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Subject: Computer Application Code: EDT-11806

Q .No.1 Choose the right answer. (.5*10 =5)

1. Win32 application programming interfaces of operating system is for

a. Windows b. Unix c. Linux d.all
2. Environment for execution of programs of operating system is provided by
a. Input b. application program c. memory d.OS
3. _______is a signal generated by a hardware device to get CPU’s attention.
a. Interrupt b. trap c.both d.none
4. DOS and Linux are examples of __________structure.
a. Layered b.monolithic c.micro kernel d. virtual
5. Software that supports Virtual machines, is called a
a. Virtual machines monitor b. Virtual c.both a&b d. Apps
6. The _____ of a process is defined in part by the current activity of that process.
a. Waiting state b.state c.job queue d.all
7. A program by itself is a process?
a. True b.false c.both d.none
8. Each process is represented in the operating system by a
a. Ready queue b.waiting queue c.PCB d.all
9. Messages can be sent to and received from mailboxes in _______ communication.
a. Direct b.Synchronization c.indirect d.simplex
10. When the process issues an I/O request it is placed in ______ queue.
a. Job b. Ready c.Running d.I/O

Q.NO.2 Answer the following question. (2*4= 8)

1. Define operating system?
2. Define time sharing system?
3. Define software?
4. Define Hardware?

Long Questions:
1. Define process and explain process life cycle with diagram. (3)
2. Define Deadlock, Explain with the help of diagram and its four necessary conditions (4)
Subject: Computer Application Code: EDT-11806

Q .No.1 Choose the right answer. (.5*10 =5)

4. Win32 application programming interfaces of operating system is for

b. Windows b. Unix c. Linux d.all
5. Environment for execution of programs of operating system is provided by
b. Input b. application program c. memory d.OS
6. _______is a signal generated by a hardware device to get CPU’s attention.
a. Interrupt b. trap c.both d.none
5. DOS and Linux are examples of __________structure.
b. Layered b.monolithic c.micro kernel d. virtual
11. Software that supports Virtual machines, is called a
b. Virtual machines monitor b. Virtual c.both a&b d. Apps
12. The _____ of a process is defined in part by the current activity of that process.
b. Waiting state b.state c.job queue d.all
13. A program by itself is a process?
b. True b.false c.both d.none
14. Each process is represented in the operating system by a
b. Ready queue b.waiting queue c.PCB d.all
15. Messages can be sent to and received from mailboxes in _______ communication.
b. Direct b.Synchronization c.indirect d.simplex
16. When the process issues an I/O request it is placed in ______ queue.
b. Job b. Ready c.Running d.I/O

Q.NO.2 Answer the following question. (2*4= 8)

5. Define operating system?
6. Define time sharing system?
7. Define software?
8. Define Hardware?

Long Questions:
1. Define Input And output devices, write a complete note on input & Output devices
2.Define Software’s write a note on system and application software.

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