8.2 Chapter 8

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City - rally Zagreb

City rally is a game in which students are divided into groups/teams with clearly stated tasks.
The goal is to connect students, complete tasks and have fun while doing so.
The activity begins by dividing the students into groups and giving clear instructions
(mandatory taking a photo in front of a landmark, means of transport and the map of the
route, making a video or a presentation, etc.) and limitations (for example, time). After the
introductory part, students divide tasks among themselves in groups and develop a strategy to
complete all tasks within a certain time frame. At the end of the activity, the students, in
already existing groups, should create a video or a presentation to demonstrate and confirm
that they have completed all the assigned tasks. The students who completed the activity the
fastest, as well as those who created the video or presentation in the most creative way, will
be evaluated.

Authors: Željka Winkler

Subjects: Geography, History of art, English language, Physical and

Health culture, Informatics

Description of The activity is aimed at developing the skills of orientation, time

activities: management, teamwork and exploring a new location/city.
Instead of a typical guided tour of Zagreb, students are divided
into (international) teams and have tasks to complete: at each
point/location they need to visit, they have a task and need to
take pictures or record themselves. In this way, they are engaged
and activated during the entire process, and by researching and
completing tasks, they get to know the given location better and
develop their skills. The activity has a game element, as the
tasks must be completed in the shortest possible time, and the
group that completes all the tasks first, i.e. visits all the locations
and takes a short video or photo at each location as proof of the
task's completion, wins.

Outcomes: - students will practice orientation using a digital or

physical map
- students will estimate the distances and time required
and devise the most efficient way to visit all given
locations in the shortest time
- students will connect knowledge from history and art
history and apply them to specific tasks of determining
the artistic style or period for individual buildings
- students will name Zagreb's main squares, museums,
statues, religious buildings and other landmarks, place
them in a historical period and explain why, highlight
important, useful and current facts
- students will use digital technology to better navigate
around the city and to research facts about some
buildings, people or events
- students will use digital tools to create a presentation
and/or short video.
- students will cooperate responsibly in a team
- students will improve their communication skills in

Digital tools: mobile phones, Prezi, Google Slides, Premiere (video maker)

Number of students: 16-20 students

Duration of activities: 3 hours (180 minutes)

Evaluation of activities: The next day, the students in the same group should make a
presentation or a video project in which they should present their
city adventure and prove that they completed all the tasks and
had a lot of fun at the same time.

Examples of student’s https://drive.google.com/file/d/

work: 1xkxsGUxGEE6wkfCGuzIQ_vZrz80a6B1i/view?usp=sharing

Advantages of student connection within a group, developing problem-solving

activities: skills, creativity, digital and social competence, orientation, fun

Link on materials: https://edutorij.e-skole.hr/share/page/document-details?

The game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" - Trigonometry

The game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" is known as an entertaining and educational TV

show. As such, it is also very useful in classes where we can use it to repeat learned content.
The game starts with simple questions that, if answered correctly, win small sums of money.
As the contestant advances on the scale, i.e. answers more and more complex questions, the
monetary value for these answers increases. If the contestant manages to answer all the
questions correctly, he wins one million monetary units. Instead of monetary units, students
can be evaluated in a pre-arranged way. Considering the large number of students in the
class, students can be divided into groups of four students each, and compete with each other.

Authors: Ivana Imbrija

Subjects: Mathematics, Informatics

Description of Using the Millionaire game, the students will repeat the learned
activities: content in mathematics. The students will be divided into groups of
four students and each of them will try to solve 6 questions of
different difficulty and thus become a millionaire. If the student does
not know the correct answer, it is the next student's turn starting from
the beginning. Students in groups can play three rounds. The best
placed students from each group will then compete against each other
by playing the game in two rounds. The sum of the numerical
amounts won is seen in the final standings. The three students with
the most money won will be evaluated with a grade.
Also, if someone reaches millions in the group competition, he no
longer plays and is considered the absolute winner.

Outcomes: - students will define a trigonometric circle

- students will define the relationship between radians and
- students will relate angles in radians to those in degrees, and
vice versa
- students will define the principal measure of an angle
- students will practice determining the main measure of an
- students will determine the fundamental period of
trigonometric functions on simple and complex examples
- students will repeat the definition of even and odd
trigonometric functions
- students will be able to determine the parity of a function by
applying the properties
- students will determine the value of the function for a certain
angle by reducing it to the first quadrant
- students will determine the quadrant in which a certain angle
is located
- students will be able to determine the values of other
trigonometric functions using the value of one trigonometric
- students will be able to calculate the values of complex
trigonometric expressions
- students will cooperate responsibly in the group

Digital tools: mobile phones, learningapps

Number of 6 groups of 4 students


Duration of 2 x 45 min

Evaluation of evaluation of students with the best results


Advantages of student connection within a group; a different way of revising

activities: teaching content

Link on materials: https://learningapps.org/watch?v=peyshsy1a20

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering - Digital Escape Room

The game is designed to develop the skill of logical thinking. It consists of different puzzles
that need to be solved in order to unlock the door and exit the room. Riddles that were used in
making this escape room were puzzles, crossword, game Hangman, quiz, rebus and
mathematical/electrical engineering tasks. All of them contain questions from different parts
of the subject Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and some of them are interdisciplinary
connected with Mathematics.
Author: Sunčica Tokić

Subjects: Fundamental of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Informatics, English


Descriptio Instead of classical exercise by answering questions and solving problems on

n of board, students were solving riddles to collect keys to leave the room. This
activities: activity develops logical thinking, skills of connecting different parts of
educational curriculum and teamwork. Students are divided in pairs and given
short instructions. Detailed instructions and background story of the escape
room are in the materials. After reading them, students start the timer in the
room, and they have 30 minutes to solve all the riddles. In the escape room they
will find an electrical laboratory with hidden clues in it. They have to find it
and click on it to open the riddle. Answers (keys) to riddles must be written on
paper and after solving all riddles students will try to unlock the digital door by
clicking on the keyhole. A Google form will open which they have to fill out
and send the answers. If they are all correct, they will successfully unlock the
door. Pairs compete and the fastest that sends all the correct answers will win.
For their work students will be evaluated.

