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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Tagum National Trade School
Apokon, Tagum City


Name: __________________________________ CHONA C. ALCAZAR


The BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION NC II Qualification consists of competencies

that person must achieve to be able to clean equipment , tools and utensils and prepare,
portion and plate pastries, breads and other dessert items to guests in hotels, motels,
restaurants, clubs, canteens, resorts and luxury lines/cruises and other related

Short Module.

Sanitation in the kitchen

Personal Hygiene - is the ways a person maintains their health, appearance and

Contamination – unintended presence of harmful substances or micro-organisms in


Cross contamination – transfer of harmful substances or micro-organisms to food or

from non-food contact surface, such as equipment, utensils or hands.
1. Never use a handkerchief or an apron in lieu of a towel. Never use of hand towel in lieu of
dish towel.
2. Never touch your face or hair without washing your hands afterwards.
3. Never taste food from the mixing or cooking spoon.
4. Never leave the spoon on the pan when the food is being cooked.
5. Never throw rubbish out of the window, use garbage can.
6. Never leave in the kitchen food which spoils.
7. Never engage in unnecessary conversation while food is being prepared.
8. Never use jewelry such as bracelets and watches while cooking.
9. Never blow the food to cool them.
10.Never work with dirty hands and untrimmed fingernails.
11.Never use aluminum, tin or iron containers for strongly acid food.
12.Never allow fruit peelings and other ingredients to drop on the working table.
13.Never work without an apron.
14.Never sweep or dust a room while cooking or while setting the table.
15.Never leave used utensils unwashed after cooking.
16.Never leave the garbage can unemptied after such cooking period.
17.Never place hot food in the refrigerator.
18.Never leave the sink unclean after cooking.
19.Never leave the stove. Unclean after cooking.
20.Clean the refrigerator inside and outside once a week.
21.Have a place for everything and everything in each proper place


1. Do not chew, eat, smoke or expectorate in the laboratory.
2. Do not comb hair or make yourself up in the laboratory.
3. Always return tools and implements to their proper places.
4. Keep cabinet doors closed to prevent accidents and rodents from entering the cabinet.
5. Keep person belongings out of the working area.
7. Do not lean or sit on equipment and work tables.
8. Keep the dish washing and storage areas clean.
9. After dishes, pans etc. are washed, scrub sides of the sink, the drain boards and tables with
water to which a detergent and sanitizer has been added.
10. Do not stand dish racks on the floor.
11. Floors should be swept after each laboratory session. Keep foods, papers and clutter of the
12. Mop floor once a day.
13. Provide waste containers in convenient places.
14. Leave the room clean for the next user.


1. Have an established location for each hand in the kitchen.
2. Keep each hand tools in its designation when not in use.
3. Keep hand tools sharp, especially knives.
4. Do not allow hand tools with wooden and plastic handles to soak in water.
5. Do not use broken and cracked hand tools.
6. Do not use knives and meat cleaver to open metals containers.
7. Wash and thoroughly dry each hand tool after use and before storing.
8. Replace broken and cracked hand tools.
9. Provide adequate storage and security for hand tools.
10. Conduct physical inventory periodically.


