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Theoretical study on discharge-pumped soft x-ray laser in Ne-like Ar

Ke Lan, Yuquan Zhang, and Wudi Zheng

Citation: Physics of Plasmas (1994-present) 6, 4343 (1999); doi: 10.1063/1.873698

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Theoretical study on discharge-pumped soft x-ray laser in Ne-like Ar

Ke Lan,a) Yuquan Zhang, and Wudi Zheng
Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, P.O. Box 8009-12 Beijing, 100088,
People’s Republic of China
共Received 23 April 1999; accepted 3 August 1999兲
A one-dimensional Lagrangian magneto-hydrodynamics code coupled to an atomic kinetics code
was developed. In this code, the ablation and ionization of the wall material were taken into account,
the coupled rate equations were solved by using the matrix-block method, and the effect of the
reabsorption of the resonant lines was calculated by using an approximate expression of the
escape-factor in a cylindrically expanding plasma. The numerical results obtained from this code on
a discharge-pumped J⫽0⫺1 transition 46.9 nm laser line in Ne-like Ar were in good agreement
with experimental observations. The physical schemes in the 46.9 nm laser line were studied.
© 1999 American Institute of Physics. 关S1070-664X共99兲01611-0兴

C ve ⫽W f e ⫹W j ⫹W ie ⫹W pe ⫹W b ⫹W s , 共4兲
Experiments have succeeded in obtaining gain length ⳵t
products up to 14 in the J⫽0⫺1 line of Ne-like Ar at 46.9
nm in plasma columns generated by a fast capillary dis- ⳵Ti
C vi ⫽W f i ⫺W ie ⫹W pq . 共5兲
charge. In this paper, we make an effort to increase the un- ⳵t
derstanding of the discharged-pumped x-ray laser, though it
is discussed theoretically in a few papers.5–7 To study the Here q is the artificial viscous pressure; ␴⬜ is the classical of
physical mechanism in the capillary discharge plasma, we electrical conductivity multiplied by a factor of 40;6,9 C v e
develop XDCH, a one-dimensional Lagrangian magneto- and C v i are the respective specific heat of the free electron
hydrodynamics 共MHD兲 code coupled to an atomic kinetics and ion; W f e , W j , W ie , W pe , W b , and W s are respective
code, taking into account the ablation and ionization of the rates of gain or loss of the free electron energy due to the
wall material. The time-dependent atomic physics is mod- electron thermal conduction, the Joule heating, the electron–
eled in a detailed configuration description for Ar plasma. ion energy exchange, the electron pressure, the bremsstrah-
The coupled rate equations of numerous ionic species and lung, and the atomic processes; W f i and W pq are respective
levels are solved rapidly by using the matrix-block method.8 rates of gain or loss of the ion energy due to the ion conduc-
The effect of the reabsorption of the resonant lines of all ions tion, the ion pressure, and viscous pressure; all other nota-
is taken into account by using the escape probability method. tions are conventional.
We will introduce this model and the code in Sec. II. The In the atomic model, the involved processes are 共1兲 col-
simulation results and the comparison with experiments will lisional excitation and de-excitation, 共2兲 spontaneous emis-
be presented in Sec. III. Then we further discuss the inver- sion, 共3兲 collisional ionization and three-body recombination,
sion and the duration time of gain at 46.9 nm, and the effects 共4兲 radiative recombination, 共5兲 dielectronic capture and
of the overionization and the reabsorption of resonant lines autoionization. The singly-excited states are arranged firstly,
on gain in Sec. IV. Finally, a conclusion is presented in Sec. and then the multiply-excited states, and they are arranged in
V. the order of their energy levels from low to high. The rate
coefficients of processes 共1兲 to 共4兲 are calculated using ana-
lytical formulas given by Lee,10 and that of 共5兲 are obtained
II. MODEL AND CODE from a code developed by Cowan.11 Especially, the model
we used to study the Ne-like Ar collisional x-ray laser in-
The MHD equations used in XDCH are cludes singly- and doubly-excited states up to principal
d␳ 1 ⳵ quantum number n⫽10 of all ions except detailed levels in
⫽⫺ ␳ 共 Ru 兲 , 共1兲 n⫽3 of a Ne-like ion. The collisional excitation rates of n
dt R ⳵R
⫽2 – 3 and n⫽3 – 3 of Ne-like ion are computed in the rela-
du 1 ⳵P 1 tivistic distorted wave approximation.
⫽⫺ ⫺ jB, 共2兲
dt ␳ ⳵R c␳ We define an ion in its mth ionization stage when the ion

