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01._June_2010 MCS-023.

02._Dec_2010 MCS-023.pdf
03._June_2011 MCS-023.pdf
05._June_2012 MCS-023.pdf
06._Dec_2012 MCS-023.pdf
07._June_2013 MCS-023.pdf
08._Dec_2013 MCS-023.pdf
09._June_2014 MCS-023.pdf
10._Dec_2014 MCS-023.pdf
11._June_2015 MCS-023.pdf
12._Dec_2015 MCS-023.pdf
13._June_2016 MCS-023.pdf
14._Dec_2016 MCS-023.pdf
15._June_2017 MCS-023.pdf
16._Dec_2017 MCS-023.pdf
17._June_2018 MCS-023.pdf
18._Dec_2018 MCS-023.pdf
19._June_2019 MCS-023.pdf
20._Dec_2019 MCS-023.pdf
21._June_2020 MCS-023.pdf
22._Dec_2020 MCS-23.pdf
23._June_2021 MCS-023.pdf
24._Dec_2021 MCS-23.pdf
25._June_2022 MCS-23.pdf
26._Dec_2022 MCS-023.pdf

No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-023I

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2010
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks :100
(Weightage 75%)
Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) Define 3 NF. Justify whether the following

relation satisfies 3 NF or not ? In case it
does not, decompose it into relations which
do satisfy 3 NF. What advantages are
gained by this decomposition ? 2+5+1=8

Roll No. Name Department Year Hostel Name

R1 N1 D1 1 H1

R2 N2 D2 1 H1
R3 N3 D1 2 H2
R4 N4 D2 2 H2
R5 N5 Di 3 H3
R6 N6 D3 4 H4

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(b) Consider the following tables : 15
Working (P_name, C_name, Salary)
Living (P_name, Street, City)
Located (C_name, city)
When P_name = Professor name,
C-name = College name.
Write the SQL Queries for the following.
List the names and cities they live in,
of the professors who are working for
the college C1
Find the name, street and city of the
professors who are working for the
college C2 and are having a salary
more than 60000/-.
Find the names of professors who live
and work in the same city.
Find the names of the professors who
do not work for college C3.
Find the professors whose salaries are
less than that of all of the college C4
Display college wise total salary.
Explain the concept of data independence. 3
List and explain all the types of constraints
which can be violated while modifying
database values.
What is a weak entity ? Explain with the 1+2
help of an example.
Explain the hash file - organisation with the 5
help of a suitable diagram. What are its

MCS-023 2

2. (a) For the following statement, draw an E-R 8
diagram. Make and state any reasonable
assumptions. "A machine shop produces
many parts which it takes on contract. It
employs many operators who operate any
of the machines. A part is produced using
only one machine. A record is kept on the
quantity of material needed for producing
each part. The production of each part is
tracked by giving a job number, start time
and end time and operator's identification".
What is a transaction ? Describe the ACID 1+4
properties of transaction.
What is a deadlock. Explain the schemes of 1+4
deadlock prevention.
(d) Define the term DML precompiler 2

3. (a) Differentiate between the followings : 12

2 Tier and 3 Tier architecture
Equi join and Natural join
Global and local transaction
Procedural and Non Procedural
What is Cartesian product. Explain using 4
an example. How Cartesian product
operation is related to the join operation.
Consider the relations 4
student (d name, address)
marks (id, course, marks)
Create an authorization matrix for two users
Viz. Student and Administrator. Make and
state suitable assumptions.

MCS-023 3 P.T.O.
4. Explain the following with the help of an 20
example / diagram wherever needed :
Conditions of occurence of deadlocks
Primary and Secondary indexes
Two phase locking
(e) Conversion of relationships (in ER-Diagram)
into relations.

What is log based recovery ? Explain by

taking an example of concurrent
transactions. What are its drawbacks. 2+5+1
Why do we need to fragment a relation ?
What are the rules to be followed during
fragmentation. 6
Explain the following relational algebraic
operations with the help of an example. 6
Division operator
Set Difference operator
No. of Printed Pages : 5 MCS-023

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
C•J June, 2011


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)
Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) Explain following operators in Relational 5

Algebra with the help of an example

(i) Select (ii) Project (iii) Join

(b) Analyse the following relations. Child 6

(C-name, C-age, C-address) Parent (P-name,
P-age, C-name, C-age) and identify the
highest normal form possessed by them. If
the relation is desired to be normalized then
perform the task, otherwise justify with
suitable arguments that "Normalization is
not needed".

(c) What are the advantages of using B tree as 5

a structure for creating index ?

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(d) A concurrent schedule of transactions T1 and T2
acting on "SUM" is given below : 6
Schedule T1 T2 Sum
- - - 100
Reads (Sum) Reads (Sum)
Sum . Sum +10 Sum . Sum + 10
Read2 (Sum) Read2 (Sum)
Writer (Sum) Writei(Sum)
Sum =Sum —10 Sum . Sum —10
Write2 (Sum) Write2 (Sum)
Analyzing the given concurrent schedule
performing following tasks.
(i) What is the final value of "SUM" ?
(ii) Verify that the given schedule is
serializable or not. Explain.
(e) Explain log based recovery scheme with the 6
help of an example.
(f) How client server databases differs from 6
Distributed Databases ? Explain with the
help of an example.
(g) Define Functional Dependency (FD). Find 6
the valid FD's in the following relation.

al b1 ci d1
a2 b2 C2 d2
a3 b2 C3 d3
a4 b3 C4 d4

MCS-023 2
2. (a) Is it always beneficial to work with database 3
systems, or some times filebase system is a
better option ? Comment on it with suitable
(b) Explain physical data independence and 4
logical data independence.
(c) Determine the output when following 7
operations are applied on relations R1, R2
and R3 given below.

R1: A B R2: X Y
Al B1 Al Bi empty
A2 B2 A7 B7
A3 B3 A2 B2
A4 B4 A4 B4

(i) Union (R1 L-) R2)

(ii) Intersection (R1 n R2)
(iii) Difference (R1 — R2)
(iv) Cartesian cross - section (R1 x R2)
(v) Division (R1 ± R3)
(d) Draw E.R Diagram for the statement given 6
Note : Use suitable notations at appropriate
"Many teachers teaches many students in
many institutes affiliated to many
Universities, the institutes are categorised as
Engineering, Medical and Management

MCS-023 3
3. (a) What do you mean by integrity constraints ? 4
Briefly describe the various types of integrity
(b) Explain insert, delete and update anomalies 6
for a relation (R), with examples.
(c) An ordered employee file (ordering field is 7
emp_id) has 20000 records, stored on a disk
having block size 1k. Assume that each
student record is of 100 bytes, the ordering
field is of 8 bytes and block pointer is also of
8 bytes, find how many block accesses on
average may be saved on using primary
(d) List the desirable properties of 3
decomposition of a data base.

4. (a) Write SQL statements to perform following 8

queries on the given relations i.e.
Employee (Empid, Emp_name, Dept_id)
Department (Dept_id, Dept_name,
Dept_loc, Emp_id)
List the names of employees whose
name starts with 'S'
To sort the employee data, in the
alphabetic descending order.
Find total number of employees.
Find the department number and
number of employees working in each

MCS-023 4 P.T.O.
(b) Explain 2 phase locking protocol. 4
(c) What is a transaction ? Briefly describe the 4
properties of the transactions.
(d) Describe the following : 4
(i) Optimistic scheduling
(ii) Disadvantages of SQL

5. (a) With the help of suitable example discuss 6

the utility of check points in Database
(b) Explain the horizontal and vertical data 6
fragmentation, with examples.
(c) Explain the following : 6
(i) Data Replication
(ii) 2-Tier Client/Server model
(d) List any four responsibilities of DBA. 2

MCS-023 5
No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-023
MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
O June, 2012


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weigh Cage 75%)
Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) Explain the role of the following components 6

of Database Management System.
(i) Transaction Manager
(ii) Query Processor
(iii) Storage Manager
(b) Consider the following relation schemas 4
R = (A, B, C) and S = (D, E, F) with r an s be
the corresponding relations respectively.
Give an expression in SQL for the following
queries :
°-(B =17)(r)
'rrA, F(o- c=D (rxs))
(c) Define primary key, candidate key, super 4
key and foreign key

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(d) Decompose the relation R = (A, B, C, D, E) 4
with the set of functional dependencies
A —> BC
CD --> E
B —> D into 3NF relation
(e) What are the functions of a Database 5
(f) Justify the following statements 6
(i) Two phase locking leads to serializability
(ii) A Relation in BCNF is also in 3NF.
(g) Discuss the problems associated with 6
concurrent transactions.
(h) Write down the advantages and 5
disadvantages of distributed DBMS.

