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Merete crt rhs | A.J. Thomson and at Combined Exercises A Practical English Grammar ‘ Combined ' Exercises 4 | Sm aly i | Went) 3 TWO CST Ea ed A PRACTICAL ENGLISH GRAMMAR COMBINED EXERCISES YOuUME 11 4. Verb + Preposition/Adver Combinations 7, Articles, Prepositions, Relative Pronouns, ete! 8, Present, Pact, and Past Perfect Tenses 9, Future Forms and Reported Speech 10. Conditionals and Unreal Pasts, Gerund, Infinitive, and Passive A.J. THOMSON A.V. MARTINET OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ‘a - I | Oxford Uviersity Pres, Walt Stet, Oxford ox2 600 (© Ospord Unizrty Pr 2075 ote 1 and 1 hace roviuly bn ubied oon India oot of eect and are il alle ‘hi form ‘it published a Combined ate 1975 Fh inpesee 979 “ At vghte meron. No fart of thi bition may be ‘trocar a eal ee trond ‘Do form or by any mao cron marcha, ph, Spying coc rch wiih pir perma °F Oajord Unioiy Pret ‘This Sok i deat to the onion that shalt may {tr ef reo tering be ral, ie aot ‘tore call oat the pbs prior can ‘rons fret bnding or coer aor tha that ek pushed od wit ova onion nig ‘onion being impsed on th ren! arch Pre in Hang Kg by "Yer Fang Pring Ch. i ‘| PREFACE “Tux ten books of exercises which accompany the authors! A Praca! Brglth Grammar have been combined into to volumes "The fist volume contains Books 1,2, 3, 5, and 6 and this second solume contins Books 4, 7,8, 9, and 10. Book 4 i grouped with Book 7 in Volume II in order to bring together the work on proportions, Took 8 takes the work of Book x further by including work on the Pave Pertce "The cuerisas in Bookg extend the work on fatare forms begun in Book 2 by putting moee emphanis on the contrat between "Will (used for intention at the moment af decision) and he ‘resent Continuous (used when the intended action is referred to afterwards). There is also more emphasis on the use of the ‘ordinary fature tense (Wil Shall) a shown in Section 201 ofthe Gramma (and edition). The exercises on indiect speech go ah from the exercises in Book 6 and place greater emphasis on the colloquial reporting of requests and advice. Students are, for ‘example, encouraged to report such sentences as: “Would you ‘pen the door, ple’ said ack by: Jac asked me to open the oor and ‘Cou T speak to Tom, please’ etid Ann by: Ana asked tw speak to Torn or Ana ated for Tor, Tn Book 10 Unreal"Pats includes constructions with You'd bette, Pd rather you. T wish you sy Ie’ ime you [Exzriss on the Conditional are similar to those in Book, cover a wider eld. ‘The iafaitive is used either in inline) gerund exercises or as the perfec ainitve with muary verb ‘A more deuailed treatment ofthe infinitive i given in Hook 2, ‘Where references are given atthe head ofeach exerci, they refer to chapters and sections in A Practical Bngish Grammar. Some ofthe exercises are inthe form ofa dialogue between tro people. Sometimes the speakers are given names, bur often & ‘Shange of speaker i indicated only by'a change of ine. “The exercises are all intermediate snd arene thetefore graded by lentes. 3 CONTENTS 4. VERB} PREPOSITION/ADVERB COMBINATIONS (Based on chapter 31 of A Practical English Grammar’) rere Page 1 Combinations with Gat and Be 10 2 Combinations with Look and Keep n {3 Combinations with Go and Come a 4 Combinations with Take and Rua 15 §5 Combinations wth Tura, Call, ad Brede 36 6 Combinations with Give, Put, and Ma 7 Combinations with Glear, Cut, Ball, Hold, Let, aid 19 ‘Hand “ 8 Mixed combinations >a 9 Mixed combinations 2 10 Mined combinations ™ 11 Mixed combinations * 132 Mixed combinations with compound prepositions) 8 adverbs rr 15 Sabatuting ve prepostinadverh combination for 30 other expresions 14 Subsiucing verb preps combitions or 32 other expressions 15 Combinations with OM and On 36 Combinations with Up 6 117 Combinations with Out #8 18 Combinations with Down, Away, and Over ° 19 Mixed combinations used in a connected passge ‘20 Mixed combinations usd in a connected passage “ ‘ 7. ARTICLES, PREPOSITIONS, RELATIVE PRONOUNS, BTC. (he ‘ete! in the title covers exerines on For/Sinee, ‘Then ‘After, ToT, Aa/When, and Teis/There is) Buorcite Page 1 Ailes: afan 2 Amiles: the 4 Aiticles: afan, the 4 Articles and Possesive Adjectives 5 A/Am and Ono 6 Prepositions: at, to, and in (preposition or adverb) 17 Prepoitions/Adverbs: at, by, in, into, of, off, on, ‘ut (of), 0, under, with 8 Pepe Ave: ay, ducing for, fom, i, ivon, over, since tl, wader, with 9 Use and Omission of Prepositions 10 Preposiions/Adverbs: about, at, away, by, for, from, ‘im, into, on, out, to, under, up, with, over 15 Tulfunth, to, for, siace, then, after, afterwards 12 Some, Any, and compounds, eg. somebody, ‘anything, somehow 15 Iis/there is 14 When and As (— while, because) 15 Relatives defining, non-defning, and connective 16 Relative, dafining, on-defaing, and connective 17 Relative Pronouns! non-defining and cannestive 28 Whitt end Which ag Relative Clauses replaced by infnitves 8 = = 5s 6 a 3 6a 6 o 6 P a % w 8 Be a % 8, PRESENT, PAST, AND PAST PERFECT TENSES (Based on chapters 16 nd 17 of A Practical English Grammar) Exercise Page 1 Questions 38 2 Questions % 43 Present Simple and Present Continuous ° 44 Present Simple and Present Continuous oF § Present Simple and Coatinoous, and the Piture and 98 ‘Conditions, 6 Present Pertct with Ror and Since 00 4 Present Perfect and Simple Past rea 8 Present Perfect and Simple Part 06 19 Present Perfect Simple and Continuous 0 10 Simple Past and Patt Continuous ny 11 Simple Past and Part Continuous m4 12 Simple Past and Part Continuous ns 13 Simple Past and Past Perfect, Simple snd Continuous 118 14 Mixed Tenses: Letters 20 45 Mixed Tenses: Leters a 36 Mixed Tenses: Telephone conversations 134 9, FUTURE FORMS AND REPORTED SPEECH (Gated on chapter 18 and 28 of 4 Practical Erglsh Grammer) Becrcie Page 1 The Preset Continuous and the Future ‘Tense By 12 Present Continous and Going t0 1 43 Going to and Will+infitive 1 44 Future Continuous and WI infinitive 136 '5 Future Continuous and Will (mostly negative) 139 6 Future Perfect 140 7 Will and Shall a 8 ime Classes 43 9 Time Clauses 4s to Reported Speech: Statements aT 12 Reported Speech: Statements 150 12 Reported Speech: Questions 133 13 Reported Speech: Questions, Advee, Requests, 154 Trvitaions, Suggestions 14 Reported Speech: Commands, Requests, Invitations, 158 ‘vice Advice, 359 15 Reported Speech: Commands, Regus Seggesions 1 Reporte Speech: Mixed 16 10, CONDITIONALS AND UNREAL PASTS, GERUND, INFINITIVE, AND PASSIVE 2 sd on chapters 20, 22, 23, 26, and 27 of A Practical toh Grammer) Page ‘A Would ed Shut 168 2 Condon Sentences: Type 1 169 43 Conditional Sentences: Type 1 ™ 4 Condon Sentences: Type = mn 5 Conditional Sentences: Type 3 5 6 Condon Sentences: Type 3 176 7 Contonal Sentences: Type 3 1% 5 Conditional Sentences: mixed types a 9 Conditional Sentences: mixed rypes 8 xo Unvel Pa Tenses and Subjuncives 244 rr Would Rather-}oubject}Past tense 186 12 Wish- subject Pas, Past erect of Conditional x87 13 Auxiliary Vebed Perfecifniives 8% 14 Avsiliary Verb Perfect infnitives te 2 Gerund, Infinitive and PreseatPaile 95 16 Gerund, ative, and Present Pariciple 7 7 Panive 220 18 Pasive aoe KEY 4. vann-beaerostst0N/ADVERM COMBINATIONS a5 7. anrtcuas,2AEPOsITIONE, AELATIVEFAONOUNG ETO, 210 1. pensewr, wast, ano watt ponvecr renee a8 9. yuruns onus ann RaroxteD s¥Eci 2 40, cONDITIONALS AND UNREAL FASHS, GERUNE, 233 EXERCISES 4 VERB } PREPOSITION /ADVERB COMBINATIONS 1 Combinatiens with Get and Be ‘Putin the correct propositions or adverbs, x xt 5 x6 2 8, x6 en 3 a RE a x Te Mary in? , Noah's and wort be tt edo nw ' Sng tan eying nothing HS et agg Fn woe nd ing, 0d be ied in haf be une ‘He promiced tact a chsiman, co I'm afi he can et "tr now, There's noone dst fo toto ll the work rtf but I don’t ink she til nine otek. He leaves his carat. parking meter for over two hours and stays gets" 2. Ht When T do that, Tam fined 1 don't thunk they'l be’... yet es only five o'clock i the ‘morniog. "They did't wane the news of thee engagement to get ©.) ill it was oily annoued. "The office closes eaiy on Pada and we get elck intend of Son dopt give the clildeen something to do, they'l be, ck inci ‘The ee stopped infront of hen with seelvers got She i endl gl who ges ‘Anson the exminatoes a8 ‘old. ‘eto eran tine to gt... the death