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EmSAT Practice Exam

Grammar 1 (Qs: 1 - 6): 3:15 minutes

1- Sultan always goes swimming ______________ Fridays.

O on
O every
O each
O all
2- There have been a lot of amazing inventions in the last 100 years, but the computer is probably
__________ useful.
O the most
O some
O that
O a more
3- My friends think my cousin is very beautiful. She has a very _____ face.
O attract
O attractive
O attracted
O attraction
4- I ____________ like to be a doctor when I finish university.
O would
O will
O am
O does
5- My favorite present was one ________ my sister gave me.
O which
O where
O what
O in which
6- The letter is very ___________. Please make sure he gets it today.
O urgency
O urgent
O urgently
O urge
Grammar 2 (Qs: 7 - 15): 3:45 minutes

7- ______________you understand me?

O Was
O Are
O Have
O Do

8- It _____________ strange that the UAE can experience snow, but it’s true.
O seem
O seems
O seeming
O seems that
9- My new laptop is _________ than my old one.
O good
O better
O goodly
O best
10- He asked me what I ____________ if I failed to get the job.
O will doing
O would done
O will done
O would do
11- _____________a few problems with my new computer.
O That is
O There are
O They are
O There is
12- With so many malls in Abu Dhabi, it’s easy ___________something nice to wear.
O will find
O finds
O to find
O find
13- ____________your mother wake you up this morning ?
O Has
O Is
O Was
O Did
14- I was at the park _____________ you called yesterday.
O because of
O in spite of
O when
O why
15- __________ well is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.
O Eat
O Eats
O Eating
O Eaten
Grammar 3 (Qs: 16 - 24): 3:45 minutes

16- At first, running was very difficult for Ali, because he _________ exercising for years.
O hasn’t
O haven’t
O have not
O hadn’t been
17- My brother is really excited because Apple __________ to release a new Apple Watch.
O is about
O will
O about
O going
18- The wall was covered with Barcelona flags; whoever owned the room was a big fan of ________.
O they
O there
O theirs
O their
19- Recycled paper is used __________ in our books.
O extension
O extensively
O extend
O extensive
20- If you put wood in water. It ______________
O floats
O is float
O float
O would float
21- In Dubai, the Metro is __________ cheaper to use than a taxi.
O such
O a lot
O the
O more
22- The place we liked the most ______________ London. It’s a great city!
O was
O the
O that
O which
23- The doctor gave me some medicine, but I don’t know how often I am _____________ to take it.
O supposing
O suppose
O on purpose
O supposed
24- The teacher spoke ____________ to her students.
O encouragingly
O encouragement
O encouraging
O encourage
Grammar 4 (Qs: 25 - 30): 3:15 minutes

25- Don’t ___________ it annoying that when you really need to phone someone, your battery dies?
O think
O finding
O you find
O is
26- Since the exam is almost finished, I thought it _________ fun to have a party to celebrate.
O has
O become fun
O will be
O would have
27- I think it is _____________ be hot tonight..
O go to
O goes to
O going
O going to
28- If you _____________ carefully, you could have avoided the accident.
O had driven
O would have driven
O have driven
O drive
29- Nowadays, we often _________people talk about the environment.
O hear
O hears
O does hear
O hearing
30- Not ________ did your brother forget to do his homework, but he also forgot all about his exam.
O so
O because
O only
O and

VOCABLARY (1) (Qs: 31 - 36): 2:30 minutes

31- When Fatima left her job with the company, her _____________ gave her beautiful present.
O competitions
O fights
O signs
O colleagues
32- I am studying the capital cities of Asia because we have a _____________quiz tomorrow.
O geography
O speaker
O apartment
O cousin
33- I heard a ________bang and then saw black smoke.
O loud
O cream
O popular
O latest
34- The old part of the town has hardly changed at all in over a ________, so tourists loves to visit
and see the old buildings.
O mushroom
O fork
O geography
O century
35- It’s noisy in here. I’m getting a _______________.
O headache
O chemistry
O keyboard
O painter
36- My little brother has a______________ arm. He fell while playing football.
O negative
O thirsty
O broken
O various
Vocabulary 2 (Qs: 37 - 45): 3:00 minutes

