ANNEX VII. TNA Report - 2 ND Draft

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Report: Training Need Assessment (TNA)

ASEAN Training Centre for Social Work (ATCSW)

March, 2023
Table of Content
Executive Summary


1.1 Background
2.1 Training Need Assessment Objectives
2.2 Training Need Assessment Methodology
3.2 Survey SUMMARY

For Inquiries, contact: ATCSW 1034 Krung Kasem Rd, Khlong Maha Nak, Pom Prap Sattru
Phai, Bangkok Thailand 10100 Phone: (+66) 2 202 9095 Email:
General information appears online at:

"ASEAN Training Centre for Social Work and Social Welfare" is founded under the cooperation
of Thailand and ASEAN Member States to promote social work training. increase the capacity of
social work paraprofessionals and volunteer to share knowledge and status.

The text of this publication may be quoted or reprinted, provided proper acknowledgment is

ATCSW Report on TNA May 2022- November 2022

Writers; Farheen Masfiqua Malek, Ratana Leang, Naruthai Thongmee, Buntarika Wangnah,
Hadrien Bienvenu-Lalot and Wanna Suksriboonamphai


Professors; Dr. Associate Tan Ngoh Tiong, Dr. Associate Puchong Senanuch and Dr.Sorasich

Editor; Wanna Suksriboonamphai


Facebook: Twitter: @ASEANTCSW Linktree:

ATCSW ASEAN Training Center for Social Work and Social Welfare
ASEC ASEAN Secretariat
COVID 19 Coronavirus pandemic
GIZ German Agency for International Cooperation
NASWEI National Association for Social Work Education Inc
TNA Training Need Assessment



1.1 Background:

1.1.1 Background: Brief notes on the Training Needs Assessment by ASEAN Training
Center for Social Work (ATCSW)

ASEAN Training Centre for Social Work and Social Welfare, hereinafter referred to as
“ATCSW”, is established as a follow-up to the decision made by the ASEAN Leaders at the 35th
ASEAN Summit in Thailand as mentioned in paragraph 34 of the Chairman’s Statement1 .
ATCSW has its has established office in the Kingdom of Thailand, hereinafter referred to as the
Host Government, and operates in accordance with the following: Terms of Reference (TOR)2 .
In late 2021, we did interviews for the Training Needs Assessment with the focus group
consisting of 7 countries. Nevertheless, the new TNA that we have currently developed is using
mixed methods, and it is for all Member States. 
According to the Inception Meeting of the Governing Board on 26 January 2021, referring to 4.2
DRAFT WORK PLAN OF ATCSW 20213, ATCSW has the Initial Work Plan that it will be
undertaking in FY 2021 3 . One of the main activities for the first year of operation will focus on
the Training Need Assessment. Therefore, the TNA is on the work plan agenda required to be
completed within 2022. This form can be distributed to the social workers and/or people whose
work is related to the development field, community development or social policy and/ or
The TNA data received from the survey will help to identify relevant required topics and issues
that are emerging in the context of social work. This data will determine the social worker
communities; needs for upgrading their skills and/or fill in the gaps in learning that will
encourage them to perform well and be more organized. It may create connectivity among the
social workers, build confidence and build trust in their organizations. As needs assessment is
about learning to real needs and situations after the major COVID-19 pandemic years. It
enhances the understanding of the complex issues that can be done through training.
Furthermore, TNA assessment is viable to extract unexpected problems that can lead to problem
solution training; in the future, this data will also boost building a channel within the social
worker’s network in the ASEAN countries and will be useful to create more interactive events
like workshops, seminars, symposium, training that will be underlined. Additionally, as the TNA
analysis will be a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) base, it will build an
understanding for further surveys, focus group discussions, public meetings, direct observations,
and in-depth interviews.

SOCIAL WELFARE (ATCSW) 26 January 2021, 09:00-11:00 hrs. (GMT+7), via video conference.
Annex III Terms of Reference, ASEAN Training Centre for Social Work and Social Welfare (ATCSW).

1.2 ASEAN Training Center for Social Work (ATCSW):
1.2.1 ATCSW
established from the proposal of Thailand as the host of 35th ASEAN Summit 2019. ATCSW is
aimed to develop relevant people in social work and social welfare fields with comprehensive
knowledge and skills, including, strengthening close social work collaborations in ASEAN.
According to the ASEAN Way, the regional purpose is to maintain the stability of ASEAN
Member States by leaving no one behind.

1.2.2 Vision
● Be a leading training center on social work and social welfare in ASEAN by 2025.
1.2.3 Mission
Thailand and ASEAN jointly established ATCSW, which is a training center that aims to provide
training courses, develop curriculum and promote collaboration among ASEAN Member States.
The center's 3 core missions are:
● Develop: to develop social workers by providing them training courses and a
comprehensive curriculum.
● Support: to support them in skills enhancement, experience, and a comprehensive
● Enhance: to support strong cooperation which will provide better and sustainable
standards. of social work service in ASEAN.