1. Bake - To cook in the oven with dry heat. The oven should always be heated for 10 to
15 minutes before baking.
2. Batter- A mixture of flour, liquid, and other ingredients that is thin enough to pour.
3. Beat-To thoroughly combine ingredients and incorporate air with a rapid, circular
motion. This may be done with a wooden spoon, wire whisk, rotary eggbeater, electric
mixer, or food processor.
4. Blend- stir until the ingredients are completely mixed.
5. Boil- cook in liquid hot enough to bubble rapidly.
6. Caramelize-To heat sugar until it is melted and become golden brown syrup.
Caramelizing sugar gives it a distinctive flavor.
7. Chop-To cut into small pieces using a sharp knife, appliance, or scissors.
8. Combine-To stir together two or more ingredients until mixed.
9. Cool-To come to room temperature.
10. Cream-To beat one or more ingredients, usually margarine or butter, sugar,
and/or eggs, until the mixture is smooth and fluffy.
11. Crimp-To seal the edges of two layers of dough with the tines of a fork or your
12. Cut in-To distribute solid fat throughout the dry ingredients using a pastry blender,
fork, or two knives in a scissors motion.
13. Dough- a stiffened mixture of flour, liquid and other ingredients thick enough to
be kneaded or rolled.
14. Dot-To distribute small amounts of margarine or butter evenly over the surface of
pie filling or dough.
15. Dredge- to coat lightly or sprinkle with flour, cornmeal or sugar.
16. Drizzle-To drip a glaze or icing over food from the tines of a fork or the end of a
17. Dust-To sprinkle lightly with sugar, flour, or cocoa.
18. Fold in-To gently combine a heavier mixture with a more delicate substance, such
as beaten egg whites or whipped cream, without causing a loss of air.
19. Glaze-To coat with a liquid, thin icing, or jelly before or after the food is cooked.
20. Grate- rub back and forth on a grater to make small pieces.
21. Grease- to rub lightly with a fat, such as butter, margarine, oil or shortening.
22. Knead- to mix dough with a pressing motion accompanied by folding and
23. Lukewarm-A temperature of about 105°F, which feels neither hot nor cold.
24. Mix-To stir together two or more ingredients until they are thoroughly combined.
25. Mix until just moistened-To combine dry ingredients with liquid ingredients until
the dry ingredients are thoroughly moistened but the mixture is still slightly lumpy.
26. Partially set-To refrigerate a gelatin mixture until it thickens to the consistency of
unbeaten egg whites.
27. Peel-To remove the skin of a fruit or vegetable by hand or with a knife or peeler. This
also refers to the skin or outer covering of a fruit or vegetable.
28. Proof-To allow yeast dough to rise before baking. Or to dissolve yeast in a warm
liquid and set it in a warm place for 5 to 10 minutes until it expands and becomes
29. Refrigerate-To chill in the refrigerator until a mixture is cool or until dough is firm.
30. Sift- to put through a flour sifter or a fine sieve.
31. Simmer- cooks to just below the boiling point. The liquid will just barely bubble.
32. Softened-Margarine, butter, ice cream, or cream cheese that is in a state soft
enough for easy blending, but not melted.
33. Shred-To cut food into narrow strips using a sharp knife, grater, or food processor
fitted with a shredding disk.
34. Soft peaks-Egg whites or whipping cream beaten to the stage where the mixture
forms soft, rounded peaks when the beaters are removed.
35. Stiff peaks-Egg whites beaten to the stage where the mixture will hold stiff, pointed
peaks when the beaters are removed.
36. Steam-cooks by steam over boiling point.
37. Stir-To combine ingredients with a spoon or whisk using a circular motion.
38. Strain- to separate a liquid from a food by means of a sieve or strainer.
39. Toss-To mix lightly with a lifting motion, using two forks or spoons.
40. Whip-To beat rapidly with a wire whisk or electric mixer to incorporate air into a
mixture in order to lighten and increase the volume of the mixture.
41. Zest-The colored outer peel of citrus fruit, which is used to add flavor. The zest is
often referred to as “grated peel” in recipes. To create zest, choose the diagonal-hole side
of a box grater (it will zest more cleanly than if you use the nail-hole side) and rub lightly
to avoid getting the white pith, which is bitter. For broader strips of zest, use a swivel-
blade peeler or a sharp knife to cut away the peel.


1. FLOUR – is a fine powder obtained by grinding and sifting cereal grains, root crops,
starchy vegetables and other carbohydrates-rich foods most flour are made from
wheat but may also prepare from rye, rice, corn and other grains.

Common Classification of Flour

1. Bread flour – good for baking bread, rolls, and other yeast bread. Contains more
gluten and less starch which makes loaves have a good volume, textures and
2. All-purpose flour – also known as family flour, general flour or pastry flour. Can
be good substitute for bread or cake flour. Contains moderate of gluten.
3. Cake flour – also known as the weak flour and it is the whitest among the flour.
Best for cakes, pastries and crackers. Has low in protein and gluten content.