37- She is a ____________ worker and she gets a lot of things done quickly.
O weak
O hidden
O hard
O light
38- My kids love to ______________ on the beach.
O plays
O play
O playing
O played
39- The _____________ weather is a nice change from the heat we had in the summer.
O thin
O shocking
O cool
O magic
40- The science ___________ had all the materials that you will need for the experiment.
O experience
O accent
O kit
O switch
41- Our teacher is always ____________ with us. He is very funny.
O protecting
O persuading
O joking
O reducing
42- Did you ___________ a car for our trip?
O hire
O surprise
O depart
O prove
43- The school will build a new _____________ for our sports teams.
O gym
O occasion
O cabbage
O flour
44- People _______ speak Spanish in Mexico.
O maintenance
O maintain
O mainly
O main
45- University isn’t just about education. There are a lot of _________ events, too.
O due
O natural
O hopeful
O social
Vocabulary 3 (Qs: 46 - 54): 2:30 minutes

46- I don’t _____________ if we agreed to meet on Monday or Wednesday.

O influence
O explore
O broadcast
O recall
47- My little brother isn’t much fun to play games with us as he often _________.
O cheats
O fries
O mends
O lengthens
48- Most 4-star hotels are professional, but in the Shelton resort, the welcome feels _____________.
O stubborn
O proposed
O genuine
O swollen
49- We want everyone to ___________ their ideas to the project.
O contribute
O stress
O ban
O estimate
50- I think action movies are highly ____________ but my sister doesn’t like them at all.
O primary
O desperate
O entertaining
O minor
51- The twins are so _____________ that you can’t differentiate between them.
O wealthy
O identical
O biological
O distant
52- Your role is to _____ the stock market to find investing opportunities.
O observable
O observation
O observatory
O observe
53-Ahmed is a very busy with work recently and doesn’t have much time. I only see
him ____________ for dinner.
O once in a blue moon
O in the heat of the moment
O feeling under the weather
O hitting the nail on the head
54- The new roads and bridges ____________ the amount of traffic on Dubai roads.
O agreed
O reduced
O finished
O stood
Vocabulary 4 (Qs: 55 - 60): 2:30 minutes

55-The ___________ of the apple was rotten.

O criteria
O fund
O partner
O core

56- Our company started small, but it has quickly __________ into a multinational business.

O evolved
O marched
O recreated
O unfolded

57- He studied ________________ in university and published papers on historical sites in Turkey.

O archaeology
O competence
O orientation
O allegation

58- The school counselor’s job is to listen_____________ and help students with their problems.

O sympathetically
O fancily
O coarsely
O unimportantly

59- Zorbing is a crazy new sport where you roll down a mountain inside a huge clear plastic _______

O sketch
O mammal
O posture
O bubble

60- I looked at the evidence and ________ that the company had made a mistake.

O funded
O appealed
O restricted
O concluded
Reading 1 (Qs: 61- 65): 10 minutes

61- Read the passage and answer the question.

Most people think the internet is such older than it really is.
Actually, the internet came into general use by people in the early
1990s , and email followed soon after. In the beginning, there was no
Google, Youtube or Snapchat. The bog names then were Alta Vista,
Yahoo and Netscape. If you asked young people now , they would not
Know these names. However, these companies are famous to many
People over the age of 15. They helped make the internet popular.
These days, more than 60% of the world’s population are using the

According to the article, _________

O Yahoo is becoming more and more popular nowadays.
O Using the internet too much can be bad for people’s eyes.
O The big internet companies is the 1990s were different than now.
O You people use the internet more than older people.

62- Read the passage and answer the question.

In Ghana, for example, the day of the week a child was born is celebrated
every week! Each week on the child’s birth day, he or she wakes up early
and washes using a special soap. In the afternoon, there is a feast with
family and friends and the child usually dresses in white clothing. Children
in Argentina receive pulls on their ears for their birthday. Traditionally,
they get one for each year of their life. Chinese people believe that tigers
protect children, so family members bring new babies special food and
gifts of clothing or toys decorated with tigers. In Denmark, people fly
the country’s flag outside their home to show someone in the family is
having a birthday. Gifts are placed around the child’s bed, so they will
be the first thing the child sees in the morning.

