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GE-Svce Ops Eu

Series 9600

S-RAM Road Book

For Ref only Rev 6 / November 2010 1 Service Operation Europe By Nicolas Herv

GE-Svce Ops Eu

-OECREG Install -Laptop Configuration -Battery Replacement -Format -Reload -HOT BYTE -S-Ram Replacement

For Ref only Rev 6 / November 2010

Service Operation Europe By Nicolas Herv

GE-Svce Ops Eu

-Install OECREG (Patch to prevent Boot Sector Damage) on your Laptop by double click on the file OECREG.reg

Laptop Configuration -Windows 95 & 98. Add two line in Config.sys file Device=c:\windows\system\csmapper.sys Device=c:\windows\system\carddrv.exe /slot=X Replace X by the number of slot on your laptop. -Windows 2000 Several possibilities. - 1) Windows recognize the S-RAM and install the Driver on your laptop.(New drive appear on the window explorer) - 2) Windows recognize the S-RAM and no locate the driver. Linear Flash and SRAM Cards do not come with drivers, it has always been the OS vendor's responsibility to include support for these devices. Unlike previous versions of Windows, the Linear Flash and SRAM drivers traditionally included on Windows distributions are not included with Windows 2000. The following information explains a work around to get Windows 2000 to recognize and use Linear Flash and SRAM Cards. Be certain Windows 2000 has been upgraded with at least Service Pack 1 and the host hardware supports PC Cards. OEM installed Windows 2000 should not exhibit problems, but systems upgraded from older Windows versions may need confirmation that their hardware is compatible. Please note that Synchrotech provides this work around as a customer service and does not guarantee that will work with every system configuration. During the Windows 2000 hardware setup process choose Display a list of known drivers... instead of Search for a suitable driver... Select the category Memory technology driver For Ref only Rev 6 / November 2010 3 Service Operation Europe By Nicolas Herv

GE-Svce Ops Eu

Select the M-Systems DiskOnChip2000 driver from listed manufacturer M-Systems Flash Disk Pioneers Click Yes on the Update Driver Warning message, continue and click Finish to complete the setup process, click No from the restart Windows message Access the Device Manager and highlight M-Systems DiskOnChip2000 from the category Memory technology driver (it has the conflict symbol) Access the M-Systems DiskOnChip2000 and click Update Driver from the Driver tab Choose Display a list of known drivers... instead of Search for a suitable driver... when the options appear You should now have more default driver options, select the Centennial PCMCIA Memory Card driver from listed manufacturer Centennial Technologies, Inc. (other drivers may work, but the Centennial driver was used successfully in testing) Click Yes on the Update Driver Warning message, continue and click Finish to complete the setup process, click Ok from the properties window then Yes from the restart Windows message When Windows restarts, you should see a new drive letter and icon from "My Computer" or Windows Explorer

Select Next

For Ref only Rev 6 / November 2010

Service Operation Europe By Nicolas Herv

GE-Svce Ops Eu

Select Display a list of the kn.. Next

Select PCMCIA and FLASH memory devices


For Ref only Rev 6 / November 2010

Service Operation Europe By Nicolas Herv

GE-Svce Ops Eu

highlight M-Systems DiskOnChip2000 press next On warning message press Yes Start installation press next and finish Reboot your laptop.

- 3) Windows dont recognize the new hardware.

Defective S-RAM places an order.

00-875631-08 00-875631-10 00-875631-12 00-875631-14

S-RAM, version 11.1 S-RAM, version 15 S-RAM, version 17 S-RAM, version 18.1

After change the S-RAM Turn on the Workstation keyswitch the message OEC Boot Disk Needed will appear on the C-Arm. Insert the Boot and Diagnostic disk into the Workstation floppy drive. The message Loading optuser will appear on For Ref only Rev 6 / November 2010 6 Service Operation Europe By Nicolas Herv

GE-Svce Ops Eu

the left monitor and then the Mainframe menu will be displayed. Set the options for the C-Arm. After the configuration is correct, press A to Run Applications (Take x-rays).
Note: If Cooling Fan is installed, select Y at option M. Cooling Kit Installed (Y/N)?.

