LAZARTE BRIGETTE JOY E. Human Relations Activity Number 4

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NAME: Brigette Joy E.


Subject: Human Relations

Program &Major: MAVED


Activity # 4


Describe how globalization has changed the way Philippine companies are doing business.
Do you believe this change has made Filipino businessmen better for their customers?

o Globalization improves in different ways in each century, and in the twenty-first century,
globalization expands in a larger way than it did in the fifteenth and eighteenth
centuries, mostly through the interchange of knowledge and less so through the trade
of goods. The twenty-first century evolves in numerous ways, such as how business
grows to its highest and most innovative level. Globalization has improved the
performance of Philippine enterprises.

We all know that globalization is the word used to describe the growing
interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations, brought about
by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment,
people, and information. Globalization helps businesses in the Philippines achieve their
maximum possible standing in commerce. There are a lot of things that globalization
help business by means of new innovation that have a great impact on society
typically technology for example before trading happened based on the meeting
physical in nature about what to do on business and traveling the products or goods
using the boat and it will take a lot of time to arrive in a specific are unlike today all we
have to do is use our mobile phones, laptop or any other devices just easy click to
choose the particular product you want to order and it will arrive in a short period of
time. As a result of the invented items, almost all transactions were completed quickly.

This change helps Filipino businessmen to improve their performance for the betterment
of their customers in such a way that they can serve or deliver their food in a short
period. In this case, it becomes a win-win situation because the company will be able
to serve a lot of customers and gain more profit, and the customer can eat the food at
the exact time or use the product at the exact moment. Today, it truly demonstrates that
Filipino businesspeople are responding to change because several establishments
are constantly improving, in addition to new trends that make the business field more

As a result, globalization is a big aid to society; it may have a bad consequence, but
most of the time we benefit from it. We must adapt to the essential adjustments that
will help the business expand, while also maintaining our composure in the face of these
changes, because change is the only constant in the world.

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