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deal with - мати справу з

do up - відремонтувати, оновити
get rid of - позбутися
mend - відремонтувати
mop up - витирати, прибирати
pick up - підбирати, збирати
replace - замінювати
rub - терти, чистити
sweep up - збирати мітлею
wipe down - протирати
dustpan and brush - сміттєвий відро та щітка
scratched screen - подряпини на екрані
shattered glass - розбите скло
tangled leads and wires - заплутані проводи
water stain - пляма від води

I would say that the apartment in the picture needs a lot of work before it can be
rented out. There are several things that need to be done to make it presentable and
Firstly, the floor needs to be swept up to get rid of any dirt or debris. A dustpan and
brush can be used to pick up any loose bits of rubbish. Once the floor is clean, it
should be mopped up to remove any spills or stains.
Next, any surfaces that are dirty or dusty should be wiped down. This includes
countertops, tables, and shelves. Any water stains on the walls or ceiling should be
rubbed out to make the apartment look more presentable.
The window in the apartment has a shattered glass, which needs to be replaced. The
screen on the door is also scratched and needs to be mended. Any tangled leads and
wires should be dealt with and organized to make the apartment look more tidy.
Finally, any personal belongings or rubbish should be picked up and removed from
the apartment. This will make it look more spacious and inviting to potential renters.
In summary, the to-do list for getting this apartment ready to rent includes sweeping
up and mopping the floor, wiping down surfaces, rubbing out water stains, replacing
shattered glass, mending the scratched screen, dealing with tangled leads and wires,
and picking up any personal belongings or rubbish. Once all of these tasks are
completed, the apartment should be in much better condition and ready to be rented

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