2.1 Training Need Assessment Objectives
Throughout the ASEAN network there are enormous engagement of social workers in every life
with different issues going around the communities and societies. Their effortless work always
aims for the benefit of the vulnerable communities, People in Need (PND), and supports to
address the prior issues that require attention of national to international community to resolve.
One of the prior factors for the social workers to work in the development sector is always to
remain updated and acknowledged about the updated law, policies, international affiliations and
other emerging issues going around. Hence, to support the social workers, ATCSW took the
initiative to understand the key needs of the social workers in terms of fulfilling their gaps of
knowledge, work with them on their capacity building and strengthen their skills on handling
complicated situations. The objective of the TNA is to;
● identifying relevant required topics and issues that are emerging in the context of
social work
● work on the findings from the TNA survey to support understanding the social
worker communities needs for upgrading their skills and/or fill in the gaps in
learning that will encourage them to perform well and be more organized in their
respective fields.
● build a common platform for all the social workers and relevant stakeholders in
the ASEAN to enhance the connectivity and strengthen the network.

2.2 Training Need Assessment Methodology

For the TNA, ATCSW considered enrolling a survey among the ASEAN countries and
conducted both qualitative and quantitative methods. The survey questionnaires are being
constructed to identify the needs of the social worker for upgrading and updating their skills,
capacities and make them able to adopt a generalized understanding on social work and social
welfare. The survey was disseminated at the beginning of May internally to check on the
questionnaire; in the 2nd phase (June-July) it was disseminated to the ASEAN countries through
the Ministry of Social Work. In July there was a meeting with the Governing Body of the
ATCSW, where with the suggestion of all the ASEAN Member States, ATCSW decided to keep
the survey open until the end of September. Hence, it was again extended up to mid-November to
reach out potential respondents. Total 202 responses were received through online and hardcopy.
From the above mentioned survey response this survey analysis has considered 50 responses that
answered all the questions in the questionnaires.

3.1 Overview
The survey of the TNA was circulated through google forms to the 10 countries' respective
relevant governing bodies. The respondent belongs from different age groups, race, gender,
religion and organizations as well. Below the overall survey analysis is being demonstrated.
From the below pie-chart it can be observed that among the 202 responses that 59.4% belong in
the group of age 31-45 years old, second largest groups belong to 46-60 years old age range with
20.3%, then respectively 18-30 age range 18.8% and only 1.5% belongs to age group 61+ age
range. The people in their 30s and 40s are more interested in participating in the survey.
Age (years old)



To summarize the data we selected 50 out of 202 representatives of social workers and/or people
whose work is related to the development field, community development, or social policy and/ or
welfare from ASEAN member states. The data consist of 50 samples (6 Cambodia, 7 Indonesia,
3 Laos, 5 Malaysian, 9 Myanmar, 9 Philippines, 1 Singapore, 3 Vietnam, 2 Brunei Darussalam,
and 5 Thailand).

3.2 Survey Summary (50 responses)

3.2.1 Existing Training Delivery Framework in ASEAN (50 responses)

Figure 1. Type of Organization

The majority of representatives are

from the government sector with
58 %. 22 % from the universities
sector, 6 % from International
NGO/IGO/UN, 4 % from local
NGOs, and unidentified with 10 %.

Figure 2. Identify your position

Most of the representatives are in

the Mid-Management position with
44%, 38% are officers, and only 4%
are the top management.

Figure 3. Q1. Based on COVID-19 context, has your organization's training needs also been changed?

The majority of representatives

agreed that the organization’s
training needs to change during the
COVID-19 pandemic.

Figure 4. Q2. Are there any specific training needs in particular that you think it is important for your
country/ community/culture?

78% believe that there should be

more specific training needs,
please check out the specific
training needs in Table 1.

Table 1. Q2.1 If your answer is yes, please list down specific training needs that you consider important.

1. Working

1.1 social work related Advanced social work skills and practices

Advance method or technique in social work

Cultural competence in social work practice

Social work, social welfare system, social

protection, cash transfer system

Disease control and management

On the foresight of social work services

Alignment of e-learning to social work education,

on-line relationship building, re-designing
curricula and teaching methods

Handling teenage pregnancy

Skills and knowledge on decolonizing sw,

indigenous sw

Trauma-informed, victim-centered, rights-based

approach to working with children and families;
specialized child protection skills in working with
child victims of abuse, trafficked children, children
without parental care...; social work and child
protection in specific sectors (education, health,
justice); inter-sectoral coordination

Social work and covid 19, swers role in the


1.2 soft skills Team spirit building

Multidisciplinary team approach

Staff motivation

Online communication skills, working and

management in online platform

Training public speaking and personality training

Problem solving skills

1.3 technical skills Social worker skill training

Community-based approach towards disaster

Pre-service training, budget training, caregivers

training, awareness raising training concerned
with social services to the public, etc.

Social work diploma training/humanitarian

assistance training

Case management, supervision

Cultural competence, decolonizing sw,

international sw, case management

Online case management system, flexible field

instruction internship, online teaching strategies,

How to conduct counseling online, social work

field supervision for interns,

Therapeutic community training, cognitive

behavior therapy, skill communication

1.4 other Library

2. Covid-19 How to adapt living and working in covid situation

3. Personal & health Mental health

Emotional intelligence, deep listening skill

4. IT It is an application at a working place.

technology material need and capacity building.