冉 冊 冋 册
bounds m electrons. g denotes the ground state, and n m de-
d B c ⳵ 1 c ⳵ 共 BR 兲 notes the number of the considered excited states of the mth
⫽ , 共3兲
dt ␳ R ␳ R ⳵ R ␴⬜ 4 ␲ R ⳵ R ionization stage. (m,g) and (m,i) were used to express the
ground state and the ith excited state of the mth ionization
Electronic mail: 共office兲; lijunbo@public.east.
a兲 stage. (10,u) and (10,l) were used to express the upper and 共home兲 the lower laser level of the 46.9 nm line. For brevity, we

1070-664X/99/6(11)/4343/6/$15.00 4343 © 1999 American Institute of Physics

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4344 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 11, November 1999 Lan, Zhang, and Zheng

FIG. 1. A comparison of the simulated trajectories of Lagrangian cells in Ar

plasma 共solid lines兲 with the radius of radiative plasma 共square兲 observed FIG. 2. Evolution of the N e , T e , T i , fractional population of Ne-like Ar
from experiment. P 10, gain g, and ␳ e , the escape-factor of the resonant line from the lower
laser level J⫽1 against time at the Lagrangian cell which produces the
maximum gain.
further introduce symbols w mi, j , which is the sum of all tran-
sition rates from (m, j) to (m,i). The solution of the time-
dependent coupled rate equations is presented in Appendix From Figs. 2 and 3, we see that the maximum gain co-
A. efficient at 46.9 nm from XDCH is 1.9 cm⫺1 , which will be
Resonant line reabsorption is taken into account by reduced by refraction down to the observed values 1,2 of
means of the escape-factor method and the escape-factor is 0.6– 1.1 cm⫺3; N e in the gain region is (0.3– 1)
calculated by using an approximate expression presented in ⫻1019 cm⫺3 and T e is about 60 eV; gain is produced at 2 ns
Appendix B for the Doppler line shape in a cylindrically before stagnation and gain duration time is about 1.8 ns,
expanding plasma, which largest error is no more than 0.07 which are all in good agreement with experiments and the
when the escape-factor is greater than 0.1. simulation results in Ref. 3. Moreover, the simulated gain
The current pulse I(t)⫽I 0 sin(␲t/T), where I 0 is the region is ring-like, which is not in contradiction with the
peak current and T the half-period of the discharge. To fit the result of the experiment,2 in which the recorded beam pat-
experimental conditions,1,2 we choose I 0 ⫽40 kA and T terns have a depression in the center in some occasions. As
⫽60 ns. The radius of the capillary is 2 mm and initial pres- shown in Fig. 3, the inner radius of the ring like gain region
sure of Ar plasma is 0.7 Torr at room temperature. The ion- is 130 ␮m, and the outer is 230 ␮ m, with maximum gain
ization of wall material is calculated by using a simple ion- produced at 150 ␮m.
ization model with atomic number Z⫽7 and average atomic As a result of comparison, the simulation results from
weight A⫽14, and only heat conductivity is considered in XDCH with the experiment in this case shows a good agree-
heating and evaporating the wall boundary layer. In fact, ment in the time of maximum compression and gain charac-
radiation plays an important role in the ablation of the wall, teristics, including the gain value and its time duration, and
which has been discussed in significant detail by Shlyaptsev N e and T e in the gain region.
et al.12
III. SIMULATION RESULTS AND COMPARISON WITH In this section, we discuss the physical mechanism in
EXPERIMENTS discharge-pumped soft x-ray laser in Ne-like Ar.
As shown in Fig. 1, the observed time of plasma com- As a result of our simulations, the plasma is in the ion-
pression and the size of compressed plasma are in good ization phase during pinch, and the charge-states distribution
agreement with the simulation after 25 ns from the beginning and ion-level population are much different from that ob-
of pinch, but a large difference exists before that time, which tained in the stable state. However, the quasi-steady state is
also exists in other ones’ simulation6,7 and may show the much more reasonable, and ionic charge-states distribution
need for neutral fluid.9 Fortunately, the first 25 ns is often not and levels population only depends on N e , T e , and P m g (m
important for our study on this scheme because the gain on ⫽M 1 , . . . ,M 2 ) in the quasi-steady state, so the number of
the 46.9 nm laser line is produced several ns before the stag- characteristic parameters of plasma are greatly decreased.
nation, when the first compression shock wave reaches the The following discussions on the ionization rate of the
axis.3 However, the simulated peak gain is produced at about ground state, the decay time of the laser levels, and the con-
41 ns 共as in Fig. 2兲, 3 ns later than the experimentally ob- tribution factors on the laser levels from the ground state are
served time of the laser pulse 共about 38 ns after the initiation in a quasi-steady state. In the quasi-steady state, d P m g/
of the current pulse兲. Futhermore, the compression velocity dt⫽␭ m,m⫺2 P m⫺2g ⫹␭ m,m⫺1 m⫺1
P g ⫺␭ m,m m
P g ⫹␭ m,m⫹1 m⫹1
P g
m,m ⬘ m ⬘
near the stagnation point is about 2⫻107 /s from our simu- ⫹␭ m,m⫹2 P m⫹2g and P mi ⫽ 兺 a i,g P g , from Appendix A,
lation, which is in good agreement with that observed in here ␭ m,m⫹k (k⫽1,2) is the ionization rate from (m⫹k,g) to
experiment.6 (m,g) including direct ionization and indirect ionization via
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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 11, November 1999 Theoretical study on discharge-pumped soft x-ray laser in . . . 4345

