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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Brgy. Pagalungan, Polomolok, South Cotabato

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

2nd Quarter Exam for 1st Semester

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following items carefully. Shade the circle that contains the letter that corresponds to the
correct answer found in the answer sheet at the back.

1. What is the term used to describe a situation where an individual presents himself/herself in a certain way when
dealing with others?
A. “mirroring” B. “pretending” C. “seeming” D. “performing”
2. This is the ability to act out of one’s own free will and self – determination.
A. Freedom B. Physical Freedom C. Psychological Freedom D. Voluntariness
3.This refers to the person being accountable for his/her actions and their consequences.
A. Responsibility B. Physical Freedom C. Psychological Freedom D. Freedom
4. Which of the following statements show that choices have consequences?
A. Rushing through work because deadline is near.
B. During recess, a student accidentally runs into another child while playing tag; the student apologizes and
helps the other child up.
C. A student hurts the feelings of another child.
D. Finish unfinished work during recess time.
5. Which of the following statements show that when something is given up other is obtained in making choices.
A. Josh wants a new phone so he worked so hard to buy it.
B. A student dumps out all the glitter, breaks colored pencils or otherwise misuses supplies.
C. Lia aspires to be a renowned ballerina so she practices all day to the point of skipping her classes.
D. Allan’s family is going on a vacation on the week of his final exam. He wants to be in the honor list so he
stayed and studied for the exam.
6. Rolando is allowed to jog everyday inside the school campus. What kind of freedom is being expressed in this
A. Moral freedom B. Psychological freedom C. Absolute freedom D. Physical freedom
7. Mary lets her child choose which shirt he would like to wear. What kind of freedom is being expressed in this
A. Physical freedom B. Moral freedom C. Psychological freedom D. Absolute freedom
8. A person is thinking of robbing the bank. Can he be arrested?
A. Yes, because thinking of robbing a bank is against the law.
B. Yes, because thinking is a preparatory stage of committing a crime.
C. No, because the police have no evidence to prudence.
D. No, he cannot be arrested because there is absolute freedom to think.
9. What will happen when you get caught by the police committing a crime?
A. The police will probably arrest you.
B. The police will let you go.
C. The police will ignore you.
D. The police will drive you home safe.
10. The choice of whether or not you will cheat on the exams is an example of?
A. Legal Freedom B. Physical Freedom C. Psychological Freedom D. Moral Freedom
11. A beggar on the street approached you and asked for alms. What would you do?
A. Yell at him or her
B. The least you can do is to be nice.
C. Beat the person.
D. Avoid that person.

12. Your best friend tells you that he/she is planning of committing a suicide. As a friend, what do you think is best thing
you should do?
A. Talk to your friend and explain that committing suicide is idiotic and that your friend should not do it.
B. Ignore your friend.
C. Just do not bother. It is none of your business.
D. Tell your friend to do it. Life is meaningless anyway.
13. Teacher Diane is scoring her student’s essays; some students are not good at essays, and their answers might score
low. What should Teacher Diane do?
A. Teacher Diane should just ignore the concern.
B. Teacher Diane must be biased when scoring a student.
C. Teacher Diane must lower her expectation and be considerate because not all student is the same, each of
them is unique and have their own perspective.
D. Teacher Diane must be strict in scoring her student’s essays.
14. You saw a student yelling and harassing an old woman. What choice would you pick among the following?
A. Ignore. It is none of my business.
B. Ask the student to stop.
C. Take your phone and start an FB live.
D. Step in and punch that student.
15. Basketball team tryouts are scheduled for April 25. What choice would you pick among the following?
A. Practice a day before the tryouts.
B. Practice every day until you think you are the best.
C. Wait a week and two before tryouts to start practicing.
D. Start practice right away.
16. You have a big project, and you have a month in advance to complete it make a choice as to when should you start
A. Start researching ideas and do a little bit of the project each day until you finish.
B. A week before its due.
C. Two weeks before its due.
D. Print and copy a project from the internet.
17. You have a busy day on Monday make a choice of what you can do to help yourself?
A. Tell others about what you have to do.
B. Make a checklist of what has to be completed.
C. Make a to-do list and rank the activities in order of importance
D. Just go with the flow, and try to complete all that you can think of.
18. Which of the following is the best example of intersubjectivity?
A. When Anna was twelve, her sister told her that pickles are rotten cucumbers. Because of this, Anna now
orders all her burgers without pickles.
B. Ben has always loved dogs. When his parents let him choose a family pet, he picks a Labrador puppy from the
C. When Sara was fifteen, she went exploring in a cave and became trapped. She is now afraid of closed spaces.
D. Tony was born with vision in only one eye. Because of this, he sometimes has difficulty perceiving depth.
19. Who among the following can best engage in a true dialogue?
A. Jess, who would only talk about the current political system of the country.
B. Joseph, who refuses to talk to anyone.
C. Kim, who only talked to people the same age as her.
D. Danny, who can talk comfortably to anyone.
20. What is alienation in the context of human interaction?
A. considering the other people as mere objects
B. viewing people positively
C. regarding others as distinct and authentic persons
D. believing that human actions are governed by selflessness
21. How can you show your support in acceptance of differences inside the classroom?
A. I give importance to my entire class as we are all the same
B. I’m not interested and will not be involved.
C. I understand that each of my classmate have distinct characteristic and abilities.
D. I’m only trying to understand those who were smart inside the classroom.
22. It is the ability to share emotions and is an important aspect of intersubjectivity.

