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Level 6.

Grade 9 General
Grade 8 Advanced
Grade 8 Elite
o Passives: present simple passive  live ‫يسكن‬ bakery ‫مخبز‬
o Clauses and phrases: defining relative clauses interests ‫اهتمام‬ convenient ‫مناسب‬
o Present time: present perfect continuous explore ‫ يستكشف‬old-fashioned ‫قديم‬
o Passives: past simple passive route ‫طريق‬ exhibition ‫متحف‬
o Conjunctions: subordinating community ‫مجتمع‬ gallery ‫معرض‬
project ‫مشروع‬ achievement ‫انجاز‬ neighborhood ‫الجيرة‬

(( Part 1 )): Mazes // ( 30 marks )

(A)- Maze / Grammar ( 9%).

The dog 1- ( is walked / am walked / are walked ) in the mornings. It’s only 2- (sell / selling /sold)
in the UAE. The classroom is 3- (cleaning / cleaned / cleans) every day. The city 4- (are visited / is
visited / visited ) by many tourists. He’s my friend 5- (who / which / where) lives in London. They're
the people 6- ( which / who / whose ) want to buy our house. The electric car 7- (who / when / which)
is the best for the environment is also the most expensive. This is the nature reserve 8- (who / that /
when) I want to visit. I have been 9- (living / lived / live) in Paris for ten years. They 10- (has been
studying / been studying / have been studying) all day. She has 11- (be / being / been) reading
for a long time. He 12- (have / is / has) been standing there waiting.  The children 13- (was / are /
were) driven to Dubai last week. The cat was 14- (finding / finds / found) yesterday. She 15-
(was taken / taken / were taken )to school last Monday. The mall opened yesterday. It 16- (is built /
was built / were built) last year. I’ll go for a swim 17- (as soon as / but / because) I get to the
beach. They will finish their homework 18- (but / as / before) they leave. Will you let me know
19- (so / for / when) you come? He plans to visit India 20- (does / so / as soon as) he can.

B- Maze / Grammar ( 15 %)
Many projects are 1- (establish / establishing / to established) in Dubai every year. They 2- (is
performed / are performed / was performed) by the 3- (more / much / most) experienced
professionals. Dubai is famous for its high towers 4- (who / when / which) are built with the most
modern technology. Many people 5- (has been living / have been living / are live) for many years.
They do business or work in the private sector. Last year a lot of buildings 6- ( are / was / were )
founded all over the city. All of them were occupied by people working in Dubai. 7- ( As soon as /
Because / Before ) 1971 , Dubai was a very small city depending on pearl industry, 8- ( if / but /
before ) then , it has developed very quickly and has become one of the most famous places all over the
world. It 9- (has / have / having) the tallest building 10- (who / where / which) is Burj Khalifa.
C- Maze / Vocabulary ( 6%)
Where do they 1- (live / explore / achieve) now? They are living in New Zealand. My sister and I have
similar 2- (routes / interests / communities). I went out to 3- (explore / live / exhibit) the city. We took
the fastest 4- (route / achievement / gallery) from Dubai to Abu Dhabi. The people who lived in the
village 5- (exhibition / gallery /community) were very friendly I have lived in this 6- ( project /
bakery / neighborhood ) since I was three. Our next 7- (bakery / project / gallery) was to reduce the
number of cars in the city. Completing a university degree is a great 8- (bakery / achievement /
exhibition). Go down to the 9- (bakery / interest / gallery) and buy a couple of pieces of bread. They
will deliver it directly to your room, which is very 10- (old-fashioned / community / convenient). She
came in wearing a very 11- (achieved / project / old-fashioned) style of dress. The museum had a
beautiful 12- (project / neighbourhood / exhibition) of old Chinese jewellery. We visited the
13- (gallery / community / route ) in the afternoon and saw the works of famous painters.

((Part 2)): Reading Comprehension // (70 marks)

A- Read the text below and choose the best answer A, B, or C for Questions 1-7. ( 21%)

Martin Harris and his family live in an interesting house. It’s an eco home. Eco homes don’t harm the

environment. They use renewable energy. They don’t use fossil fuels like coal or oil, so they don’t use
the planet’s resources or produce dangerous gases. The eco home is in a hill in Wales, UK. It looks

like a house in a film. Half of the house is underground. Martin and his family started building the
house in March and moved in at the end of July. The house was very cheap to build. It has a wooden

roof and wooden floors. It has stone and mud walls. There are solar panels on the roof that collect
the sun’s light to make electricity for the lights, CD players and the computer. The family gets water

from a spring and they burn wood to heat the house. Martin and his wife, Lara, were working in a
forest when they decided to build their eco house. They wanted to save energy and they thought

their old house in the town is boring. They wanted to live somewhere different and they liked the
idea of living near nature. Martin’s

