Intensive 1 Week 6 (Thursday 2023)

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Week 6

Thursday’s Class

1. Let’s talk and practice!

2. Articles
3. Third Speaking Activity Instructions
Let’s talk!

Find page 89.

Verbs + Infinitive

Many verbs are followed by the infinitive particle “to”

It is needed with the verb so that it can have an object (something to
receive the action)

*Note: this applies when that object is another verb (action)

These verbs are:

❖ Want
❖ Learn
❖ Need
❖ Promise
❖ Decide
❖ Plan
❖ Hope
“I would like to…”
Grammar Topic

a/an, the or no article
Let’scomplete the text!
When and how do we use the articles?
A / AN
(indefinite pronoun)
1. Use it to say what something is or what
job people do.

2. In expressions of frequency.
(definite article)
1. Use it when the speaker and hearer know the thing
we are talking about.

2. When there is only one of something: the Internet,

the sun.

3. Before superlative adjectives: the biggest, the best…

A or The?
We often use “a” the first time we mention a person or a thing. Then, “the” the next time
because it is now clear who or what we are talking about.
No article
1. Don’t use an article when talking about people or things in general:
❖ Men are more interested in sports than women. (general)
❖ The women in this class have more books than the men. (specific)

2. Don’t use an article before the possessive ‘s:

❖ She’s my mother’s cousin NOT She’s the my mother’s cousin.

3. Don’t use an article with the following:

❖ Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner

❖ Places: work, school, college, bed, home.
❖ Transportation: go by car, travel by train… Go to Page 145
Speaking Activity

Let’s imaging and describe our perfect vacation.

Scenario: You are in your favorite place for vacation during 15 days. It can be anywhere that you like. imagine that you are
writing a postcard or talking on the phone with someone while you are sitting on the balcony of your hotel room, on the
beach or outside a café

The idea: You will describe what you imagine is happening in that exact time.
• You should use the Present Continuous to describe what is happening at the moment you are writing (e.g. “The sun is
shining” or “The children are playing beach volleyball”).
• Use the Present Simple for your daily routine while on holiday (e.g. “I spend most of the day next to the swimming
pool” or “I have breakfast in the same café every morning”

Time: 5-7 minutes minimum.


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Thanks for joining me today! ;)

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