of her husband Weal gol ep ng oe atte ead of he a five bank messenger and to everyone she meets “ye are going sway 0” Tra going to Bern on busines and Tag be: Tora week. ‘Tom bast been working; he on’ get} his examinations, ‘The police knew he had committed the crime but he got 1 there was not enough evidence against him. PG. 4 VERE--PREPOSIFION/ADVERD COMBINATIONS 19, Shall I mary her? 9 Well tr) os yo. cane vey wall ds for you Ted ong im’ bse Teoulde et «1 ta sme of he ne ate down aber leigh storm, ar. se als so mush hat i dificult ger. fom ee ZW ot ne our prin ons ag? 3 hs ley to pk AEE Mad rnis ese ve Bocas ot vry eve. doo’ think hein = vag Thee dpe doy gt. a midi <3 When winter is gf havethe hour pind. 22. Hy ng ‘ted fete pce. SET dan Sg the waning’ up fine and liteningt the rises tervardn * X29, Guts! the bunt Victoria Staton, S32 Hw ave you “with your wosk? $e Lane nk Shen the lvl hereof he can. vx 32 Hf my ube te bus bt go it tom the Lat 20. Property Oe e33. Tam Hot geting ».. very fast because Tcan only type with te fnges, % 54 The dog g0€ < FE Wegott lite bechuse we had t walle 2X3. Don't worry about my snake Fle cae get his box 2 Combinations with Look and Keep ut in the correct prepositions or adverb. = Eh mod ik to me bt Lg ‘+ working and refused 2. Sh god sna but bap. ‘ange 4: Ti iat of tio and wa et oeeamene 4 Look . ‘the baby while I am out. by her ignorance PR. 4 VORD-{-PREPOSITION/ADVERE COMBINATIONS The sche kept. lth boy who had come to sehsk - You mus look ... and make plans forthe future ‘Keep’ he said "Don't ene any nearer’ Pen Tee ere Fae ee a ie mel re, ‘sos Lee now all the mistakes I made when I was sounge 111 have tarted geting up at ve am, to study but I don't now i Team ep this az 12, Hell an unhapy ccd and he eer lok ont vith any please x5. Tey leds fn hat the eid coulda Rep: 14 She inked 4to see who was fllowing he. 15, There were wo many pans of pas broken tat the window Couldnt keep the wn 16, Te been looking». a cop to match the ane T broke, 1, Look ss seme a he sation, be atthe 18, Look :"11'You neanty knocked my cup out of my han. 19, He as leptin ie earch by ack money. 28. Tons ing Bi op abd epcting ‘with please) 21, Lenk on your way ome and tll me what happened 22, Before putin any mney nt the busines, we nt Took ery carefully. the account 23, Look «her toe ofthe fal. 2. My windows look ys. te garden, 25, He anked me look the document and then sign it 2h. He looked the Boa to sei he bn read i belo, 27, Iyou can aford 2 new eat your busines met be loking 28, You can always lok ... her addres in the decry if you Tave frgoten i. 439, He looked me «+» and... before he condescended to anewer ‘ay question, 0. Lam looking 3H. Children haves ‘parents PG. ¢ VERD-} PREPOSITION/ADVERD CoMtmINATIONS 5. You wl ee Tam right f ou ok .. the mater from my point of view 433. HE looks sme because I gpend my holiday in Black- pool instead of going abroad. 4: Ife doesn't know the word be can look it ... in dice tioaary. 35. The com loked.. wile the pce rounded the 36, Since our quarrel she looks... me whenever we meet 3 Combinations with Go and Come ‘Putin the comrct prepositions or adver 2 Lind to wit for permission from the Town ‘eou go << wih my pase 4. Be ce 9.45 tay wo Of inking ater good dea of 4 THebull wot Eng and tnd him ove the wal If thats sandich and «Sop of cof ta went 2 woke ing on 6. Ten tn ying to bep it ser i ure to come’ in the end ee Tent th pepo ery cael with my wc an nly decide pt acop the Ofer 8. Thepinenty hyaecidetand wound Ri inhe le. <9: Ths Guenion 3 lary irene wil come TT at he nxt veel mening. 10, Lisi wet yar ag, “ii Sheltie a aut et bu ae oly gt a 32, Those rst aia will ome. if yoy rb them with eon, AS The pe of fo uly gous = summer n Bagland FE PREC inat cough up po 2. ne pt tame beter nel before 3 + Fao. § VaND-+}PRErostrion/aDvenD goxsiationt 5. =, a a 8, a B —s =z % =e aie 5. The aecoplane cred and went ‘Sh et me sres the roo, she cre cninttnesme td nem ety coias Wen re. “ou cane gos Jour prom now re depending me, and sid 0 you T have changed my mind about marrying him; I simply cant goiter isk Bares, ne inherited is) "agin before you buy. "nay Tm going on. He came nme fortune last joa ‘Wala prices come = Trsfuse © go hey hve gone Ute aclaons asin but they si ‘cat find the rite, ‘The party went =; very well last night; we all enjoyed cn Satine easel aras eee fee EE aoe Si ee seas si Wirth oa nes Tesi ease Beg an Ber nee ee ee lg came ret hp Seba og Corot stamp collecting if you want a She oot. 2 iot beraune she is poplar and has a good vty Eiead HS sated bt hel son come.» iF¥ou keep him quiet. 4 4 Pa. 4 VERB-}-PREPOSITION/ ADVERB COMBINATIONS Com! ations with Take and Run Put in the correct prepositions or adverbs “3 4 He hae already rat « Now he i ronning -é i Toul’ ake. the estate a al twa to cic for . Hels inlined to et is ethusaar run... him, ‘When he fered me ony gop 4 wes was 00 tle. to ‘ay sword. he money his father let im tno Norte beavers ton he tok riding enue she wanted face weight ea’ tart theca, the btery bart ‘The pliegpan sam =. she tae Hretdhes © his mother; be hs bloe eye and fi tos forgot td turn off the tap athe washbasin ran ‘That bloor neato make You could anit sn a bow. Tam sorry Teale you a le Tae ts Reformers uly in <--. opposion fom all kinds of pone = He took 7 going for a walk every night before he went to 4 Hef igh 4s. 6, Dam a te et Sn an To Seater ‘She i always running ... her frends behind ther back. mg ree Ae ear ieee folio ae po eer ae Fears eee ce cee When Bs tom ak. ge Wa Peden ah er br atten % ta much Pc, 4 VERD-+#RBPostTroN/ADYERE COMBINATIONS 23. Tran... an old school friend in the Tule today. 24 Lea po mare thn sop. thn is new cr and Tam ‘sll runing its 25. People often take me 0 my ster, We are very like each 25, SY ago ie ans ning og some fom ine, = 2 He aways tales is fal tneth before he goes to bed ah [took ss Tom at ches aud beat hin ‘29. I's bol chased ae Td 2. A child would’t be taken Io 38. You'e looking rather run 32. The policeman teak the aumber ofthe stolen ca, 35. Hake takes theob of diner abel have to work harder, Sf. My exrakdod and ran... swale AE. She makes a Td extra money by taking 2sjpaying guests 36, A hen an in foot of my ca and Tm aes Xsan... \ ‘rend and boerow- ‘By such an obvious lie +7 ehink you need a holiday. 5 Combinations with Turn, Call, and Break ‘Pat inthe correct prepositions o adverb Xt. He broke... completely on hearing of his daughter's dest Z a. anyone who needs we 5: On bis way 9 work be alld done ed ones, : 4 Burplars broke”. the hou and sole some jewellery {Lined te besae i mas bay pa ‘Weealled “a pecialit when e grew wore, 2¢7, When the police questioned him he Boke id confessed, Burm the witlom if you're not tenn, eg, War beset? in 3999. 68 he ecretary wae called to read the nnten, AW, Hecaried ©. the Busines aloe for years before his heath ‘broke dowa, the flors’s and ordered = 6 ‘ 4 Vane-frnuposirioN/apvene COMBINATIONS 12, The lion tured ... th lion-tamer and knocked him sense- ee 1g, Can you be ready asi? He is calling... us then to take us Ax. Mary as broken her engagement to Charles, 35. Theat yout i. one oom erry week Mi, Pt sid 26. Sho called. for’ few minutes to retun a book, % 17, The it broke had we had to se the tire Hh tie spect ofthe em led. al theft in 29, The situation is dificult and calla... great tact. wan, They brake. thei eseveration when [came in 121, The school roe’. forthe holidays atthe end of July “22 In this book the mysterious tanger turner. to be the ongrlost son of the dake. % 23, The fireman had to break. the doo wo reseue the chien, 24 The garden party was called. because ofthe rua 3A go ae cn be rined i nt carly broken. Heyas called --- a the age of cighteen and spent a yea in te army. 27. She was Pain os a child but she turned remarkably a8, Nagotstions between the two countries were broken lowing the murder of the ambassador. 29. Mis. Jones called» when you were out: She wants you to bak X The larly os broken 9 ae the death ofthe pats 3e The new fico tara. wiles at wel 2 yes X38 He lett the coicaton to renin wo tu et 4. The oat turned ... and ebrew us ll into the water. 3H. Werarranged to micct a the theatre But she did't turn 238 Mle ties men who rks ssc poten yey wee later recaptured. 