1. Eco-homes environmentally friendly because they-----------

A. save resources
B. free from pollution
C. BOTH A and B
2. How do Martin and his wife Lara get energy for their home ?
A- By burning fossil fuels
B- Through solar panels
C- By using wood to build the house
3. What does Martin’s house look like?
A- eco-friendly
B- automatic
C- modern
4. Based on the story, why did they change their home?
A-to be famous world wide
B- to save more money for their future
C- to conserve their environment
5- How is electricity used in Martin’s house?
A- from the moon
B. from the sun
C. form the water

(B)- Read the text below and choose the best answer A, B, or C for Questions 1 to 7.
(35%). There are two bonus questions
E-Learning or Traditional Learning Nowadays, e-learning has become very popular. E-learning is an
easy and comfortable method of studying in your chosen field of study. Learning online is a great
alternative to traditional universities, especially for people who can’t afford the time and money to
attend classes in person. However, some people still think that traditional learning is easier than e-
learning. Although many people still think traditional universities are the best way to study, online
learning has many advantages. Students have the chance to study in their own time and sometimes for
free. With e-learning, instead of attending a class students attend a webinar. If students have questions
they can be asked via an online tutorial. Research is completed through a WebQuest task. Some online
courses are interactive, allowing students to be part of a virtual classroom. E-learning also allows
students to work while still attending university and complete their class work when they want.
However, some people think learning at a traditional university is more fun because the teacher is
‘live’. This means students can talk with their teacher and ask them questions. For this reason, some
people find taking courses online boring and difficult. Another reason some people find online learning
difficult is because all online learning needs good IT skills which not everyone has. In traditional
learning, there is a timetable which needs to be followed, unlike e-learning. This is easier for some
people because they find self-study difficult, maybe because they find it difficult to organise their own
time. In traditional learning, some students get together in study groups to help each other with their
work. Many people say that the discussion between student and student and between teacher and
student is the one main advantage traditional learning has over online learning. Whether you choose to
study law or sciences, online or in a traditional university, make sure you know the advantages and
disadvantages of both. Whatever your future learning goals are, if you want to pass your exams to the
best of your ability, make sure you know yourself before choosing either traditional or e-learning.
Some questions you may want to ask yourself are: Am I good at self-study? Do I enjoy working
online? Do I have good IT skills? Do I need a ‘live’ teacher? Making good choices which suit your
personality add to your success.
1. Overall, what is the main theme of the article?
A- Online learning has many advantages.
B- Reasons why e-learning has become very popular.

C- Advantages of both online and traditional learning

2. Some people choose online learning because they don’t have ___.

A- good IT skills
B- time or money

C- a chosen field of study

3. E-learning students go to __________ instead of a class.

A- webinar
B- a virtual classroom

C- Webquest
4. Research in e-learning is completed using ________

A- a tutorial
B- Webquest

C- a virtual classroom
5. Some students find online learning boring because ______

A- they can’t attend a virtual classroom

B- they can’t talk with their teacher

C- they can’t do it when they want

Two bonus Questions

6. Many people say the one main advantage of traditional learning is _______.
A- self-study

B- you have a timetable

C- studying with groups of people

7. What advice does the last paragraph give about choosing online or traditional learning?
A- Know how you like to learn

B- Save a lot of money

C- Take a course on IT skills

C- Read the text below and choose the best answer A, B, or C for Questions 1-7. (14%)
The Hyperloop
The UAE intends to improve transport between its three major cities- Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Dubai.
The Hyperloop, which is a large train, travels through a tube with a train track inside. It is the first of
its kind. The track itself, which is a magnet, carries goods, and people are carried in a capsule. The
plan is for the capsule’s speed to reach up to 1,000 km/h. Today, it can take hours to get across the
country in traffic. However, the Hyperloop will carry people and goods around the country in
minutes. Our initial plan is for the Hyperloop to connect Dubai to take just 12 minutes. Further, it
aims to connect Abu Dhabi to Al Ain in just 8 minutes instead of the current 90 minute-journey.

Though this project sounds comlpicated , we strongly feel that this will be a major step forward for the
country. The UAE will be the very first country with a high speed Hyperloop. What we want is to
bring many advantages to business int the UAE. As you know, the UAE moves a lot of goods to and
from business using boats and airplanes. We intend to make the transportation of goods much faster.
This will allow buisness to work more efficiently. Business will receive goods faster , and commuters
and toursits can tarvel more quickly. If the Hyperloop is a success , we would see fewer cars and
trucks on the road. What’s most excisiting is that there will be less pollution , and an improvement air
quality in our cities.

1- The goods are transported on the track using _________________.

A. a magnet
B. a capsule
C. people

2- The main plan is to make sure tht each route takes no more than ___________ minutes.
A. ninety
B. eight
C. twelve
3- The Hyperloop both _____________.
A. improves air quality and increase the number of cars that can travel on the road.
B. increases transport speed and positively impacts the environment.
C. reduces the amount of goods transported and decreases the speed of transport.

4- Hyperloop is better than a car because it _______________.

A. carries people only
B. it is environment friendly
C. it used solar power to run.

5- The text discusses _____________.

A. the predicted advantages of a new form of transport
B. the challenges of having a new train system.
C. the way a magnetic train works.


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