In ___________, people fly flags to show that there is a birthday in the family.
O Ghanna
O China
O Denmark
O Japan
63- Read the passage and answer the question.

Who invented pasta? This question is impossible to answer.

There is evidence to show that pasta, rather than bread, was
made all over the ancient world. Everyone has read the story
of how the explorer Marco Polo brought pasta back from China to
Italy in the 13th century is famous, but what many people do not
realize is that the Chinese have eaten pasta for thousands of years.
We know this because in 2005, a Chinese archaeologist called
Houyuan Lu found 4,000-year old noodles preserved in a pot in
Western China.

The word preserved means ________________.

o made
o prepared
o eaten
o kept

64- Read the passage and answer the question.

I'm going to send this email to my good friend Maria in England

who is coming to Al Ain next week, and I want to be sure that the
information is correct for her, because I cannot collect her from
the airport in Dubai, so please read it and check the information
for me. Thanks! When you arrive at Dubai Airport, go outside and
catch a bus to Deira, in Dubai centre. From the Deira bus station, you
can take a bus to Al Ain. The costs is 20 dirhams and there is one
every hour. Because you are arriving in the morning, you will have
no problems getting to Al Ain.

The purpose of the email is to_________

O tell Maria how to get to Al Ain.

O encourage Maria to come to the UAE.
O give Maria more information about Al Ain.
O tell Maria about the problems of getting to AL Ain.
65- Read the passage and answer the question.

Most people spend about eight hours each day sleeping. In other words,
it seems we spend about one third of our life 'doing nothing'. However,
sleep is not really doing nothing, even though it looks like it. Our eyes
are closed, our muscles are relaxed, and we breathe in a slow, even
pattern. Scientists have studied sleep and found that our heart slows down,
yet our brain is very active. But why do we need to sleep? There are so
many things we could be doing if we did not sleep.

What is true about sleep?

O our body organs are working during sleep.

O we spend about half of our life doing nothing.
O brain is not working while sleeping.
O muscles are stiffed while sleeping.

Reading 2 (Qs: 66- 70): 10 minutes

66- Read the passage and answer the question.

According to legend, many years ago an Indonesian prince

decided to set sail to search for new adventures. His ships were
caught in a storm and were finally blown ashore on a beautiful island
with a white beach, plants with bright flowers, and chirping birds.
As they were walking the prince suddenly saw a strange creature in
the jungle, a magnificent animal which he had never seen before.
When his servant told him that the animal was a lion, the prince
decided to name the island Singa Pura, or Lion City, and declared
himself the ruler. This is the legend of Singapore.

What is the best title of the passage?

O New adventure.
O Nature in Singapore.
O Animals in Singapore.
O The ruler of Singapore.
67- Read the passage and answer the question.

In 1902, only one year after Willis Haviland Carrier graduated from
Cornell University with a Masters in Engineering, the first air
conditioning was in operation in a Brooklyn printing plant.
Prior to this, changes in heat and humidity in the factory caused
problems with the printing paper and with the colored inks. The new air
conditioning machine created a stable environment and good
four-color printing became possible - all thanks to the new
employee at the Buffalo Forge Company, who started on a salary
of only ten dollars per week.

The word who refers to _____________.

O salary.
O Buffalo Forge Company.
O employee.
O environment.

68- Read the passage and answer the question.

In recent years, health professionals have been urging people to take

up exercise and sport for all of the health benefits exercise has to offer,
and increasing numbers of people of all ages have begun to heed this
advice. However, an increase in physical activity, while intended as
a health benefit, can also increase the likelihood of injury. Whether it is
a sprained ankle or a broken leg, there is nothing more frustrating than
watching your team-mates from the sidelines or having to stop your
daily gym workout.

Which of the following statements is false?

