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Proposal Document

Mobile Application Development for Product Purchase

Date Here...

Presented to
Sample Customer
1. Scope of Work:
Develop the mobile app which allows users to purchase product accessories through app and to
scan QR code of the product to list relevant product accessories.

2. Technology Stack:
Operating System : Android and iOS
Cross Platform Framework : Phone Gap
Database : MySQL
Scripting Language : HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery

3. Understanding:
➔ Develop the mobile app which allows users to purchase product accessories through app and to
scan QR code of the product to list relevant product accessories.
➔ We understand that the mobile app will be developed using PhoneGap as framework which
supports for both Android and iOS platform.
➔ Users can login to the application with the credentials which has already been created in the
➔ Users can search for products or accessories in the search section.
➔ Users can find the list of all related product accessories in the mobile app based on the product
they purchased from the website.
➔ Users can scan the QR code of the product, then it list the product accessories.
➔ Users to view the detailed product information by clicking on the product items from the
product listings.
➔ The application helps user to purchase product by making online payment option.

4. Assumptions:
➔ The estimate covers efforts for developing functionalities mentioned in WBS.
➔ We assume that the backend admin panel has already available in the Wordpress-
Woocommerce website so we haven’t covered in this proposal.
➔ The estimates are based on requirement shared by the client.
➔ assumes that the Stakeholders will be available for clarifications across the project
5. Work Breakdown Structure:
➔ Requirement Analysis & Documentation
➔ UI Design
➔ UI Implementation
➔ Login Page
➔ Product Accessories Listing Page
➔ Search for Products
➔ Option to scan the product to get the list of associated product accessories
➔ Product detail page
➔ Payment integration
➔ Shipping/Billing information
➔ Web services creation
➔ Web services implementation
➔ Android Building
➔ iOS Building
➔ Testing
◆ UI Testing
◆ Functional Testing
◆ Performance Testing
◆ Installation Testing
➔ Build & Release

6. Cost and Timeline

Cost for developing the Cross Platform App: $4850

Time Frame: The Project can be completed within 7 weeks from the date of initiation.

Note: The estimation may vary if new feature added or requirement changed in future

Project Plan: We will provide the Project Plan and Schedule once at the time of project initiation.

Payment Terms

# Milestones Payment %
1 Requirements Gathering Completion 30%
2 Analysis & Design Completion 30%
3 Development Completion 20%
4 Assurance & Docs Completion, Release 20%

The project can be initiated immediately.

Payment can be made via PayPal, wire transfer, ACH or CC.

Any change in the scope during development will be charge separately and payment for the same would be
collected immediately upon approval.

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