FIG. 4. Variation of the ionization rates of a Ne-like ion and a Na-like ion,
␭ 9,10 and ␭ 10,11, as T e at N e ⫽1017 cm⫺3 共curve a and a ⬘ 兲, 1018 cm⫺3 共curve
b and b ⬘ 兲, 1019 cm⫺3 共curve c and c ⬘ 兲, 1020 cm⫺3 共curve d and d ⬘ 兲.

difficult to ionize to F-like, which results in a large value and

long decay time of P 10. At N e ⬃1019 cm⫺3 and T e ⬃60 eV,
the decay time of P 10, which limits the duration time of gain,
is about 3 ns. Moreover, we find that the contribution factor
on the lower laser level from the ground state of an F-like
ion is much larger than that on the upper one, i.e., a l,g
Ⰷa u,g , so overionization of the plasma will seriously de-

crease the gain on a 46.9 nm line.

Assuming the maximum gain produced on the Lagrang-
ian cell k g at the time t g , our results show that the small gain
on k g before t g should be mainly due to the slow excitation
rate from (10,g) to (10,u) and then the decrease of gain after
t g should be mainly due to the overionization. In other
words, overionization is one of the important reasons for the
ceasing of laser action. However, only increased refraction
and collisional thermalization are mentioned as the reasons
in Ref. 3.
共2兲 From Fig. 5, the excitation rate from the ground state
of a Ne-like ion to the upper laser level is much faster than
that to the lower one, i.e., a u,g10,10
Ⰷa l,g
; while from Fig. 6,
the decay rate of the lower laser level is just 4 times large as
that of the upper one, i.e., w l,l 10,10
⬃4⫻w u,u 10,10
at N e
FIG. 3. Evolution of g共a兲, N e 共b兲, and T e 共c兲 against time at positions of R ⫽10 cm , and w l,l ⬃w u,u at N e ⫽10 cm⫺3. There-
18 ⫺3 10,10 10,10 19
⫽130 ␮ m, 150 ␮m, 170 ␮m, 190 ␮m, and 230 ␮m. fore, it is the much faster excitation rate to J⫽0 from the

excited states, ␭ m,m⫺k is the recombination rate from (m

m,m ⬘
⫺k,g) to (m,g), and a i,g is the contribution factor from
(m ⬘ ,g) to (m,i).
共1兲 As shown in Fig. 2, the Ar plasma is almost all
ionized to the Ne-like ion ( P 10⬃1) and T e ⬃40 eV, N e ⬃3
⫻1018 cm⫺3, T i ⬃40 eV at 38 ns, but gain at this time is
about an order lower than the maximum. The reason for this
is that W u,g , the collisional excitation rate from (10,g) to
the (10,u), is slow compared to ␭ 10,11, the ionization rate
from the ground state of the Na-like ion to the ground state
of the Ne-like ion, as shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Hence, it needs
a much longer time for the populating of the upper laser
level. FIG. 5. Variation of the collisional excitation rate from the ground state of
In addition, ␭ 10,11Ⰷ␭ 9,10 from Fig. 4, i.e., the Na-like ion a Ne-like ion to the upper and the lower laser level, W 10,10 10,10
u,g and W l,g , as
is easily ionized to the Ne-like ion while the Ne-like ion is Te .
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4346 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 11, November 1999 Lan, Zhang, and Zheng