238. A huge crowd turned atch, to see the international football 7 + nx. 4 VERBd-rREPosiTion/ApveRD COMBINATIONS 6 Combinations with Give, Put, and Make Putin the correct prepositions or advebs Tr. Don't give these shoes. . there's a lot of wear in them still, TE Balad th tet sey mae 1s ROS et pens ine gre kp : Th Mpa © SP te Roy Mey ca ome wih 5 The roads were crowded with people making '. the coat. 28. He give all the books he hed borrowed. 7, Sheba invited me to dinsee but had to put mers) as he ‘wail, 2 Least make 2: the postmark on the Jeter; it Joos tke Basingstoke oN ees te a om oe an 2 Bewyi mee Siena at Eek wena am aa 216, Twi you would puter ifthe dicho instead of leaving i TER gn th © Some ep eres ry ometai 2 REA enemies pease. 30-They won't let you 1 it you arent in evening dre. “Yr The mounted pe cleared the conde 12, Abbary soowlll held = the tens fom te noth, 435 Ifyou relly want to alin you mont et" on sweet, 1 The two brothers falls over the athe wi 15 You would reoover you ee of tate you ot snoking ahogether 16, you wll old... Tl put you through to Enquiries 17. Whe refuses fl ny plans T can probably find 18, Theae fle song have Been handed ... from generation to enetion 49, SME has grown 20 ml ee SN her ree 420, Childe, you must lear... cis mes before going ted 21 Tyrac" nthe mid of my cll Beene Lb no ore ‘money fo putin the box. 2a, "The burglar cleared when he head me coming down- 25, The vtcng general handed 24. T should fea very cut idlomesres fom he tne 2s, Thesoldir fell. and marched off EC Inte lm theta was held and robbed by fou armed 27. The mystery of his sudden disappearance was never cleared ta hi succor. ‘EL ved more than twenty ith a waning, Tope the weather wil clear =~. soon. 1 want to go out oe Hee the rat of the eat by no uring op he ak 1% DA Spl ten fl very eat. fms hy te sata sas When ah pt ater er the eet tight and ah ad \o SL ch that her mother will have to let 3000 FEO. 4 YERD-} PAREFOSITION/ADVERB COMBINATIONS 53, Tle Jones to have the jb, bt fhe does cept we Inve co falls sees experienced man i. 2: The furor of th plane ch were able To ld. 35. Cal fad. te phtograp 0 tht eee can 36 Youll ned omer t he " ‘this cupboard for you. pe boa PE ee 8 Mixed Combinations Put in the correct prepositions or adverbs. 3. T dont eae... the expense; T-want the party to be a rea 2 Tare sccount ... the diappetrince of the pictures the Steve ll there yerday. 7 a 1 pampors were done stinger. (= abolished) 3 teavel would be much + Yoav flow. ume xa apes on he in é They st. on their camping tp with great enthisiam, When you eve thought 0 -what I hive you will ‘understand 17. He doe ze continental cookery, He thinks i¢' oo rich, 1. The cir pulled... beside me and the driver asked me the ‘rey to Picea. 9, You can throw --_ the paket; is empty 20. hg ce ae td rend the dation bee 2, "The doctor thinks be! pull. now, His temperture has 3 door, 12,1 dont know how she manages to care... ten children without Help. — 15, My children ate picking... English very quickly but I find emoreau Sake “nao, ¢ YaRD-+-PREPOSITION[ADVERD COMBINATIONS 14, She fuited but they brought her ... by throwing cold ‘vster on er fic. 4s, The techer pointed ... several mistakes that the student bad not comet 36, You nced capital before you cn set ... on your own in any ‘ind of busines xy. He sudden thre hitb and went to Austen 1 Donte ae up yout mind stoners tk == with your Tower fis 1, The fin eda doing. ..5 8 very shabby. 22. The inctoy wil have to Clove Geman i production i not ib Bal signet brought me his ole of view EE, We must get the roof mended before the wet wether ses 23. I dont like the lok of these men hanging ... outside my 24. HE picked... ll the hig ones for hima SE. You'mone cary the tations on the packer exactly GE. Afecthe sume had Ged there wat asta of spline. Zr The mob burt. sever inporuane balding ih the ral SE The en fia con he ag ad = i 29, Tae Eileen are very polite; Shay lave obviously been well brought so. She camel wih her workin pte ofall inerptins. 3h You ean sty’, your ther comes home an then you ‘must go to bed. 2, When tie rebellion had die... things quikly eturned to ‘rma, si. Ti pick you ... at your ofice and take you straight to the ‘4 Several new rcorde were set 3E. He advises me t hang == ibe valoable one day 46. At the committee meeting the quanti of repr to the rot ‘was brought == sth at Olympic Games thou putes se they wal Pao. 4 VERD--PREPOSITION/ADVERE COMBINATIONS Mixed Combinations Putin the correct prepositions or adverbs, a. Bs s 16. wn 8. Blow ».. th candles onthe cake before you et it He uaed'to be very shy but he ha growa ‘fcr the war, many warships were laid not needed any logger. Don'tet him oder you». like tha; he's not your employer, ean pay the money you lent me ater Pe bees tothe ‘aa Applications foe the job must be sent... before aext Wed sda ‘The munitions factory was practically wiped... by the epson We muse esp on working: i's too 200810 at ‘Dhey blew ->- the tly line to prevent the teansport of enemy troop ‘He waned wanker to macy him but he was to shy todo ie once. Heed»... by saying he ofen fl fn Lind wend an deca o mend the ence ‘Afr nursing the whole family when they had “Ra he was a ry aephew wants tobe an explore when he grows... ‘he howe stood in the Gul set beatoe of od oor After the owner's death the business wae wound .., andthe shop sl, ‘The eg couldn't blow... eh balloon, Childrens clothes have toe sizong to stand hard Anson a the decorators have ished woe my new house, “Tatall move Fre was laid ==. fr six wecks with wo broken sis hat the Stste should Took ater every ctizen ‘The ide has geaaly grow, fy einen fom the eet he grove 3 * pu. 4 vent }-razrosrion/apvane comntNartons 21. They always by ... a lege supply of tinned food in winter in case they ae snowed up. 2a, You cant move into thie at il I move . 2: Mehta rake i window an theisnat ay me. 24, Tate the hotel to send. Th tn beahaimen 25, ,LB.G sland. British Brosdeating Corporation, ‘The incre onthe tombstone had beet worn» by the ‘wether and could say be ea ay letters which came after x 2p. Sha we st thin dance. ? I'm feeling rather Heed 28, My shoes wear =.» very quickly since T started walking to the ofc, 29, As soon my new oose is Gnihed T shall tart Inying ‘he garden, 30. Ona touring holiday you can move... toa new place every Cy if you want t. sx The life sanding. in case itis necsary to take off the crew ofthe damaged ship, 3% Dont. for me. T sal probably be back very late 45, New shoes are not vey comfortable unt the fae secs ie worn 1M. She was the only one to stand... me when everyone he was asin me. 35, He wan sent ftom the university because he kept breaking the repulsion 36. The ste was called... when the management agreed 10 ‘he ave demand 10 Mixed Combinations Putin the correct prepoitons or adverbs, 1. List the mil sting for too long andi al oie. 2 When we ad worked». the com of bois box decided to say home 4: They made so much aoe that I had to eave. wo + PRO. 4 VERB-}-PREPOSITION/ADVERD COMBINATIONS I “he shop cing down and sling. al the ck no ha 1S nl epi Mae an Mane Ei Serpson of the aceideat hove © tha of the other EMTs igo eth heh, 1 ered easter Bilge parm foetal gee ee je Bight pri eer TUMMENDS jetu Coli we lng Gat te we Motch ae ae ti oo ae elle ees aware sci [ay ARRESTS? ec when ae oor. v4 Wr! di ag cam ey ern erty sg Dan gs a og hoc ge a og But he bores bravely and went on f nothing hed have 36. BAIE son nd dwt ine he a gen | iF Beets ice by cise aE HOH he CLOT es et ae so ent Ea... ota id id one ! 20. I couldn't get any bread. All the bakers’ shops are sold .. 2 Tae Rea re ae en soe | ERR ST AT sae (ag eis ralking very fast You eth oo Bim if | Tota 4 eo ris 25. She'll be busy seeing ... the children's clothes before they i Stet oo atthe peel avo tof ppt Ts res Socraoa liane ae el ere ee cen em bere Shean. 25 + pao. 4 VERB rREPOSITION/ADYERS COMBINATIONS 28, He supported the idea at ist but backed ... when he ound he'd have to contribute towards the cost a9, Dye been ted "tothe country this week-end 30. This rove must be cleaned «once a wank rf get choked ‘with ashen 43% He got out sv soon as the tea drow « $e. Everyone drew s+, in alaem when smoke began to pour ost ofthe parcel 135. He doveit like being econ .... He prefers to go to the “sation alone ‘34 The munic faded ... in the datance as the street players ‘oted 00. 