Gluten – is a gray almost tasteless substance which is obtained from grains, especially
wheat and rye. It is sticky, dough and somewhat elastic. It gives cohesiveness to dough.
Major Functions of Flour

1. It provides structure and framework for baked products because of his protein and
starch products.
2. It is responsible in providing structure by the gelatinization process which takes
place in the oven.
3. It contributes to the characteristics of the finished product, crust color, texture,
volume, crumb color, grain and taste.

2. LIQUID – Liquid is a basic ingredient and most indispensable for baking. It may be in
a form of WATER, MILK, or FRUIT JUICE. Whichever form is used, liquid plays a
very important role in baking.

Function of Liquid

a. Water
 Cheapest ingredient in baking
 Transform the proteins in the flour into gluten
 Controls the consistency and temperature of the dough
 It wets and makes the starch well to make it digestible.
 Promotes yeast growth
 It also dissolves salt and suspends and distributes non-flour ingredient
evenly which facilitates the baking process.
b. Milk
 It increases the absorptive quality of the dough. It acts as strengthening
agent to flour proteins and promotes dough strength.
 It improves the mixing tolerance of the dough.
 It promotes larger fermentation which reduces dough acidity.
 It contributes to the golden brown crust color of baked products because of
its lactose and wheat protein content.
c. Fruit juices
 Extract from any fruits
 Adds flavour

3. SUGAR – It is any of a large group of chemical compounds that belongs to the

carbohydrates family. Chemically known as sucrose which is basically used to
sweeten foods. They come largely from sugarcane and sugar beet.

Common Forms of Sugar

a. Granulated sugar
b. Confectionary sugar
c. Brown sugar

Function of Sugar

1. It increases dough development as a result of the competition between the sugar

and gluten proteins for water.
2. It gives a richer crust color that makes the baked products appetizing.
3. It improves the flavour, aroma and nutritive value of the baked products.
4. It increases tenderness.
5. It increases loaf volume. Sugar enhances the activity of the yeast which increases
the loaf volume of the baked product.

4. EGGS – are one of the more expensive ingredients in baked products. However, they
are very important. Baking cannot be successful without them because eggs
represent about 50% of the total cost of the ingredients used in cake production.

Function of Eggs
 As with flour, eggs provide a structural ingredient in baked foods.
 they assist in binding ingredients in a recipe together and providing a structure
for baked goods as they rise.
 Eggs also add color to baked goods
 Eggs are important thickeners in custards and other creamy foods, and they
are even used as glazes for pastries and breads.
 Egg whites are the prime ingredient in meringues and icing

5. SHORTENING- is any fat that is a solid at room temperature and used to

make crumbly pastry and other food products. Shortening is used in pastries that
should not be elastic, such as cake. Although butter is solid at room temperature and
is frequently used in making pastry, the term "shortening" seldom refers to butter,
but is more closely related to margarine.

Common Shortening Use in Baking

1. Margarine - is made mainly of refined vegetable oil and water, and may also

contain milk.
2. Butter - consists of butterfat, milk proteins and water, and in some types, added
3. Lard - is pig fat in both its rendered and unrendered forms.
4. Vegetable or cooking oil

Function of Shortening

 It increases tenderness and improves flavour

 Helps retain gas by making gluten more air – tight, thus producing better
volume and crust
 Lubricates gluten strands which in turn results in better volume.
 The plasticity of fat or its ability to resist being squeezed out of place enhances
the quality of baked product.

6. LEAVENING AGENT – A leavening agent is a gas purposely added during mixing or

produced when heating batter or dough. It makes the mixture rise and turn into a
light and porous product.