FIG. 6. Variation of the decay rate of the upper and the lower laser level,
W 10,10
and W l,l , as T e at N e ⫽1018 cm⫺3 共dashed lines兲 and N e
⫽1019 cm⫺3 共solid lines兲. FIG. 8. Evolution of W pe , W ie , W s , and W f e against time at the Lagrang-
ian cell which produces the maximum gain.

ground state of a Ne-like ion than that to J⫽1 which leads to

the inversion between J⫽0 and J⫽1. This conclusion is
much different from that in the Ne-like Ge collisional 共4兲 Our results show that the current flows mainly in the
scheme in which the fast decay rate of the lower laser level outer shells of the the ablated wall plasma, hence Joule heat-
leads to the inversion. The reason for this lies in the fact that ing is not as important as other terms in the right hand side of
the spontaneous emission rate decreases as the effect charge Eq. 共4兲 in Ar plasma. From Figs. 8 and 9, W ie is very im-
decreases while the collisional excitation rate is the opposite. portant for the plasma in the kernel during the stagnation, but
As another reasonable result of the decrease of ioniza- not for the outer part; and W s plays an important role on T e
tion, spontaneous emission is not as important as in the Ne- during the whole process of pinch.
like Ge collisional scheme. At N e ⫽1019 cm⫺3, T e ⬃60 eV, 共5兲 In fact, T e at the kernel is very important, which
the spontaneous emission rate from (10,l) to (10,g) is just determines t p and R p , the time of the maximum compres-
about 1/3 of the decay rate of (10,l), hence the effect of the sion and the radius of the Ar plasma at t p , and hence deter-
resonant reabsorption is not remarkable in the inversion and mines the time and the plasmas status for gain, including N e ,
gain coefficient on the 46.9 nm line. As shown in Fig. 2, the T e , ion distribution, and level populations.
maximum gain produced at 41.2 ns when the escape-factor 共6兲 In the whole region, the total radiative energy loss
of J⫽1 is about 0.2. This conclusion is much different from due to spontaneous emission, radiative recombination, and
Ref. 5, in which it is pointed out that reabsorption of radia- bremmstrahlung is much smaller than the energy obtained by
tion influences on the population inversion becomes very Joule heating and the work done by Lorentz force, but in the
important at N e ⫽5⫻1018⬃3⫻1019cm⫺3. However, we do kernel part of Ar plasma, the radiative energy loss is much
not mean that reabsorption of radiation is not important in a larger than the other two. Furthermore, the radiative energy
capillary discharge Ne-like Ar laser at all. The effect of the loss can influence t p and R p through its influence on the
radiation reabsorption will be further discussed in 共6兲. distribution of ion and energy levels and on W s . The reab-
共3兲 At t g , N e and T e are very uniform over a wide re- sorption of a resonant line will decrease the effect of radia-
gion in the Ar plasma including the central region, while tive cooling, and hence makes t p shorter and R p wider, as
gain coefficient decreases in the central region, which should shown in Fig. 10, then changes the plasma conditions for
be due to the much higher T i there, as shown in Fig. 7. gain, such as N e and T e .

FIG. 7. The evolution of T e , T i , N e , and g against position R at t g when

the gain reaches the maximum. FIG. 9. Evolution of W pe , W ie , W s , and W f e against time at the axis.
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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 11, November 1999 Theoretical study on discharge-pumped soft x-ray laser in . . . 4347

⬘ m,m ⬘ m,m ⬘
¯ w nm,m,g⬘ 兴 ⬘
,g ⫽ 关 w 1,g
Wm,m w 2,g
* m

共 m ⬘ ⫽m⫺1,m,m⫹1 兲 ,
m ⬘ ,m m ⬘ ,m m ⬘ ,m m ⬘ ,m
Wg, ⫽ 关 w g,1 w g,2 ¯ w g,n 兴
* m

共 m ⬘ ⫽m⫺1,m,m⫹1 兲 ,

1 P 2 ¯ P nm兴 ⬘
Pm ⫽ 关 P m m m
M1 M 1 ⫹1 M
Pg ⫽ 关 P g Pg ¯ P g 2兴 ⬘.
Here, the symbol * stands for all excited states of an ioniza-
tion stage. Neglecting the ionization and recombination be-
FIG. 10. A comparison between the two evolutions of the radius of Ar
plasma against time when the effect of reabsorption of resonant lines is
tween excited states and using the matrix-block method, we
taken into account 共solid line兲 and not taken into account 共dotted line兲. obtained the solution of P m m
g and P i , the fractional popula-
tions of (m,g) and (m,i) as