Data analytics

Audio visual aid blended learning pedagogies

Meeting technology/ testimony to the judge via

electronic media

Figure 5. Q3. Which months are the best periods for conducting the training? (Choose up to 3 choices)

The top 3 periods that are the best

time for conducting the training are
Jan-Feb (26%), Sep-Oct (15%),
and then Mar-Apr and Jul-Aug

Figure 6. Q4. Please choose your preferred mode for the training (50 responses).

Almost half of the respondents

(46%) prefer classroom-based
and 40% for hybrid.

Figure 6.1. Q4. Please choose your preferred mode for the training (Malaysia).

Almost half of Malaysia’s

respondents (43%) prefer
classroom-based and 34% for

Figure 6.2. Q4. Please choose your preferred mode for the training (Thailand).

More than half of Thailand's

respondents (56%) prefer online and
26% for classroom-based.

Figure 7. Q5. Will you be willing to pay for the training/course?

1/5 are willing to pay and 44% are

unsure about it but on the other hand
1/3 are not willing to pay.

Figure 8. Q6. If the payment is required for the training/course, how much are you willing to cover? Please
mention it in dollars.

The majority (64%) prefer to pay 1-50

dollars maximum for the

Figure 9. Q7. Will your organization be willing to pay for the training/course?

The respondents have mixed views

that their organization is willing to
pay (22%) and more than half are
unsure about it (54%).

Figure 10. Q8. If the payment is required for the training/course, how much is your organization willing to
cover? Please mention it in dollars.

The respondents do believe that their

organization is willing to pay up to USD
200 or more but most of the
organization would prefer for USD
1-50 for the training/course (46%).

Q9. How many days or hours do you prefer to participate in the training course? Please answer separately
and mention the number of days or hours you prefer. (One full classroom-based day equals to 6 hours of

Figure 11. For Online

For the online platform, the

respondents prefer to participate in the
training course for 1-6 hours/ 1 day
(30%), 13-18 hours/ 3 days (20%), and
7-12 hours/ 2 days and above 19/ more
than 3 days (14%).

Figure 12. For classroom-based

For the classroom-based, the

respondents prefer to participate in the
training course for above 19/ more
than 3 days (24%), then 1-6 hours/ 1
day, 7-12 hours/ 2 days (20%), and
13-18 hours/ 3 days (16%).

Figure 13. For hybrid

For hybrids, the respondents prefer to

participate in the training course for
above 19/ more than 3 days (30%),
13-18 hours/ 3 days (22%), 1-6 hours/
1 day (18%), and 1-6 hours/ 1 day

Q10. Which area do you prefer for a training course? (You may select more than one options)

Figure 14.1

Most of the respondents were more

interested in Social work courses
(32%), Social protection (27%), Case
management (21%), and then Social
welfare (20%).

Figure 14.2

Most of the respondents were more

interested in Gender and Development
(30%), Gender Diversity (23%), Sexual
Abuse (18%), Gender Mainstreaming
(15%) and Gender Equality (14%).

Figure 14.3

Most of the respondents were more

interested in Community Development
(32%), Social Policy (28%),
International Development (22%), and
Public Policy (18%).

Figure 14.4

Most of the respondents were more

interested in 2 areas, which are Social
Work Laws and Social Work in
International Context (30%), Social
Work Population Welfare (22%), and
Social Work in Health Context (18%).

Figure 14.5

Most of the respondents were

more interested in 2 areas, which
are Social Work Laws and Social
Work in International Context
(30%), Social Work Population
Welfare (22%), and Social Work in
Health Context (18%).

Figure 14.6

Most of the respondents were

more interested in IT skills for
social work (31%), Project
Management (24%), Change
Management (20%), Monitoring &
Evaluation (16%), and Finance
and Budgeting (9%).

Q10.7 Other capacity building training courses, please specify.

​Soft skill

· Common sense/ responsibility/ mutual respect

· project coordination
· Team Buildings Course, Attitude and Self-Development Workshops
· Diversity and Social Inclusion, Community Development
· Conflict Sensitive Project Management

Technical skill
· Team management
· community organization and community development
· Counseling

· Change Management
· Coaching and Supervision

Social work related

· Pedagogy for social work
· Social Work and Cultural Diversity
· Fundraising in social protection.
· social work education
· Supervision in Social Work, Emerging Trends in SW Practice

Personal health
· Public speaking training
· Public speaking

Figure 15. Q11. Which language do you prefer for the training/course?

Most people (58%) prefer

English, Your Mother
Language (24%), Any
Language with the
Translation Support (18%) for
the training/course.

Figure 16. Q12. Which of the following factors would influence you to register for a training program? (You
may select more than one option)

The top 3 factors that would

influence them to register for a
training program are
Scholarships (18%), Continued
Education on Credits and
Program Objectives (16%), and
Price (12%).

Table 2. Q13. Please arrange the top 3 factors by selecting 1-3 based on your preference. Please note
that the answer is limited to 3 answers only. One column per one answer.

1 2 3
a) Continued Education Credits 12 7 6
b) Credit Earned 1 3 4
c) Facilitator(s) 1 1 3
d) Length of Program 2 4 3
e) Location 4 4 3
f) Presenter 2 7 2
g) Price 5 2 6
h) Program Objectives 8 8 10
i) Scholarships 6 6 11

The top 3 factors are Continued Education Credits, Program Objectives, and Scholarships.