Battery replacement The SRAM card contains 2 batteries, an internal NI-CAD battery that is not replaceable and a 3 Volt Lithium battery which must be replaced annually to prevent loss of the SRAM files. The NI-CAD battery serves as a backup if the Lithium battery should fail. There are two LEDs on the Solid State Drive that give an indication of the operation of the drive and the status of the Lithium battery. The LED closest to the SRAM is a Status LED. It will illuminate RED during disk access if the Lithium battery needs to be replaced. The second LED is a Busy LED that indicates when the SRAM is being accessed. If both LEDs illuminate RED during disk access, the lithium battery is not charged adequately. WARNING... Do not remove the SRAM from the Solid State Drive when performing this procedure. 1. With the system booted and the SRAM in the Solid State Drive, remove the battery holder and the battery as shown in Figure 3. 2. Replace the battery with a new 3 Volt, Lithium , 165 mAH battery. (OEC P/N 74-122904-00). Verify that the + sign is pointing up.

For Ref only Rev 6 / November 2010

Service Operation Europe By Nicolas Herv

GE-Svce Ops Eu

Format S-RAM
Load software on link see below &chap_id=3761561&book_id2=3761558&doc_id1=2017127&prod_id1=61660 - 1) SRAM restore utilities - for Windows 95/98 (Not for Windows NT/2000) These batch files will restore the contents of SRAM by copying 256 sectors from the file Format.oec to the SRAM, replacing the boot, FAT, directory and system file contents. Copy all files to a new folder on the system. Fix shortcuts paths to point to new folder. Drestore.bat (for SRAM in drive D:) Erestore.bat (for SRAM in drive E:) Format.oec contains a bootable image with only IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS and COMAND.COM. The program runs in a DOS window (best if 50 lines for displaying the boot sector). The program verifies the existence of the Format.oec file, reads 256 sectors from SRAM, saves the contents to a file: Oldsects.oec, then displays the first (boot) sector. The program then allows you to abort (CTRL-C) before replacing data, or continue. Continuing, it will read the contents of Format.oec and write those 256 sectors to SRAM, then display the new boot sector. The DOS window can be changed to 50 lines by changing the Properties. (Right click on Title Bar and choose Properties). Win9x: Choose Screen, Initial Size, Fonts, etc. Make the changes while paused, waiting for a key to continue. You should then type CTRL-C to abort, and run the program again to check for proper screen attributes. You may also edit the properties of the files or shrtcuts directly. The program replaces Oldsects.oec each time with the contents of 256 SRAM sectors. Two temp files are created: cmddbgr.txt and cmddbgw.txt, with debug commands. !!!WARNING!!! - These programs will destroy data on the selected disk! Use caution! - 2) SRAM fix utility - for Windows NT/2000 (Not for Windows 95/98) This program will restore the contents of SRAM by copying 256 sectors from the file Format.oec to the SRAM, replacing the boot, FAT, directory and system file contents. For Ref only Rev 6 / November 2010 8 Service Operation Europe By Nicolas Herv

GE-Svce Ops Eu

Copy all files to a new folder on the system. FixSram.exe (for Windows NT/2000) Format.oec contains a bootable image with only IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS and COMAND.COM. The program runs in a DOS window (best if 50 lines or more for displaying boot sectors). The program verifies the existence of the Format.oec file, reads 256 sectors from SRAM, saves the contents to a file: Oldsects.oec, then displays the first (boot) sector. The program then allows you to abort (CTRL-C) before replacing data, or continue. Continuing, it will read the contents of Format.oec and write those 256 sectors to SRAM, then display the new boot sector. The DOS window can be changed to 50 lines by changing the Properties. (Right click on Title Bar and choose Properties). WinNT and Win2K: Choose Layout, Window Size>Height, Screen Buffer Size->Height, Fonts, etc. Then click OK. Make the changes while paused, waiting for a key to continue. You should then type CTRL-C to abort, and run the program again to check for proper screen attributes. The program replaces Oldsects.oec each time with the contents of 256 SRAM sectors. Two temp files are created: cmddbgr.txt and cmddbgw.txt, with debug commands. !!!WARNING!!! - This program will destroy data on the selected disk! Use caution!