435. Noborly backed me ... when T complained sbout the food, no athing was done about it 36, Vlece yous" Tes cary to ge los in this enormous build ing, 11 Mixed Combinations uti the covrect prepositions or adverbs, 1. Hf the busines continues to lose money, 'm afta well have ta close 2 He joined «only beense sverl of is feisnds ha joined ‘he army, 0. ofthe neste doca't cls up well have #0 knodk ... cy pecan work inthe ate 4 Many ceca inten» oly t the special programmes oe © ing hs ud tell he ll be Ia Youd betes rng hes. and el er youl be Inte. E Tosser wo slows the speaker «== without ging him a Sanco m epi qeMont employes plc thie domestic tat ve TE Thejylde sounded the party of tours and Ted them to te eathedea og, Tre made a mina; mast rob i. ld heel 36 Po. 4 VERB-}-PREPOSITION/ADYERD COMBINATIONS 10, The car pat attendant sid, "You are too fr fro the next fr, could you case = a ie? 12.1 lived he? to dap "7, aay time she was psig, and havea cup oft vs, stewie Haina modem Nok and jumped. the 1, The ln perton ogo to Bed ual oe at night, flay for both ot an you can ttle aed 38 The eco inthe book was Sed by his oem and let in a gaflled com, bot he managed to cape 16. They ofeed to pay bal the expenses and he Cved the er at ce sg, Hern iy th eit ting i. onthe ed ft. 1B, Moers havag dy blgayy we cc wating het fx = change 15, Sie ng. angly before ¥ cold ehin why Thad torsel . 25, Thies poitny you shoold lock it... where the children ‘oar foue 2. Sie he ot are he ame ove depp. of a 22, Telia watEnskd .. inthe send round ad st iste 23, Wha ive ssinly plankton, 24, An English hosand uodlly helps hi wife w wash... ater ‘meal 25, Taken some tne wo sete. o work agin fe bids. 38 Myr home wan entered. the Derby, bu he cane in lst. 27. The pores wan tld to wate v7 people who td to pcr " 28, HEbad to rb... his Greek to help hie son when he ssted to learn i schonk, 5, She took sor Ber plove 40 tht she could show ... hee Mdnmoad tng 4p. Liat 2 sal ats but none ef them suited me $e Lyon ct di yout vet doe $e. Wath 1 Thar mad ied take your pine out of your 45, Sewell gtatllg clube have been sh ly overt! gambling cube fave been shut... reseatly for reskg he seplatons * + nno. 4 veRn-trazvosrrioN/apvans COMBINATIONS 44- Do you wind ... your watch at night or inthe morning? 38.1 pointed .. ail/her matakes But she didn't seem very ge 361 don't think Ye tike to share a at with hee. 1 find it dihcule to live her standard of order 12 Mixed Combinations with compound Prepositions/adverbs Put in the cocsct prepositions or advebe 1. Onoe he his signet the agretment, he won't beable to back vee Me keheae, 2, Wath." The agpost I done want to mis the tring 4. Tht chair not very song Do you think it. e+ Jour weg? : 4 Ate Winking blf abot of whishy he fle able to said race biemployer ‘§ The Hein course sated in September and is now March ‘Pmnafindyouwortbe able enech the cess now. 6. Whenever he rum -- diiculy he dimaje comes tne fr el +7 A tthe wil wusly stand... her eildsen, no matter hat tay ave done 4, Thew's point in doing the old regulations if are gelng fo ltroduce ae it 9. Pik afaid there's no butter lefty wel Rave to fall ro. Tes your turn to make some suggetins; Pe ran 11, Hemay be srry but that won't make ... +. the damage mn pope an break the Iw ad on 1a, Somme people can break the Iw and get... s+» it Othem ert panbed 1g, HE'petended to fall... ... my plan but eeely he was ‘working against, 8 Pu. 4 YERB--PREPOSITLON/ADYERD COMBINATIONS 14, Dott me any of your sere don’t want tobe ented your a 15, He wold get his work beter if you left him alone. 16, Why do you hang. thowe old maguines? Give them ‘oy you dow eed heme 17, Dont rap ss the ides that I dieappcove completly. im only trying to point out the dadvensag, 18, He wanted to borow money and led vos ie by saying that men wee ary hd 19. Hees Tih promise so often that no one 20, Leaks. me atthe sation; Tl be caring the nancial "Toes ag 21, He wil come «.. your way of thinking inte 22. The Mince waa very gad to band. his sucesor Before he ee go ay ore 23, Chileon sod to look their parents; now they ae sind ped te cay 24, The aston 1S Tocket and found himelf in it ob i 25, Moony pute «hin secretary's bad epling because Suan’ finds beter ones 7 OS 26: Mylegate to sot; Te hep... «you if ou walk 27. Once a man gets a reputation for being amusing he has to 28. L suppose you! sme when T tell you I pref Expper 2 caviar. lad 45, Pvebtda busy dey and T'm ook ingtobed ea. 3e. Shall mabe the cheque sss ou tpour fam) 3°. The government wort re this ew legilaton if sl sing ein os 438: Tefook hie along tne t grow ... ... the habit of bit {fo hin slog inet bit of biting 23 My fom is ater dark sts ion... a blag wal 34. Welllete «+» when you produc i the bil 3S She looked Her and’ "sand ai Tne ou ike aguirel, ike mink ett 36, She oe ne Og ad sina chair murat, “AIL » pac. 4 vEnH-++FREPOSITION/ADYERE COMBINATIONS 13 Substituting verb+preposition/ adverb combinations for other expressions Replace the undertined phrases by phrasal verbs. Some ofthe sentences may sound sweward as Shey sand 1 Can he give « guod explanation for his extraordinary bo- Tog es ean He meniled the ere of his bieycle and thea filled it with ‘They were having « wolent quael but stopped sudvenly ‘shen T cate i ‘The meeting wat canedled becawse ofthe "fu epidemic Tf you refuse to perfor my orders you'll be dismised don’ think you can overtake them; they lfe two hour ag. Sherlock Holmes was often able to solve a mystery without Teavng his room in Baker Steet 1 founds fve-pmind note by chance ia che eueet, What ‘ould I do with in? 9, Hany scheme bad succeeded, I should have made a profit a thousand pounds 10, He recovered cansciovsnes: when the doctor had applied axificalrespinton 11, ‘The road safety campaign had succeeded in redoing road ‘deaths by 20 percent. 12, Three thousand students are candidates forthe examination ‘every year but very few pa 1g, He tid to alle from the bas while twas sill moving and ‘was badly ure 14. My sister promised to sn doesn't want to. now tthe concert and though she can't fre herself fom the ‘obligation 1s, They announced the names of the winning horses on the wince, 2° oe Pac. 4 ViRB-+-PREPOSITION/ADVERB COMBINATIONS 6, a 2 9 23 ps 26. 2». 2 29 2. 1 lseten get any dene, 1 sal have to sbudon the a Fntlog ire intr thy never boeame le ‘he ple inv the cre very Urol but aly il there a Bein ofl play. vie satel his journy ia eat bare esos move csche, he ould a plying tei Tei ict to nin children wel ‘he ran wan Elie by fog and acd late. Tye for bar Tor ges ute Sin come She ond ngage She at Sp thou Te your rnpoaby to make a suse of your own ie (cheney, ee lft ia ie hance dat would expt Don walk oe ga TAT oui tat his poor scary coulda o fast ne di (couldn ss shin) boa! 1A rae Tar ot be fl uncoracian IFT don’t punish you this time, will you promise never to do Tr again bas ‘She was very upset over her ule but now she scoring fomie ae ‘You mia oni the dificult sectences; do them al She ept askg eal the dificle words instead of seaeching for em in ddonay. oe 1 Gk the chilten tothe Zoo tod to compensate forthe ary they mined yng, Sides of Enis ate conse the words ean ay? He swore to revege hima on te forthe wrong I had dove ‘i 7 a nao. ¢ vens-hranpostzioN/ADvERH COMBINATIONS 14 Substituting verb+preposition/ adverb combinations for other expressions Bex xeric 3. 1. Tf you don’t allow me to enter Tt Beak down the door 22 He regarded er forthe moment and then sud, ‘She i oo ‘ai ‘The line was so bad when T telephoned him that Teouldet ‘wodertand what he hid 2 4 Wil you take eve ofthe garden while Tama in hogptal? {1 don't balave- word of his excuse; I'm sure he invented it 6 Hee had the beat doctors avilable But he woot reaver unless he as she il #9 lve ‘7. Be-caefull the dog i standing behind you, & Rever pospone tll tomorrow what you can do today. 9 regard fim = the greatest living novelist. He dresed himeelf n uniform forthe ocaron He Ker Rearing rege ott inthe owe, ee hn sed pt dee ave he mati. 1a, Ste wa tng opps me eb but she pretended 1g. Whenever you ar in Paris, do go and vst my ster. 1. Why was she loking o annoyed? 15, The Albert Hall was eccied in memory of Queen Vietors’s hosband. 