Table 3. Q14. List the type(s) of training and development your organization has provided in the last five

Type of Country Organization's / 14. List the type(s) of training and

Organization Individual’s Name development your organization has
provided in the last five years?

International Cambodia GIZ Social protection, Social policy development


caritas Cambodia 1. Organizational Development

2. Leadership skill

Indonesia ASEC 1. Gender Equality

2. Women Empowerment

3. Child Protection

Vietnam Coursera e-learning


Government Cambodia Ministry of Social IT skills

Veterans and Youth


Cambodia National Institute of Social work

Social Affairs (NISA)

Cambodia Ministry of labor + 1. career guidance for fresh graduate

Vocational training
2. pre-employment training (job-interview,
writing CV, Job readiness ... etc)

3. soft skill training

Indonesia Pusat Pendidikan Workshop of social worker

Pelatihan dan
Profesi Kementerian
sosial RI

Indonesia MOSA Capacity building workshop for social worker

Laos Social Welfare Child protection

Department, MoLSW

Malaysia Social Welfare Short term Advanced Diploma in Social Work

Department (program terminated), short courses in social
work (not finely structured)

Malaysia Department of Social Disaster training in post disaster, volunteer
Welfare Malaysia training, social work

Malaysia JKM present

Malaysia not much on capacity building.


Malaysia Social skills and management

Myanmar Department of Social GSW training

Staff officer training

Research methods

Myanmar Gender Concept

Gender based violence

GBV on Case management

Myanmar -Designing and Implementing Social Transfer

Programmes training (Thailand)

-Social Participation and Livelihood of

Persons with Disabilities Through a
community-based inclusive approach

Myanmar Department of Social Generic Social work, Diversity and Social

Welfare, Ministry of Inclusion, Leadership and Management
Social Welfare, Skills, Public Presentation Skills and other
Relief and boosted training of Social Works and Social
Resettlement. Services.

Vietnam ministry of labor 1. case management
invalids and social
affairs 2. social work to support children, .......,
mental health disorder people

Brunei Ministry of Culture, Strategic Planning, Data Analytics for Public

Darussalam Youth and Sports Sectors

Thailand Department of Google suit

Children and Youth

Thailand Orientation

Local NGO Myanmar Yangon School of Social work courses/social cohesion/social

Social Work inclusion

Vietnam LIFE Centre Too much

Darussalam Supervision training

Indonesia Bandung Research Method

Polytechnic of Social

Indonesia Politeknik Research training

Sosial (Bandung
Universities Polytechnic of Social

Philippines Ateneo de Davao social protection

University/ NASWEI



Philippines Universidad de New normal guidelines

Philippines University of the City social protection, gender mainstreaming,

of Valenzuela case management

NASWEI Case management, supervisory training

Philippines GRCM, Integrating OPSEC in the social

National Association work curriculum, counseling, training for SW
for Social Educators field supervisors

Thailand SDP Thammasat Mostly on social policy area

Myanmar Basic Gender Concept. Project Proposal

Development. Governance.

Myanmar 1) Gender and Social Inclusion

Universities 2) Prevention from Sexual Exploitation,
Abuse and Harassment

3) Introduction of Conflict Sensitive Project


Myanmar Child Protection


Ateneo de Davao
University online class

Q15. Would you like to travel with your family member(s) in Thailand during the training in Thailand?

a) Total Responses

Figure 17.

From 197 responses, almost half of them

(44.2%) would like to travel with family
members during the training in Thailand.

b) 50 Responses

Figure 18.

More than half (54%) prefer to travel with

family members during the training course in

Q16. If the training is conducted in Thailand, do you require ATCSW assistance to book your hotels?

Figure 19. Total Responses

From all of the responses 197,

Half of them (56.6%) require
ATCSW to assistance for book

Figure 20. 50 Responses

Most of them (62%) are require

ATCSW to assistance for book hotels.

Table 4. Response from all the ASEAN member state

Country Yes No Unsure

Cambodia 3 1 2
Indonesia 7 - -
Laos 2 1 -
Malaysia 4 1 -
Myanmar 4 1 4
Philippines 7 1 1
Singapore - - 1
Vietnam 1 1 1
Brunei Darussalam
1 - 1
Thailand 2 1 2

Q17. Below the survey statements were included in the survey, to grasp the key points of the social
workers, critically analyze the context during the COVID-19 time, comprehend the gaps and understand
the intersectional needs that requires the social worker to deal in their everyday work implementation.

For the statement of having insufficient training 34% of the SW agreed, 36% of the SW gave their neutral
judgment on having enough training; on the other hand on the statement of not having training with high
quality 32% agreed and 18% disagreed and 32% responded positively that the quality training was not
being provided. Also, related to work the training was also not being received by 26% where else 22%
disagreed. But an interestingly equal number 24% of the respondents agreed and disagreed on the
statement that enough training was organized but the required courses related to work were absent. In
terms where the individual needs to pay for their training 38% agreed is an obstacle for them and not only
that organizations limited budget also limits the participation in different trainings agreed by 34%.