O Exercise and sport benefit health.

O Many people start exercise and sports.
O Professionals motivate people to do exercise.
O More physical activity can lead to less injury.
69- Read the passage and answer the question.

Warming up before every training session and competition

helps to increase blood flow to the muscles. This means the
muscles and surrounding tissues can move with more freedom.
Warm ups should begin with easy aerobic activity - for example,
jogging for five to ten minutes - followed by gentle stretching
exercises. The aim of this part of the warm-up is to stretch the
muscles and joints, making them more flexible and less likely
to tear. It is particularly important to stretch each of the muscles.

Why is warming up important before any training?

O It begins with easy aerobic activity.

O It helps people to be weak.
O it can help you to score goals.
O it helps muscles to stretch

70- Read the passage and answer the question.

Pitaya fruit, commonly known as the dragon fruit, is originally

from Central America and South America, but is now most popular
in many regions of Asia. It has a light sweet taste, an intense red
color, and a texture between that of a kiwi and an apple.
In addition to being tasty and refreshing, the fruit contains a lot of
water and other vitamins and minerals. The dragon fruit’s high
supply of vitamin C and carotenoids may offer immune-boosting

Which of the following about the Pitaya fruit is false?

O It is a favorite fruit in South America.

O It has a bright color.
O It has a sweet taste.
O It can help you stay healthy.
Reading 3 (Qs: 71 - 77): 14 minutes

On Track for Faster Trains

For many years, train systems around the world have 71. The words once again in paragraph 2
seen a drop in passenger numbers and in the amount of suggest that Japan ___________.
goods transported by rail. Some countries stopped
investing in rail and closed lines as passengers shifted to o has had train accidents in the past.
cars or air travel and companies shifted to road transport. o has lost money again on its train
However, it seems that new high-technology trains are services.
now changing this pattern. o is well-known for breaking train speed.
o has failed to achieve its goals in the
In 2015, japan once again demonstrated its mastery of
high-speed rail travel when its maglev train set a world 72. In maglev technology, the train
record of just over 600 kilometers an hour. The train _________
reached a top speed of 603 km/h in April 2015 during o uses special wheels to move along a
what officials described as a “comfortable” speed along a track.
maglev test track near Mount Fuji. Maglev comes from o floats above the track using air.
the words “magnetic “levitation.” Unlike normal high- o floats above the track using magnets.
speed trains, the train does not touch the tracks, but o uses infrared technology to move along
hovers a few centimeters above them, and is pushed a track.
forward by electrically charged magnets. This reduces
friction and wear on parts, and allows much higher 73. The fastest commercial train in the
speeds. world is
in ___________
The 600-km/h speed almost doubles the maximum speed
of Japan’s famous shinkansen trains which have been o Japan.
transporting passengers for over 50 years. The trains, o the UK.
sometimes called bullet trains, whisk people between o China.
Japanese cities at speeds of up to 320 km/h on o the US.
conventional wheels and tracks. 74. The word route in Paragraph 4 refers to
Building a maglev infrastructure will be expensive. o New York to Washington.
Estimates put construction costs at nearly $100 billion o Shanghai Airport to Shanghai city
for the stretch from Nagoya to the country’s capital city, center.
particularly since 80% of the route will require expensive o Tokyo to Nagoya.
tunnels under mountains. Despite this cost, the 287- o Tokyo to Osaka.
kilometer route to Tokyo is planned to start operation by
2027, connecting the two cities in 40 minutes at a top 75- What makes the track between Nagoya
speed of 500 lm/h. By 2045, maglev trains could also and Tokyo more expensive than normal
cover the 420 km between Tokyo and Osaka in 65 to build?
minutes, cutting today’s journey time in half.
o Bridges will be needed between the
Japan hopes to sell its high-speed rail technology islands.
overseas as part of an attempt to help its slowing o There are a lot of towns and houses in
the track.
economy, the third-biggest. During a visit to the US this
o The new construction technology is
year, Japan’s Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, promoted a very expensive.
high-speed rail link between New York and Washington o Tunnels will be needed under the
using Japanese technology. mountains.
The US could certainly do with some help. Its Acela service 76- The writer gives the example of
covers the 360 kilometers between New York and Washington trains in China travelling at just
at a modest 130 km/h. Unlike Japan’s and China’s bullet trains, 48km/h to show _________
the fastest American trains share lines with heavy freight and
lack investment in infrastructure. o that China’s trains are slower than
Japan’s .
Other countries are catching up fast. In China less than 20 o how much trains have developed in
years ago, commercial trains managed just an average of 48 China in the last 20 years.
kilometers an hour. Today, the maglev train from Shanghai o why other countries need to help
International airport to the city center is the fastest commercial China.
train in the world. Passengers travel the 30 kilometers just o how slow Chinese trains are today.
7minutes at peak speeds of 431 km/h. In fact, China has more
high-speed track than the rest of the world combined, with over 77. Which country is developing the
16,000 km of track moving 2.5 million people every day at HS2 rail program?
over 200 kilometers an hour.
o Japan
Similar to China, the UK is planning a huge investment in high o The UK
speed trains over the next 20 years with its HS2 high-speed rail o China
link, featuring top speeds of about 400 km/h. In the Gulf, a o Saudi Arabia.
Spanish company is helping Saudi Arabia to build fast
connections between Makkah , Madina and Jedda for both
pilgrims and freight. Trains, once seen as slow, inflexible and
old-fashioned, may be about to make a very quick comeback.
Cloze 1 (Qs: 78 – 79) 8 minutes

