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Animal Motion Organs

Sumber : Buku Tematik kelas 5A


Butterfly Motion

A Butterflies are cute animals. The color is beautiful and attractive , the
butterflies fly and perch on flowers. The Butterflies have wider wings and
include animal insects .Butterfly food is nectar. The motion organ of the
butterfly is the wing.

Mr. Rudi took Edo to

his rabbit cage. It’s very Mr. Rudi and Edo feed
wide and there are lots a rabbits. The Rabbits
of rabbits. like to eat carrots. All
rabbits gather near

Edo was happy and Edo imitated the funny

laughed look Mr. Rudi’s movements of rabbits,
rabbit behavior. jumping, running and
standing on two legs.

A Funny rabbit. The fur

is thick and the
movements are agile.
Why does a rabbit can Right, the rabbits can
jump up and run with move agile because they
have the same motion
organs as other animals

Human and Animal Motion Organs

The characteristics of living things are moving, changing places or changing

body position. The movement of humans and animals use organs to walk,
run, jump, and swim.

There are 2 types of motion in humans and animals :

 Passive motion equipment is bone.
 Active means are muscles
This motion device will work together to do
movement and form a system called the motion

Answer the following questions according to the text!

1. What is the motion organs of a butterfly?
Answer : Wing

2. What is the butterfly food?

Answer : Nectar

3. What is rabbit’s favorite food?

Answer : Carrot

4. Specify the type of movement humans and animals!

Passive and active motion
Answer : ______________________________________

5. Specify the passive motion equipment!

Answer : ______________________________________

Mention the motion organs Animals

No. Animal Motion Organs

1. Fish Fin
2. Frog Hand and leg
3. Bird Wing and Leg
4. Snake Stomach
5. Goat Leg
6. Butterfly Wing
7. Lizard Stomach and leg
8. Worm Stomach
9. Cow Leg
10. Hen Leg

No. Animal Motion Organs

11. Rabbit Leg

12. Crocodile Stomatch, leg, and tail
13. Camel Leg
14. Elephant Leg
15. Zebra Leg
16. Turtle Leg
17. Snail Abdomucal muscles
18. Jellyfish Tentacle
19. Grashopper Leg and wing
20. Ant Leg

• Hewan : Animal • Musim dingin : Winter

• Gerakan : Motion • Suhu : Temperature
• Organ : Organs • Dibawah : Below
• Kupu kupu : Butterfly • Mengajak : Took
• Lucu : Cute/Funny • Kandang : Cage
• Warna : Color • Lebar : Wide
• Bagus : Beautiful • Banyak : Lots
• Menarik : Attractive • Pakan : Feed
• Terbang : Fly • Kumpul : Gather
• Hinggap : Perch • Tertawa : Laughed
• Lebih luas : Wider • Lihat : Look
• Sayap : Wing • Perilaku : Behavior
• Termasuk : Include • Meniru : Mimics
• Serangga : Insects • Lucu : Funny
• Nektar : Nectar • Gerakan : Movement
• Kemampuan : Ability • Lompat : Jumps
• Seratus : Thousands • Berlari : Runs
• Hangat : Warm • Berdiri : Stands

• Kaki : Leg • Pasif : Passive

• Bulu : Fur • Peralatan : Equipment/devide
• Tebal : Thick • Tulang : Bone
• Lincah : Agile • Aktif : Active
• Benar : Right • Otot : Muscles
• Bergerak : Move • Bekerja : Work
• Sama : Same • Bersama : Together
• Manusia : Human • Bentuk : Form
• Makhluk hidup: Living things • Sistem : System
• Berubah : Changing • Katak : Frog
• Tempat : Places • Ular : Snake
• Badan : Body • Kadal : Lizard
• Posisi : Position • Cacing : Worm
• Berjalan : Walk • Siput : Snail
• Berlari : Run • Ubur ubur : Jellyfish
• Melompat : Jump • Belalang : Grashopper
• Berenang : Swim • Ant : Semut

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