In terms of having a license to work as SW and participate in the training the only 9% participants agree
on the statement against 26% participants who don’t see it as a barrier. Even 30% of the participants also
don’t think that working as SW and building a career is a problem. Hence, the majority (40%) believes that

gender inequality culture does limit participants to attend training. Where else, 26% of the respondent
believes that the country's political instability also has an impact in participating in the training programs.
Another interesting finding came out from the survey is that 36% of the participants disagreed that
conflicts in the organization limits participating in training and 32% preferred neutral on the statement.

In the final statement regarding the language barrier 32% of the participants also do believe that English
is not an obstacle for them, whereas 14% agreed that English language restricts them to participate.

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree agree
1. You have
insufficient training. 4 8% 9 18% 14 28% 17 34% 6 12%
2. You have enough
training. 6 12% 12 24% 18 36% 13 26% 1 2%
3. You have enough
training but not with
high quality. - - 10 20% 21 42% 16 32% 5 10%
4. You have enough
training appropriate to
your work. 5 10% 11 22% 18 36% 13 26% 3 6%
5. You agree that you
have enough training
but not the courses
that you require for
your work. 1 2% 12 24% 20 40% 12 24% 5 10%
6. I have limited
opportunities for
training 2 4% 8 16% 19 38% 13 26% 8 16%
7. Budget limits
opportunities for
training. - - 5 10% 12 24% 19 38% 14 28%
8. Limited budget in
my organization limits
my opportunities for
training. - - 6 12% 15 30% 17 34% 12 24%
9. License limits my
work opportunities;
therefore, I am not
sent to the training. 5 10% 13 26% 22 44% 9 18% 1 2%
10. I have no career
growth as a social
worker. 9 18% 15 30% 20 40% 4 8% 2 4%
11. Gender inequality
in culture limits
opportunities for
training. 8 16% 20 40% 11 22% 10 20% 1 2%

12. Unstable political

situation constrains 9 18% 13 26% 15 30% 11 22% 2 4%

me from participating
in a training course.
13. I have a busy
schedule; therefore, it
is very difficult for me
to join training. 2 4% 18 36% 16 32% 13 26% 1 2%
14. Conflicts in my
organization limit my
opportunities for
training. 8 16% 18 36% 16 32% 7 14% 1 2%
15. English limits my
participation in
training. 13 26% 16 32% 11 22% 7 14% 3 6%

Q18. Rate the following strategic issues in Training and Development from scale 1 (least important)
to 5 (most important): Please circle your answers.

The following statements were included in the survey to identify the understanding of the SW of their
current needs. Such as the first 5 statement is based on the organization or departmental needs of training
specifically; respondents agreed that inclusion of new components in the training (52%), improvising the
existing training course materials (58%), importance of customer service and effectiveness (50%),
emphasizing on the organizational training keeping the organization’s vision on mind (54%) and instead
of centralizing the training decentralization of the training (56%). 46% of the respondents strongly believe
that training courses must be comprehensive and relevant to real situations. Respondents also showed
affirmative signs on the statement that higher authorities should have interest to invest in training and
development (50%).

Respondents also do agree that they found in their organization their opportunities are limited in terms of
moving upwards in the hierarchy positions (48%) where else (34%) posed on neutral. Similarly, 54% of
the respondents showed their agreement on inclusion courses in the training for eliminating discrimination
in workplaces too. Likewise for the ethical counter SW also believes that training courses should include
it (42%). In terms of the PSEA education, the majority of the respondent (48%) thinks it's important,
whereas interestingly 22% remained neutral but 6% of the respondent strongly agreed to establish the
PSEA process through education. Emotional intelligence is very crucial in the field of social work and the
SW course on these issues should be provided that 46% of the respondent agreed on. On the point of
SW’s health and safety majority respondent (54%) do agree that in the training the concern on this matter
is very minimal.

On the subject of language to be considered for training 40% of the respondents are ok with the bilingual;
majority of the respondent (44%) also agree that the SW should take the career seriously.

Strongly Strongly
Question Disagree % Disagree % Neutral % Agree Agree %
1. Improved information on the
training courses when they are 2 20
available. 1 % 2 4% 11 22% 26 52% 10 %
2. Training course materials 2 22
should be improved. 1 % 2 4% 7 14% 29 58% 11 %
3. Your customer service skills
and their effectiveness are 2 18
essential. 1 % 3 6% 12 24% 25 50% 9 %
4. Organization’s vision relating to
Training & Development must be 2 22
in place. 1 % 3 6% 8 16% 27 54% 11 %
5. De-centralized Training &
Development allowing each unit
to determine training needs is 2 16
necessary. 1 % 2 4% 11 22% 28 56% 8 %
6. Middle Management
Development - Enhancing your
opportunities are limited in my 4
organization. 2 % 4 8% 17 34% 24 48% 3 6%
7. Preventing Sexual harassment
and Abuse (PSEA) should be 2 26
taught. 1 % 2 4% 10 20% 24 48% 13 %
8. Health & Safety for social
workers are minimally offered in 4 16
training. 2 % 1 2% 12 24% 27 54% 8 %
9. Higher authorities should be
interested in investment in 2 24
Training and Development. 1 % 3 6% 9 18% 25 50% 12 %
10. Training course must be
comprehensive and relevant to 2 46
real situations. 1 % 2 4% 8 16% 16 32% 23 %
11. Eliminating discrimination in
workplaces should be included in 2 20
a training course. 1 % 2 4% 10 20% 27 54% 10 %
12. Ethics is significant for social
workers or community 2 30
development. 1 % 2 4% 11 22% 21 42% 15 %
13. Training courses should be 4 12 16
taught in bi-language mode. 2 % 6 % 20 40% 14 28% 8 %
14. Emotional intelligence training 4 20
courses should be provided. 2 % 2 4% 13 26% 23 46% 10 %
15. Professional social workers
should be committed to their 2 28
careers. 1 % 3 6% 10 20% 22 44% 14 %

