Humanities Class 11 Summer Holidays Homework

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Delhi Public school kathua

Holidays Homework 2023-24

Class: XI
Subject : English Core
(Code: 301)

A. PROJECT WORK : Ancient Egypt

and Ancient India
1. Comparison Criteria
a. Everyday Life
b. Agriculture
c. Trade Activities
d. About Education
e. Writings (Inscription,Sacred carvings)
f. About Technology
g. About Arts
h. About famous Pharaohs (Egypt) and famous rulers( India)
i. About Religion
j. About Dynasty rule
k. About Music , Sports and Cuisine
l. Captive statuettes
m. Historical Significance: Prominent Tombs and structures(buildings)
2. Presentation: File work
a. A 4 size sheets
b. Illustrations (sketches/print out pictures)
c. Create a cover page
d. Create an Acknowledgment certificate

3. Source Book :
a. Hornbill ( A Textbook of Class XI English Core)

Summer Holidays Homework (Class XI)

Subject: History

• Complete Project Work


• 1. Facets of the Industrialization in sixteenth- eighteenth centuries.

• 2. Crusades: causes; rationale; events; outcomes; Holy Alliance

• 3. Ancient History in depth: Mesopotamia

• 4. Greek Philosophy and City States

• 5. Contributions of Roman Civilization

• 6. The spirit of Renaissance: Manifestation in art; Literature; Sculpture; Influence on
Trading Community; Social Fabric; Philosophy; Political Values; Rational Thinking; Existentialism

• 7. Aspects of Development -South American States /Central American States

• 8. Different schools of thoughts- Realism: Humanism: Romanticism

• 9. Piecing together the past of Genghis Khan

• 10. Myriad Realms of Slavery in ancient, medieval, and modern world

• 11. History of Aborigines – America /Australia

• 12. Facets of Modernization – China /Japan/Korea

• Students may work upon the following lines as suggested:

1. Steps involved in the conduct of the project:
1.Choose a Title/Topic
2. Need of the Study, Objective of the Study
3. Hypothesis
4. Content -Timeline, Maps, Mind maps, Pictures, etc. (Organization of Material/Data Present
5. 5. Analysing the Material/Data for Conclusion
6. Draw the Relevant Conclusion
7. Bibliography

2. Expected Checklist for the Project Work:

1. Introduction of topic/ title

2. Identifying the causes, events, consequences and/or remedies
3. Various stakeholders and effect on each of them
4. Advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues identified
5. Short-term and long-term implications of strategies suggested during research
6. Validity, reliability, appropriateness, and relevance of data used for research work and for
presentation in the project file
7. Presentation and writing that is succinct and coherent in project file
8. Citation of the materials referred to, in the file in footnotes, resources section, bibliography etc.

• Activity : Make Mesopotamia tablet using clay

• Prepare 20 objective (1 mark) question each from

Theme 2 : Writing & City Life

Theme3 : An empire across three continents

• Revise periodic test (1) syllabus ( Theme 2 &3)





II) Book -1 ( L-01 , L-02 ) Book – 2 ( L -01 , L -02 )
III) Prepare 20 objectives ( 1 marks) questions each from:
A) Making of Indian constitution
B) Fundamental rights
C) Political theory
D) Freedom
IV) ACTIVITY: prepare Group discussion on effectiveness of Indian constitution and framing of
V) Project work


I) Revise periodic 1 syllabus ( L-01 , L-02 )

II) Prepare 20 objectives 1 marks questions each from:
A) What is psychology?
B) Methods of enquiry in psychology
C) Human development
Holidays homework for class 11th 2023-24

Subject – Physical Education

• File work
1. Any one IOC recognized Sport/Game of your choice:

Labelled diagram of field and equipment. Also mention its rule, terminologies and skills.

2. Make a chat on Olympic movement on topic:

Summer olympic, Winter Olympic, Symbols,Olympic flag, Olympic emblems

Class – 11th

Subject – Economics

Teacher- Bhagyalaxmi

A) Topics from Micro Economics

1) How economics solve the problem of scarcity of resources.
2) Central problems of economy and it’s solutions.
3) Explain ppc with real world example
4) Explain the concept of utility. Make a short enquiry in your family and ask them what
does utility mean to them.
5) Concept of consumer equilibrium. Explain how you will achieve your equilibrium point in
6) Concept of consumer budget. Make your own budget line assuming two goods are
7) What is relevance of studying micro- economics
8) Concept of indifference curve
9) What is marginal rate of substitution. How would you substitute one good for another
B) Topics from statistics
1) Why to study statistics. What are different career options in the field of statistics
2) Make a report on economic survey of India 2023
3) What is primary data. Visit any 5 local retail store and collect data of change in price of
any two items
4) What is statistics in singular sense.
5) Make a report on national sample survey organisation.
6) Make a report on census of India
7) Make a report on any 5 statistical software which help a person to deal with numbers
8) Make a questionnaire on emotional intelligence of a person and get it filled by your
family members, give concept of data collection through questionnaire
C) Written Assignment
Students will be given 10 questions ( 5 from micro and 5 from statistics) to write in notebook.
“The anxious and unusual times bring unforeseen difficulties but the best of human nature
rise to the challenge.”
We all have within us the strength, the patience and the passion to reach the stars to change
the world. Let’s not fear change; embrace it. Life is all about moving on, accepting changes
and looking forward to what makes us more adaptable and stronger.
New sessions, new books and new friends have kept the kids buzzing for a while and now
the much awaited vacation is here! Summer Break is the best time of the year for parents
and children alike. While parents get to spend the maximum time with their young ones
during this period; for kids, it’s time for family bonding, loads of ice cream, time to visit
grandparents and getting pampered to no end.

Summer vacation can also be a time for learning with lots of activities around. Parents may
try out something different by arranging a visit to an old age home or an orphanage and
motivating the students to spend some time with the people there. Imparting love and
affection amongst others not only gives one happiness but also instills a sense of social
responsibility that every individual must imbibe to contribute towards a better world. Learning
Yoga, Meditation/ De stressing techniques also can help to prepare one for the academic
challenges ahead. The focus should be on a learning which is aimed at the evolution of a
child into a holistic individual.

Keeping this in mind, the subject-wise assignments given as holiday homework have been
planned with the view to make the optimum use of the youngsters’ energy and give a vent to
their creativity so that the process of learning continues during the vacations as well. We
hope that the students enjoy these holidays thoroughly in a way that they inculcate some
values, virtues and knowledge in the bargain!!!

The Summer Break is scheduled from June 6, 2023 to July 16, 2023 .

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