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Unit 6



- Should và shouldn't dùng dể đưa ra lời khuyên, sự gợi ý nhưng không bắt buộc.
- Cấu trúc:

Thể khẳng định: S + should + V

Thể phủ định: S + shouldn't + V
Thể nghi vấn: Should + S + V?

Ví dụ:
You look tired. You should go to bed.
(Anh mệt rồi. Anh nên đi ngủ đi.)
I think you shouldn't work so hard.
(Tôi nghĩ là anh không nên làm việc vã và như vậy.)
Do you think I should apply for this job?
(Bạn nghĩ là tôi có nên xin việc này không?)
1. Cấu trúc
Thể khẳng định: S + will + V
Thể phủ định: S + won't + V
Thể nghi vấn: Will + S + V?

2. Cách dùng
❖ Dùng Will để hứa hẹn làm điều gì đó
Ví dụ:
Thank you for lending me the money. I will pay you back on Friday.
(Cảm ơn bạn vì đã cho tôi mượn tiền. Tôi sẽ trả cho bạn vào thứ Sáu)
 Dùng Will để dự đoán về tương lai
Ví dụ:
I think United will win the game. (Tôi nghĩ đội Mĩ sẽ thắng trận đấu.)
One day people will travel to Mars. (Một ngày nào đó con người sẽ lên Sao Hỏa.)
 Dùng Will khi quyết định làm điều gì đó ngay vào lúc nói hoặc đồng ý hay từ chối
làm việc gì
Ví dụ:
Oh, I've left the door open. I will go and shut it.

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(Ồ, mình đã để cửa mở. Tôi sẽ đi và đóng cửa lại.)
I'm too tired to walk home. I think I will get a taxi.
(Tôi rất mệt không thể đi bộ về nhà được. Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ bắt một chiếc taxi.)
Từ mới Phiên âm Nghĩa
apricot blossom /ˈeɪprɪkɒt ˈblɒsəm/ hoa mai
dragon dancers /ˈdræɡən ˈdɑːnsə(r)/ múa lân
dress up /dres ʌp/ ăn diện
dried candied fruits /draɪd ˈkændid fruːts/ mứt
exchange New year's wishes /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ njuː jɪə(r) wɪʃɪz/ Chúc Tết nhau
fireworks /ˈfaɪəwɜːk/ pháo hoa
first caller /fɜːst ˈkɔːlə(r)/ người xông đất
go to pagoda to pray for... /ɡəʊ tuː pəˈɡəʊdə tuː preɪ fə(r)/ đi chùa để cầu cho...
jellied meat /ˈdʒelid miːt/ thịt đông
kumquat tree /ˈkʌmkwɒt triː/ cây quất
lean pork paste /liːn pɔːk peɪst/ giò lụa
parallel /ˈpærəlel/ câu đối
peach blossom /piːtʃ ˈblɒsəm/ hoa đào
pickled onion /ˈpɪkld ˈʌnjən/ dưa hành
pickled small leeks /ˈpɪkld smɔːl liːk/ củ kiệu
roasted watermelon seeds /rəʊstɪd ˈwɔːtəmelən siːd/ hạt dưa
spring festival /ˈsprɪŋ ˈfestɪvl/ hội xuân
sticky rice /ˈstɪki raɪs/ gạo nếp
sweep the floor /swiːp ðə flɔː(r)/ quét nhà
the Kitchen God /ðə ˈkɪtʃɪn ɡɒd/ táo quân
the new year tree /ðə njuː ˈjɪə(r) triː/ cây nêu
to first foot /tuː fɜːst fʊt/ xông đất


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the
words aloud.
1. A. cession B. sleep C. say D. exciting

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2. A. sheet B. sad C. show D. shut
3. A. expensive B. instead C. outside D. mission
4. A. sing B. special C. social D. artificial
5. A. spend B. city C. bicycle D. nation
6. A. musician B. song C. physician D. ancient
7. A. intention B. recycle C. center D. century
8. A. efficient B. conscience C. audacious D. south
9. A. ambitious B. cigar C. circle D. citizen
10. A. ocean B. story C. conscious D. ensure
II. Put the words in the box into two groups.
she March action kitchen
cheese Russia future watch
mushroom mission picture musician
teacher culture emotion sugar

