Group 9 Multi Faith Room Feb 132023

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Above and Beyond Designs Construction Firm

Multi-Faith Room Project

Version 1.0

Multi-Faith Room Project


Version Implemented Revision Approved Approval Reason

# By Date By Date

1.0 Longabela, January 3-6, Ms. January 13, A much more

Jonah Mae 2023 Charlene 2023 concise
Escario information and
Meregildo, objectives for
John Michael chosen project.

Kaye Jasmin

Mana, Charina


Multi-Faith Room Project



VERSION HISTORY ......................................................................................................... 1

NOTE TO AUTHOR ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................................... 2

1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 4

1.1 PURPOSE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN .............................................. 5

2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PROJECT CHAPTER ................................................. 5

2.1 ASSUMPTIONS/CONTRAINTS .......................................................................... 7

3 SCOPE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 7

3.1 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE .................................................................. 8

3.2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN ....................................................................................... 9

3.3 CHANGE CONTROL MANAGEMENT ................................................................ 9

4 SCHEDULE/TIME MANAGEMENT ......................................................................... 10

4.1 MILESTONES .................................................................................................... 10

4.2 PROJECT SCHEDULE...................................................................................... 11

4.2.1 DEPENDECIES .............................................................................................. 11

5 COST/ BUDGET MANAGEMENT ........................................................................... 11

6 QUALITY MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................... 12

7 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ................................................................... 12

Multi-Faith Room Project

8 COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 14

8.1 COMMUNICATION MATRIX ............................................................................. 16

9 RISK MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................. 16

9.1 RISK LOG .......................................................................................................... 18

10 ISSUE MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................ 19

10.1 ISSUE LOG ........................................................................................................ 20

11 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 20

12 COMPLIANCE RELATED PLANNING ................................................................ 20

APPENDIX A: PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROVAL ................................................ 23

APPENDIX B: REFERENCES ........................................................................................ 23

APPENDIX C: KEY TERMS ............................................................................................ 24

APPENDIX D: SUMMARY OF SPENDING .................................................................... 25

Multi-Faith Room Project


It is true that BPO industry has taken over the modern employment field of the country
and the world. It became the medium of transaction which offers solutions and options
through customer service. People are encountering different issues on their personal
stuffs and some of them do not have any time or ability to fix and resolve the problem
immediately. Through call center employees, there are provided solutions that can be
offered to solve the problem easily and it is either done during the call or by using chat
and software support. In other word, this productive industry makes our lives still
convenient with less hassle because of the difficulties that we experience on the products
or services that we have. We might think that these people are privileged enough to have
this job, but we are actually not aware of the downside of being a BPO employee.

It was stated on different local research that huge percent of call center
employees here in the Philippines are suffering from mental health problems. Some of
them undergo through medical treatment and consultation but large number of them just
get used to it. One factor why people don’t take this essential thing seriously because
they think that it is not that big deal. But mental issues could lead to worse situations.
That is why many of these people become suicidal. Anyone could experience this but
there are higher chances that most of BPO workers having mental health problems
because of the workload, graveyard shift and the main cause is the stress and pressure
coming from both customers and inside the workplace. Many people say that this industry
is toxic that could challenge the strength and patience of every individual.

The most common thing that is being observed on a lot of companies is the
lack mental health support. Many of them does not have any facility and consultation yet
to check the situation of their employees mentally. It is very important for the company to
maximize their resources and focus on the betterment of their employees since they are
probably a great factor in reaching the main goal of the company which is success.
Without any support, there is a huge possibility that their employees’ performances would
be negatively affected because of their situation. This is just a give and take situation. If
the employee is in good situation, then he/she could contribute more for the growth of the
company itself.

Multi-Faith Room Project

The intended audience of the Multi-Faith Room PMP is all project stakeholders including
the project sponsor, senior leadership and the project team.


The main purpose of this project is to provide space and time for every single
employee under specific BPO company for them to meditate and have some intimate
moment with themselves wherein they can reflect and rest their mind from the stress and
struggles that they have. Multi-Faith room will be presented as a convenient, safe, and
peaceful room that could also be used as a praying station. They can request it so that
they will be having specific time to use which will be approved by the HR and supervisor.


PROJECT NAME Multi-Faith Room

Paul Jason Sison

PROJECT TEAM Basañes, Kaye Jasmin

Lihaylihay, Jennifer
Longabela, Jonah Mae
Mana, Charina Mae
Meregildo, John Michael



PROJECT DESCRIPTION To provide a safe and

peaceful space for every
single employee under
the chosen BPO
company for them to
meditate and free

Multi-Faith Room Project

themselves from stress

that might affect their
performance inside the
workplace. This is to
make sure that their
mental health will always
be prioritize by the

SCOPE This facility will be made

for all of the employees
who are part of the
company itself. This
could be use as a
praying station and a
place wherein they can
rest and reflect on

January 13, 2023 to

TIME April 15, 2023

BUDGET ₱100,000

Multi-Faith Room Project



SCHEDULE - the materials needed, and time

allotted for the process of making the room will be SCOPE
align on the timeframe of project itself.