Q19. How Important are the following training topics to you: Please circle the answers by
responding yourself, not for your organization

This part of the survey tries to focus on the core areas of work that SW encounters in their everyday work;
everyday they also deal with new emerging issues or intersectional issues. Social work is an area of work
where the SW needs to take many decisions instantly, understand the cross-sectional terminologies,
manage, communicate and coordinate accordingly.

Steering Skills are one of the vital features of the SW, that enhances coordination through proper
communication, presenting programs attractively, take lead of the work, be a team player, having the skill
of advocacy properly and having the capacity plan strategic way; on that regards majority of the
respondents feel the importance of Communication Skills (52%), Presentation skills (60%), Leadership
Skills (52%), Team Building (50%) and Strategic Planning (44%) and for the Advocacy Skills (44%) more
importance as respondent strongly agree to build the capacity on.

On the matter of People Management Skills like steering skills majority of the respondent shown their
interest to have training on Employment Performance and Management Skills (60%), on Recruitment and
Retention skills (42%), on Interviewing Skills (48%), on Coaching Skills (50%), and for the Critical
Thinking 42% respondent emphasize more.

For workplaces management skills observing the data it clearly indicates the importance of the arena,
majority of the respondent do feel that being SW in it important to have skills on conflict management
(50%), culture diversity (50%), prevent Sexual harassment (46%), prevent workplace bullies and reduce
workplace discrimination (52%).

The concluding part of the survey is the most dynamic chunk of the whole social work that is the
beneficiaries service skills. Social work and social workers aspect is to be focusing full on the
beneficiaries, the field implementation work revolves around the beneficiaries needs and demand; that
can be only understand through some strong quality such as active listening (38%) to comprehend the
context, IT skills for communication (50%), anger management or patience building capacity (54%), for
problem solving skills and for the community service skill respondents shows their support 46% and 50%.

Social work is a work that strongly requires some desire for the work towards community and social
benefits; to build career with passion SW needs to have some features in them that will encourage them
to work forward; For these to have ethics is most needed that also reflects through respondents response
as 40% of the respondent feels the importance for it and 36% strongly agrees to in-build the capacity, SW
do also do need to take care of themselves for which self-care and mental health care is important to
address, 54% of the respondent also want to have training on it; that also leads the need for stress
management (54%), and the most important skill CPR of first aid for SW (52%).

Question Strong % Disagre % Neutral % Agree % Strongly %

ly e Agree
A. Steering Skills
1. Communication Skills 1 2% 2 4% 5 10% 26 52% 16 32%
2. Presentation Skills 1 2% 2 4% 4 8% 30 60% 13 26%
3. Leadership Skills 1 2% 3 6% 4 8% 26 52% 16 32%
4. Team Building 1 2% 4 8% 6 12% 25 50% 14 28%

5. Advocacy Skills 1 2% 3 6% 5 10% 19 38% 22 44%
6. Strategic Planning 1 2% 2 4% 6 12% 22 44% 19 38%
B. People Management
7. Employment 1 2% 2 4% 8 16% 30 60% 9 18%
Performance and
Management Skills
8. Recruitment and 1 2% 6 12% 12 24% 21 42% 10 20%
Retention skills
9. Interviewing Skills 1 2% 3 6% 11 22% 24 48% 11 22%
10. Coaching Skills 1 2% 2 4% 9 18% 25 50% 13 26%
11. Critical Thinking 1 2% 2 4% 7 14% 19 38% 21 42%
C. Workplaces
Management Skills
12. Conflict Management 1 2% 2 4% 4 8% 25 50% 18 36%
13. Culture Diversity 1 2% 2 4% 11 22% 25 50% 11 22%
14. Sexual Harassment 2 4% 5 10% 4 8% 23 46% 16 32%
15. Workplace Bullies 2 4% 6 12% 10 20% 23 46% 9 18%
16. Workplace 6% 8% 14% 52% 20%
Discrimination 3 4 7 26 10
D. Beneficiaries Service
17. Active Listening 1 2% 4 8% 8 16% 19 38% 18 36%
18. Information 2% 6% 14% 50% 28%
Technology (ITC) Skills 1 3 7 25 14
19. Problem Solving Skills 1 2% 2 4% 4 8% 23 46% 20 40%
20. High Level of patience 1 2% 2 4% 9 18% 27 54% 11 22%
21. Community Service 1 2% 2 4% 8 16% 25 50% 14 28%
Skill for Beneficiaries
E.Indispensable Skills

