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Population Pyramids

Category 2022 2022 United 2022 China 2022 Angola 2022 France
Argentina Arab
Life 77 yrs 78.32 years 77.3 years 61.9 years 83 years
Infant 6 deaths per 5 deaths per 5 deaths per 47 deaths per 3 deaths per
Mortality 1000 births 1000 births 1000 births 1000 births 1000 births
Growth expanding expanding expanding expanding expanding
(Stable, 5.2% 7.6% 3% 3% 2.5%
Gender 0.756 0.717 104/100 0.65 0.91
DTM stage stage 4 stage 3 stage 4 stage 2 stage 4
Access to Rank 75 Rank 19 Rank 40 Rank 165 Rank 7
health care
Sketch of

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rise they might
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their limit for
Choose one of the population pyramids from the previous task and respond to the following;

1. What reasons can you suggest for the pattern it shows (ie, Why has this particular
population occurred) ?
If we look at the United Arab Emirates their population is increasing the most out of all the 5
nations on the chart. My reasoning is that this is because compared to other wealthy nations,
the UAE has a comparatively high birth rate. The population is growing because there are more
births than deaths by a large amount. Another reason is that the UAE is very wealthy which
leads to other people from around the world who can afford to live in the UAE meaning they
have a high amount of immigrant population.
2. What events may have shaped it?
A number of causes may be responsible for the UAE's population growth. The oil discovery,
which sparked a surge in economic growth and new job opportunities, is one of the important
causes that attracted workers from other nations. Population growth has also been significantly
influenced by the UAE government's immigration policies, such as the Golden Visa programme,
and social programmes, such as providing incentives for families with more children and
inexpensive housing. Additionally, due to the increased quality of life brought about by the
nation's investments in its healthcare system, which have decreased newborn mortality rates
and increased life expectancy, the population growth rate has increased.
3. Describe possible consequences of this population structure. Consider social, economic,
political and environmental realms.
Labour shortages in the UAE are projected to be brought on by the country's ageing population.
There may be fewer people available to work as the population ages, particularly in specific
industries like healthcare, construction, and tourism. This can cause a scarcity of qualified
people, which might have an impact on the economy and development of the nation. The
ageing population may also lead to increased demand for healthcare and senior care services,
putting additional strain on the social services and healthcare infrastructure.

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