2. For the following problem definition :

The book club has members. The book club sells
books to its members. The members places orders
for books, which the book club fulfils. Each order
contains one or more than one books. The books
are written by author (s). The publisher publishes
the book. An author can write more than one book
and a book can have more than one author. A
book is published by a publisher, but a publisher
publishes many books. A member can place more
than one order. The member also can choose not
to place an order. The book club sells many books.
(a) Draw an E - R Diagram 10
(b) Map the ER Diagram to Relational model. 10

MCS-023 2
3. (a) Consider the following Tables : 16
Works (Pname, Cname, salary)
LIVES (Pname, street, city)
LOCATED (Cname, city)
MANAGER (Pname, Mname)
Write queries in SQL for the following
(i) List the names of the people who work
for the company Wipro along with
the cities they live in.
(ii) Find the people who work for the
company 'Infosys' having salary
greater than Rs - 50000/-
(iii) List the names of the people, along
with the street and city addresses.
(iv) Find the persons whose salaries are
more than that of all of the 'Oracle'
(v) And the name of the persons who do
not work in 'Infosys'.
(vi) Find the average salary of the
employee in company named
(vii) Create a table for the above relation
using SQL - DDL
(viii) Create a view consisting of the person
name along with their manager name
and company name.
(b) What are the problems caused by deadlock ? 4
Give a Mechanism to detect deadlock.

MCS-023 3 P.T.O.
4. (a) Explain the purpose of check points in 4
database recovery.
(b) Why is a B tree a better structure than a 5
binary search tree for implementation of an
index ?
(c) Explain the log based recovery in Database
(d) Consider the relation R (A, B, C, D, E) and
the set of functional dependencies :-
F(A —>D,{A,B} D —> E)
(i) Which of the following are candidate
keys ?
(A) (Al
(B) (A, B}
(C) {A, El
(ii) Consider the decomposition of R into 6
{R1 (A, B, C) and R2 (A, D, E)}.
Is this decomposition lossless ?
Justify ?

5. (a) Discuss the measures that are used to

provide security of data in databases.
(b) What is a fragment of a relation ? What are 5
the main types of fragments ? Why is
fragmentation used in distributed Database
Design ?
(c) Discuss the different states of a Transaction
with the help of a diagram.
(d) Explain the following terms : 6
(i) Secondary Index
(ii) Data Dictionary
(iii) Division operation in Relational

MCS-023 4
No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-023
MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
If) December, 2012
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 75%)
Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.
1. (a) Design ER Diagram for the following 10
statement :
"Each Bank can have multiple branches and
each branch can have multiple accounts
and loans". Convert the ER diagram into
relational model (i.e. tables). Identify the
keys and describe the integrity constraints.
(b) How would you normalize EMP-DEPT in 10
Where following dependencies are given
(c) Consider the relation R(A,B,C,D) with the 5
following dependencies :
AB --> C, CD ---> E,DE --->B is AB a candidate
key of this relation ? Explain your answer.

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(d) What is a system log? What are the typical 5
kind on entries in a system catalog?
(e) Draw diagram to show the states of 5
transaction execution. Briefly discuss each
of the states, shown in the diagram.
(f) Draw the block diagram to show the 5
components of Database manager.

2. (a) Consider the relation R(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)

with functional dependency set as
FD = {A C; B CG; AD EH; C DF;

On the basis of the given details, perform

following tasks. 4+6=10
(i) Determine key for relation R

(ii) Decompose R into 2NF, 3NF and

finally in BCNF.

(b) Compare primary, secondary and clustering

Indexes. Which of these indexes are dense
and which are not ? How is implementation
of clustering indexes performed ? 6+2+2=10

3. (a) What do you mean by the terms "Loss-Less 5

Decomposition" and "Dependency
Preserving Decomposition" ?

MCS-023 2
(b) What problems occur in the database when 7
transactions do not satisfy ACID
properties ? Explain explicitly using suitable
examples ?
(c) Consider the following relations : 2x4=8
P: Pid Pname Q : Pid Pname
001 abc 012 xyz
012 xyz 014 lmn
014 lmn 016 SSS
015 opq 017 SSD
017 SSD

Find the following :

(i) Pu Q (ii) P— Q
(iii) P n Q (iv) P x Q

What do you mean by Integrity constraints ? 5

Briefly discuss, the different type of integrity
What do you mean by the term "database 7
recovery"? Explain any two recovery
Compare and contrast the following 8
(Any two) :
(i) Wait and die And Wait and wound
(ii) Physical data independence and
Logical data independence
(iii) Centralized and Distributed DBMS

MCS-023 3 P.T.O.
5. (a) What are the advantages of DDBMS over 10
centralized DBMS ? Why is data replication
and fragmentation performed in
DDBMS ? What typical units of data are
replicated ?
(b) What is two phase locking protocol ? How 5
does it guarantee serializability? Explain.
(c) Discuss the multiversion technique for 5
concurrency control.

MCS-023 4
No. of Printed Pages : 5 MCS-023

MCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination 02204

June, 2013


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(VVeightage 75%)

Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Discuss the difference between database 5

systems and file Based systems.

(b) Explain the GROUPBY clause. What is the 6

difference between the WHERE and
HAVING clause in SQL ?

(c) Define foreign key. Explain its significance. 4

(d) Is BCNF stronger than SNF ? Justify your 5

answer with the help of an example.

(e) Discuss the different process of 6

authorisation permitted on database items
with the help of examples ?

(f) Define Data Independence ? Explain the 5

difference between physical and logical data

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(g) List all the functional dependencies that 4
holds true for the following relation.
a1 1)1 c1
al Ill c2
a2 b1 c1
a2 1D1 c3
(h) Discuss the two-phase locking protocol in 5
concurrency control ?

2. (a) Construct on E-R diagram for the following 8

problem definition:
Each company operates four departments,
and each department belongs to one
company. Each department employs one
or more employees, and each employee
works for one department. Each of the
employees may or may not have one or more
dependents, and each dependent belongs
to one employee.
(b) Explain Generalisation/Specialisation in an 6
E-R diagram with the help of an example ?
(c) How would you map the following ER 6
constructs into relations ? Give suitable
(i) Weak Entity
(ii) Generalization
(iii) Ternary Relationship.

ARCS-023 2
3. (a) What is an outer join ? Discuss the different 5
types of outer joins with the help of example.

(b) Consider the following relations for a 9

database that keeps track of business trips
of salespersons in a sales office:

SALES PERSON (SSN, Name, Start-Year,


TRIP(SSN, From-City, To-City, Departure-

Date, Return-Date, Trip-ID)

EXPENSE(Trip-ID, Account #, Amount)

Specify the following queries in SQL?

(i) Find the details (all attributes of TRIP

relation) for trips whose expenses
exceeds $2000.

(ii) Find the SSN of salesman who took

trips to 'Honolulu'.

(iii) Find the total trip expenses incurred

by the salesman with

SSN = '234 — 56 — 7890'.

(iv) Write the DDL expressions for the

above relations:

(c) Define a view ? How is it different from a 6

table ? Write the SQL Syntax for creating a

MCS-023 3
(b) What are the differences between BST-Tree 4
and B tree Indexes ?
(c) Compare sequential file organisation with 5
Heap files organisation. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of sequential
file organisation.
(d) Explain the following terms : 6
(i) Equi Join
(ii) Data Replication
(iii) Entity Integrity Constraints.