SCOPE - the project scope will still be the same

on the layout not unless the company will take TIMEFRAME AND DEADLINES
down the proposal.

BUDGET - the budget needed for the whole

project will still be the same within the amount COST AND BUDGET

RESOURCES - project space will be done inside

the company which is reachable by the QUALITY

SUPERVISION - the process will be supported

and guided by the supervisor and HR APPROVAL AND SUPPORT

PROMOTION -posters and advertising inside the

workplace will be presented for the awareness of INFORMING
employees about the use of the project.

Multi-Faith Room Project


Multi-Faith Room is a very ideal place inside the workplace and company that hopefully
all of the companies/facilities will acquire. Specially for BPO companies which mostly
encounters stress that affects emotional and mental health of their employees. It is given
that every institution always have clinic and Human Resource department that facilitates
the needs of every worker regarding their health. It is helpful but with the number of
employees that a single BPO company has, this will not be enough and there are people
who need another beneficial options than that. This room will maximize the effectiveness
of health and bring a new environment for those who are facing difficulties within
themselves. Some of us wants to have a quiet and secluded area where they can feel
peace that will make their mind rest for specific amount of time. This moment could also
be used for them to pray and have some alone time. Through this, it will prevent them to
breakdown during work that might affect the performance of both them and company.
Stress will always be there specially if we are working under pressure but this should
serve as an eye opener for every business owner to look out on their employees situation.
Of course it is hard to talk to every single employee of the company but it is possible to
make sure that there is a safe place that will support people on their mental health.


How the Multi-Faith Room will be used by employees:

◼ Aside from the break and lunch time that is part of their schedule daily, the amount of
time for them to be able to use the Multi-Faith Room will be different (depends on the
time they actually need it.)
◼ If the employee really need to have some time inside the multi faith room, they have
to consult on their Team Leader for assistance.
◼ Team Leader will then ask the approval from the supervisor (Operation Manager) who
will make the letter of consent indicated the name of the employee that will be send
to HR Department immediately through email.
◼ After the HR Department received the email, they will indicate it on their system and
will make sure that the time allotted for them to use the room is still payable.
◼ It is already accepted by the HR Department and the employee could use the Multi
Faith Room by tapping their ID on the door of the room itself before and after entering
the premises to make sure that they actually use the room.
◼ Their time in and time out will be seen on the system and monitored through cctv.
◼ Every employee can use the Multi Faith Room within 15 to 20 minutes which is
equivalent on their break time. This could be used once daily only. (exceeding time
will not be payable anymore.)
◼ After using the room, the employee can go back to work with a calmer and more
peaceful mind.

Multi-Faith Room Project



Multi-Faith Room Project



Multi-Faith Room Project



Construction Weather

Software Finances

Development Environmental

Manufacturing Bureaucracy

Multi-Faith Room Project


This is the process of estimating, allocating and controlling projects costs in our proposed
project, which is MULTI FAITH ROOM. We need to have a costs management to calculate
the planning.

Fixed Cost
Property Taxes 10,000
Utility Expenses 10,000

Variable Cost
Construction Materials 20,000
Raw Materials 10,000
Construction Labor 40,000
Production Supplies 10,000


Inspection checklist

is a tool used to ensure that a product or service meets the required standards and
specifications. The checklist includes a list of items, processes, or activities that must be
evaluated to assess the overall quality of a product or service. The purpose of the
inspection checklist is to provide a systematic and comprehensive approach to checking
quality and to help identify potential quality issues early in the production process.

Ensure safety features

refers to the process of incorporating safety considerations into the design, production,
and use of products or services. The goal of incorporating safety features is to minimize
the risk of harm or injury to individuals or the environment.

Setting a testing schedule

refers to the process of planning and organizing the testing activities for a product or
service. A testing schedule outlines when testing activities will take place, who will be
responsible for conducting the tests, and what resources will be required. The goal of

Multi-Faith Room Project

setting a testing schedule is to ensure that testing is conducted in an efficient and effective
manner, and that the results are available in a timely manner to support decision-making.

Determine the structure design

refers to the process of creating a design for a physical structure such as a building,
bridge, or tower. The structure design involves determining the size, shape, and
arrangement of the components of the structure, as well as specifying the materials and
methods used to construct the structure. The goal of determining the structure design is
to create a design that meets the functional requirements of the structure, while also
considering factors such as cost, safety, and constructability.

