Concrete Admixture

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What exactly is the admixture? © Admintute is @ material other than water, aggregates, cementitious ingredients, and fibre reinforcing added to concrete or mortar before or during mixing, Chemical admixtures are usualy liquid and used in small quantities © What different kinds of admixtures are available to choose from? Chemical admixtures are classified as follows, ASTI C494 Chemical Admintures Type A: Water reducing ype B:- Retarding + ype C:- Accelerating ‘Type D:- Water-reducing and retarding ‘Type E- Water reducing and accelerating <¢ ype F High range water reducing (HRWR) ‘¢ ype G:- HRWR and retarding ‘Type S:- Specific performance admixture ASTM C 260 Air Entraining Admitures ASTM C 1017 Admicures for use in producing flowing concrete Type: Plasticing Type I: Pasting and Retarding ‘¢ ASTM D 98 Calcium Chloride + If you're wondering ‘why admixture is used in concrete" here are some answers. Adding an admixture to concrete can enhance its quaies, whether itis stil wet or has hardened. By accelerating the construction process and extending the service life of concrete, admixtures can lower the overall in-place cost of concrete construction. © Admixtures in fresh concrete: @ Increase workability without adding water @ Reduce the mixing water and w/cm ofthe concrete © Accelerate setting times © Retard setting times @ Reduce bleeding © Control cement hydration © Compensate for slump loss Improve pumpabilty © Reduce segregation @ Improve fnishabilty © Admistures in hardened concrete: @ Entrain air for freeze-thaw durability G Increase the eary-age strength G Increase the ultimate potential strength © Decrease the concrete's permeability Reduce the potential for corrosion of reinforcing stee @ Reduce the heat of hydration @ Reduce drying shrinkage @ Feduce the expansion produced by the alkal-aggregate reaction G Increase concrete's resistance to the envionment, especialy to freezing and thawing cyles and exposure to harmful chemicals © Care should be taken when using additives. Due to the chemistry ofthe materials that go into concrete, there ae times when interactions betweer cementitious materials and admixtures can lead to unwanted results and performance. Admistures must be used according tothe instructions from the ‘manufacturer because even small changes tothe target dosages can significantly affect the properties of fresh and hardened concrete that aren't good

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