冉 冊 ⫺1 m⫹1
1 m

V. CONCLUSION ⬘ m ⬘ n⫹1
m n⫹1
共P 兲 ⫽ I ⫺Wm , Wm,m
,g 共 P g 兲
The simulation results obtained from our code XDCH * ⌬t * , * ** m ⬘ ⫽m⫺1
are in good agreement with experimental observations. Our
⫹ 共 P̃m 兲 n 共 m⫽M 1 , . . . ,M 2 兲 , 共A1兲
further studies on the physical scheme in a discharge- *
pumped 46.9 nm laser line in the Ne-like Ar show: The ⫺␭ m,m⫺2 ⌬t 共 P m⫺2 兲 n⫹1 ⫺␭ m,m⫺1 ⌬t 共 P m⫺1 兲 n⫹1
g g
inversion on the J⫽0⫺1 transition should be mainly due to
the much faster excitation rate to J⫽0 from the ground state ⫹ 共 1⫹␭ m,m ⌬t 兲共 P m
⫺␭ m,m⫹1 ⌬t 共 P m⫹1
g 兲 n⫹1
of a Ne-like ion than that to J⫽1; the plasma is in an ion-
⫺␭ m,m⫹2 ⌬t 共 P m⫹2
g 兲 n⫹1 ⫽ 共 P m
ization phase during pinch, and the fractional population of
Ne-like ion Ar can have a large value and a long decay time m⫹1
共P 10⬃1 and 1/␭ 10,10⬃3 ns at N e ⫽1019 cm⫺3, T e ⫽60 eV兲; ⫹⌬t 兺 m,m ⬘
共 P̃m ⬘ 兲 n
共 m⫽M 1 ,...,M 2 兲 ; 共A2兲
overionization of Ar plasma will greatly decrease the gain on ⬘
m ⫽m⫺1
the 46.9 nm line; the small gain at k g before t g should be here M 1 and M 2 are the numbers of bound electrons in the
mainly due to the slow excitation rate from the ground state highest and the lowest ionization stage considered, and
to J⫽0, and the decrease of gain after t g should be due to the
overionization; the gain region is ring-like because of the 共 P̃m 兲 n ⫽ 共 Im , ⫺⌬tWm , 兲 ⫺1 共 Pm 兲 n ,
* ** ** *

冉 冊
much higher T i in the central part of the capillary; the ⫺1
1 m⫺1
electron–ion energy exchange is very important for the ker- ␭ m,m⫺2 ⫽Wm,m⫺1 I ⫺Wm⫺1 Wm⫺1,m⫺2 ,
nel plasma during the stagnation and the atomic processes
* ⌬t * , * *,* ,g

冉 冊
play an important role on a decreasing electron temperature m ⫺1
1 m⬘
during the whole process of pinch; the effect of reabsorption ␭ m,m⫺1 ⫽ 兺 Wm,m
⬘ I ⫺Wm ⬘,
⌬t * , * **
Wm ⬘,g,m⫺1
of the resonant line on the inversion is not remarkable, but it ⬘
m ⫽m⫺1
makes the time of maximum compression shorter and the
⫹w g,g
size of the Ar plasma wider when the maximum compression
occurs, then changes the plasma conditions for gain. ⫺␭ m,m ⫽⫺w g,g

冉 冊 ⫺1
⫹ 兺 m,m ⬘
I ⫺Wm ⬘,
⌬t * , * **
Wm ⬘,g,m ,
We thank Dr. R. Nemirovsky and Professor N. A. Bo- ⬘
m ⫽m⫺1