MCS-023 5
4. (a) Consider the following relation for 10
published books :
Book (Book title, Author name, Book-type,
list price, Author-affil, Publisher)
(Author-affil referes to the affiliation of the
author.) Suppose the following depende-
ncies exist :
Book-title -4 Publisher, Book-type
Book-type y —> list price
Author-name Author-affil
(i) What normal form is the above
relation in ? Justify.
(ii) Normalize the above relation to its
highest Normal form.
(b) Discuss the different types of fragmentation 5
in distributed databases with the help of an
(c) Explain the ACID properties of transactions 5
in Database system.

5. (a) Consider the precedence graph of a 5

schedule given below. Is the schedule
serializable ? Justify.

MCS-023 4 P.T.O.
No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-023J
MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2013
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 75%)
Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) Consider the following relations : 2.5x4=10

hotel (hotel no, hotel name, city)
room (room no, hotel no, type, price)
booking (hotel no guest no, date from, date
to, room no)
guest (guest no, g name, g address)
Write appropriate Queries in SQL as well
as in relational algebra, for the following :
(i) Find the average price of a room
(ii) List the names and address of all guests
with bookings for a hotel in London,
alphabetically ordered by name.
(iii) Find the total income from all the
rooms of the hotels in New York
(iv) List the name(s) of guest(s) at the
Winner. Hotel, who are paying
highest price for a room.

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(b) Differentiate between BCNF and 3NF. Why 7
BCNF is considered as a stronger form of
3NF ?
(c) Briefly discuss the concept of catalogs in 8
distributed databases. How catalogs are
used to maintain the consistency of
database in an distributed environment.
Use suitable example to justify your answer.
(d) Design an ER diagram for keeping track of 8
the details of your favourite sports team.
You should stone the matches played, the
score in each match and individual player
statistics for each match. Identify the
entities, relationships and also mention the
cardinality of ER diagram.
(e) List all the functional dependencies satisfied 7
by the relational instance given below :

a1 b1
a1 b1 c2
a l b1 c1
a 2 b1 c3

2. (a) Draw block diagram of ANSI SPARC 3 8

Level architecture. Mention following in the
diagram :

MCS-023 2
(i) Languages used at each level.
(ii) Data independence types, between
different levels.
(iii) SQL commands, associated with the
languages used at each level.
(b) How serial schedule is different from 7
serializable schedule ? What are the
problems associated with both schedules ?
How you will identify that a schedule is
serializable ornot, use suitable example, in
support of your answer.
(c) What are the additional functions does a 5
distributed DBMS have over centralized

3. (a) Describe the shadow paging recovery 5

technique. Under what circumstances does
it not require a log ?
(b) What is a view in SQL ? How is it defined ? 7
Discuss the problems that may arise when
one attempts to update a view.
(c) What is the difference between centralized 8
and client-server architectures ? How
relational DBMS is evolved from the
centralized architecture to the client server
architecture ? What for ODBC is used in
this context ?

MCS-023 3 P.T.O.
4. Discuss the differences between serial, 8
hashed and indexed sequential file
organizations. Compare their storage and
access efficiencies.
(b) What is optimistic scheduling ? Explain the 5
three phases of optimistic scheduling.
(c) Why do we normalize a database ? Write 7
statement of 21\1F. Briefly discuss the insert,
delete and update anomalies, if the relation
is not in 2NF.

5. (a) Write short notes on following (Any two) 7

(i) 2 - Phase locking
(ii) 2 - Phase commit
(iii) Time stamping
(b) What do you mean by the term 8
discuss the properties of transaction ?
Violation of which property leads to which
problem, when transactors are executed in
an concurrent environment.
(c) What is a check point ? How is the check 5
point information used in recovery
operation, following a system crash ?

MCS-023 4
No. of Printed Pages : 5 MCS-023
MCA (Revised)/BCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2014 12574

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) What is a join in DBMS ? Explain three 7

types of join with the help of an example
for each.

(b) What is data independence ? Explain two 7

types of data independence with the help
of an example for each.

(c) What is DDL ? How it is different from 6

DML ? Briefly explain guidelines for creation
of table.

(d) Explain distributed transaction with the 5

help of an example.

(e) What are integrity constraints ? Explain 5

two types of integrity constraint with the
help of an example.

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(f) What is Functional Dependency (FD) ? Find 5
the valid FD's in the following relation :

i 1 2
i 1 3
j 1 4
j 1 3
k 2 5
1 4 7

(g) Explain briefly advantages and

disadvantages of Distributed Database
Management Systems.

2. (a) Draw an ER diagram for the situation given 8

below :

Library consists of many books in different

subject areas where books are written by
different authors and are published by
different publishers. A book is published by
only one publisher. There are
inside - members and outside - members
who gets books issued for their uses. The
issuing and return operation of the books
are managed by the librarian.

MCS-023 2
(b) What is database recovery ? Explain with 5
an example, how system log is used for data-
base recovery.

(c) Explain 3NF. Also justify the statement 7

"BCNF is stronger than 3NF" with the help
of an example.

3. (a) Explain ANSI SPARC 3 - Level Architecture 6

of DBMS, with the details of languages
associated at different levels and the type
of data independence involved in between
different levels.

(b) What is the need of Indexing in DBMS ? 7

Explain the significance of primary Index
with the help of an example.

(c) What is data redundancy in DBMS ? How 7

data redundancies are removed ? Explain
whether the following relation named
student is in 2NF or not with proper

STUDENT (Name, Course, Age, Sex)

MCS-023 3
4. (a) What is Data Fragmentation ? Explain 7
differences between Horizontal
Fragmentation and vertical Fragmentation
with the help of suitable example of each.

(b) What are nested queries ? explain with the 5

help of an example.

(c) Consider the following relations 8

STUDENT (Name, Roll_Number,
Teacher_ID, Programme, Semester, Subject)

DEPARTMENT (Dep_ID, Programme,


Name, Subject)

Write the following queries using SQL :

(i) List name of all the teachers who

belong to Dep_ID ='4' and take
"Graph Theory", subject.

(ii) List names of all the students who

study in Semester-II of BCA
programme and are taught by
Teacher_ID = '1'.

(iii) Find the name of all the teachers who

teaches to the student whose
ROLL Number ='101'.

(iv) Find the name of all the students who

are in Is' semester of MCA programme
and are taught by Prof. Ajay.

MCS-023 4 P.T.O.
5. (a) A file has r = 10,000 Bank Account records 10
of fixed length. Each record has the
following fields :
Name (20 bytes), Account_No(8 bytes),
address (40 bytes), Balance (15 bytes) and
Branch-Code (5 bytes).
The file is stored on a disk with the following
characteristics :
Block Size = 512 bytes, Inter Block
Gap = 128 bytes, number of block per
track = 15, Number of tracks per sector =
A disk pack consist of 15 double side disks.
(i) Calculate record size R in bytes.
(ii) Calculate the blocking factor (bfr) and
the number of file blocks b, assuming
an unspanned organization.
(iii) Calculate the average time it takes to
find a record doing a linear search on
the file , in which file blocks are not
stored contiguously.
(iv) Assume that the file is ordered by
"Branch-Code", calculate the time it
takes to search for a record given its
"Branch_Code", by using a binary
(b) Write short note on the following 10
(i) Concurrency Control
(ii) Database Views

MCS-023 5
No. of Printed Pages : 5 MCS-023

MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination
December, 2014



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)
Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Answer any
three questions from the rest.

1. (a) What is SQL ? Explain its important


(b) Let the transactions T1, T2 and T3 be

defined to perform the following operations : 6
T1 : Double A,
T2 : Add 2 to A,
T3 : Display A on screen and set A to 5.
If the transactions T1, T2 and T3 are
allowed to execute concurrently, and A is
initialized to value 1, then how many
possible correct results are there ?
Enumerate them.

