Getting To Know Your Country

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Getting to Know Your Country

Country Name:

Insert a picture of your country's flag here:

1. List all of the countries that border you.
Korea to the east; Mongolia to the north; Russia to the northeast; Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the northwest; Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal
and Bhutan to the west and southwest; and Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam to the

2. What is your capital?

3. What is your population?

1.43 Billion

4. Are there any natural disasters in your country?

5. What major landforms are in your country?

6. What are the natural resources in your country?

7. In which Caucusing Bloc and regional groups do you belong?

1. What are the ethnic groups in the country?

2. What are the most popular religions? What percent of people practice
those religions?
3. Does your country have an official language or languages?
4. What is the median age of your population?
5. What is the average life expectancy?
6. What percent of the population is literate?

1. What type of government runs your country?

a. Who is the leader of this government?

2. Does your country have a constitution, if so, when was it written?

3. Have you ever been a colony?

1. Is your country developing? ( see caucusing blocs image )

2. What is the GDP Per capita in your country? ( this is an average of

what each citizen earns)
3. What are the major industries of your country?

4. What is the unemployment rate?

5. What percentage of people live below the poverty line?

6. What does your country export?

7. What does your country import?

8. Does your country export or import more?

9. Who trades with your country ( both imports and exports)?

Current Events
1. List the 5 Ws of one current even from your country. Some possible
sources include:
BBC CNN The US Department of State

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