Document the construction process

Document the construction process, including any changes to the plans and
specifications, to provide a record of the quality of the room.

Multi-Faith Room Project


To effectively manage the multifaith room project, the HRM team should meet on a regular
basis in order to address any issues that arise. The agenda for these meetings should
1. General review
2. Design review
3. Construction review
4. Resource review
5. Governance review

1. General Project Review

The HRM team can monitor the overall development of the project by conducting a broad
evaluation of it. This involves examining the project's timetable and progress, as well as
any prospective concerns or risks that may develop.

Multi-Faith Room Project

2. Multi-Faith Room Design Review

The HRM team can assess the plans and designs for the multifaith room during the design
review. This helps the team to confirm that the design matches the project's aims and
objectives. It also allows the team to make any required alterations or adjustments prior
to the start of the construction process.

3. Multi-Faith Room Construction Review

The construction review allows the HRM team to review the progress of the construction
process. This includes reviewing the timeline, budget, and any issues or risks that may
arise during construction.

4. Resource Review

The resource review allows the HRM team to review the resources that have been
allocated to the project. This includes reviewing the personnel, materials, and any other
resources necessary to complete the project.

5. Governance Review

The governance review allows the HRM team to review the governance structures and
processes in place to manage the project. This includes reviewing the policies and
procedures that have been put in place to ensure the project is completed in a timely and
efficient manner.

Multi-Faith Room Project


This provides the structure for communication in this multi-faith room project. It will act as
a communication guide throughout the project's duration and will be updated as
communication needs evolve. This plan specifies and defines the duties of all project
participants. It also comprises a communications matrix, which outlines the project's
communication requirements. An in-depth meeting guide outlines both the
communication guidelines and how the meetings will be run, guaranteeing effective
meetings. There is a project team directory that includes contact information for all
stakeholders that are directly participating in the project. A list of religious and spiritual
leaders has also been added to guarantee that their needs and opinions are taken into
consideration. The plan also describes how religious and spiritual leaders' feedback
would be gathered and included into the project. It offers a schedule of when and to whom
communications will be issued.


Stakeholder Messages Vehicles Frequency Communicators Feedback

Presentation/ Conference Monday to Weekly Status
CEO Email / room / online Saturday Update &
Conference message Budget Usage

Presentation/ Conference Monday to Weekly Status

PROJECT Email / room / online Saturday Updates &
MANAGER Conference message Direct project
Presentation/ Conference Monday to Weekly Design &
ARCHITECT Email / room / online Saturday Construction
Conference message Updates

Multi-Faith Room Project

Presentation/ Conference Monday to Weekly Design &

INTERIOR Email / room / online Saturday Furnishing
DESIGNER Conference message Updates

Presentation/ Conference Monday to Weekly

CONSTRUCTION Email / room / online Saturday Construction
PERSONEL Conference message Updates &
Progress Reports


Performance Risk

A project has a perceived performance risk when the planned results are unlikely to be
realized. The risk naturally affects the business's overall performance. A situation like this
could necessitate additional funding.

Cost Risk

The project's success could be affected by a lack of cash or poor financial management
brought on by an overly ambitious budget or other restrictions. The risk may migrate to
other operations and labor segments if the project cost exceeds the allocated money.

Monitoring Schedule Risk

The possibility that tasks will take longer than expected is known as schedule risk. This
danger typically results from inadequate planning. Due to how frequently cost increases
result from improperly planned schedules, this risk is directly tied to the cost risk. Simply
said, longer projects cost more. Delays brought on by schedule risk result in missed
deadlines and a potential loss of competitive advantage. Schedule risk can result in
performance risk, which is when a project doesn't complete its intended task by the

Multi-Faith Room Project

Manpower Shortages & Productivity Issues

There is a significant danger that not enough people will be available to finish the work or
meet productivity targets. Without enough workers, the project may face longer
construction timelines and possible delays in completing it and delivering it to the owner
on schedule.

Health & Safety Hazards

Keeping workers safe should come first. Rapid site circumstances change and
unforeseen dangers might appear at any time, posing unforeseen project risks. Your
personnel may get severe injuries or lose their lives in major incidents.


➢ The avoidance plan outlines the risks and outcomes of a project that have been
acknowledged and assumed as well as provides possibilities to mitigate those
risks. Planning for risk and then taking preventative measures are two ways to
adopt the avoidance technique.
➢ The project team must assess and keep track of cost-related risks by
developing a procedure for reporting on each expense incurred by the
business. This tactic functions by enabling teams to continuously evaluate the
budget and adjust any cost projections as necessary.
➢ Weekly updates to assess the workloads and completion times of each team
member might be included in the monitoring of project schedules. The group
can then analyze the situation again and monitor any problems that can result
in the project running late. Calendars and other project management tools are
examples of computer software that may be used to track and assess time
management and project schedule.
➢ Overcome manpower shortages, provide competitive pay and benefits, and
establish a solid corporate culture that recognizes and promotes employees'
commitment and hard work. We have to provide proper training and time.