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(c) What is distributed DBMS ? List the issues
involved in the design of a distributed
DBMS. Also explain the features of
distributed transaction with the help of an

(d) Determine the output when the following

operations are applied on relations R1, R2
and R3 given below :

R1: X Y R2 : A B
Al B1 A2 B2
A2 B2 A6 B6
A3 B3 A7 B7
A4 B4 A3 B3

R3 :
► Empty

(i) Union (R1 U R3)

(ii) Intersection (R1 fl R2)
(iii) Cartesian cross-section (R1 x R2)
(iv) Difference (R2 — R1)

(v) Division (R1 ± R3)

MCS-023 2
(e) What is a checkpoint ? Briefly explain its
importance. 5

(f) Prove the statement, "Any relation which

is in BCNF is in 3NF but the converse is
not true." 5

(g) List any four responsibilities of a DBA. 2

2. (a) Explain Two-phase locking protocol with an

example. 5

(b) What is data integrity ? Does data

integrity have any relationship with data
security ? Justify- your answer with the
help of example and diagram. 7

(c) What do you mean by fragmentation of a

database ? What is the need of
fragmentation in DDBMS environment ?
Explain different types of fragmentation
with an example of each. 8

3. (a) What is the role of Indexing in file

organization ? Explain the following in
relation to file organization, with the help
of an example for each : 10
(i) Primary Index
(ii) Secondary Index
(iii) Multilevel Indexing

MCS-023 3 P.T.O.
(b) Draw an E-R Diagram for the situation
given below : 10
An organization needs to provide Medical
facilities to its employees and their
dependents. Organization is having a list of
Doctors, Hospitals and Test centres for the
employees facility. An employee may get
Medical facility from the list of Doctors,
Hospitals and Test centres provided by the
organization to them. Employee does not
need to pay anything for the facilities
availed. The Doctors, Hospitals and Test
centres directly raise their bill to the
Note : Make necessary assumptions wherever
required for making E-R Diagram. Show
clearly weak and strong entities and their
relation in the system.
4. (a) What is Functional Dependency ? Explain
single-valued dependency with an example. 5
(b) Explain Physical DBMS architecture with
the help of a diagram. 7
(c) Explain the following in brief : 8
(i) Client-Server Databases
(ii) Log-based recovery
5. (a) Explain the following with the help of an
example : 8
(i) Loss-less decomposition of database
(ii) Deadlock and its prevention in
database system
MCS-023 4
(b) Write SQL statements to perform the
following queries on the relations given
below :
BOOK (Book_ID, Title, Publisher_ID,
Year_of Pub, Price)
AUTHOR (Author_ID, Book_ID,
Author Name)
PUBLISHER (Publisher_ID, Book_ID,
Address, Name_of Pub, No._of Copies)
(i) Find the name of authors whose books
are published by "ABC Press".
(ii) Find the name of the author and price
of the book, whose Book_ID is '100'.
(iii) Find the title of the books which are
published by Publisher_ID '20' and
are published in year 2011.
(iv) Find the address of the publisher who
has published Book_ID "500".

(c) Explain the effect of a rollback operation

with an example. 4

MCS-023 5 13,000
No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCS-023

MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination
June, 2015

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Answer any

three questions from the rest.

1. (a) Give the limitations of file based system.

How can they be overcome using DBMS ? 7

(b) Discuss the 3-level architecture of DBMS.

Explain how it leads to data independence. 8
(c) A bookshop has a huge collection of books
to sell them online and therefore requires a
database to track its sales. For each book
they store the Title, Author(s) • name,
Publisher, Volume, ISBN No., Price, Stock
(no. of copies), Year of publication, etc. To
help the customers to search the book, they
require that each book is assigned to one or
more categories such as Engineering,

MCS-023 P.T.O.
Sciences, Fiction, Literature, Applications,
etc. If at all, any discounts that are there
for certain books, need to be notified on the
site (best-buy offer). To buy a book, a
customer needs to register on the site. Also
it maintains the profile of the user and also
their earlier purchases. The bookshop also
sends "Newsletter" to all the registered
users to update them about the

Identify the entities, relationships,

constraints and cardinality and construct
an ER diagram for the above mentioned
specifications. 10
(d) Discuss briefly about Sparse and Dense
Indexes with the help of an example. 10
(e) What is a view ? What are the major
advantages of views ? Explain with the
help of an example.

2. (a) Discuss the use of B-Tree as a structure for

creating index, with the help of an example
in support. 10

(b) Explain the Log-based recovery scheme

with the help of an example. 6

(c) Explain 2-phase locking protocol. 4

MCS-023 2
3. (a) Consider the following relation EMP.
Create queries for it : 10

empno ename job sal depno

116 NAND Manager 29,750 40
118 KAPOOR Analyst 30,000 10
119 HARISH President 50,000 20
112 ANAND Analyst 30,000 20
115 BOBBY Clerk 15,000 20

(i) Get details of employee having

minimum salary (sal).
(ii) Display employee whose job title (job)
is same as that of employee 116 and
sal > sal of employee 118.
(iii) Find average sal.
(iv) Find the ename, depno, sal of
employee drawing maximum sal.
(b) Explain the data models, used to structure
the data in the database systems. 10

4. (a) Explain the need of Distributed DBMS over

Centralized DBMS. Also give the structure
of Distributed DBMS. 10

(b) List and explain the 4 basic properties of a

Transaction with the help of appropriate
examples. 10

MCS-023 3 P.T.O.
5. Write short notes on the following : 4x5=20
(a) Locks

(b) Deadlock and its prevention

(c) Database Errors

(d) Data fragmentation in Distributed


MCS-023 4 11,000
No. of Printed Pages : 3 I mcs-0231
MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2015



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)
Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Answer any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) With the help of a neat diagram, explain

the physical DBMS architecture. 10
(b) With the help of an appropriate example for
each, explain the following basic set
operations : 10
(c) Design an ER diagram for the
specifications to maintain any IGNOU's
study centre. Clearly indicate the entities,
attributes, constraints, relationships and
the cardinality. 10

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(d) Differentiate between Horizontal
fragmentation and Vertical fragmentation
with the help of suitable examples in Data
fragmentation of Distributed databases. 10

2. (a) Explain the Sequential file organization.

Give the advantages and disadvantages of it. 10

(b) Write in detail about B-Tree structure for

indexes with a neat diagram. 10

3. (a) Explain "Write Ahead Log Protocol" with

suitable example / diagram. 5

(b) Explain in detail the mechanism of

Optimistic Concurrency Control to prevent
concurrency related problems, with the
help of an example. 10
(c) Consider the following Relations :
Employee (EName, EId, Addr I, Addr2,
City, State)
Works (EId, Branch, Dept_Name,
Dept_No, Dept_Head)
Write the SQL statements for the
following : 5
(i) Find all the ENames of employees
who work in FINANCE department of
Delhi Branch.
(ii) Find the Dept_Head for the employee
if EName and EId are given.

MCS-023 2
4. (a) With the help of an example for each,
explain Host Updates, Dirty Reads and
Unrepeatable Reads of Concurrent
transactions. 10

(b) Give the difference between operating

system and database security. 5
(c) Explain the different forms of
Authorization techniques. 5

5. Write short notes on the following : 4x5=20

(a) Any 4 Commands of DML
(b) Serialisable Schedules

(c) Data Replication in Distributed Databases

(d) 3-Tier Architecture

MCS-023 3 16,000
No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCS-023 I

MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination
June, 2016
0024 .6



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

• (a) Consider the following three transactions :

T1 T2 T3

Read (X) Read (X) Read (X)

X = X —1000 display (X) Y : = (X)
Write (X) display (X)
Insert shared and exclusive locks in T 1 , T2
and T3 such that the transactions when
executed concurrently, do not encounter
any concurrency problem. 10

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(b) List all the functional dependencies that
hold true for the following relation : 10
al b1 c1
al b1 c2
a2 b1 c1
a2 b1 c3

(c) Explain the working of GROUP BY clause.

What is the difference between the
WHERE and HAVING clause in SQL ? 5
(d) Differentiate between the following : 10
(1) Backward recovery and Forward
(ii) Serial Schedule and Serializable
(e) Discuss the role of a Database
Administrator. 5

2. (a) Construct an E-R diagram for the following

problem definition : 8
Each company operates four departments,
and each department belongs to one
company. Each department employs one or
more employees, and each employee works
for one department. Each of the employees
may or may not have one or more
dependants, and each dependant belongs to
one employee.