22. Ethics for Social 1 2% 2 4% 9 18% 20 40% 18 36%

23. Self-Care & Mental 1 2% 2 4% 7 14% 27 54% 13 26%
Health Care
24. Stress Management 1 2% 2 4% 4 8% 27 54% 16 32%
25. CPR or First Aid for 1 2% 3 6% 11 22% 26 52% 9 18%
Social Workers

Training Needs Assessment
By ASEAN Training Centre for Social Work and Social Welfare
Organization Type Occupatio
Age Gender Country Current Position
and Name n

☐18-30 ☐Female ☐Brunei Please mention your _________________

☐31-45 ☐Male Darussalam organization’s name: _________________
☐46-60 ☐LGBTQI+ ☐Cambodia _________________
☐60- 65+ ☐Prefer not ☐Indonesia _________________
to disclose ☐Malaysia How do you identify
☐Myanmar _________________ your position?
☐Laos _________________
☐Philippines ☐Top
☐Singapore ☐Mid-Management
Type of Organization ☐Officer
☐Vietnam ☐Local NGO
☐International NGO

Please circle the answer(s) that best describe your needs / situations:
1. Based on COVID-19 context, has your organization's training needs also been changed?
(a) Yes (b) No (c) Unsure (d) I do not know
2. Are there any specific training needs in particular that you think it is important for your country/
(a) Yes (b) No (c) Unsure (d) I do not know
2.1 If your answer is yes, please list down specific training needs that you consider important.

3. Which months are the best periods for conducting the training? (Choose up to 3 choices)
(a) Jan- Feb (b) Mar-Apr (c) May-Jun (d) Jul-Aug
(e) Sep-Oct (f) Nov-Dec
4. Please choose your preferred mode for the training.
(a) Online (b) Classroom-based (c) Hybrid
5. Will you be willing to pay for the training/course?
(a) Yes (b) No (c) Unsure
6. If the payment is required for the training/course, how much are you willing to cover? Please mention it
in dollars.
(a) USD 1-50 (b) USD 51-100 (c) USD 101-149 (d) USD 150-199 (e) USD 200 or more

7. Will your organization be willing to pay for the training/course?

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Unsure (d) I do not know

8. If the payment is required for the training/course, how much is your organization willing to cover?
Please mention it in dollars ($). .........................................
(a) USD 1-50 (b) USD 51-100 (c) USD 101-149 (d) USD 150-199 (e) USD 200 or more

(f) I do not know

9. How many days or hours do you prefer to participate in the training course? Please answer separately
and mention the number of days or hours you prefer. (One full classroom-based day equals to 6 hours of
(a) For online: _______ hours or ________days
(b) For classroom-based class: _______ hours or ________days
(c) For hybrid: _______ hours or ________days

10. Which area do you prefer for a training course? (You may select more than one options)
10. (a) Social Work (b) Social (c) Social (d) Case
1 Welfare Protection Management

10. (a) Gender Diversity (b) Gender and (c) Gender (d) Sexual Abuse (e) Gender
2 Development Equality Mainstreaming

10. (a) Community (b) International (c) Social (d) Public Policy
3 Development Development Policy

10. (a) Social Work Laws (b) Social Work (c) Social Work (d) Social Work in
4 in International Population Health Context
Context welfare

10. (a) English for Social (b) Report and (c) Media in (d) Leadership (e) Communication
5 Workers/Practitioners Proposal Social Work Skills Skills

10. (a) Finance and (b) Project (c) Monitoring (d) IT Skills for (e) Change
6 Budgeting Management & Social Work Management

10.7 Other capacity building training courses, please specify.


11. Which language do you prefer for the training/course?

(a) English (b) Your Mother (c) Any Language (d) Subtitle for Online/Hybrid
Language with Translation Mode

12. Which of the following factors would influence you to register for a training program? (You may select
more than one option)
(a) Continued (b) Credit earned (c) Facilitator(s) (d) Length of (e) Location
Education Credits Program

(f) Presenter (g) Price (h) Program (i) Scholarships


13. Please arrange the top 3 factors by numbering 1-3 based on your preference.
☐Continued ☐Credit earned ☐Facilitator(s) ☐Length of ☐Location
Education Credits Program

☐Presenter ☐Price ☐Program ☐Scholarships


14. List the type(s) of training and development your organization has provided in the last five years?


15. Would you like to travel with your family member(s) in Thailand during the training in Thailand?
(a) Yes (b) No (c) Unsure

16. If the training is conducted in Thailand, do you require ATCSW assistance to book your hotels?
(a) Yes (b) No (c) Unsure

Please circle your answer based on the scale 1-5.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree

1.You have insufficient training. 1 2 3 4 5

2.You have enough training. 1 2 3 4 5

3.You have enough training but not

1 2 3 4 5
with high quality.

4. You have enough training

1 2 3 4 5
appropriate to your work.

5. You agree that you have enough

training but not the courses that you 1 2 3 4 5
require for your work.

6. I have limited opportunities for

1 2 3 4 5

7. Budget limits opportunities for

1 2 3 4 5

8. Limited budget in my
organization limits my opportunities 1 2 3 4 5
for training.

9. License limits my work

opportunities; therefore, I am not 1 2 3 4 5
sent to the training.

10. I have no career growth as a

1 2 3 4 5
social worker.

11. Gender inequality in culture

1 2 3 4 5
limits opportunities for training.