3 Types of Leavening Agents

1. Physical leavening agent – include air and steam – air is incorporated through
sifting, beating, mixing, folding and creaming.
2. Biological leavening agent – includes yeast which produces carbon dioxide.
This makes the dough rise.
3. Chemical leavening agent
a. Baking soda - Sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that is crystalline but often
appears as a fine powder. It has a slightly salty, alkaline taste.
b. Baking powder - is a dry chemical leavening agent, a mixture of baking
soda and acid salt, it is also a weak acid, and is used for increasing the volume
and lightening the texture of baked goods. 
c. Cream of tartar - also called potassium bitartrate), a by-
product of wine manufacture, used in baking powder and in cooking to
stabilize beaten egg whites.
d. Ammonium carbonate and ammonium bicarbonate - It is also known
as baker's ammonia. 

Function of Leavening Agent

1. Baked products become light and therefore can be easily chewed.

2. Baked products have open and porous grains which allow the digestive juices to
come in contact with food easily thus, facilitating the digestion.
3. Baked products are more palatable and appetizing.

1. Salt
2. Spices and herbs
3. Flavouring
4. Cocoa and chocolate


A. Flour
1. Sift the flour.

2. Scoop to fill the measuring cup

to overflow. Do not shake.

3. Level off with spatula.

B. Sugar

White sugar
1. Sifting is not necessary before
measuring unless it is lumpy.

2. Fill the measuring cup until

over flowing. Do not shake the

3. Level off with the spatula

Brown Sugar

1. Check if the sugar is lumpy

before measuring. Roll out the
lumps. Remove the dirt.

2. Scoop into the measuring cup

and pack compactly until it
follows the shape when

C. Powdered Food (baking powder

and baking soda)

1. Remove the lumps in the powder

by stirring.

2. Dip the measuring spoon into

the powder

3. Level with spatula or back edge

of the knife or right in the can

The following baking procedures should be observed to produce quality baked


1. Read and follow the recipe correctly. It is very important to understand what the
recipe tells and to assemble all the needed ingredients, tools and utensils first
before starting to bake. Follow procedure step by step.
2. Pre-heat the oven. If the thermostat is not available or it does operate accurately,
use an oven thermometer to check the baking temperature.
3. Measure the ingredients accurately. Do not change the specified amount of
ingredients. Any change in the amount changes the recipe and affects the baked
4. Practice correct hand and mixing techniques. Wrong mixing techniques such as
over mixing, under mixing, under beating, overbeating of eggs and insufficient
creaming, will result to baked products of poor quality. Followed the mixing
techniques specified in the recipe.
5. Use the type of pan specified in the recipe. Measure its top inside length width
and inside depth. Find out the recipe if pans should require greased or not or lined
with wax paper or not.
6. Follow the specified baking time and temperature in the recipe check the recipe
baking temperature at the given baking time. Bake near the center of the oven
and use only one rack, if possible pans should not touch each other or the sides of
the oven. If it is necessary to use more than one rack, stagger their arrangement to
permit even distribution of heat.


Malpractices in baking result to poor quality of bake products.

1. Incorrect measurement of ingredients such as: too much sugar, flour, liquid,
shortening and leaveners or too little of any of the baking ingredients results
defects in bake products.
2. Substitution of quality ingredients which inferior ones such as the use of all-
purpose flour instead of cake flour in cake making, the use of poor quality eggs,
shortening, leavener, flour and other liquid ingredients.
3. Wrong hand and mixing techniques such as over beating, or under beating of
eggs, insufficient creaming, under mixing can also affect the quality of baked
4. The use of inappropriate tools, utensils may change the quality of ingredients
specified in the recipe or may cause errors in cake preparation such as the use of
smaller bowl for a large recipe which affect the mixing of ingredients: the use of
wrong kind of pan which may affect the size of the cake.
5. Failure to observe the correct oven temperature and baking time such as: too high
or too low oven temperature or over baked products.