// /t /


I. Circle A, B, C or D for each picture.
1. 4.

A. lucky money A. break things

B. ballon B. fight
C. book C. behave well
D. banh chung D. plant trees
2. 5.

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A. peach blossom A. visit relatives
B. apricot blossom B. go shopping
C. family gathering C. play cards all night
D. banh tet D. make a wish
3. 6.

A. tree A. giving rice

B. pagoda B. cleaning house
C. fireworks C. painting house
D. calendar D. cheering and singing

II. Match the statements to the advice. Type the letter in the box.
1. I've got a headache. A. You should stay in bed.
2. I'm cold. B. You shouldn't sit so close to the TV.
3. The game starts at three o'clock. C. You should put on a jumper.
4. He's always tired in the morning. D. You should do some exercise.
5. I don't feel well. E. We should leave at two-thirty.
6. I want to lose weight. F. He shouldn‟t stay up so late.

III. Choose, to complete each sentence, either "should” or "shouldn't".

1. Listen to that music! Our neighbors play music that loud at this hour.
2. If your tooth is still hurting you tomorrow, you go to the dentist's.
3. Cathy keep ringing her ex-boyfriend. I think he is with another girl now.
4. Before going to Madrid for your holidays, you try and learn
something of the language. You will enjoy things a lot more.
5. You always knock on the door before entering. This is a private office.
6. We bring something to Kate's party. I'll feel really embarrassed
7. That model on the TV is too skinny. She eat more, I think!
8. Lizzie ask Bryan to help her with her studies. He did the same
course last year.
9. Pregnant women smoke as it can damage the baby.
10. We leave too late tomorrow if we want to reach the beach before lunch.

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IV. Complete the sentences, using will or won't.
1. Don't get up, I ........................ answer the phone.
2. If you eat too much you ........................ put on weight.
3. Don't stay out too late, you ........................ get up on time.
4. I don't think she ........................ pass the exam, she isn't very good.
5. You may as well go home now, I ........................ be back for hours.
6. Go to bed and you ........................ feel better tomorrow.
7. It's Mary's birthday next month. She ........................ be 18.
8. They are on holiday for two weeks so they ........................ be here tomorrow.
9. ........................ they want dinner?
10. If the weather is ok, the plane ........................ leave on time.
I. Read the following text and choose the correct answer.
Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA and Canada. In The USA, it is celebrated on
the fourth Thursday in November every year. The Canadians celebrate it on the second
Monday in October. It is associated with giving thanks to God. In the beginning people
expressed gratitude for the harvest they reaped. It used to be a religious holiday but now
it has become a secular celebration.
The most important part of the celebration is the dinner which includes the customary
turkey served with cranberry sauce, and pumpkin. A lot of business goes on during this
holiday. For example, restaurants take advantage of the holiday to sell turkey dinners.
Families and friends usually get together for a large meal or dinner during
Thanksgiving and have a lot of fun. That's why, the Thanksgiving holiday weekend is
considered one of the busiest travel periods of the year. Students are given a four-day or
five-day weekend vacation. Thanksgiving is also a paid holiday for most workers.
1. The origin of the name "Thanksgiving" comes from:
A. thanks given to God
B. thanks given for the help the early settlers got from each other.
2. Thanksgiving is a time to ........................
A. worship God B. thank god, eat and have fun.
3. It is a vacation for ........................
A. everybody B. a lot of people
4. The main food that is prepared in this celebration is:
A. cranberry sauce and pumpkin B. turkey
II. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.
It is traditional in England to celebrate the end of the old year and welcome in the
new year at the end of December.