16, I can't aoe hoaptaliy to you all because my fat i 100 ‘ial 17, Suppose you telephone te the station and ask chem, 18, He laparages Bis own garden but he kee other people to 19, She isin poor beth after working for three years without 1 bra 2 " semenegion'es PRG. 4 VERD-}PREPOSITION/ADVERB COMBINATIONS 20, The village i so amall that we are always mestng ou friends ». x = 3 3 38 1. a Eatin nan gi, iiemuctn tan ease rat, Het eley tear ae Be eee a geese ess diel to Becanteedin an Ofer. SE 1 Sek ly ean na instar mt wales eee tatueaeeeeteerere easier cara nian cage Sec ocotre as He stared playing golf as he thought i would help him i 1 ed belive his ll tie; ow he rely succeed in seiiag me Sea we 0 oe ‘the war it produced pression instruments for aeroplance® TESTE ae crea Seema a fat the cad ofthe year he was completely exhaun fad to abandon it mlely exh, and PRO. 4 YERD-}PREFOSITION/ADVERE COMBINATIONS 15 Combinations with Off and On Putin the appropiate verb 3 3 5 G 7 8 9 1 4. as. 6, ¥. "The fireworks... off with wch noite that we were nearly deafened. "The tral all which had begun between the two counties ‘wore «of when war begs. He. cif on his journey, > Tea hear you. Do :.. ofthat wireless. ‘The astronaut found che experience of weightesoess strange at fest but the feeling - off alter a ne ‘The candidate... on everyone in his constituency and asked fo vets People sed to have servants to... on them; now they ‘post have toon tach Te we eat decide on play we all want to see we'd beter 2 off the theatre party tomorrow. Doni be off by her odd appearance; she ia really very [aid tothe shop assistant, 'T like this coat, could I... it ‘You won't... on very fst with your work if you ty to ‘watch television atthe same ine "This now dees of mine ie ruined; the mark made by the ‘ee you silt on it won't = of Almost all workers like to «.. off at ax: Te hard to get ‘tyne to say on after thi [Lys practising the Bagpipes but Thad t9 ‘iy other complain shout the nose. off because think you have enough to do as ie, Don’t... on any ‘more work, ‘They won't be ble to have this letters... on when they arc away as they wl be touring Furope Many of our iaen are off work wit colds just now, We have ‘been on with a skeleton tal Fs ¥ PEG. 4 VERB--PREPOSITION/ADVERB COMBINATIONS 18, You've broken a school rle but '... you of thi time ax Sou are new here. 1, The appearance of The Tines rather... me of ¥ preferred HE with advertisements, not news, onthe font page. so, Thad vo men panning break ose, Wis should Taso ‘You should... on the information tothe police. a I done ace wiy we should do all the work whe he... on fa dos moshing. 2a, Someone fllowtng ws! ‘Never mind; ,.. on walking and pay no attention. ag, Now ate have lon al he money, ano uae and ning that al yf 24, The policeman tld the crowd standing ound the scene of the acrident to -.- on beeae they ser blocking te on the My house was danaged by ‘quests I had jvited fr the folowing week-end. 27. Sli doen't usually wear that; abe only = one 0 when, she goes toa wedding 28, ,.- om Te woeld do you good to come out for a change, 35, The wedding wan planned for the 16th but the rie fll igo it had tobe of 0. MY tin leaves at eight tomorrow morning. Will you come Nad eo aa ge The Boy Seovt ep y He decent Pea home 435: That new factory is doing very well; the manager has just on ity new workers +m his bicycle and hrsed away to get on with his family, That's why he does’ 4 Tle pline of w seven and climbed rapidly into the tommy ay, ag: Men of their hats when they come into house. 3h: He te his plane under the Bridges of the ‘Thames, Why did e do that? Tuppose he was just... ff 3s + PRG. § VERB} P25P0SITION/ADYERB COMBINATIONS 16 Combinations with Up Fill he spaces in cach of the following sentences by inserting a ‘yerb with up, adding prepositions where necessary. leis factory owners to provide fr-Sghting equip- ean der ec lo velo hudba) 2. The sin Pena aed to ave th iden Xo shoot withthe bow and to speak We eu, They ought nothing ce mattered. ad 5. The pary dint ‘il.3 am. andthe guests lft very ‘sy 4 Tan ates him and soon... ‘him. ‘Then we went fon together. 5. Mather to child: "You are covered all over with soot; what Tae you $ you buy the paine PL you buy te s 6 this room for you. r "St of conditions and we all agreed to them, Eto wit pew ame os Ethie form, Hees sss at am. and went to bed str. 20, Twicddhsee times to stare the ear and then ... it... and went by bus re, IfTass ss. alcohol Pd be much healthier, but life wouldn't is oh fa x, Tana policeman so T ‘i and asked him the rs 13, Mont schools expect to got maried when they 5... ies carting money tthe baka reealy ©. as. He woulda se ab Tran much faster than be and Toon ii in ebind, 16. Feaw gp onthe ground #0 Ts wait... 1p, He wasted ewo weds and tried fo. 11... feby working ‘andl th ae day 18, She tl that she wa going to efucae her lds heret Tort they went to school they'd way s-- evs bad habit, 6 ¥. 20. The cat Br. English peopic have to 2a The thieves v. ES » 3 * 38 Pag. 4 Vano-{-rasrosiT10N/ADVERD COMBINATIONS a gg Spe Oe do he se nT ee efuealy ih creung brake i beet ald Tovse: (= bind) ve spl your books and mine and now T don't Teor whl is which, We ie 1 dangerosa criminal. He ought to be « Twaat to... him .... Would you please ....... his tele- phone number? Lov at the meeting-plae but the others did’ come. He wsntedsomathing todo in his spre time 80 he copenty. ‘The police... a notie ying, ‘No Parking’ “Teilme at the end of the week Row many hoe you have ‘worked and Til ‘with you then’, his employer cd ee probably tue, Noone would ... such stupid story. Shevsat down before the pass and began to be Tce, ‘When you ding with an English family which has no msi it is palite fo ofr to hep ‘erwards yea va al fa a my ma oe and eid chat wasn He his speech by calling for a vote of thanks for Tas yes president Ccualdren hate going to bed. ‘They always want to 1 itl loge Hee was Tying on his bed but when he saw me he ‘od sid," not alep." a Pao. 4 YanB-}-PREPOSITION/ADVERD COMBINATIONS 17 Combinations h Out Fil the spaces in the following sentences by inserting a verb with out 1. There were three of us in the original partnership, but Chast sa there ace only bro of te now 2. You are not pd’ erie Al ou need do to mise ' {E ncel"an’advenincmens In todas ince that might ine Rerest Robert Til. and send ito him ‘The fog isto Gk tht I'dont Know where we axe VU 5 Ree ty end sr by mig somemne 6. aa buns Have my eit Tim ns the next stop? 4, Residents wed to callon sewconier to their Gare but the ‘stom fas lngly «2 8. The artle e 0 longs Could you rages? 9. Tan tes ss. who it He eto faraway. 19: They vaniceed to match in the demorstation ut when {0c day came Hey Sn ud tht they mere aot ‘ell enough to do sx, People vay either shy more se fr 12, Which picture do you think ie the ost? Tei bateto aon the best They ate all 0 15, Why do you tink they have auch « high fenee round thi ise power ston? Think thy wane sto 14, Herman) of the window and dia'e see me coming {ato the oom: : 1 Here's the headmaster! 1. hare na a treat of agus and cls strike and inn time the shope sling cuaden were 3 or give aay things they hrven't & 8. 19. a 3 2. 2 16: 4 VERB-LPREPOSITION/ADYERB COMBINATIONS ‘We... ... of milk on Sunday and I had to get some from. the mile machine ‘Write fn pencil. Thea if you make a mistake you can easily ‘As'we passed Marble Arch he sos the place where the ‘gallows used to stand, rife ou? tid my hort, and e accompanied me to sical oa vata We thought that he was an expert on Provst butt hat he had mover even hese fh ‘They. ons ae nine and eve a els ele ae tn gto a al for i ‘enya he ins forgiven the lcrrer yet Tf eving tht fa ash + tomorow and the now Tenant re moving nthe nex dy. ‘This inet can only be =.= = ia Blood! ‘Til give you the gener plan and you can... ... the dels, he diet ut his asian ‘We avert invited thom to the pany they ithe wil be fusous he light when you leave the rom. aien Wolly row Sut of thi cathe before they ‘em about The wind his candle and he was left in the dark, Can Espen to Mi. Pit? Tv aed he has just [My clothes are fo0 ght Tl have to ... them ‘Thee ate only Ovo of us on ths dsere sland. We musta’t 2 guerel ‘This bottle has been very tightly cotked. The cork won't i petpctet i 7 BR Soma becnue be is 0 much ter tan ik aatge » PRO, 4 YERS-}-PRBPOSITION/ADVERD COMBINATIONS 18 Combinations with Down, Away, and ‘Over Fil the space inthe following sestenoes by inserting erbs wih Down, Away, or Over. bt * 1. Toffered him parétime work but he it he'd rather watt for 3 fulltime job 2. He doesn’t think much of contemporary authors; he is flvaya veces thee wotk. $ He dictate ind Tit. in shortband. 