Equivalents and Substitutions

 16 tablespoon = 1 cup = 250 mL
 8 tablespoon = ½ cup = 125 mL
 4 tablespoon = ¼ cup = 60 mL
 3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon = 15 mL
 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces = 250 mL
 4 cups = 1 quart = 1000 mL
 4 quarts = 1 gallon = 4 L
 2 Tbsp. (30 mL) of flour = 1 Tbsp. (15 mL) of cornstarch
 1 cup (250 mL) of sifted cake flour = 1 cup minus 2 Tbsp. (30 mL) sifted all
purpose flour
 1 cup (250 mL) of whole milk = ½ cup (125 mL) of evaporated milk plus ½ cup
(125 mL) of water
 1 cup (250 mL) of sour milk = 1 cup (250 mL) of fresh milk plus 1 Tbsp. (15 mL)
of vinegar or lemon juice
 1 square (1 0z. or 28g) of unsweetened chocolate = 3 Tbsp (45 mL) plus 1 ½ tsp
(20 mL) of cocoa plus 1 Tbsp (15 mL) plus 1 ½ tsp (20 mL) of butter or margarine.

Bread and Pastry Recipes…

Activity # 1
Plain Chiffon Cake

Ingredients: Procedure:
Batter Mixture 1. In a mixing bowl, mix cake flour, sugar, baking
Dry Ingredients powder, egg yolk, oil and milk.
 2 ½ c cake flour 2. Blend very well until fine and smooth. Set aside.
 1 c sugar 3. Beat 8 egg whites with ½ T cream of tartar until
 1 T baking powder 4. Add ½ granulated sugar and continue beating until
 1 tsp salt stiff but not dry.
Liquid Ingredients 5. Cut and fold the egg yolk mixture to the beaten
 ½ c oil egg whites.
 ¾ c milk diluted w/ water 6. Repour in prepared pans and bake for 45-50
 1 T vanilla at 375 F.
 8 pcs. Egg yolk
 8 pcs. Egg white
 ½ c sugar
 ½ T cream of tartar

Activity # 2

Ingredients: (Batter Mixture)

¾ cup cake flour

½ cup white sugar
1½ tsp. baking powder
½ cup lukewarm water
4 pcs egg yolk

Ingredients: (Meringue)

4 egg whites
¼ tsp. cream of tartar
¼ cup white sugar

(Batter Mixture)
1. Mix flour, baking powder and sugar. Make a well at the center.
2. Put lukewarm water and egg yolk at the center. Set aside.

1. Beat egg whites with cream of tartar until foamy.
2. Gradually add the sugar. Beat until soft peaks form. Set aside.

To blend the mixture:

1. Fold in the meringue to batter mixture until well blended.(cut and fold method)
2. Pour in lined swiss roll pan.
3. Bake 375F for 15-20 minutes or until light golden brown in color.

Vanilla Cream Filling:


¼ cup white sugar

1 pc. egg yolk
1 cup fresh milk
1/8 cup corn starch
1 Tbsp. butter
½ Tbsp. vanilla

1. Put the first 4 ingredients in the sauce pan.
2. Stir until sticky. Remove from fire.
3. Add butter and stir.
4. Finally add the vanilla and stir.

Spread the filling evenly with the baked sponge (on the crusty) and roll using a cheese cloth,
with white or powdered sugar as desired practicing GMP.

Activity # 3


2 pcs. whole eggs

2 Tbsp. oil
½ cup fresh milk
½ tsp. vanilla
1½ cup AP flour or cake flour
¾ cup brown sugar
¼ cup cocoa powder
½ tsp. baking soda
¾ Tbsp. baking powder
¼ cup choco chips

Muffin liner/ paper liner.

1. Combine flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and baking powder. Set aside.
2. Combine milk, oil and vanilla. Set aside.
3. Cream eggs and add sugar gradually, continue creaming until sugar is dissolved.
4. Add the remaining ingredients except the choco chips alternately beginning and ending with
5. Top with some chocolate chips and other choco chips in the batter mixture.
6. Fill lined muffin cups with about ¾ full and bake until done.
7. Garnish and desired and serve in a plate or Pack practicing GMP.