MCS-023 2
(b) What are the different types of constraints
which can be imposed on Generalization in
an E-R diagram ?
(c) How would you map the following E-R
constructs into relations ? Give suitable
(i) Aggregation
(ii) Inheritance
n-ary Relationship

3. (a) With the help of an example, explain client

server databases. How are they different
from distributed databases ? 10
(b) Consider the following relation for
published books :
Book (Book_title, Author_name, Book_type,
Listprice, Author_affil, Publisher)
Author_affil refers to the affiliation of the
author. Suppose the following
dependencies exist :
Book_title —> Publisher, Book_type
Book_type —> Listprice
Author_name --> Author_affil

(i) What Normal Form is the above

relation in ? Justify.

(ii) Normalize the above relation till 3NF. 10

MCS-023 3 P.T.O.
4. (a) Consider the following relations for a
database that keeps a track of business
trips of salespersons in a sales office :
SALEPERSON (SSN, Name, Start Year,
TRIP (SSN, From_City, To_City,
Departure_Date, Return_Date,
EXPENSE (Trip_ID, Account#, Amount)
Specify the queries in SQL.
(i) Find the details (all attributes of
TRIP relation) for trips whose
expenses exceeds $ 2000.
(ii) Find the SSN of salesmen who took
trips to 'Honolulu'.
(iii) Find the total trip expenses
incurred by the salesman with
SSN = '234-56-7890'. 12
(b) Define a view. How is it different from a
table ? Write the SQL syntax for creating a
view. 8

5. (a) Discuss the different possible states of a

transaction with the help of a diagram. 7
(b) Compare the shadow-paging recovery
scheme with the log-based recovery scheme
in respect to ease of implementation and
overhead cost. 8
(c) Discuss the key control measures that are
used to provide security to data in
databases. 5

MCS-023 4 10,500
No. of Printed Pages : 5 MCS-023
MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
Cl6(35 December, 2016



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)
Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) Compute the closure of the following set F

of functional dependencies for relation
schema R = (A, B, C, D, E).
CD --> E
B —> D
List the candidate keys for R. 8
(b) Justify the following statements : 8
(i) Relation must have a key.
(ii) Weak entities do not have their own
key attributes.
(c) Compare primary, secondary and clustering
indexes. Which of these indexes are dense
and which are not ? How is implementation
of clustering indexes performed ? 10

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(d) Consider the following relations :
A : Pid PName B: Pid PNarne
001 abc 002 cde
002 cde 011 efg
011 efg 015 ijk
014 ghi 016 Um
015 ijk
016 klm
Find the following : 10
(i) AUB
(ii) A—B
(iii) A nB
(iv) A x B
(e) Explain briefly about Data Replication.
Give its disadvantages.
2. (a) For the following problem definition :
The book club has members. The book club
sells books to its members. The members
place orders for books, which the book club
fulfils. Each order contains one or more
than one book. The books are written by
author(s). The publisher publishes the
book. An author can write more than one
book and a book can have more than one
author. A book is published by a publisher,
but a publisher publishes many books. A
member can place more than one order.
The member also can choose not to place
an order. The book club sells many books.
Draw an ER Diagram. 10

MCS-023 2
(b) Consider the 'F' and `G' sets of functional
dependencies, where
F = —> C, —> D, E --> AD, E 111 and
Check whether they are equivalent or not. 5

(c) Consider the relation R(A, B, C, D, E), and

the set of functional dependencies
F= D, {A, B} —> C, D —+ El.
Which of the following is a candidate key ? 5
(0 {A}
(ii) {A, BI
(iii) {A, El

3. (a) Consider the precedence graph of a

schedule given below. Is the schedule
conflict serializable ? Justify. 5

MCS-023 3 P.T.O.
(b) Discuss the wait-die and wound-wait
protocols for deadlock prevention. 7
(c) Distinguish between deferred update and
immediate update log based recovery
techniques. 8

4. (a) Consider the following tables :

WORKS(Pname, Cname, Salary)
LIVES(Pname, Street, City)
LOCATED(Cname, City)
MANAGER(Pname, Mname)
Write a query in SQL for the following : 10
(i) List the names of the people who work
for the company Wipro' along with
the cities they live in.
(ii) Find the people who work for the
company `Infosys' having salary
greater than 50,000.
(iii) List the names of the people, along
with the street and city addresses.
(iv) Find the persons whose salaries are
more than that of all of the 'Oracle'
(v) Find the names of the persons who do
not work in `Infosys'.

(b) Discuss the following relational constraints : 10

(i) Domain
(ii) Entity
(iii) Referential Integrity
(iv) Key Constraint

MCS-023 4
5. (a) Discuss the anomalies due to insertion,
updation and deletion in a relation that is
not in QNF. Illustrate with the help of an
example. 5

(b) Write short notes on the following : 3x5=15

(i) Web Databases
(ii) Distributed Databases
(iii) Shadow Paging

MCS-023 5 12,000
No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCS-023 I
MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2017
1 1E L



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage 75%)

Note . Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Draw an ER diagram for the following

situation :
"An academic institution is affiliated to a
University. The institution possesses
several departments, each department
offers several courses. Each department
has its own infrastructure, where several
teachers teach several students."
Transform your ER diagram into
Relational Database. 10
(b) "Any relation in )3CNF is in 3NF, but the
converse is not true." Justify the statement. 5
MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(c) Perform Union, Intersection and Set
Difference Operation on the following
relations R1 and R2 : 6

R R2
B1 Alva .
A2 B2 A7 B7
A3 B3 A2 B2
A4 B4 A4 B4

(d) Consider the Relational Database Schema

given below :
Employee (empcode, empname, empaddress,
Department (deptcode, deptname,
Perform the following queries using SQL
and Relational Algebra : 5
(i) Find details of the departments
located in Delhi.
(ii) Find the names of employees whose
salary is more than 4 lakhs per annum.
(e) What are integrity constraints ? Discuss
the various types of integrity constraints
that can be imposed on databases. 5
(f) How are database security and database
integrity related ? Briefly discuss the
different levels of security measures which
may be considered to protect the database.
(g) Compare and contrast the Distributed
databases with the Centralised databases. 4

MCS-023 2
2. (a) With the help of a suitable example,
discuss the insertion, deletion and updation
anomalies that can occur in a database.
Briefly discuss the mechanism to remove
such anomalies. 10

(b) What do you understand by the term

'Transaction' in a database ? Discuss the
properties of the transactions and explain
the states through which a transaction
passes during execution. 10

3. (a) Write SQL commands for each of the

following. Also illustrate the usage of each
command through suitable example. 10
(i) Creation of views
(ii) Creation of sequences
(iii) Outer join
(iv) To give access permission to any user

(b) Discuss the importance of file organisation

in databases. Mention the different types of
file organisations available. Discuss any
one of the mentioned file organisations in
detail. 10

MCS-023 P.T.O.
4. (a) Perform the following tasks for the
relation R(A, B, C, D, E) whose functional
dependency set (FD) is given below :
FD: {AB —> C, C —> D, D —> A, BD —> E)

(i) Identify the candidate keys for the

relation (R).

(ii) Identify the highest normal form

possessed by the relation (R). Justify
your answer.

(iii) Normalize the relation (R). 10

(b) For what reasons is 2-phase locking

protocol required ? Explain. Discuss the
disadvantages of basic 2-phase locking
protocol. List the ways and means that can
be used to overcome the disadvantages. 10

5. Write short notes on any four of the following : 4x5=20

(a) Optimistic Scheduling

(b) 2-Phase Commit Protocol

(c) Indexed Sequential File Organisation

(d) Data Recovery Techniques

(e) Serializable Scheduling

MCS-023 4 7,500
No. of Printed Pages : 5 MCS-023 I

MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination
029E:10 December, 2017



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 75%)

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Draw an ER diagram for the situation

given below :
"In a department many employees are
working on many projects, which are under
control of the manager of the department.
The manager of the department also holds
the responsibility of the welfare of the
Make suitable choices of the attributes for
the entities, identified by you for your
ER. diagram. Transform your ER diagram
into a Relational Database. 10

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(b) Which of the following functional
dependencies holds for the . Relation (R)
given below ? Justify your answer.
Relation (R) :
X 1 2
X 1 3
Y 1 4
Y 1 3
Z 2 5
P 4 7
Functional Dependencies :
(i) J --> K
(ii) K —> J
J, K —> L
(c) What is the role of views in DBMS ? Can
we perform insert, delete or modify
operations, if the view contains a group
function ? Justify.
(d) Why do we do normalization of databases ?
Discuss synthesis and decomposition
approaches of normalization. Give one
example for each approach.
(e) What is the significance of checkpoints in
DBMS ? Discuss the utility of checkpoints,
with the help of suitable example.

