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COVID 19 is an infectious disease that we can get thru air, cough and sneezing when

we ar enot covering our mouth or nose, and not using a face mask. COVID 19 is

known as a severe acute respiratory syndrome where people who is infected by this

disease is experiencing a shortness of breathe. The severity of this disease can range

to mild to severe where people who is in severe state must quarantine in a hospital and

the people who in mild state should be quarantine in their house. This COVID 19

affect us in all aspect where some people either get a mild state or the worst is getting

killed by this disease. Since COVID 19 spread worldwide, each country that is

affected put us in a lockdown wherein no one could go outside unless you have a

covid pass that you can get in baranggays. Other might say COVID 19 gave us an

advantage when it comes to our environment, or earth. However, it also affects in

each of us.

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