4 The child picked up’ the inife and’ his mother shouted, ‘5. Many English boys goto boarding school at the age of seven. ‘They urs sly Sr ery Se. 6 am fe charge Sih aay, Ws wv fom him 7. Teenie decide sow. TL... it saying that + ih my colleagues and 4, Heinsied on ding a young excitable horse which ‘rth him and thre in ito ditch 19: He agreed to take my clases whe Tyas away; but he ‘ne vo+~ He never turned! up for any of them rel the accounts several mes bt couldn find the ‘nia 11, Suddenly there wan a rusting in the sraw. Bveryooe ‘and stood watching fromh a safe distance, 12, Thinahop ‘Teil be reopening shorily under sew ‘management ay. He had stage tight a fst but he Fe very quickly. Bf Some wit wore" il bare 38. The fing estem worked spicndidy tl the secretary went Ge holiday hen sc» v- aod ao one knew whee 237° ng wan, 26, Here i my letter; would you just. it ‘te aay mineaes? , tw 2 if there » PiRO. 4 VERR-}PREFOSITION/ADVERD COMBINATIONS 17, Two men started t Sight with knives. The crowd... ‘to a8 2 be ott of danger, and stood watching. 138. After'a meal we... the dishes and wash up. 19, He hated boarding school and Thom if eeaing up fo daye later at his own hom. 20, Jones tried to make suggestion but the crowd was too ited to listen and he wis a, When the war "ee wre alc to sing the chuse bell again, 22 They should With Hoensing awe and let ue drink ‘we ike. 12, There tas Uemendous excitement in the strets and the shouting didn't... el ater midnight. a4. The embassy wat fn dhe recent nos. The muna ae til smoking. 25, When she heaid the news of the crash she and cae, 26, The theatre fled up very early and people who came Inter ‘od who hada’ reserved eae Were =v =. 27, Lwonder wy there's sucha sell of ga. Pethaps something on the gas stove hat sod put out the fame. 28, Ie ould be uscful to somebody. If you don't want sll it Mont ofthe grr you sce undengeadutes weatng ace much %9 Molisr than the uadergadoater They have beéa ss from father oon so. Hers ie mney every wet oa tohave something foe a ing da sx The polo enght one thie Bit the other Ju The 'aew idea i that young delingsents should guther fogeter in groups sod" =the problems whoo worker 4g. Weare spending too mnch; wellbvets > Him waiting tl pices =~ nr. before Buying my new cape 3E. When the foods "we were able toate the road agin 36. The expression “fo ¢2. sa. t new lel” meabe to make 8 feah start withthe lateation of doing better, “« PEO. 4 VERD-}-PREPOSITION/ADYERE COMBINATIONS 19 Mixed combinations used in a connected passage Complete the passage, using phrasal verbs. The words and ‘hace in brackets indicate the meaning of the verb required When war... (begas) Wiliam Sith wast... (consriped) He didn't exact»... (accepe with exthwiisen) the chance of being soldier, but he’ adn'® any chee in the mater, Hi rather, however* (eticaed wit a) ‘lng him inh eniform an his fathers that twas a heal life and that he wae sure hie son would! =. it like a duck to vwater, andl vs sss ery wel "They both” . him + at the station and waved handkerchiels se the tain pulled out, Willm® «hie hat and waved that. Unfortunatly a gust of wind blew i it of his hand and it fell ge hg pap ot to ad a, Bo (post if to youltarward ito you ‘Don't? shovte Willa, won't need i? But it was lear that is mother couldn't ‘that he wat shouting 80 ae 3 ole of tempt be (ceased trying) and jst “Re never realy... being a soldier. He learnt to! tise and hie form and to (bey) oeders, bukit ‘ida fptereat him very much and he wa glad when pence wat made and he was demobilized. “A weak after his return home M, White fiend of his parents sd the manager of the loal grocery shop, his house {Saco ny abntant m eovigg nex mee, eal Yo Wir ‘Blow would you ike tot" his ob? 'T'dow't know anything about the grocery trade’, said Willan carat Bee oe iil, Any. (consider i) nul i= (ican) with You! part ad Ist me know anon, Goodnight "ila mother was pleased. Dove! i. (efote i, Wilts she id. 'Ivequte god jb to sare with and should do you very wll something beuer*=-r ss (appeas). SO ‘Walia accepted and started work a once 2 ‘PAG. 4 VERR-HPREPOSITION/ADVERE COMBINATIONS ees ea choir Nome et, geet a AR twa SE, a Toei sore: Mee men SE es a OER Fun ieee iid Hie re as wl ‘eet dogie mamaria a cee cee ete wean ee i alas Fer a a ment is to bel alt sa ote work Yo ose ‘com Pept) Seine yen na “Toni given to many commands) fo Sve year in ‘he amy sid Wika any ue dt eet to hae ti Sean lie ana 'm not ging (endure "Smith slo a eich an any of usd anor aban, teyng tere oes eapper) Wl, Te of remain oid) thi sd the manager. Willi was angry enough about this but when he'® (sscovered) that Me, Green was advertising fora new asia, Iho ccs swith cage (could noe conceal is rage). Td ike to (estoy by explonives) the whole place sid to hia io her was ore, ‘Could’ you ad Mr, Crest ice (ake pene) she ake ‘No lee sid Wil "he’s got aki i me, and I ay hve cae dig She je “Quite gh yy itd er “Age (opps) «bas Aepy We ine yous n(n ‘GEES Lo Negi of job with ie npc 8 PRO. 4 VERB-}-PREPOSITION/ADYERD COMBINATIONS “T wish T had enough money to ‘yy own, aud William sadly Serangely enough, soon afte, a distant cousin died and left ‘Willam his chicken frm. Wallamn was delighted. Heo (elphooed) all i fens and wid, Tn oss ee chien farming, Don’ buy eggs fom anyone but me” ‘Next day hess (atived) atthe shop with his dog and ssid to Mr: Gree, "tan tots any eeignation, ve bee Jett {1,000,000 He didnt thik hat Me, Groen was” (ectived) by this but he eajoyed saying it. (wart business) on 20 Mixed combinations used in a connected passage _ See exersite 19, We city and bad breakfat a 7.30, After breakfnt amy ster Alice. (washed the dates) whe T gt out the fx We...» (begun our journey) at Bigo and dove fine to Mr. Pitts houe tots (ole) hs son Pom who wis coning ‘with us. Tom had never met my niece Ana and T watt sue How the ewo dldrea woudl. >. ut needn'thave woesied, fort...» (an revealed) that they bad s lt of interes somo. and seemed quite pleted with each ocher, Even my Sister, who dossa't wy? ©. (ie) small boys (Gras arated byfliked at fs imoctig) i frome the fit, She Whispered to me thee he had very geed manners and had ob- Viounly been wells, Tom alo plod he ery auch b> ‘Gadieating) varius lteresting buildings a we rove throogh the towns Ane, however was oot much impressed by the and cert thought tht Tom was jars =. (plying his knowiedse) ‘Sucenly Alice id, “Good heavens! I forgot to... the zon. Well have to go back or i wil start» re and {iety by re) he uae Pisa, Leta try to" (eephone) our neighbour, fs and see i ca got othe house and “4 v Puc. 4 VERD-LPREPosIT1ON/ADYERE COMBINATIONS "But he won't be able to* (cater said Alice. “The noose i? "Then hil have tot (cater by fore)? T sid, Better to have s window bres than ek the house", in ames Sob (Celephoned) Me. Sit, who sad thaw he'd» seers the mater, Be (Gaited, holding the receiver) ‘while fe went ta do this, and very soon T heard his vole saying, “ies all ighe 12 (entered) through a window you'd le ‘open and... the ion. No damage ras done. T thanked him warmly and wel =" (continued) with our journey, much relieved ‘We stopped at 107... ... of (Jet) the cat and picnsked by the side of the road, Alice was just” «..s. (oleing t «ach of 0s) the sanviches when a police cai (stopped) fae ‘on must’ pa here aid the policeman, ‘It a clara? 1 explained tae Twas a foeegns, So hema, "Wel Tile ot Coen he one) ine bt ond agi ou gate eape Sapam) ander “te eo enoye) by this inden ut E sie atc (oop) by thisndet but cexpliined hat ese regulations were neeetary and we munt™ codec pty) tom ‘ta was ory imped by te plc ca. Hos capers) a poenen ted hopes © be ove when bot Ser an a). He alea* (Sica Wei pleasure) deving round in a fase ean oO eehiag) Inbar Poor lies fst crs and was rathee™ «(bre dapat) teens so ay ae (oie on snEijoond un As we lntbed tothe pound of ete cgtes= «= dinhiog) i the datnce he mid, Nest int Tgp oi with sou Tl cone om my bagete Pm'aie Tl be alle ie (csi abet) yy 9 owl However we dt reve a) Stud athe ead and west eT oi i a pid Gres scoanodtion) ore nigh Wo tel ge fous is; ME tonal Ponce tt tay wes re a St So tr pct the cvsing siting by Mie Deon is an (Giscusing) our day. 6 EXERCISES 7 ARTICLES, PREPOSITIONS, RELATIVE PRONOUNS, ETC, 1 Articles: a/an [Secions 1-3) Tosert a or an if necessary 1 My neighbour it, photograper lets st im for. bout colour Sms, 2 Wehad ... fah and ... chips for... lunch, ‘That docsat sound. very interesting lanch, 23 He said, ‘Goodnight? but Thad .