MCS-023 2
(f) Consider the following relational database
schema :
Employer (ecode, ename, eaddress, esalary)
Project (pcode, pname, pduration)
Works for (ecode, pcode, duration)
Perform the following queries using SQL
and relational algebra :
(i) Find the name of the employees
whose salary is less than 5 lacs per
(ii) Find the details of the employees
working on the project "Clusters".
(g) Describe the utility of data replication in
distributed DBMS. Briefly discuss the
concept of complete and selective
replication. 5

2. (a) Explain ANSI-SPARC 3 level architecture

of DBMS. Discuss the languages associated
at different levels. What are the different
types of data independence involved at
different levels ? 10

(b) Discuss the following :

(i) Lossless Decomposition
• (ii) Dependency Preserving Decomposition
Give suitable examples in support of your
discussion. 10
MCS-023 3 P.T.O.
3. (a) Consider the concurrent schedule of
Transactions T1 and T2, given below :

Schedule T1 T2 Sum
T1 : Read Read
(Sum) 500
T1: Sum = sum .
Sum — 100 Sum — 100
T2 : Read Read
(Sum) (Sum)
T2 : Sum = Sum =
SuM + 200 Sum + 200
T1 : Write Write
(Sum) (Sum) .
T2 : Write Write
(Sum) (Sum)
Referring to the schedule given above,
answer the following questions with
justification : 10
(i) Which property of transactions is
violated ?
(ii) What is the final status of 'SUM' ?
(iii) Is the schedule serializable ?
(iv) Which problem in database is
contributed by the schedule given ?
(b) What is the need of indices in a database
system ? Mention the categories of indices
available in a DBMS. Which data structure
is suitable for creating indices and why ? 10
MCS-023 4
4. Differentiate between the following : 4x5=20
(a) DBMS and File base systems
(b) 2-Phase locking and 2-Phase commit
(c) DDBMS and Centralized DBMS
(d) Serial schedule and Serializable schedule

5. Write short notes on any four of the following : 4x5=20

(a) Write Ahead Log Protocol
(b) Clustering Indices
(c) Locks and its Types
(d) Deadlock Prevention Protocols
(e) Advantages and Disadvantages
Distributed DBMS

MCS-023 11,000
No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-023 I
MCA (Revised) / BCA. (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2018



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 75%)

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Justify the statement "BCNF is stronger

than 3NF" with the help of a suitable
example. 5
(b) Why is data replication useful in DDBMS ?
What do you understand by the term
complete and selective replication ?
(c) How can system log be used for recovery
when multiple concurrent transactions are
going on ? Explain with the help of an
example. 5
(d) What is the role of views in DBMS ? Can
we perform delete, modify or insert
operations, if the view contains group
function ? Justify. 5
MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(e) What do you understand by the term
"closure of any relation" ? How is closure
used to determine key of relation ? Explain
with an example.
(f) Can we use Binary Search Tree (BST) for
indexing ? Justify.
(g) What is Query Optimization ? Discuss the
role of Relational Algebra in query
(h) What is a Database manager ? Explain the
components of database manager with the
help of a diagram.

2. (a) Explain ANSI SPARC 3 level architecture

of DBMS, with the details of languages
associated at different levels and the type
of data independence in between different
levels. Give suitable diagram in support of
your explanation.
(b) Consider the relation SUPPLIER given
below, where S# and P# are keys, the
functional dependency set FD is
FD = {S# P# -4 city, S# ---> city)
S# X X X Y Y
P# 1 2 3 1 2

MCS-023 2
Now, perform the following :
(i) Determine the highest normal form of
the relation SUPPLIER. 2
(ii) Normalize the relation SUPPLIER to
the next higher normal form.
(iii) Discuss the Deletion and Insertion
anomalies, which can occur in the
relation SUPPLIER. 2
(c) Construct an ER diagram for the loan
management system of a finance company.
Loans are given on the purchase of various
items with different interest rates. The
company keeps track of defaulters and
takes appropriate steps against them.
Make and state suitable assumptions (if
any). 7

3. (a) What is a serializable schedule in

concurrent transaction ? How does
serializable schedule differ from serial
schedule ? Give suitable example in
support of your discussion. The problems of
deadlock and starvation are addressed by
which schedules respectively ? Justify. 7
(b) What is Write-Ahead log protocol ? How is
this protocol utilized in database recovery
process ? Discuss with suitable example.
(c) Discuss the term wait-for graph. What is
the utility of wait-for graph in describing
deadlocks ? Give suitable example in
support of your discussion. 8
MCS-023 3 • P.T.O.
4. (a) Differentiate between the following : 10
(i) Two-phase locking vs Two-phase
commit protocol
(ii) Wait-wound vs Wait-die protocol
(b) Discuss the term optimistic scheduling.
How is this technique used to manage
concurrent transactions in databases ?
What is the difference between
timestamping and optimistic scheduling ?
Give suitable examples in support of your
discussion. 10

5. Write short notes on the following : 4x5=20

(a) Distributed DBMS

(b) Clustering Indexes and their


(c) Shadow Paging

(d) Weak Entity along with an example.

(e) Specialisation in ERD with an appropriate

MCS-023 4 10,000
No. of Printed Pages : 4 I mcs-0231
MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2018
Del e.19'



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 75%)

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) For the relations given below, check

whether the given functional dependencies
hold or not. Give proper justification.
J: , X X Y Y Z P
K: 1 1 1
L: 2 3 4 3 5 7
(i) J —> K
(ii) J, K —> L

(b) Verify the statement, "Any relation in

BCNF is in 3NF but converse is not true."
Give suitable example. 5
MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(c) Explain the term data replication and data
fragmentation with suitable example. 5

(d) What are integrity constraints ? Explain

the various types of integrity constraints
with suitable examples. • 5

(e) How do you implement a hierarchical data

model ? Explain through an illustration. 5

(f) Define Data Manipulation Language

(DML) of SQL. List and explain various
DML commands.

(g) How do B-tree indexes differ from Binary

search tree indexes ? 5

(h) Differentiate between the concepts of

Logical data independence and Physical

data independence in DBMS. 5

2. (a) Draw an ER diagram for an open

university system covering all the
functionalities and also derive
corresponding relational schema. 10
Note : Assumptions can be made wherever
necessary. However, state them.

MCS-023 2
(b) What do you understand by the term
closure of a relation (R) with functional
dependency set (F) ? Compute the closure
for relation R(/, m, n, o, p) with functional
dependency set F as given below :
F{/ —> mn; no —> p; m —> o; p l}
Identify the candidate keys for the
relation (R). 10

3. (a) What do you understand by the term Query

Optimization ? Discuss the role of
relational algebra in Query Optimization.
List the operators used in relational
algebra and discuss the operation of each,
with suitable example. 10

(b) What is the need of indexes in DBMS ?

Compare primary; secondary and clustering
indexes. Which of these indexes are dense ?
Give steps to perform implementation of
clustering indexes. 10

4. (a) Explain the following with the help of an

example : 8
(i) Integrity constraints and its types
(ii) Deadlock and its prevention in DBMS
(b) What are checkpoints ? How does this
technique of checkpoints contribute to
database recovery ? Give suitable example. 5
MCS-023 3 P.T.O.
(c) What do you understand by the terms
Lossless decomposition and Dependency
Preserving decomposition ? Is it always
true that a lossless decomposition is
dependency preserving too ? Give suitable
example in support of your answer.