冉 冊
brova for useful discussions. We also thank Professor J. J. m⫹1 ⫺1
1 m⬘
Rocca for sending their papers to us. ␭ m,m⫹1
⫽ 兺 Wg,m,m* ⬘ I ⫺Wm ⬘,
⌬t * , * **
Wm ⬘,g,m⫹1

m ⫽m
⫹w g,g

冉 冊
冋 册
Define matrixes: 1 m⫹1
␭ m,m⫹2 ⫽Wm,m⫹1 I ⫺Wm⫹1 Wm⫹1,m⫹2 ,
* ⌬t * , * *,* ,g
⫺w 1,1
m m
w 1,2 ¯ w 1,n
m ( Pm n m n m m
g ) and (P ) are P g and P at the nth time step t ,
w 2,1 ⫺w 2,2
¯ w 2,n
m ⌬t⫽t n⫹1 n * *
⫺t , and I , is the n m ⫻n m unit matrix. Equation
Wm , ⫽ , **
** ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 共A1兲 is a system of (M 2 ⫺M 1 ⫹1) linear equations and is
easily solved using Gaussian elimination with a column piv-
w nm w nm ¯ ⫺w nm
m ,1 m ,2 m ,n m oting algorithm. Knowing the population of all the states at
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4348 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 11, November 1999 Lan, Zhang, and Zheng

the nth time step, we first get ( P m

by solving the linear ␶␥
system of Eq. 共A1兲, and then get (Pm ) n⫹1 using expression ¯␶ ␥ ⫽ ,
* 共 1⫺ ␮ ␥ 兲共 1⫹ ␤ s ␤ 兲
In the quasi-steady state, the first term in 关 (1/⌬t)Im ⬘, g 1 ⫹g 2 ␶ ␥ ⫹g 3 ␶ ␥2 ⫹g 4 ␶ ␥3
** ␮ ␥⫽ ,
⫺Wm ⬘, 兴 ⫺1 can be neglected, and the solution of the coupled 1⫹g 5 ␶ ␥ ⫹g 6 ␶ ␥2 ⫹)g 4 ␶ ␥3
rate equations is
a 1 ␤ ⫹a 2 ␤ 2
dPg s ␤⫽ , for ␤ ⬎0,
⫽⌳g Pg , 共A3兲 1⫹a 3 ␤ ⫹a 4 ␤ 2
a 5⫺ ␤
m⫹1 s ␤⫽ , for ␤ ⬍0,
a 5 ⫺a 6 ␤
Pm ⫽ 共 ⫺Wm , 兲 ⫺1
* ** 兺 W*m,m,g ⬘ P mg ⬘

m ⫽m⫺1

m⫹1 ¯␶ 1,2⫽ 共 冑1⫺ ␩ 2 ⫹ ␩ 2 cos2 ¯␸ 1,2⫹ ␩ cos ¯
␸ 1,2兲 ,
⫽ 兺 Am,m ⬘ m⬘
,g P g , 共A4兲 冑1⫺ ␮ 2␶
m ⬘ ⫽m⫺1
t 1 ⫹t 2 ␶ ⫹t 3 ␶ 2 ⫹t 4 ␶ 3

冋 册
where ␮ ␶⫽ ,
1⫹t 5 ␶ ⫹t 6 ␶ 2 ⫹t 7 ␶ 3
⫺␭ M 1 ,M 1 ␭ M 1 ,M 1 ⫹1 ¯ ␭ M 1 ,M 2
␭ M 1 ⫹1,M 1 ⫺␭ M 2 ,M 2 ¯ ␭ M 1 ⫹1,M 2 ¯␸ 1 ⫽arccos ,
⌳g ⫽ , 1⫹ ␩ 2
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
␭ M 2 ,M 1 ␭ M 2 ,M 1 ⫹1 ¯ ␭ M 2 ,M 2 ¯␸ 2 ⫽arccos ⫺ 冉 1
1⫹ ␩ 2
. 冊
⬘ m,m ⬘ m,m ⬘
¯ a nm,m,g⬘ 兴 ⬘ .
,g ⫽ 关 a 1,g
Am,m a 2,g The coefficients a i , t i , and g i are a 1 ⫽0.0016886243, a2
* m

m⫹1 ⫽10.690577, a 3 ⫽0.83101427, a 4 ⫽24.899650, a5

⫽0.74625, a 6 ⫽3;t 1 ⫽0.77175329, t 2 ⫽1.3553974,
⫽ 共 ⫺Wm , 兲 ⫺1
** 兺 Wm,m

,g .
⫽4.3711357, t 4 ⫽3.6868382, t 5 ⫽2.1506630,

m ⫽m⫺1
⫽5.3183184, t 7 ⫽6.3716489; g 1 ⫽0.87083564, g2
APPENDIX B: APPROXIMATE EXPRESSION OF ⫽30.034707, g 3 ⫽35.279304, g 4 ⫽5.2532108, g5
ESCAPE-FACTOR FOR DOPPLER LINE SHAPE ⫽38.559004, g 6 ⫽62.443347.
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