For Ref only Rev 6 / November 2010

Service Operation Europe By Nicolas Herv

GE-Svce Ops Eu

Reload software from backup disk.
A 3 1/2 floppy disk containing generator backup software is shipped with every 9600 System. The disk contains the same files as contained on the SRAM card from the Technique Processor PCB. If a problem arises with the SRAM card, the files can be copied from the floppy disk to the card using the following procedure. Equipment required: Computer with PCMCIA port Software (loaded on computer) to recognize PCMCIA port Generator backup software (3 1/2-inch disk) NOTE: The 3 1/2-inch floppy disk contains data that is unique (calibration data, serial number) to that system. Do not use backup software from another system for this Procedure. 1. Boot computer, insuring that the PCMCIA port is recognized by software. 2. Install SRAM card from Technique Processor PCB in PCMCIA port on computer, listen for beep from computer that indicates recognition of card. 3. Install 3 1/2-inch floppy backup disk on computer. 4. Go to MS-DOS prompt. 5. Use the following command to copy the files from the floppy to the SRAM card: copy A:*.* F:

Do not overwrite the io.sys file, file and msdos.sys

NOTE: Assuming F drive as the PCMCIA port and A drive as the 3 1/2 floppy drive.

For Ref only Rev 6 / November 2010


Service Operation Europe By Nicolas Herv

GE-Svce Ops Eu

HOT-BYTE Information
The Hot-Byte is a byte of data located at address 0000 in the EEPROM.DAT file in generator software. Depending on the status of the Hot-Byte, the direction of data transfer between EEPROM U58 and the SRAM card, both on the Technique Processor, will change as shown in Figures 1 and 2. Hot-Byte Not Set = (0) Hot-Byte Set = (1) 5A at address 0000 in EEPROM.DAT file A5 at address 0000 in EEPROM.DAT file

Hot-Byte Not Set (0)

Under normal operating conditions the Hot-Byte is set at 0 (5A and information such as that for the Event file is written into EEPROM U58 on the Technique Processor as the events occur. At the next boot-up of the system, this information is written from U58 to the corresponding file on the SRAM card as shown in the first case in Figure 1. If the EEPROM is blank (as shown in the second case in Figure 1), this will be sensed by software during boot-up and the information contained in the EEPROM.DAT file on the SRAM card is written to EEPROM U58.

For Ref only Rev 6 / November 2010


Service Operation Europe By Nicolas Herv

GE-Svce Ops Eu

Hot-Byte Set (1)
With the Hot-Byte set at 1, the direction of data transfer will always be from the SRAM card to EEPROM U58 as shown in both cases of Figure 2. When the EEPROM is blank, this will be sensed by software during boot-up and the information contained in the EEPROM.DAT file on the SRAM card is written to EEPROM U58. In the second case of Figure 2, the EEPROM is not blank but the Hot-Byte is set at 1. In this case, the information in the EEPROM.DAT file on the SRAM card will overwrite the information already on the EEPROM when the system is booted. After this takes place, the Hot-Byte becomes a 0 and the software is back to normal operation as shown in Figure 1. This scenario would occur if EEPROM U58 was suspected of being corrupted and it was desired to re-program U58. Before this could be done, the SRAM card would have to be re-loaded with the files from the 3 1/2 floppy backup disk as explained under the Copy Files from 3 1/2-inch Floppy Disk to SRAM heading in this section. The Hot-Byte on the backup disk is set at 1 so that this re-write to the EEPROM can be accomplished.

For Ref only Rev 6 / November 2010


Service Operation Europe By Nicolas Herv

GE-Svce Ops Eu

-S-Ram Replacement
1. Remove the rear cover of the C-Arm and remove the original SRAM and replace it with the new SRAM . Make sure the serial number on the new SRAM matches the system serial number.

2. Turn on the Workstation keyswitch. The message OEC Boot Disk Needed will appear on the C-Arm. Insert the Boot and Diagnostic disk into the Workstation floppy drive. The message Loading optuser will appear on the left monitor and then the Mainframe menu will be displayed. Set the boost options for the C-Arm that were written down previously. Note: If Cooling Fan is installed, select Y at option M. Cooling Kit Installed (Y/N)?. 3. After the configuration is correct, press A to Run Applications (Take x-rays).

For Ref only Rev 6 / November 2010


Service Operation Europe By Nicolas Herv

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