£, very ba night; Tdida' sleep 44 Hei... vegetarian; you won't get... meat at his house. Hel jive you +. mut euset ast tine Thad =. not cule Thad... indigestion, 55 - tuavel egent would give you ... iaformation abot... hotels 6 Wedbetergoby ... tii wecanger A, uxiatsuch >. bout A person who suffers from -;. claustrophobia bas «% dead of being confined in. sll space, and would slays peter sain (0 2. Aft 8 Do you take... sugar in... coffe? Tysed to, but now I'm on diet Pa trying t lose... weight, ‘9 A mancuilering from ... shockshould be given... hotswest tea, ve You ge, shock fou touch. Ine wie wih sen driver. Way don't you get... serewdriver with. ineuated bandh? ar Tees fifty and .:. half pence and Ive only got «+ fty-pence piece, ‘You cn pay by ... cheque ere. Write them ..° cheque for fifty and .-- all pence 12... Mr Smith is... old customer and ... honest man, ‘Wy do you say hit? Has he been accused of... dishonesty? 3 Tm not «.. wage-earner, busines of ny ow ‘Then you're mot. 14 When he was charged with» 15 . A fiend of mine i expecting ging tobe called Fehelreda, ‘What ..- name to give... gill 16 Thave "hour and al for func Toaly bave -.. balf..hour—barely cp of cafee. 8 ‘selGemployed man. Ihave «= worker, you're... capita murder hess he had 8! alibi, baby. ies «gil shes time for 2. smoke and ay Ym having ke ae-7anric1, 17 Tope you have... lovely time and... good weather, But Pon not going for... holiday, Pm going on «busines. 18 He looked at me with... borror when Tesplained that Tas «°. double agent. 49 Twoulda't climb .; mountain for £15000 Thave ., horror of eights. 20 Tihave =. headache and. thik you're getting .. + Mr, Jons called while you were out (nike of us hows tis an). He wants to make .<. complaint about =) attile im he ‘oper. He was in , vey bad temper, 22 Ifyou go by... tain you can have quite journey, but make sure you get sv expres, aot » ‘ope a al the sasons 23... few people know (hardly anyone hoes) that there is Secret passage ftom this house told agar” eae in the cit, sore trot Itink I've got... old, comfortable tua that few fends in ... ‘Would you ike t come? 5 Te love to, bat Pm afraid I'm going to «,. concert 25 Wes time you had «2, boliday. You haven't had“. month 26 Hie broke <-. leg in 1. siing accident. 12s sill in 27 Twant«./ assistant with ... knowledge of French and experience of... olice routine, 28 Toe that your hour built of. re? 39 The excaping priser camped in wood but be dda’ ight fire because... smoke rising from the wood might attract 0 in amusing expences nt. Fs cating. meat pie in. London pak Toul ochad nace ape ms it 23 Fil pay ou :. thousand «4, year, Ie not .. enormous slary bur afterall you ares completely unsiled roan. 32 Afyou kept... grap you could see at -£. glance whether you were making «2. profit or... loss. 433... litle is Known about th effects ofthis drug: yet) chemist wil sell itto you without .-. prescription, 34 Thave #2. lide money let e's have dinner in ° calee tomorrow evening. ay off for plaster, wood, Are you insured against ooesur ‘PaL0.7 ARTICLES, PREPOSITIONS, RELATIVE PRONOUNS, FTC. 35 Wud be woul to out buy me, nevguper on oir * way bor 136 vas man e bor uato ... trouble as... sparks Ay upwards, 2 Articles: the [Section 4 Taser the if necessary. 17 youngest boy has jast started going to... school |. eldest boys at. colege 2 She lives on 1250p floor of an old house. When... wind blows, all 7. windows rte 3 ee daskness doesn't worry «cat... cats can seein. dake $1 modem boys usualy say tut chey want to be ».. spacemen, faut most of them will probably end up ia... ess dramatic obs. 5 Do you know... time? ‘Yes, ss clock i. all ba jst struc nine. ‘Thea it s'e... Gime to go Fee (6 He was seat to... prison for. six months for... shoplifting. ‘When sit months are over hel berelesed; -.. fic then willbe t find... work. Do you go to... prison to visi im? : «7 Trwent 10.» shoo! to talk to! headmaster. persuaded him gymnastics and take... piano lessons twlet Ann give up instead, 1 gytmnasics are not necessiry for... gil; is much more ‘tefl to be able to ply 21piano. night dary. When you go to... bed, I goto... 9 Tam on work 10 Pesers at ‘telephone box just round «corer. ak He got. bronchitis and was taken to... hospital. Y expect ‘theyll send him home at". end of... week. “lave yo rung... hospital to ask how he i? 12 Ann's habit of riding motorcycle up and down «road eaty ia jg; Romingumoyed Engr and in dey ok 10 wo» OUR 7/33 He fet went 1». +++ avigition be ad to Jara 2 F 1P6.7 ARTICLES, PREPOSITIONS, RELATIVE PRONOUNS ETC. 14 «e+ family hotel’ axe... tele which weleome .. agents and | as Oa. Sundays my father stays in, reading < Sunday papers. 16 Then he ges up, puts on -». old cloches, has. breafist and stars... workin». garde. 17 My mother goes to ~~ church in ... morning, and in... sfteenoon goes fo vist». friends, bed il en eae, 4x8 Lite all.» women shelves .. tea paris and... gossip. “== 19 My parents have ... cold meat and... sad for ... supper, .-+ swiver and.» summer 20 During «meal he gives her... instructions about. garden tnd she tls him... village gop. Bi We have a very good tain Service from here ro and most people go to... work by tain. You can go by too, of cose, But you ca gta season ticket on =» bus 22 «ead no longer need... elp. We must concern ourselves Pty centre ‘bus ‘vith 4 living, We must build... bouses and ... schools and sy ag Pie to eee «. Mr Smith, please. Do you mean... Me Smith who works in“. box office or ‘Me Smith, the stage manager? ‘24 Did you come by ». a? No, Tame by .-. Sea. Thad a lovely voyage on.» Queen Hlizabedh I. 2 s-. moet of stoves that... people ell about Irish aren't 26. marsod couples with... children often rent... cottages by seaside for #6 summer holidays. ten hire boats and go for... trips along ... coasts ‘eduldrea spend’... diy on <.“ beach and -. Spoor mothers . most of «time ding and cleaning. 27 Tes unl ste co walk on -20 sand, but her, when ,. ide i ‘coming in, .-. sand becomes dangerously sat. -.. people have ‘een srllowed up by i. 28 When ..» Titanic was crossing... danse she struck an ieberg ‘which tage anoge bole in er bow... captain ordered... crew tw help passengers into». «boats, ‘a9 Everywhere -.. man hs cut down :. forests in order to cul f Wate ground, ot use -!. wood as... fuel ora... building § atti st E67 ANTICLTS, PREFOSITIONS, RELATIVE PRONOUNS, 2TC, 30 But... interfrence with ... matare often brings... disaster > + fee filling sometimes turns: fertile land into a dustbowl 31 2 people think that... lead is». Beaiest metal, but ... gold isheasier. 32 Our air hostess sad, racks only for ++ eavy things suchas ..» bottles must be put on. -loe” 33 1 windows are sypposed to let ia: ight but .. windows of ‘hig owe ar 0s that we ave to ave. aca ihren all. ctime. 34 There always bea conflict berween ‘young people want ... change but - things to stay Ps same. 35 «power tends to corrupt and absolutely. 7 36 You can fol come of. peopl all !2¢ time, and all... people some of! time; but you catnot foo all :people a. time light articles, ld and young. ‘ld people want absolute power corrupts 3 Articles: a/an, the [Secions 1-5) Inver a, an, or the if necessary. 1 There ws .. knock on . door I opened it and found small dark man in». ebeck overcoat and... sft bat 2 Hesuid he was ... employee of... gas company and bed come orcad’... matt, 3 Hut had |. suspicion thie he wasn't speaking. trath becwose meter readers usualy wear.» peaked cas 4 However, I tok im to 7D meter, which ein =. dae commer ‘under shire... meter are ually i... dark corners, sander sta), 5 Tested if he had «+. torch he said he disiked torches and always read... meters by". light of. match, 6 Trematked that i there was ... ie in ..