Activity # 4


3 cups cake Flour

1 Tbsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
½ cup oil
1 cup white sugar
2 whole eggs
1 cup Evaporated Milk
1 cup pineapple Juice
1 tsp vanilla
Crushed pineapple

Slice Pineapple for topping

Lemon zest

Combine oil, sugar and 2 eggs. Mix until blended. Add the baking powder, baking soda
and salt. Gradually pour the Milk. When dissolved, add gradually the flour until smooth
then add gradually the pineapple Juice. Put the crushed pineapple afterwards.
When done, sprinkle a little bit of lemon zest and sliced pineapple on top. Bake for 15-20 350 degree Celsius.

Activity # 5
Puto Cheese Cake

For single recipe For double recipe
2 cups 4 cups Sifted cake flour
¾ cup 1 ½ cup sugar
2 tsp. 4 tsp. Baking powder
½ tsp. 1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. 1 tsp. vanilla
¾ cup 1 ½ cup water
3 pcs. 5 pcs. Egg white
¼ tsp. ½ tsp. Cream of tartar
¼ cup ½ cup sugar
1. Sift together flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.
2. Put in a bowl and make a well at the center and water and vanilla.
3. Stir until blended.
4. In a separate bowl, beat egg white until frothy, add cream of tartar and best until peaks from.
5. Gradually add the ¼ cup of sugar and continue beating until stiff but not drug.
6. Fold in the meringue into the flour mixture just until moistened and well blended.
7. Scoop into paper liner tartar molds, top with cheese lines. Do not put too much cheese. This will
prevent the puto from rising properly.
8. Steam for 15 min. or until tester comes out clean when insisted at the center.
9. Remove the molder and allow to cool.

Activity # 6

2 ½ c desiccated coconut
1 cup All-Purpose Flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 can condense milk (big)
1 cup white sugar
4 whole eggs
1 cup butter/margarine
1 tsp. vanilla

Creaming Method
Drop in paper cups. Bake 15-20 min

Activity # 7
340 g brown sugar
340 g white sugar
430 g butter soften
4 pcs eggs
740 g All-purpose Flour
340 g nuts
640 g chocolate bar
30 g baking powder

Activity # 8
1 cup butter
¾ cup baking powder
3/3 cup white sugar
2 pcs eggs
1 Tbsp. vanilla
1¼ cup Flour
1 Tbsp. baking powder
3 cup oatmeal
1 cup raisins

Activity # 9

1 ½ cup white sugar

1 cup vegetable oil
3 pcs eggs
2 cup all-purpose flour
1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp salt
2 cups shredded carrots
1 cup coarsely chopped nuts
2 tsp baking powder
½ cup pineapple crushed

Heat oven 350 F. Grease and flour rectangular pan, 13x9x2 inches. Mix sugar, oil and
eggs in large bowl until blended; beat 1 minute. Stir in remaining ingredients except
carrots and nuts; beat 1 minute. Stir in carrots and nuts. Pour into pan. Bake 35 to 45

Activity # 10


1 cup water
1/3 cup butter
Pich of salt
1 Tbsp sugar
1 cup All-purpose flour
4 pcs. egg

2 ½ Cocoa Powder
¼ Cup Confectioner Sugar
½ Cup Coco Milk

1. Combine water and butter in a medium saucepan and bring to the boil over high
heat. Cook, stirring for 3-4 minutes or until butter melts. Remove from heat.
2. Add the flour, sugar and salt and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined
and the dough comes away from the side of the saucepan. Let it cool for 15
3. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition, until well combined.
Spoon dough into a piping bag.
4. Add enough oil to a large saucepan to reach a depth. Using a small sharp knife to
cut the dough, deep-fry for 1-2 minutes or until golden brown. Use a slotted spoon
to transfer churros to a plate lined with paper towel. Dust with icing sugar. Repeat
with the remaining dough, reheating oil between batches.

Activity # 11


Dry Caramel
1/3 c white sugar
4 egg yolks
½ cup sugar
1 1/3 c evaporated milk
1 tsp vanilla

100g cup flour
1 ¼ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt

Lemon zest ½ of the fruit
1/3 cup orange Juice
2 yolks
3 Tbs. Sugar
3 Tbsp. Vegetable oil
1 tsp. vanilla

3 eggwhite
¼ tsp. cream of tartar
3 Tbsp. sugar

Bake 40-50 mins.