A. alienation B. empathy C. availability D. dialogue

23. What refers to the willingness of a person to be present and beat the disposal of another?
A. alienation B. dialogue C. empathy D. availability
24. It is an interaction between persons that happens through speech or the use of words, expressions, and body
A. Dialogue B. Seeming C. Free will D. Closure
25. Which of these statements indicate that the speaker is ready to engage in a genuine dialogue?
A. “I tend to ignore strangers.” C. “I always treat people with respect”
B. “I wish you were gone” D. “I think my idea is always better.”
26. How does authentic or genuine relationship occur between two individuals?
A. When the self realizes that the other is a unique individual
B. When two individuals begin to view each other as another
C. When they acknowledge each other as distinct individuals
D. All of the above
27. The first deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor’s degree.
A. Hellen Keller B. Nick Vujicic C. Fatima Soriano D. Roselle Ambubuyog
28. It is a series of international contests for athletes with disabilities.
A. Olympics B. Sea Games C. Winter Olympics D. Paralympics
29. The first visually-impaired Filipino to graduate summa cum laude from Ateneo de Manila University in 2001.
A. Hellen Keller B. Nick Vujicic C. Roselle Ambubuyog D. Fatima Soriano
30. They are described as the group of people that is suffering from different forms of social deprivation.
A. underprivilege B. PWD C. out of school D. privilege
31. This is an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a common territory and culture.
A. Social Values B. Social Group C. Social System D. Society
32. It is an agreement where individuals sacrifice an amount of their freedom and submit to a higher authority.
A. Social Values B. Social Contract C. Social System D. Society Class
33. He advocates the concept of “general will”.
A. John Rawls B. Thomas Hobbes C. John Locke D. Jean Jacques Rousseau
34. His concept of social contract is a covenant among individuals to cooperate and share the burden of upholding the
welfare of the society.
A. John Locke B. Jean Jacques Rousseau C. Thomas Hobbes D. John Rawls
35. Which of the following statement is true?
A. Society plays no role whatsoever in persons lives.
B. Society influences our development as person in various ways.
C. Society is not related to the study of Philosophy.
D. Society is all about community service.
36. In this form of society trend has shifted from industry to the generation, storage, manipulation, and sale
of information.
A. Industrial society B. Post – Industrial society C. Virtual society D. Pastoral society
37. In this form of society members are organized based on status.
A. Industrial society B. Pastoral society C. Agricultural society D. Feudal society
38. In this form of society the assignment of tasks and occupations were often based on gender.
A. Industrial society B. Feudal society C. Horticultural society D. Pastoral society
39. It is one of the forms of society which is based on the use of specialize machinery in the production of goods and
A. Pastoral society B. Industrial society C. Virtual society D. Post – Industrial society
40. These are fewer formal norms that arise from tradition and do not result in punishment when violated.
A. Folkways B. Norms C. Social Contract D. Traditional ways
41. These are composed of individuals who have similar backgrounds and perform similar roles in society.
A. Society B. Social System C. Social Group D. Common good
42. The most important element of society for without this the society will not exist.

A. Territory B. Government C. Culture D. People
43. What do you mean by separation of the body and spirit?
A. Birth B. Death C. Determination D. Reincarnation
44. A good is a source of happiness. How do you call a good which is pursued for its own sake, it is a good in itself?
A. A useful good B. A pleasurable good C. A noble good D. A pleasant good
45. It is considered good so long as it serves as a mean to an end, its goodness is found only from what it can provide.
A. A noble good B. A useful good C. A pleasurable good D. A pleasant good
46. This is a good so long as it provides some form of pleasure, through it doesn’t have to be physical.
A. A noble good B. A pleasant good C. A useful good D. A pleasurable good
47. What is a state of being, not just an emotional experience or a chosen mental attitude?
A. Behavioral B. Happiness C. Emotional D. Happy
48. What do you call an experience physical sensation such as, discomfort, hunger, distress and pain.
A. Happiness B. Physical suffering C. Mental Suffering D. Suffering

49. These involves emotional states such as depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness and grief?
A. Happiness B. Physical suffering C. Suffering D. Mental Suffering
50. This term means the full stop or end of a line for a human person and then nothing follows.
A. Temporality B. Terminus C. Telos D. Termination

“Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their
― John Maxwell

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Approved by:

Master Teacher I


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