78. Drag the words to the correct spaces. There is one extra word.

attention beat experts seem strict unbelievable

Hold Your Breath

Most healthy people can hold their breath for one or two minutes, and
know that with practice , many people can increase this by a few minutes.
However, this is still nowhere near the world record of more than twenty-four
minutes, held by a free driver. This record sounds but free drivers learn
to hold their breath for a very long time. In order to do so, they learn to slow
the of their heart. . Another important skill is to not pay to the
body when it wants to breathe. Some drivers can relax so much when holding
their breath that they almost fall asleep. This might all impossible, but
with practice anyone can learn to hold their breath for a long time.
79. Drag the words to the correct spaces. There is one extra word.

attention disappoint effect particularly research successful

Cats and Rats

One reason people keep cats is that they believe cats help to control the rodent

population, mice and rats . However, new shows that cats,

while quite good at killing small birds and mice , may have very little

on rats. Researcher released five stray cats into a rat population of 60 and

watched what would happen. They recorded only 20 attempts to hunt , three

attempts to kill and only two kills by the cats during the 79 –day

experiment . Most of the time the cats paid no to the rats. It seems

that some cats are a little lazy about catching rats.

Cloze 2 (Qs: 80 – 81) 8 minutes

80. Drag the words to the correct spaces. There is one extra word.

if then these to which while

The First Computer

Most people consider the computer to be ultra-modern, However, we
include analogue, or mechanical , computers, they are surprising old.
For example, the ancient Greeks developed an analogue computer called the
Antikythera mechanism over two thousand years ago. It was used
circulate the positions of stars , dates of lunar eclipses and even the timing for
the Olympic games. A series of gears, were turned by hand, generated
the information needed.
Recently , French scientists used X-rays to read writing found on the Antikythera mechanism.
They revealed the device used the 365-day Egyptian calendar for days, the
months were based on the 12 Greek months. Such wonderful workmanship was not seen again for
another millennium.
81- Drag the words to the correct spaces. There is one extra word.

just of since some than until

The Kingdom of Eswatini

In 2018, Swaziland changed its name to Eswatini. This was partly because
people confused it with Switzerland. This African country, a little
smaller than Kuwait , has no coast and has borders with South Africa and Mozambique.
Eswatini is unusual in Africa because it is a kingdom rather a republic.
The present ruler is King Mswat III , who has been king 1986. He
succeeded his famous father , Sobhuza II , who became king at the age of four
months in 1899 and died in 1982, Subhuza II is considered to be the king who has ruled the
longest. Another record he held was the largest number wives; he had around
70. He also had over 200 children.
Sentence Builder 1 (Qs: 82 – 84) 5 minutes

82. Drag the words to make a sentence . Use all the words.

be tonight going it’s to very hot

I believe

83. Drag the words to make a sentence . Use all the words.

my with brother take to me

My father told me to the park.

84. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.

she Did grandfather her in visit

Ajman ?

Sentence Builder 2 (Qs: 85 – 87) 5:45 minutes

85. Drag the words to make a sentence . Use all the words.

certainly Khalifa see the Burj you’ll

If you visit Dubai, and many other

famous buildings.
86. Drag the words to make a sentence . Use all the words.

I is prefer most whom The teacher

the teacher of science.

87. Drag the words to make a sentence . Use all the words.

don’t there go you Why

There’s a new park opened in Fujairah. ?

Sentence Builder 3 (Qs: 88 – 92) 10 minutes

88. Drag the words to make a sentence . Use all the words.

but challenging university can seem very you

For the first few days will soon get used to it.

89. Drag the words to make a sentence . Use all the words.

doesn’t sound that to amazing you

We could win a free trip to Turkey! ?

90. Drag the words to make a sentence . Use all the words.

because room my not big was as expected I

I was disappointed with hotel

91. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.

went my shopping father Neither mother my nor

92. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.

give it never scuba diving tried you’ll you’ve

Once up.
Paragraph Builder-1 (Qs: 93 – 94) 5 minutes

93- Drag the sentences to the spaces to make a dialogue.

Are you sure? Most of my patients seem to like t.

OK- Let’s try this one , and see if it helps you.

But I’ve used it before and it did not help at all.

Yes, I am . Can you please prescribe another one?

At the Clinic
Doctor: Take this medicine for a week and you'll start to feel better.
Patient: ________________________________________________
Doctor: ________________________________________________
Patient: ________________________________________________
Doctor: ________________________________________________

94.- Drag the sentences to the spaces to make a paragraph.

 They are commonly found near Antarctica and in the North Atlantic Ocean near Greenland.

 Holes in the iceberg also provide places for fish to escape from predators, and the ice provides a
resting place for penguins or seabirds.

 Because they come from glaciers, and not frozen seawater, the icebergs are made up of
freshwater, which is full of nutrients.

 These nutrients provide food for fish of all sizes who come to feed around the new iceberg.

Icebergs: A Home for Wildlife

Icebergs are huge chunks of ice that have broken off from glaciers and fallen into the ocean.

As a result, although they may last just a few

years, icebergs form an important habitat for wildlife.

Paragraph Builder 2 (Qs: 95 – 96) 6 minutes

95- Drag the sentences to the correct spaces to make a paragraph.

When the caterpillar reaches full size, they form into a “chrysalis” or “pupa.” Inside, they
are undergoing a transformation or “metamorphosis.” The parts we recognize as
a butterfly are beginning to form.

a “larva” or “caterpillar” emerges. Caterpillars must grow quickly,

so they eat continually.

The adult butterfly emerges from the chrysalis with its soft wings folded about its body.
After a rest period, the butterfly pumps blood into its wings and begins to fly.

The first stage of a butterfly’s life is a very small oval, round, or cylindrical egg, depending
on the species of butterfly.

Butterfly Lifecycle
. When the egg hatches,

96- Drag the sentences to the correct spaces to make a paragraph.

Add the grounds to the filter, making sure the surface is level.

Carefully remove the filter, then serve and enjoy.

Meanwhile, put a filter in the brewer and rinse with hot water

Grind the beans to a uniform consistency similar to granulated table salt .

Slowly pour in the remaining water, keeping the water in the dripper

between half and three-quarters full.

How to make Coffee

First, bring cold water to a boil in a kettle.

97- Writing (Qs: 97) 30 minutes

Write an essay of 250 words on the topic below. You have 30 minutes.

In the past, many people got married when they were very young, but today,
many people do not get married until later.

Why do you think they do this, and is it a good or a bad idea?

Discuss the main ideas and support them with reasons and examples.

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