. Write short notes on the following : 5x4=20

(a) Wait-for Graph

(b) Wait and Wound Protocol

(c) Two-Phase Locking Protocol

(d) Two-Phase Commit Protocol

(e) Data Replication in DDBMS

MCS-023 4 10, 000

064 92
No. of Printed Pages : 6 MCS-023
MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination, 2019
Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage 75%

Note : Question No. 1 is Compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Consider the following relation which keeps

records of employees joining and leaving the
projects. Employee can work on many projects :

Project (emp_id emp_name, project_id,

project_name, joining_date, leaving_date)

(i) What are the anamolies in the relation

above ? Explain with examples. [6]

(ii) What are the functional dependencies in

the relation ? [4]

(iii) Normalize the above relation into 2NF


MCS-023 [P.T.O.]
(b) Which precedence graph for the following
schedule is correct ? State whether the schedule
is serializable or out : [5]

Schedule T1 T2

Read X Read X
Add 500 Add 500
Read X Read X
Write X Write X
Read Y Read Y
Read Y Read Y
Substract-200 Substract 200
Display X+Y Display X+Y
Write Y Write Y

MCS-023 (2)
(c) Consider the following relational schema: [4]

Student (Student_ID, student_name, program)

Course (Course_ID, Course_name,

school_of studies)

Taught (Student_ID, Course_ID, Year,

Instructor ID)

Write SQL statements for the following :

To retrieve the names of all 3rd year

students of MCA Program who have done
courses under Instructor ID-001

(ii) To retrieve the names of all courses taught

by instructor-002 between 1996-2001 and
total number of students attended the

(d) Explain wound-wait scheme for deadlock

prevention with the help of an example. [6]

(e) How do we implement "B-Trees" as an Index •?

Give an example to illustrate. What are its
advantages ?
MCS-023 (3) [P.T.O.]
Explain the concept of a simple authorization with
the help of an example. [5]

2. (a) Consider the relation between R, and R2 and use

them to preform the operations given below :


Al B1 Al B1
R1: A2 B2 R2 A7 B7
A3 B3 A2 B2

A4 B4 A4 B4

(i) R, n R2
(ii) R , — R2

(iii) R2

(b) Design an E-R diagram for a Bank database

schema for the following statement : [5]

"Each bank can have multiple branches and each

branch can have multiple accounts and loans."

Convert the diagram into tables.

MCS-023 (4)
(c) Differentiate between the Basic 2PL and Strict
2PL with respect to atomicity, concurrency and
deadlock. [7]

(d) What are the advantages of a view ? What are

its limitations with respect to applying DM 2

[5] operatins?

3. (a) What is the dependency preservation property

for a decomposition ? Why is it important ? [6]

(b) How do we recover from a transaction failure

using "log" ? Illustrate through an example. [10]

(c) Differentiate between centralised databases and

distributed databases. [4]

(a) What is a system log ? What are the typical kinds

of entries in a system log ? [5]

(b) Describe the benefits of data replication in

DDBMS. What typical units of data are replicated
in the process of data replications ? [5]

(c) Explain any two problems of concurrent

transactions with the help of an example. [6]

MCS-023 (5) [P.T.0.]

(d) Prove the statement "Any relation which is in
BCNF is in 3NF but the converse is not true".

(a) With the help of an example, explain the process

of vertical fragmentation. [6]

(b) Discuss the optimistic concurrency control with

the help of an example. [8]

(c) How does a checkpoint mechanism help in

database recovery ? Explain through an example.

MCS-023 (6) 8000

No. of Printed Pages : 5 MCS-0231

MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)

Term End Examination, 2019




Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage 75%

Note : Question No. one is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Define 2NF. How would you normalize the emp-

project relational scheme into 2NF. Emp-Project
(SSN, P_number, hours, e_name, P-name,
Plocation). fel
where :

[SSN, p _ number] --> hours

SSN e _ name

p _number —>[p _name, p _location]

(b) XYZ bank manages four types of accounts : Loan,
Current/Saving, Recurring and Deposits. It
operates number of branches and a customer of
the bank can have any number of accounts :

Identify entities of your interest, attributes,

relationship, cardinalities and draw a
complete E-R diagram. [5]

(ii) Convert the E-R diagram into tables and

show relationship among the tables as
per the diagram. [5]

(c) Explain the two integrity rules with the help of an

example for each. [5]

(d) Define a serializable schedule. For the following

schedule (schedule A). Determine whether
"schedule A" is serializable or not. [5]

Schedule A
T1 T2

Read (x)
Read (x)
Write (y)
Write y

MCS-023/12000 (2)
(e) Explain database recovery using a system log
with the help of an example. [6]

What is a hashed file organization ? What are its

advantages and disadvantages ? [5]

For what reasons is '2-phase' locking protocol

required ?

2. (a) What types of constraints violation take place

during insert operation ? Explain with an example.


(b) What is the difference between a key and a super

key ? Define primary key, candidate key and
foreign key.

(c) Violation of which property of a transaction leads

to lost-update problem ? Explain with a suitable
example. [6]

(d) Explain the meanings of the following clauses

with appropriate example for each : [4]

(i) Group by clause

(ii) Having clause

MCS-023/12000 ( 3 [RIO]
3. (a) What is a binary lock ? How does it solve a
concurrency related problem ? Explain through
an example. [7]

(b) What are the reasons for fragmenting a

relation ? What are the rules to be applied for
fragmenting a relation ? [5]

(c) What is a weak-entity ? What are the restrictions

on weak entity ? Explain through an example.[5]

(d) Differentiate between data . security and data

integrity. [3]

4. (a) Compare the shadow-page recovery technique

with log-based recovery technique with respect
to ease of implementation and overhead cost.

(b) What is a data dictionary ? What should be

included in data dictionary ? [5]

(c) What do you mean by ALTER TABLE

command ? Write its syntax in any four possible
situations where it is used. [5]

MCS-023/12000 (4)
(d) What is a B + tree ? Why is a 13 + tree better
structure than a B-Tree for implementation of an
index sequential file ? [4]

5. (a) What is a precedence graph ? Why it is used ?

Write all the steps for constructing a precedence
graph. [6]

(b) (i) Differentiate between backward recovery

and forward recovery. [4]

(ii) What is a key advantage of checkpoint

recovery mechanism ? [2]

(c) With the help of a suitable example, explain

inverted file organisation. [4]

(d) Discuss any two levels of security mechanisms

to protect database. [4]

MCS-023/12000 ( 5)
No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-023


Term-End Examination
June, 2020



Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 75%

Note : (i) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

(ii) Attempt any three questions from the


1. (a) Explain ANSI SPARC 3 level architecture

of logical DBMS. What is the need for the
three level architecture ? 5

(b) Describe the relationship between Data

Security and Data Integrity, with the help
of a diagram. 5

P. T. O.
[2 I MCS-023

(c) Explain the terms BCNF and 3NF and

verify the statement "any relation in BCNF
is in 3NF but converse is not true." 5
(d) What do you understand by the term "data
replication" ? Why is data replication
useful in DDBMS ? Briefly discuss
complete and selective replication. 5
(e) Draw an E-R diagram of a manufacturing
company that makes various kinds of
products. The company has several
customers. Some of whom have offices in
multiple locations. The customers place the
order on the company for shopping
products to different offices. Assume
reasonable attributes for the entities. 5
(f) What are integrity constraints ? What for
they are required in databases ? Briefly
discuss the different types of integrity
constraints. 5
(g) What are Indexes in DBMS ? What is the
utility of Indexes in DBMS ? Under what
situations B-tree Indexes are preferrable
over Binary Search Tree Indexes ? 5
I3/ MCS-023

(h) What is the difference between strong and

weak entities ? Specify strong and weak,
entities in the above E-R diagram. 5

2. (a) What do you understand by the term

"Normalization" in DBMS ? Write
statement for second normal form (2NF),
and discuss the insert, delete and update
anomalies associated with 2 NF. 10

(b) What are concurrent transactions ? Briefly

discuss the problems encountered by
concurrent transactions. 10

3. (a) What is Relational Algebra ? What is the

utility of relational algebra ? Is SQL
related to relational algebra ? Comment on
it. Explain the following operations in the
relational algebra with the help of an
example for each : 10

(i) Select

(ii) Project

(iii) Join

P. T. O.
[4] MCS-023

(b) What is the role of Database Manager ?

