Entrepreneurial Behavior

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You are a department manager in an advertising agency.

The employees of the department have

recently completed an attitude survey. Three employees in your department reported that they were
harassed by senior people in the department and they are experiencing a hostile work environment.
You do not know who these people are, but you feel that you need to do something. The surveys were
filled out confidentially, and employees were assured that their identities would not be revealed to
You feel that you can identify who they are because the person in HR who administered the survey is a
friend of yours and that person can tell you the demographics of the employees, which would help you
identify them.

1. Should you ask for identity-revealing information? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
finding out the identity of these people?

2. How would you handle a situation like this now and in the future?

I have to pick between professionalism and morality in this question of ethics. As a department
manager, I have to save my people and develop ethical and good cultural practices in the workplace,
since some of my employees are the cause of annoyance and hostility in the workplace. It is necessary to
control employee discrimination and unequal treatment. As a department manager, I think it is my right
to know what employees are being abused by a senior, in order for me to take appropriate steps under
the organization's rules in order to get justice for harassment, I have to know their information. The
disadvantage, however, is that I did not follow the protocol, and I violated the department's agreement
or disclosed information to the department.

I'm going to deal with it from a moral point of view, I'm going to stand by the action I've taken,
and I'm going to accept the punishment imposed by the management. Sometimes, it's okay for a
company policy to be broken than see people being harassed.
You found out that one employee from your company has created a blog about the company. Other
current and ex-employees are also posting on this blog, and the picture they are painting is less than
flattering. They are talking about their gripes, such as long work hours and below-market pay, and how
the company’s products are not great compared to those of competitors. Worse, they are talking about
the people in the company by name. There are a couple of postings mentioning you by name and calling
you unfair and unreasonable.

1. What action would you take when you learn the presence of this blog? Would you take action to
stop this blogger? How?
2. Would you do anything to learn the identity of the blogger? If you found out, what action would you
take to have the employee disciplined?
3. What would you change within the company to deal with this situation?
4. Would you post on this blog? If so, under what name, and what comments would you post?

It has an employee handbook with a policy manual containing different rules, policies, and
procedures. A code of conduct concerning the behavior of employees also exists in some companies.
These policies are also intended to remind employees that their actions may be attributed to their
employer and that they may be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. That policy might force
them to shut down the blog.

Nobody should tolerate this kind of behavior, and it's important to take action as soon as
possible. Before I take disciplinary action and reach my conclusions, I will conduct an investigation and
examination of the key evidence. Secondly, reviewing the staff handbook is meant to show an employee
that he understands what's expected in a working environment when signing his contract. It is also
possible to help solve this problem by talking to the employee in order to understand their side of things
and come up with a solution. The management will decide whether to consider termination of the
contract in case communication is not successful.

The discipline process for employees is long and stressful but must be properly followed to
ensure a healthy environment at work, avoiding any legal problems affecting the employee's ability to
make improvements in his or her job. In order to increase the performance of employees and improve
their productivity by allowing them to complete their tasks more quickly and efficiently, motivation plays
an important role.

Every organization has a policy manual that serves as an important guide to action. Decisions,
resolutions, and instructions from the Board of Directors stating the Company's policies which have to
be known by their former or new workers are set out in a policy manual. Regular training of managers
and supervisors on Office Manual policies is necessary to ensure that they are implemented in a proper
and effective way.

In the end, the best thing to do in this situation is not to speak publicly or to comment on the
blog, but to fix it privately and properly, so that there is no more commotion that could fuel the fire.

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