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Instruction: Work in group of 3 and write an ending to a story (see the story in student

worksheet) After that fill out the checklist for narrative writing. Do your assignment in this

Student Name:
1. Naufal Ammar Rivardi
2. Nabigh Muhammad Mannan

Mysterious trust box

Tyler Green wiped sweat from his forehead and tried to think about the money he
was making.
Though his mom said she’d pay him two dollars to weed the garden, he knew he
was still a long way from being able to buy the new bike he wanted. A long way. And this
job was dirty, hot, and hard. Not to mention boring.
“There must be an easier way to earn money,” he said to Rascal, his dog. Rascal
looked at him, slurped a smile, then tossed her head and went back to digging.
Rascal was nosing the dirt like crazy. Tyler put down his trowel. “Whatcha got, girl?
He asked, coming over. She barked and scraped the dirt again. Tyler pushed her away
from the hole. Something was down there. A metal box. He brushed away more dirt,
worked his fingers around it, and pulled it out.
The lock was rusty, but opened with a twist. Excited , Tyler lifted the creaking lid.
He gasped. Inside was money. Lots of money. There was also a note. He read: Return
the money, and you will have a greater reward! Bring it to 13 raven Way. Knock once.
Tyler’s heart pounded. What should he do? This was more than enough money to
buy his bike. He knew he should probably return the money, but that was the problem.
Everyone said that 13 Raven Way, the old house on the hill, was haunted.

Tyler wisely said "we have to return this box bastard", the ruffians barked happily because they
were going on an adventure to return the box, the next day Tyler and the bastard went looking
for the old house, on their way to the old house. the house on the hill tyler and ruffians go
through many obstacles, tyler and ruffians are confronted by a fierce tiger and must be able to
defeat him, then tyler and ruffians are also hit by a very fierce rainstorm while climbing the hill,
but with the tenacity of tyler and ruffians they are able to overcome all obstacles that, some time
later tyler and rascal arrived at 13 raven way, tyler knocked on the door of the old house "hello
anyone here" tyler said, not long after an old woman came out and said "hello young man and
little dog, are you guys coming? far here", then tyler replied "we came here to return the box that
was long buried in the ground that bastard found", then the old woman said happily "thank you
young man, this box is the only treasure I have, if you will give you some of my property", Tyler
replied with sincerity "no need to be like that grandma, I returned the box with bro, sincere and
not expecting the slightest imbalance", then grandma asked "old and young man, what do you
want now, don't hesitate to say it", then tyler answered hesitantly "eee I want the bike I've been
dreaming of for a long time", then the old woman opened the box and gave some of the contents
of the box "old young man, so take some of this money, take it as a form of my gratitude for
you", Tyler happily revealed Rascak and smiled happily then said "Thank you very much a lot,
grandma, with this money I can buy a bike that ah I've been dreaming of for a long time, then
laugh and say "hahahaha, then go home and buy the bike you dream of, I'm also very grateful for
the box you returned to me" , then tyler and the assholes went home and bought the bike Tyler
had wanted for so long.

Narrative Writing Checklist

Student Name:
1. Naufal Ammar Rivardi
2. Nabigh Muhammad Mannan

Structure Yes No Evidence

1. Title ✓ Mysterious trust box

2. Orientation (beginning) ✓ • Who = Tyler green
- Who (the people and or animals – main Rascal as tyler's dog
characters) Tyler's mom
- Where (the place – setting of the story) Old women
- When ( the time) Tiger

•Where = Garden
Old house on the hill
(13 raven way)
Tyler's house

•When = The next day

some time later
For so long
3. Build-up / events -tyler wanted to buy a bike
- What happened in the story? -they have to return the box to the
- Were there some problems or mystery to ghost house on the hill,and they
solve? have to beat the tiger and,and the

4. Complication (Problem) They have to return the box

What was the main problem that the main
character face in the story?

5. Resolution (solution) With their tenacity and courage

How did the main character deal with the
problem? How did they solve it?

6. Ending Tyler gets a reward for returning

What happened to the character? the box from the old women and
then tyler can buy the bike that he

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