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Name:___________________________ Batch: CFi-101C Time: 18th July,2011 T 11:30 13:00 Exam: DISM (Java) Question Attempt:_________________ Correct Question :__________________ Total Marks Obt:___________________ Percentage : ______________________

Q1) The setLookAndFeel( ) method of the javax.swing.UIManager is used to set the look and Feel . T/F. Q2) The javax.swing.plaf packages have the required classes to support the look and Feel T/F. Q3) A Swing program deals with following type/s of threads a- Initial Thread b- Event Thread c- Event-Dispatch Thread d- Stack trace Thread i. c,d ii. a,c iii. a,b,c,d iv. d only Q4) To manage the visible area of the client window we uses JScrollPane or JViewPort T/F Q5) what can we use on the left side of instanceOf operator. a- Class b- Reference c- Interface d- Object i. c,d ii. a,c iii. a,b,c,d iv. d only Q6) container = getContentPane() ; container.setLayout(null); a- It will not work b- default layout will be displayed c-setBounds() is use for adding d- flowlayout will call. Q7)swing support a technology call pluggable like and feel T/F Q8)swing is a heavy weight component T/F Q9) swing components are platform independent T/F Q10) AWT is based on peer component and they are not platform independent T/F Q11) JPassword field can be created with constructor JPasswordField(password); T/F Q12)A swing timer fires one or more ActionEvent events after a specified delay T/F Q13) to start the timer we use which of the following method. a- init () b- run() c- start() d- initiate() Q14) The GridLayout Manager arranges the component in terms of rows and columns. T/F Q15) The BorderLayout manager allows to position component in which number of ways. a- 4 b- 2 c- 5 d- 6 Q16)In grid layout there are no gaps between the component and each component can be of different size T/F Q17)TCP/IP is a connection based protocol T/F Q18) which method is use to retrieve the protocol name of the URL. a- ProtocolName() b- getProtocol() c- getUrlProtocol() d- displayProtocol(); Q19)As we know URLConnection is an abstract class ,which of the following methods does it contains. a- getProtocolName() b-gotDisconnected() c- getContentType() d- setConnectTimeout() i. a,b,c ii. a,d iii. c,d iv. b Q20) Which method return the local address of the server socket a- getServerSocket() b-getAddress() c- getInitAddress() d- getInetAddress() Q21)component of url consist of which of the following a- server b- hostname c- filename d- portnumber i. a,b,c ii. a,b,c,d iii. a,d iv. b,c,d Q22)InetAddress class is use for encapsulating the numerical IP address and the domain name for that address T/F Q23) Which method of InetAddress class retruns what A getHostAddress() IP Address in textual format B- getLocalHost() IP Address local host C- getHostName() Host name of IP Address


Q24)Instances o the URLConnection class can be used to read from and to write to the resource referenced by the URL. T/F Q25)which method of the socket class return an InputStream Object associated with a hosts socket. a- getScoketStream() b- getInputSocket() c- getObjectInputStream() d- getInputStream() Q26) The following code are equal or not T/F File file = new File(message.txt); BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader fr=new FileReader(file); FileReader(new File(message.txt))); BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(fr); Q27)which class is used to create the connection (socket) in the UDP communication a- UDPSocket b- DatagramPacket c- ServerSocket d- DatagramSocket Q28)skeleton Layer is implemented / presented in client side of rmi framework T/F Q29)which layer of rmi framework is responsible for unicast point-to-point method invocation. a- Transport layer b- Remote Layer c- Stub/Skeleton Layer d- RemoteReferenceLayer Q30 )The default port of rmi for incoming request is : a- 8086 b- 1024 c- 1001 d- 1099 Q31) The socket.accept() method will return the client ip address T/F Q32) which of the following is connection less protocol a- TCP/IP b- UDP c- HTTP d- RMI Q33)In UDP communication the DatagramPacket does not include information about the IP address of the remote host T/F Q34)The JavaMail Api is responsible for the actual transporting,delivering and forwarding messages T/F Q35)MUA stands for M:Mail U:__________ A:______________ and MTA stands for M:Mail T:___________ A:______________ Q36) mark the following : SMTP Supports single mail Box POP Support multiple folders for each user IMAP Defines content type of the message MIME Delivering of email JavaMail API Q37)When an object is create where does it runs a- Jave Runtime Enviornment b- Program c- Heap d- Java Virtual Machine Q38)The javax.mail.Message class is used to create messages T/F Q39)In Java Mail domain date and subject are part of which object a- Subject object b- session object c- message object d- send Object Q40)Marker interface is an interface that has no method named two 1:__________________ : 2:____________________ Q41)The menu bar contains items called menu items T/F Q42)Each Operting System requires different JVM to run the java based application T/F Q43)The default access modifier in java is a- public b- private c- protected d- when we mark no modifier Q44)The rmi can run on same machine but on different JVM T/F Q45)RMI :which layer bind the remote object with its alias / name in remote registry. a- stub b- skeleton c- transport layer d- remote reference layer e-remote registry

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