations In Which You Thrive

• The kind of project that works for you
• The type of organization or client that is a particularly good fit
• The complexity and level of challenge that represents your sweet spot

Be Able To Express What That Is

• Have clear explanation for others of what your ideal opportunity looks like
• Make it easy for them to help recognize and refer you when it is appropriate

Keep Putting It Out There, Constantly

• Opportunities are given to those who are top of mind, because they are top of mind
• You need to make sure that you are regularly—and constructively—seen by your

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Embrace Proposal Writing

You Will Need To Write A Proposal For Nearly Every Opportunity

• You need to get good at this
• For a consultant, your proposal is a more specific stand-in for your resume
• It includes your resume, but more importantly specifically it identifies what you will do and why that matters

Proposals Contain Aspects That Look Like Project Plans

• They are not project plans, however, and yours shouldn’t look like one

Proposals Need To Keep In Mind What The Prospective Client Needs To See
• Demonstration that you clearly understand their situation and needs
• Identification of a solution that meaningfully delivers on those needs
• Demonstration that you are a credible person to help deliver that solution

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Winning The Work Is Not The Same As Doing The Work

Recognize That There Is A Profound Difference Between:

• What needs to be proposed in order to win the work
• The effort and cost that will be required to actually deliver the work

This Is Not Smoke-And-Mirrors, Nor Is It A Shell Game

• If there is a budget constraint, for example, figure out what is possible in that budget
• If you are prepared to low-ball price to win, do that with eyes-wide-open
• Recognize that you still need to do the work and do the work well
• Make sure that you are able to do that and still deliver successfully

Don’t Use This As An Opportunity To Play Bait-And-Switch

• Don’t propose a solution that can’t work so that you can change-request your way to

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Recognize That There Is Your Project And There Is Their Project

Your Client Has A Project That They Want To Get Done

• This is the plan that you need to keep front and center with them
• The usual dimensions of scope, schedule, budget, risks and resources

Separately, There Is The Work You Need To Do In The Background

• Sometimes they will overlap a lot
• In many cases, though, there will be additional work you need to take on and get done
• This is your own project and your own work plan

You Need To Manage Both

• Be clear about what it takes to do this successfully and well
• Don’t pay attention to one at the expense of the other
• Don’t pretend that your client cares about your own plan or critical dependencies

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In Conclusion…

It Can Be Tempting To Consider Being An Independent

• There is a lot that looks appealing, especially if you are feeling frustrated with employment
• Independence can be rewarding, but there is more to it than meets the eye
There Are Many Challenges You Will Need To Confront
• Some of that deals with market realities—the kind of work, the availability of others with similar skills,
and the rates that the market will bear
• A lot of it deals with you—and particularly your confidence in presenting yourself
• A big one is that “project management” is no longer a niche that is valued on its own
Be Clear About What You Want In Being An Independent
• The type of work that you do and the type of clients that you work best with
• Know your worth and value, and translate that into what you charge
• Recognize that self promotion is essential and needs to be on-going
• Ultimately, success depends on the networks you build and the reputation your create
Keep Focus On What Your Client Needs And How To Help Them
• While this may be the career you want, success comes from making it about them, not about you

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In Conclusion…

Quick Review:
Process to Pose a Question


Mark Mullaly, PhD, PMP Going Rogue: Honest and Practical Guidance on Freelancing 18 AUGUST 2022 36
PMI PDU Information

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• It will be recorded to your account within 24 hours

• PDUs will be batch submitted to PMI (usually by the following Monday)

To Be Eligible For One PDU:

• You must be present and in attendance for at least 90% of the webinar

If After Two Weeks You Don’t See The PDU On PMI’s PDU Credit Recording Web
• Please contact

Going Rogue: Honest and Practical Guidance on Freelancing 18 AUGUST 2022 37

Webinar Survey

ØFeedback Survey
• A feedback survey link is being provided in the chat section

• Please input your feedback and let us know what you think

• It only takes about 3 min to complete

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Mark Your Calendars!


Essential Principles for New Project Managers

Thursday, 15 September 2022

@ 3:00 PM EDT

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