Outcomes: Students will:

- Solve the given riddles
- Connect mathematical knowledge with knowledge in Fundamentals of
Electrical Engineering to solve tasks with calculation
- Determine basic terms in Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
(circuit, network, voltage, resistance, current…)
- Determine basic concept of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
(electrical network, different connections in electrical networks,
relationships between current, voltage and resistance, use of source…)
- Name basic terms and connect them to get structures in Electrical
- Use digital tool to show their result after solving all riddles
- Communicate and cooperate with their partner
- Improve their social and communication skills
- Improve their digital skills and competence
- Improve their English skills in professional area

Digital Computers, PowerPoint, Google presentation, online Hangman, online

tools: Crossword, Google documents, FlexiQuiz, online Puzzle, Youtube, Google

Number of 6 groups of 2

Duration 45 min

Evaluation Students will fill out the Google forms with answers and will be evaluated.
Advantage Different ways of solving tasks, repetition of curriculum and establishing facts
s of in the subject's curriculum. Developing skills of logical thinking and teamwork,
activities: digital competence. Having fun while learning.

Link on https://edutorij.e-skole.hr/share/page/document-details?nodeRef=workspace://
materials: SpacesStore/f2d961f5-9542-4938-a983-59ecb0d34ac5

eTwinning project: European Escape Room

Authors: Jasna Dobrotić, Anica Fintić, Iva Rožić

Subjects: Informatics, Geography, Biology, English language

Description Escape room tasks to get to know Croatia. Students try to reach the end of
of activities: the escape room activity through a series of connected rooms. During the
transition from room to room, students study the educational materials that
each room contains and, based on what they have read, try to answer
questions and find the password to move to the next room. The theme of
each of the three escape rooms is a certain part of Croatian heritage (culture,
geography, sights of certain regions...).
- the student analyzes a longer adapted or original text while listening
and reading.
- discusses information about various Croatian landmarks, regions and
- recognizes and uses complex cognitive, metacognitive and socio-
affective language learning strategies.
- independently and self-initiatively searches for new information
from various sources, transforms it into new knowledge and
successfully applies it when solving problems.
- communicates well with others, cooperates successfully in different
situations and is ready to ask for and offer help.
- independently critically evaluates the process, sources and search
results, selects the necessary information.

Digital tools:
Genial.ly, Canva, YouTube, Kahoot

Number of Students work in pairs or small groups of up to 4 students. In total, one class
students: (approximately 24 students) participates in the activity.

Duration of
activities: 30 – 45 minutes

Evaluation The evaluation of the activity is carried out by the percentage of success in
of activities: exiting the escape room activity. The fastest pair/group is the winner.
of activities:

Link on
materials: bit.ly/escaperoomhr

TaleBlazer – Augmented Reality for presenting the tourist attractions

Durign the time of the pandemic, hotel and tourism education students from High School Ban
Josip Jelačić in Zaprešić, had to come up with new ways of presenting the tourist attractions
of our city.
Students were using TaleBlazer application. TaleBlazer is the augmented reality (AR)
software platform. By situating games in the real world, AR games seek to engage people in
experiences that combine real landscapes and other aspects of the physical environment with
additional digital information supplied to them by smartphones.

The game is interactive and can be connected to Google Maps, and the questions are
triggered when the tourist approaches the given attraction. The playar is moving around the
location following instruction and map on application. Who manage to visit all location and
answer the question correctly in the shortest period of time – wins!

Author: Helga Kraljik, Željka Brezni, Sanja Jelaković-Kuhner

Subjects: Cultural Heritage, Tourism, English, German, Italian, History, Geography,

Description 1. study of the history of Novi dvori

of activities: 2. finding interesting things related to the attractions of Novi dvori
3. preparation of questions accompanied by own photos. The game was made in
English, German and Italian as part of the work of the Multilingualism
Promotion Section in High School Ban Josip Jelačić in Zaprešić, Croatia.
4. creating a game in the TaleBlazer application: the game is interactive and can
be connected to Google Maps, and the questions are triggered when the tourist
approaches the given attraction.
5. Field teaching: playing a game in New Courts (Zaprešić) and peer
assessment - two things I liked and 1 that could have been better.

Outcomes: Students will:

- Create a digital game using real location and informatin to present
tourist attractions in interactive way
- Improve their English, German and Italian comunication skills in
professional area

Digital tools: Computers, TaleBlazer app, mobile phones

Number of 4 groups of 5 students


Duration of 2 weeks

Evaluation of Peer assessment - two things I liked and two things that could have been better.
activities: Summative assessment using criteria: relevant information about the location,
usage of language and technical aspects of game.

Advantages Development of creativitiy and digital competencies. More interesting way to

of activities: present a tourist destination.

Link on English: gsijwkz

materials: German: gouwouv
Italian: ghieihg

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