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Intellectual Property Law Cheat Sheet

by elementalhalo via

Law of Confidence Trademark Trademark (cont) Patents

Quality of Relation of Unauth​o Elements Absolute Relative From Consists Trademark Requir​ements?
Confidence Confidence rised Grounds Grounds goods exclus​ivel conflicts Novelty (new, not made public)
use of for for refusal and y of signs with well
Inventive Step (cannot be obvious)
inform​at Refusal services or known
- Test is whether a person skilled
ion provided indica​tions ones
Capable Not Trademark
in he art would say that the
Inform​ation Obligation 'public of being distin​ctiv is identical by any which are (doesnt
invention is obvious
other customary have to be
must NOT of interest' repres​ent e to
person in current in same Industrial Applic​ation (can be
be trivia confid​ence? defence ed compet​itor'
language course of indust​rially manufa​ctured & used)
(Must be graphi​call s earlier
or trade trade but
confid​ential y trademark For the patent applic​ation, there
the well
) & deal in must be clear and complete
the same known one
Ideas can be protected as long as it disclosure
course of has to
is suffic​iently developed to be
prove that
saleable and is able to be realised trade Patent Infrin​gement
there is
capable Consists Trademark
Government Secrets, Trade confusion What consti​tutes What are
Secrets, Personal Inform​ation, of exclus​iv is identical
in the patent infrin​gement the
Artistic & Literary inform​ation distin​gui​s ely of to
public) Defences?
hing signs of compet​itor'
Anton Pillar order - order made goods kind,q​ual​ s current Honest concurrent use - mark will Disposing of/ use/ Done
against defendant to allow a plaintiff and ity​,in​tend‐ one not be refused on grounds of S8 if import/ keeping privately &
to enter the defendant premises services ed applicant is honest concurrent user. produt not for
and remove documents or evidence with or purpose, commercial
which are essential to the legal provided vcalue, Both marks have been in use for a purposes
procee​dings in the geogra​ph similar period of time, no intention Using/​off​ering Experi​ment
course of ical of part of concurrent user to take process for use in al purpose
Registered Designs trade origin, unfair advantage of the applicant SG when he knows
time of mark that the use without
What is a design?
produc​tio the consent would
Features of shape, n, Law of Passing Off be an infrin​gement
config​ura​tion, pattern or charac​te
Elements Defences Disposing of/ use/ For a
ornament applied to anm article r​istics
import/ keeping of medicine in
by industrial process Goodwill (within No damage/
any product accordance
country) likelihood of
What can be regist​ered? obtained directly by with a
Any design which is new (Novel) means of patented prescr​iption
Defendant Public havent process
What cannot be regist​ered? made a misrep heard of plaintiff
consists of
'Must fit' / 'Must Match' / Misrep is made Public havent use on
Computer program in the same head of aircraft,
course of trade Defendant hovercraft
Misrep must/ is Public is not or vehicle
If the person was not aware of
likely to cause confused Prior use
the registered design, then no
account of profits/ damages damage between the 2 defence
products (need in
good faith)

By elementalhalo Not published yet. Sponsored by

Last updated 14th February, 2016. Measure your website readability!
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Intellectual Property Law Cheat Sheet
by elementalhalo via


What can be Connecting factors for protection in SG


Literary Work Work is first published in SG

Dramatic Work Author is Singap​orean/ ordinarily


Artistic Work

Musical Work

Copyright Infrin​gement

Primary Secondary Fair Dealing


eg. making an eg. selling an Research

unauth​orised copy of a unauto​rised copy of a and study
book book

Criticism and


By elementalhalo Not published yet. Sponsored by

Last updated 14th February, 2016. Measure your website readability!
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