Multi-Faith Room Project

➢ Safe work practices for the various activities and tasks being carried out, the
choice and effective use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and
fundamental first aid procedures should all be covered at a kickoff safety
meeting. The engineering safety measures that will be implemented on the
jobsite will be discussed.

Multi-Faith Room Project



Call centers struggle to keep their staff members engaged and motivated in their work.
Call center jobs often get quite tedious and fail to keep the employees interested due to
their repetitive and hectic nature. BPO personnel face a number of health concerns due
to the demanding nature of their work. Their work-life balance is disrupted by graveyard
shifts. The impact of time zone differences on their psychological health It forces
individuals to adopt bad habits that, over time, may seriously harm their health.


Project Procurement Method of Process and Works

● Project team meetings and communication

● Obtain approval for design and layout

The following prior or post review requirements apply to the procurement

management and consultants used for the project:

● Interior designer

● Architect

● Construction personnel

Indicative List of Requirements Required under the Project Equipment

● Space room

● Materials / Equipments


● Human resource department

● Financial consulting

● Project management consulting

Multi-Faith Room Project

Works Contracts of Developing Multi faith Room Project

● Time based

4th week

● Consultant services

1st - 4th week

● Building control

1st - 4th week

Procurement of Multi-Faith Room Plan

● The project space is for all BPO employee who suffer from stress from work.

● Multi faith room will be done inside the company which is reachable by the

Multi-Faith Room Project


Compliance Planning for Multi Faith Room Project:


FINANCIAL CONSULTANT Determine Financial Developing financial

condition strategies, monitoring the
financial situation,and to
create in-depth reports on
the organisation's financial

INTERIOR DESIGNER Ultimately reflecting Determining space

employees needs and requirements and selecting
demonstrating their values to essential and decorative
others who enter or see their items, such as colors,
space. lighting, and materials.

PROJECT MANAGER Plan and manage Planning and monitoring the

deployment of physical and project.
financial resources to meet
project milestones Appointed project assurance
representatives to assure the
Responsible for delivering overall direction and integrity
the project. of the project.

Multi-Faith Room Project


The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the Multi-Faith Room Project
Management Plan and agree with the approach it presents. Changes to this Project
Management Plan will be coordinated with and approved by the undersigned or their
designated representatives.

Signature: __________________________________________
Print Name: _Paul Jason Sison_______________________________________
Title: ___RESULT-CX INC.___________________________________________
Role: __Production Supervisor____________________________________________

Date: __January 10, 2023 ____________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________
Print Name: __Timothy John Galang______________________________________
Title: ____RESULT-CX INC.__________________________________________
Role: ___Operational Manager___________________________________________

Date: ____January 10, 2023 ______________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________
Print Name: ________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________
Role: ______________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________

Multi-Faith Room Project


The following table summarizes the documents referenced in this document.

Document Name and Description Location

Assumptions template sample Assumption and Constraints
and Constraints template templates/project-assumptions-template.html
Definition and inputs of scope Scope Management management-resources/free-project-
management management-templates/scope-management-
Sample Quality Management
Plan Quality Management /Sample%20Quality
Human resource template Human Resource .com/template /project-planning/human-
Management resource-plan
Sample Risk Management Risk Management Centre/environmental-
Plan health/Events/SAMPLE_

Multi-Faith Room Project


The following table provides definitions for terms relevant to this document

Term Definition
Room Design Room design refers to the process of
decorating, arranging, and furnishing a
room to make it functional, comfortable,
and aesthetically pleasing. Room design
typically involves the selection of furniture,
lighting, wall coverings, flooring, and
accessories to create a cohesive and
harmonious environment.
Architect is a professional who designs and
oversees the construction of buildings and
other structures. Architects are
responsible for creating designs that are
not only aesthetically pleasing, but also
functional, safe, and sustainable. They
work closely with clients to understand
their needs and requirements, and use
their technical and creative skills to
develop plans and specifications for the
construction of a building.
Man power refers to the number of people available to
perform a particular task or job. It is used
to describe the quantity of human
resources that are available for a specific
project, business, or organization.
Room layout refers to the arrangement of furniture,
fixtures, and other elements within a room.
It is an important aspect of interior design,
as it affects the functionality and aesthetic
of the space.
Icon A religious image or statue, often depicting
a saint or other religious figure.
Sanctuary The main area of a church where the altar
is located

Multi-Faith Room Project



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