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About DE-CIX India Internet Exchanges

DE-CIX India is one of the largest Internet Exchanges in India. DE-CIX India runs Internet Exchange Points in the Indian cities of
Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai. DE-CIX India is a carrier and data center-neutral Internet Exchange for the Indian and
South Asian markets. DE-CIX India interconnects a large number of Internet service providers (ISPs), content delivery networks
(CDNs), over-the-top (OTT) players, DNS root servers, national & international telco networks, and social media networks in all
major metropolitan areas, which helps Indian networks to keep their Internet traffic local. We also help CDNs to distribute their
traffic to connected networks, which is a win-win situation for both CDNs and Internet service providers.

DE-CIX India is built on fully redundant MPLS switching networks on carrier-grade Juniper equipment and is located in top
Internet data centres. DE-CIX India is powered by DE-CIX, operator of the world’s largest Internet Exchange in Frankfurt
(Germany), with 14.4 terabits of data throughput per second. DE-CIX manages 40 Internet exchanges worldwide, in Europe, the
Middle East, India, Southeast Asia and North America.

DE-CIX shares the results with the Internet operational and scientific communities and makes solutions available as open
source. We actively contribute to international standardization bodies, e.g., IETF, ENISA, or German industry working group
Internet infrastructure.

Key Benefits for Enterprise Customers by Connecting to DE-CIX

Cloud Router

The DE-CIX Cloud ROUTER offers a direct and private high-performance data exchange between cloud environments. Route traffic
directly between public and/or private clouds and benefit from improved application performance due to reduced latency as well as
increased security and protection against cyber-attacks.

Direct Cloud

 As a private direct connection bypassing the Internet, the Direct CLOUD service minimizes downtime and guarantees continuous
connection to your chosen cloud service providers at our Cloud Exchange. Our carrier-grade infrastructure reduces latency, allowing fast
and effective collaboration in the cloud – and between clouds.

With our Direct CLOUD service finder, you can search for available cloud service providers at our Cloud Exchange, filtering for categories
like IaaS or DDoS, features like self-provisioning, or certifications. Our Cloud Exchange features over 50 cloud service providers –the
leading ones such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Oracle, plus a wide range of international
and regional specialist providers. Direct CLOUD service provides private connectivity to over 50 cloud service providers; simply via a VLAN
to the DE-CIX Cloud Exchange.

Virtual PNI

A point-to-point service allows you to install one or multiple VLANs on your access port to connect between end-points within a metro
region, between metro regions, or between your on premise equipment and the DE-CIX Cloud ROUTER in a hybrid-cloud setup. Save on
Capex, as no additional equipment is needed, and easily extend the reach of your own network by using DE-CIX’s private high-
performance platform.

Flex PO

 The DE-CIX Flex POP service offers carriers the chance to use DE-CIX's infrastructure as if it was their own: At every DE-CIX PoP, carriers
can create virtual PoPs, allowing them to increase their on-net coverage without the need to invest in their own expensive

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