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The ability to quickly and effectively establish rapport with a client is a crucial micro
skill in the counseling profession. Some examples are paying close attention, using body
language, being silent, expressing empathy, and taking action. Learners hone these abilities
before learning to comprehend basic difficulties and provide remedy based on theory and facts.
We use micro-skills in every aspect of our lives. Micro-skills are what make it possible
for us to acquire and use such abilities. Time management is a skill that I developed as a student.
Task management is the ability to juggle multiple responsibilities while giving equal focus to
each one. Students that have this micro skill can assess whether or not a task is important and
how much time it will take to finish, which can lead to better time management across the board.
Task management is an important sub-skill that will help me stay organized and on top of my
time commitments without being too burdened. By picking and choosing activities, timing
myself, and prioritizing their importance, I am able to better manage my time and assess how
much work I can get done in a given time frame. This is assisting me in developing efficient time
management skills.
Independent decision making is another small talent I have. Self-autonomy refers to a
student's ability to direct his or her own education. Self-autonomy allows students to enjoy the
freedom to pursue their own learning path by facilitating the individual identification and
management of learning goals, the exploration of personal interests, and the comprehension of
learning approaches. My time management and ability to plan ahead have both been aided by the
freedom to learn at my own pace that comes with a high degree of self-determination. It gives me
the freedom to explore my interests at my own pace, which has a salutary effect on my sense of
intrinsic motivation and interest. It encourages me to take care of my own learning by giving me
the tools I need to manage my time and stay organized.
Therefore, Personality traits like micro-skills are crucial. It makes it easier to converse
with others. And I strongly believe that both teachers and students have difficulties while
attempting to master these competencies. Counselor educators, however, think the process is

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