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English Language C.1.1.Topic 5.

Entertainment Dr Begoña Núñez Perucha


GRAMMAR REFERENCE: NOUN PHRASES (Outcomes Student’s Book , p.

Please note the following uses of the verb “to star”:

a) The movie “The Dying”, which stars John Moffit, is now availa-

ble on DVD.

b) John Moffit stars in the movie “The Dying”.

John Moffit stars in the movie “The Dying”
John Moffit, the actor,

John Moffit, theaward-winningactor,

John Moffit, the 37-year old, award-winning character actor from Canada

John Moffit, the 37-year-old, award winning character actor, who plays in his first
lead role, stars in….

John M.,…… , playing in his first lead role, stars in. . .

(relative clause replaced by an –ing participle clause/ present participle / active mean-

…………….. stars in the three-hour, action- packed road movie “The Dying”,
which is based on the book.

………………………., based on the book by Tom Daley.

(relative clause replaced by –ed participle clause / past participle / passive meaning)

English Language C.1.1.Topic 5. Entertainment Dr Begoña Núñez Perucha


More examples containing –ing forms:

1. Present participle replacing a relative clause!
Many passengers who travelled on that train bought their tickets on the Inter-

Many passengers travelling on that train bought…

2. Present participle replacing a subordinate clause (e.g. a reason clause) !
Knowing that she wouldn’t be able to buy water on her

journey, she took some with her.

(= As she knew that….)

Being a child, he was obviously attracted by all sorts of toys.

(Because / As he was a child…)

3. –ing form (gerund) in time clauses (e.g. after “before” or “after”):!
Before beginning the task, the participants were asked to read the instructions care-

Now read the following sentence. What’s wrong with it?

After reading a description of the research, we asked all subjects to sign a con-
sent form.

Correct sentence:

After reading a description of the research, the subjects were
asked to sign a consent form.

(à The subjects read the description of the research and then they were asked
to sign a consent form.)

English Language C.1.1.Topic 5. Entertainment Dr Begoña Núñez Perucha

More examples containing past participle forms:

1. Replacing a subject + passive verb:!
He enters. He is accompanied by his father

He enters, accompanied by his father.

2. As he was convinced that they would make fun of him, he refused to attend the
Convinced that they would make fun of him, he refused to ….

3. In our sample there were 100 teachers. We selected these at random.!
The sample comprised 100 teachers selected at random.

(= who were selected at random)


EXERCISES ON PAGE 140 (Outcomes Student’s Book)


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