~ gapipe there might ‘be. explosion while he was reading mete. 7 We snd As ».. matter of face tere was». gxposion i last houve I visited; and Me Smith, ++ owner of. bows, wis ‘bomt in f.. fice” 8 "Mr Smith was boing ... lighted match at... time of... s P.80:7 ARTICLES, PREPOEITIONS, RELATIVE PRONOUNS, RTC. 9 Toprevent posible repetion of i aeiet eat in. 40 He switched on <. torch, read“. meter and wrote. reading down on... back of: envelope, ar [sd in <7 surpeie that... moter readers waually put... readings down in 2. book, 12 He said that he had had --- book but tht it had been barat ia "fie in». Mr Smith's hoor, : 135 By this tine T had come 0... conclusion that he wasn't genuine meter reader, and. momeat he left... howse Trang «police. 14 Were John and Mary... cousins? Yo, they weren't... cousins; they were... brother and ... 15 fog wps so thick that we coulda see |. side of... road. We followed". car in front of us and hoped that we wee going #3 ‘ght way . 16 Tean't remmember 1 exace date of? storm, but I know it was ‘Sunday because everybody was at... church, On ‘Monday ;-- pee dida't come because “roads were Blocked by fallen tees 1 Beier dks th this is quite. cheap rstnornt 18 Theres teen «-. murder bere Wheres boy? ‘There is. body. ‘Then how do you Kaow ther’ been... murder? tg Number». bund and em, howse net doc tous is for sale, Is give... ice howe wih... Big roomn => back wie ow ook oto Pa. 20 Tow" know what «price 2 owner are sing. But Dry and eves 7 Cogn, Youu gehen singed a en postman’ ite boy says that he'd rather be «dentist than “ES doagp, Bees dents dont ge called ou at nih az Jost an air hoses (Chere was only one ot». plane) a anding me. cup of. coffee UF ple gave lurch and Eee went all over “person on: other sie of =. 2a Tete von, clson between wi ar and «ey at cxoestods eae =» my boar ean in Fe morning elit ‘var taken © homptal with -.» concussion, diver of « s 1720.7 ARTICLNS, PREPOSITIONS, RELATIVE PRONOUNS, ETC. cae was reated for shock, witnesses say chat =. ‘war going at... seveaty mules“! hour. 124 Profesor Jon, «man who discovered 22 new drug that tveryone is talking about refed to give. press conference ag Peter Pipes, . stodeat in». =proesor's college, asked him why he eefised fo tlt Pre. : 26 We're poing to... tea with -e Smiths today, are't we? Shall weuke.. rca = Wein goby «car if you wash car fist. We ent go 10». Mis Sits ia v3 ca all covered with». mod 23y He was taken». poner early in". wa and spent + neat {vo yes in fa camp in 6 south. 28 Tess. plesure to do busiess With such eficent 29 wn day afer ... day pased without... news, and we began to Jones hope 430 Wouid you like ro hear ... story about. Englishman, ... Irishman and... Scotsman? No, Pve beard -.. stories about... Englishmen, ... Irishmen and ..» Sotsmen belore and they are all. esac eypieal story. Ia Scotsman IEdsbman i logical and. Englishman i 13 But mine no By tory = fs geneous, romantic (Objif its 5 fantasti tory 'isten with... pleasure 2 My aunt lived on -.. ground foo of.» old Bouse on: River ‘Thames. She was very moch affid of .» burglars and aivays Iecked up -. house ery caeflly before sbe Went to.» bed. ‘She abo tak {precaution of looking under. bed to see if “ular wa hiding there. 1334... movern burglars don'thide under... beds sid hee daughter. “Pi go oa looking jus... same, sad my aunt. 164 One moming she rang het daughter in... triumph, ‘Tfound burglar under 1. Bed... last nigh” she sid, and he was quite ‘young man.” wg Lo spplet ae sold by pound, These ate fen pence -° pound, 36 ie wae ... windy motsing but chy hired... boat and went for ‘il along “2 come, In ?afiermoon ;. wind increased and they so0a found themselves in dificult. st en 75.6.7 ARTICLES, PREPOSITIONS RELATIVE PRONOUNS, ETC. 4 Articles and Possessive Adjectives (Sections 4-5, 37 38) Inserta,an,the oe my, his, her, our, your, theirif necessary. 1 He tock off. cout and et to work. 2 Why ate you sanding there with. bands ia... pockets? 3 Atmost meesings... people vote by rang ... right hands. 4 The bullet stack him in. foot, § They ted ... hands behind ..- back and locked him ina cell. 6 He took ..» shoes off and entered on tiptoe 7 Someone svew -..egg which struck the speaker od... 8 Thave -. headache, 9 Thave |. pain in... dhoulder, 10 The windscreen was smashed and the diver was cut .. by broken gl. 1 He was «very all man with ... davk hair and... small beard, ‘ut Tooulda't see... eyes because was wearing... dapk lasses, 12 He tore ... wouers goting over a barbed wire fence. 15 Brother an sister were quite unlike each other. He had ... ‘wavy hats... ait was dank ad straight, 14 She pulled. sleeve to atact his etention 45 She pulled him by -.. sleeve 16 ‘Hands up sid the masked man, and weall pt ... 17 Ask... woman infront of you to takeoff. hat 18 He sroked ... cin thoughtfully 49 If you're 00 hot why don't you take off... coat? 40 Isa him raise... ight band and tke |. oat. 2 The lioness bt him in... Jeg. 232 You should change .<. Wet shoes, 6 you'l catch another cold, 23 There was a shot and a policeman eame out with .. blood run- sing down ... fice, 24 Wershook .-. hands with... host. 25 He fll ff his horse and ijured -.. back 26 The barman seized the drunk by ..~ coll. 27 Leave cos ia + carom do ing thm ito 28 He fll down « flight of stairs and broke 29 He pointed to a woman in... green dress. 3 He is... thoroughly sesh man; he woulda® lift... finger to help anyone. shoulder fee fie ands op, sib, ss 20.7 ARTICLES, PREPOSITIONS RELATIVE PRONOUNS,ETC. 7 you sendin bad ight ‘ses scrubbing «.tcen or Ile oT would ikem beim. shoes 3a Nose ao me "Pllup- oc sid hemo 36 The mths Byte pec of. thumbs omething wicked this wey comes? 31 You'll sain 52 She was oa 33 He ha 5 A/Anand One {Sections 1-3, 25) Insert aan of one if necessary. 1... of my fiends advised me to take ... taxis another sid that ‘ere was quite... good bus service. 2. fiend of mine let me ... book by Meredith, Ive only tore chapter to read. Would you like -.. Joan of i afterwards? No, thanks. Izead .. of his Books... few ears ago and did't ike Besides [have ». library book to finish If T don't take ie back tomorrow Fl have to pay =. fine. 3... man Tieton the ran told me ... rather unusual tory. 4 Mose people ike... zest after... hard days work, but Tom seemed (0 have ... inexhaustible supply of energy. 55 Pre told you -.. hundred times nt to come into». room with at 08 6 is nth t gts rete wth. match Thetv ony os mpeton Only ii bere ia sper says. cava sn goods be neds. otage i pei gots we ace deen 9 Laxttine there wat fog hee plane crash-aned in fil ner the srport. ‘Te ew had cy excapes + oa ‘oe ie the er were aur to You've bra =» gros blp fo me. day Twill py you. 1H My car bate down near «bos op Tere wa soa waite ing fr «Dos ol ted hm for avis. 12 He oak. guck ook st my caraod mi, Buy... new 15 Thre was | women thre. ‘The tet were men. ‘There shout hae been cv. roma, Te weet be 5 ay. 6 MLG.7 ARTICLES, PREPOSITIONS, RELATIVE PRONOUNS, ETC. 14 Don’t tell .. soul Not even your wif! Of course aol Pd never fel r+ eves to... worn, 15 Most of the salt had been therefor ony --. very sbot time, but ‘an bad been there... year and. halls he knew 16 Could you lend me ... dictionary, plese? Pm trying to do... crosswoed puzzle Tm affaid Ive only oe... dictionary, and Tom's borrowed it 17... chop won't be enough for Tom; fel want tos he's stall ‘man but he’s got ... big appesite 18 ‘T ant... volunteers for... dangerous job’ said the captain. ‘There was... long silence "Tere there even. man who wil tke . sk" he asked, «voice called out fom the back, "Wil there be . reward? 19 Ihave... avon the top for. You ge... ovely view fom thee, 20... day a new director arved, He wad... ambitious, bade ‘empered man, and the staf tok ... instant dislike to him, 21 Suddenly... bullet struck ... sect lamp. litle B's left ‘He looked up and saw ... an with ... gn sanding a. open ‘window. 22 Bill fired back twice... bullet hit the wall, the other broke... pane of... gas. He heard... angry shout 23. day—it mas... dry day with «good visibity-—TTomm was Ativng along... Sounty road in «Borrowed cat 14 You're making -.. mistake after another Have you -., bangover, oc something? 1No, but Thad ... very bad night lt night. The people next door ‘were having ~ pany. «bad night shouldn't have such ... effect on your work. oftea| hve three bad nighs in succession Tive in. very noisy sree, 6 Prepositions: at, to and in (preposit or adverb) ‘Taser suitable preporitionsjadverbs inthe following. 1 Gold Tapes... Toms, please? Tm afeaid Tom's... work, But Jacks .... Would you like to speak... him? sr

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