Activity # 12


1 ¾ cup all-purpose flour

2 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
½ cup butter at room temperature
½ cup white sugar
3 eggs, room temperature
1 tsp. vanilla
¼ cup milk
2 large bananas, chopped

Buttercream Frosting
2/3 cup butter
½ tsp. vanilla
2 ¼ cup confectioner sugar
2 Tbsp. heavy cream
Food color

Note: half of the recipe only
1 T yeast
1 t sugar
½ c water
2 c milk
3 T butter
¼ c sugar
1 t salt
½ t vanilla
3 c all-purpose flour
 1/3 c brown sugar
 2 t cinnamon
 nuts
 raisins
1. Mix together yeast, sugar, water and milk. Cover for 5 minutes
2. Add in butter, sugar, salt, vanilla and flour. Let it rise for 25 minutes
3. Roll on floured table
4. Spread filling, roll and cut to 1’’ thick
5. Place on greased pans and let it rise for 30 minutes
6. Preheat 350°F, Bake for 20 min.


Note: half of the recipe only
3 cups all -purpose flour - 1 cup cake flour
1 cup shortening - 1/3 cup butter
1 ½ c white sugar - 1/3 cup confectioner sugar
¼ c water - half of 1 whole beaten egg

1 can condensed milk - ¼ cup white sugar
4 eggs - ½ cup all purpose cream
- 1 pc egg
1. Mix all sugar, water and milk
2. Roll with rolling pin to make flat dough and set in pie.
3. Blend all -purpose with shortening
4. In a sauce pan cook in slow fire condensed milk and eggs until sticky
5. Fill custard cream into the crust and cover with lattice
6. Bake for 30 mins. And let cool.

Swiss Mocha Roll

 ¾ c cake flour
 ½ t baking powder
 ¼ t salt
 4 egg yolks
 ¼ c sugar
 1 t vanilla
 5 T + 1 t hot water
 1 t coffee powder
 1 T oil
 4 egg whites
 ¼ c sugar


 ½ c butter
 ¾ c confectioner’s sugar
1. Prepare all ingredients
2. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl ( flour, baking powder, ¼ c sugar and set aside)
3. Beat egg yolks. Add dry ingredients gradually alternately with water until all dry ingredients were added.
4. Add vanilla and oil. Set aside
5. Dilute coffee powder in hot water
6. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until stiff. Add the remaining ¼ c sugar. beat until sugar dissolve
7. Cut and fold the flour mixture with the egg white mixture
8. Pour in rectangular pan line with wax paper.
9. Bake at 300°F at 10-15 min.
10. If done, sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar then invert
11. Roll loosely with the help of wax paper or cheese cloth. Allow to cool
12. Prepare filling/frosting
13. Unroll and fill in with filling
14. Roll again and place in a half roll pan
15. Cover and decorate with icing
16. Place in a half roll box.
1. Beat butter until soft and creamy.
2. Alternately add powder sugar.
Petit Fours
 ¾ c cake flour
 ½ t baking powder
 ¼ t salt
 4 egg yolks
 ¼ c sugar
 1 t vanilla
 5 T + 1 t hot water
 2 T cocoa powder
 1 T oil
 4 egg whites
 ¼ c sugar
1. Prepare all ingredients
2. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl ( flour, baking powder, ¼ c sugar and set aside)
3. Beat egg yolks. Add dry ingredients gradually alternately with water until all dry ingredients were added.
4. Add vanilla and oil. Set aside
5. Dilute coffee powder in hot water
6. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until stiff. Add the remaining ¼ c sugar. beat until sugar dissolve
7. Cut and fold the flour mixture with the egg white mixture
8. Pour in rectangular pan line with wax paper.
9. Bake at 300°F at 10-15 min.
10. Slice the sponge and coat with fudge frostings
Chocolate fudge frosting
3 T chocolate powder
1 cup confectioner sugar
2 T butter
6 T milk
1 t vanilla

Mix all ingredients in a sauce pan, cook in low fire

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