12. Unstable political situation

constrains me from participating in a 1 2 3 4 5
training course.

13. I have a busy schedule;

therefore, it is very difficult for me 1 2 3 4 5
to join training.

14. Conflicts in my organization

1 2 3 4 5
limit my opportunities for training.

15. English limits my participation

1 2 3 4 5
in training.

Rate the following strategic issues in Training and Development from scale 1 (least important) to
5 (most important): Please circle your answers.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

1. Improved information on the

training courses when they are 1 2 3 4 5

2. Training course materials should

1 2 3 4 5
be improved.

3. Your customer service skills and

1 2 3 4 5
their effectiveness are essential.

4. Organization’s vision relating to

Training & Development must be in 1 2 3 4 5

5. De-centralized Training &
Development allowing each unit to
1 2 3 4 5
determine training needs is

6. Middle Management
Development - Enhancing your
1 2 3 4 5
opportunities are limited in my

7. Preventing Sexual harassment and

1 2 3 4 5
Abuse (PSEA) should be taught.

8. Health & Safety for social

workers are minimally offered in 1 2 3 4 5

9. Higher authorities should be

interested in investment in Training 1 2 3 4 5
and Development.

10. Training course must be

comprehensive and relevant to real 1 2 3 4 5

11. Eliminating discrimination in

workplaces should be included in a 1 2 3 4 5
training course.

12. Ethics is significant for social

1 2 3 4 5
worker or community development.

13. Training courses should be

1 2 3 4 5
taught in bi-language mode.

14. Emotional intelligence training

1 2 3 4 5
courses should be provided.

15. Professional social workers

should be committed to their 1 2 3 4 5

How important are the following training topics to you: Please circle the answers by responding
for yourself, not for your organization.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree Agree

A. Steering Skills

1. Communication Skills 1 2 3 4 5

2. Presentation Skills 1 2 3 4 5

3. Leadership Skills 1 2 3 4 5

4. Team Building 1 2 3 4 5

5. Advocacy Skills 1 2 3 4 5

6. Strategic Planning 1 2 3 4 5

B. People Management Skills

7. Employment Performance and

1 2 3 4 5
Management Skills

8. Recruitment and Retention skills 1 2 3 4 5

9. Interviewing Skills 1 2 3 4 5

10. Coaching Skills 1 2 3 4 5

11. Critical Thinking 1 2 3 4 5

C. Workplaces Management Skills

12. Conflict Management 1 2 3 4 5

13. Culture Diversity 1 2 3 4 5

14. Sexual Harassment 1 2 3 4 5

15. Workplace Bullies 1 2 3 4 5

16. Workplace Discrimination 1 2 3 4 5

D. Beneficiaries Service Skills

17. Active Listening 1 2 3 4 5

18. Information Communication

1 2 3 4 5
Technology (ITC) Skills

19. Problem Solving Skills 1 2 3 4 5

20. High Level of patience 1 2 3 4 5

21. Community Service Skill for

1 2 3 4 5

E. Indispensable Skills

22. Ethics for Social Workers 1 2 3 4 5

23. Self-Care & Mental Health Care 1 2 3 4 5

24. Stress Management 1 2 3 4 5

25. CPR or First Aid for Social

1 2 3 4 5

Thank you for your invaluable time and feedback. Should you wish to send your questionnaire back /
write to us, please send your questionnaire/queries to


After analysis of the data collected and the TNA report, ATCSW suggests active engagement
between academia, the public sector and the private sector in ASEAN member states to more
actively address the issue of social worker training.

The coronavirus pandemic prompted us to re-examine training needs at the national level and in
the ASEAN region. Indeed, the changes brought by the pandemic are just an example of how the
world of work is changing very rapidly in this day and age and needs to be constantly challenged
and reassessed. Thus, the following recommendations were drawn from the report:

1. Based on the findings in the TNA, it is recommended that Member States and/or
organizations consider providing technical skills (including IT), soft skills as well as
health-related skills.

2. It is recommended that classroom-based/on-site class is still preferred across ASEAN

Member States ; moreover, there is a growing trend to have an online training course and
a hybrid format in a few Member States. For this reason, it is necessary to invest in an
appropriate technological infrastructure.

3. It is recommended that the organization/Member States shall allocate budget for the
above training as a minority of participants indicated that they are willing to cover the
training by themselves, and if so it will be within a limited minimum of budget (< 50$).

4. This report can also be used to highlight the specific topics that respondents seem to be
most attentive to. The issues of the training shall revolve around a combination of social
work, social protection, case management and social welfare by their respective level of

5. Similarly, according to the findings from the TNA report, it is suggested that Member
States and organizations consider gender related topics such as gender development and
gender diversity, which social workers seem to be particularly interested in.

6. Based on findings it is recommended that Member States and organizations provide

incentives for social workers to join training. These incentives can come to life in the
form of academic credit opportunities, the establishment of scholarships and financial
aid, and the setting of program goals to encourage people to enroll and continue their

7. Lastly, it is advised that Member States and organizations put the emphasis on the
training of specialized personnel to help with the reservation of accommodation for
people traveling for training and for their family members. It is necessary to help simplify
procedures and promote inclusion in order to offer equal opportunities to all in terms of
learning and training opportunities.


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