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December 31 is New Year's Eve. New Year's Eve is not a public holiday. Most
people go to work as usual. In the evening, many English people have parties in homes.
Others celebrate in pubs or clubs with their friends and families, or attend outdoor
gatherings and firework displays.
Just before midnight on New Year's Eve, people hold hands and sing a traditional
song called "Auld Lang Syne". They count the seconds down to the new year and when
the clock strikes midnight, they hug and kiss and wish each other a happy new year!
Sometimes people set off firework as the new year begins.
People often drink a toast to the coming year with a fizzy alcoholic drink called
champagne. Some people let their children stay up late to join in with the celebrations.
New Year's Day is celebrated on January 1. New Year's Day is a bank holiday. A
bank holiday is a public holiday. Most shops and businesses close for the day.
New Year's Day is a holiday for nearly everyone in the UK. Very few buses and
train run on New Year‟s Day. Most people stay at home and relax with their families.
There is an old superstition in Scotland and some other parts of the UK that the
first person to enter someone's home on New Year's Day will bring all the luck for the
coming year with them. This tradition is called fist footing.
The first person to enter a house on New Year's Day is known as the first footer.
Dark haired people are thought to be the luckiest first footers, and it is traditional to carry
a lump of coal when going first footing.
People often make New Year resolutions at the start of the new year. Resolutions
are things that people have decided (or resolved) to do to make lives better, such as
stopping smoking or losing weight. Not everybody manages to keep their New Year‟s
resolutions, though!
1. When is New Year's Eve?
A. January 1 B. December 30 C. December 31
2. English people always keep their New Year's resolutions.
A. True B. False C. Not given
3. What traditional song do English people sing on New Year's Eve?
A. Old Macdonald B. Auld Lang's Syne C. Old King Cole
4. English people usually stay at home on New Year's Eve, and go to bed early.
A. False B. True C. Not given
5. Some English children are allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve.
A. False B. True C. Not given
6. Most buses in England don't run on New Year's Day.
A. True B. False C. Not given
7. A "first footer" is ...................?
A. the first person to go outside on New Year's Day

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B. the first person to enter a house on New Year's Day
C. the first person on the dancefloor on New Year's Eve
8. What do English people sometimes toast the new year with?
A. bread B. marshmallows C. champage
9. New Year's Eve is a blank holiday in England.
A. True B. False C. Not given
I. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences. Use will.
1. Tomorrow it ........................................ in the north-west. (to rain)
2. My friend ........................................ 12 next Monday. (to be)
3. Hey John! Wait a minute. I ........................................ a word with you. (to have)
4. She ........................................ her boss next week. (to contact)
5. I think you ........................................ this job. (to get)
6. They ........................................ at about 6 p.m. (to arrive)
7. The teacher ........................................ this exercise. (to explain)
8. He ........................................ the bottle of water. (to drop)
9. Lots of accidents ........................................ in that weather. (to happen)
10. She ........................................ if you show her the spider. (to cream)
II. Look at the pictures. Make sentences giving advice to these people. Use should.
1. He has a ........................................ so

2. She has a ........................................ so


3. He has a ........................................ so

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4. He has a ........................................ so

5. He has a ........................................ so

III. Put the verbs into the correct form, use will.
Jim asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:
1. You (earn) a lot of money.
2. You (travel) around the world.
3. You (meet) lots of interesting people.
4. Everybody (adore) you.
5. You (not / have) any problems.
6. Many people (serve) you.
7. They (anticipate) your wishes.
8. There (not / be) anything left to wish for.
9. Everything (be) perfect.
10. But all these things (happen / only) if you marry me.
IV.Should or shouldn't?
1. We have to wait long. The train is due in a couple of times.
2. We drink so much coffee. It's not good for us.
3. If you're not feeling very well, you go home.
4. If the delivery is urgent, you send it express post.
5. I think we get paid commission for our sales. We'd be more motivated
that way!
6. I don't see my grandparents very often. I go and see them soon
7. I make so many personal calls from the office. My boss is going to
8. He apologise. He was absolutely right.

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