Explain the important components of
database manager with the help of a
diagram. 10

4. (a) What do you understand by the term

functional dependency ? Explain the
following functional dependencies : 10
(i) Full functional dependency
(ii) Partial functional dependency
(iii) Transitive functional dependency
(iv) Trivial functional dependency
(b) Explain the following terms with suitable
example : 10
(i) Lossless decomposition
(ii) Dependency preserving decomposition

5. Write short notes on the following : 20

(i) 2-Phase locking protocol
(ii) 2-Phase commit protocol
(iii) Time-stamping protocol
(iv) Checkpoints
MCS-023 4,230
No. of Printed Pages : 5 MCS-023

MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination
February, 2021


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage : 75%)
Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) Determine the output when the following

operations are applied on Relation R1, R2
and R3 given below : 5

(i) Union (R1  R2)

(ii) Intersection (R1  R2)
(iii) Difference (R1 – R2)
(iv) Cartesian Cross Section (R1  R2)
(v) Division (R1  R3)

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(b) How do weak entities differ from strong
entities ? Discuss with the help of an
example. Briefly discuss the role of keys in
identification of the entity type, i.e. weak
or strong. 5

(c) What do you understand by functional

dependency in a Relational DBMS ? For
the relation given below, check whether the
given functional dependencies hold or not.
Give proper justification. 5


x 1 2
x 1 3
y 1 4
y 1 3
z 2 5
p 4 7

(i) JK

(ii) KJ

(iii) J, K  L

(iv) K, L  J

MCS-023 2
(d) List the properties of concurrent
transactions. Consider the concurrent
schedule of the transactions T1 and T2
given below :

Referring to the schedule above, answer

the following questions : 5
(i) Which property of transaction is
violated ?
(ii) Identify the final status of sum.
(iii) The given schedule contributes to
which problem in databases ?
(e) What are the advantages and
disadvantages of distributed databases ? 5
(f) What is the difference between DBMS and
RDBMS ? Under what situations is it
better to use File-based System than
Database System ? 5
(g) Explain database recovery using system
log with the help of an example. 5
MCS-023 3 P.T.O.
(h) Explain the following terms : 5
(i) Candidate key
(ii) Primary key
(iii) Foreign key
(iv) Super key
(v) Alternate key

2. (a) What are checkpoints ? Discuss the role of

checkpoints in database recovery. Give
suitable example in support of your
discussion. 10
(b) Explain 3NF. Discuss the Insert, Delete
and Update anomalies associated with
3NF. 10

3. Differentiate the following : 20

(i) Centralized and Distributed DBMS
(ii) Deadlock avoidance and Deadlock
prevention protocols
(iii) 2 Phase locking and 2 Phase commit
(iv) 3NF and BCNF

4. Write short notes on following : 20

(i) Precedence graph for serializability check
(ii) Types of Indexes in DBMS
(iii) Data fragmentation and its objectives
(iv) Problems of serial schedule and
serializable schedule

MCS-023 4
5. (a) Can we use Binary Search Tree (BST) as
Indexes ? Justify. If we use BST as Index,
then what can be the possible problems ?
What will be the solution for those
problems ? 10
(b) Consider ‘‘Library Management System’’
which keeps the following tables :
Book (isbn_no, title, author, publisher,
edition, year)
Book_Access (access_no, isbn_no,
Member (m_name, m_id, m_address,
Issue_Return (access_no, m_id,
expected_return_date, actual_return_date)
Specify the following queries in SQL : 10
(i) Find m_id and m_name of the
members who have got at least one
book issued to themselves.
(ii) List the book details for the books
which were purchased after January
(iii) List all the books on title
‘‘Databases’’. This list should be
sorted on author’s name.
(iv) Find the members who have not got
any book issued.

MCS-023 5 P.T.O.
[2] MCS-023

(d) Consider the following three tables : 10

No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-023 student (student_id, name, date_of_birth)
registers ((student_id, course_id)
course (course_id, course_title, credits)
Term-End Examination Write the SQL commands for the following
June, 2021 queries :

MCS-023 : INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE (i) List all the courses in alphabetical

order of course title.
(ii) Make a list of students who have
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100 registered for course whose course_id
Weightage : 75% is “MCS-23”.
(iii) Count the total number of students in
Note : (i) Question No. 1 is compulsory. each course.
(iv) List all the courses whose credits are
(ii) Attempt any three questions from the
less than 4.
(v) List all the students who have
1. (a) What are integrity constraints ? Discuss registered for more than one course.
the entity integrity and referential (e) What is a transaction in the context of
DBMS ? Explain the properties of a
integrity constraints with suitable
transaction with the help of an example. 7
example. 5
(f) Differentiate between primary and
(b) Explain the three-level architecture of secondary indexes in the context of file
DBMS with the help of a diagram. 5 organisation. 3
(g) Describe the utility of data replication in
(c) Explain the concept 3rd normal form with
distributed DBMS with the help of an
the help of an example. 5 example. 5

P. T. O.
[3] MCS-023 [4] MCS-023

2. (a) Draw an ER diagram for the situation 4. (a) Explain database recovery using system
given below : 10 log, with the help of an example. Compare
“A company has many employees, working the backward recovery with forward
on several projects. A project is controlled recovery with the help of an example of
by a manager who is an emloyee of the each. 10
company.” Perform the following tasks for (b) Discuss the role of database manager of a
the description given above : DBMS. Draw diagram to show the
(i) Identify entities, attributes, important components of database
relationships, cardinalities, and draw manager. Explain the role of each
an ER diagram. component shown in the diagram. 10
(ii) Convert the ER diagram into tables 5. Explain any five of the following : 5×4=20
and show relationship among the
tables as per the ER diagram. (a) 2-phase locking protocol

(b) Describe the relationship between data (b) Deadlock prevention protocol
security and data integrity, with the help (c) Data fragmentation in DDBMS
of a diagram. 5
(d) Cartesian product and division operations
(c) Compare strong and weak entities in the in relational algebra
context of ER diagram with the help of an
(e) Inverted file organisation
example. 5
(f) Client-server databases
3. (a) What are concurrent transactions ? Briefly
discuss the problems encountered by
concurrent transactions. 10
(b) Briefly discuss the term normalization in
DBMS. Write statement for Second Normal
Form (2NF) and discuss the insert, delete
and update anomalies associated with
2NF. 10 MCS–023

P. T. O.
No. of Printed Pages : 6 MCS-023

MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination
December, 2021


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage : 75%)
Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any
three questions from the rest.

1. (a) Consider the following two relations :

Customer and Sales_order :
Cust_No Name Address
C10 N1 AD1
C11 N2 AD2

Order_No Date Cust_No
OD10 1/6/19 C10
OD11 1/7/19 NULL
OD12 11/7/19 C12
NULL 1/8/19 C11
The underlined attributes are primary
keys. State with proper reasoning which, if
any, of the entity integrity rules are
violated for each of the above tuples (row)
in Sales_order relation. 8
MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(b) Define the serializable schedule. State with
proper explanation whether the following
schedule is serializable or not : 6
T1 T2
read (X);
read (X);
write (Y);
write (Y);

(c) Define 2NF. The following are the

functional dependencies in a relation :
(order_no, item_code)  primary key
item_code  price/unit
order_no  order_date
Is this relation in 2NF ? Justify.
In case the relation is not in 2NF, convert
it in 2NF. 8

(d) Consider the following relations in a

database that maintains the official tours
of sales executives in a marketing
Sales_Executive (SEID, Dept_No, Joining_year)
Official_Tour (Tour_ID, from_city, to_city,
dep_date, ret_date, SEID)
Expenditure (Tour_ID, Amt_spent)

MCS-023 2
Write the queries using SQL : 6
(i) Find the details of Official_Tour
relation whose expenses exceed
< 5000.
(ii) Find the total official tour expenses
incurred by sales executives from
Dept_No = DN1.
(iii) Find the SEID’s of sales executives
who took trips to Bangalore for seven
days with expenses ranging between
< 5000 and < 9000.

(e) An academic organization has a student

entity set which can be of two types — Full
time and Part time as shown below :

Figure : Generalization/Specialization Hierarchy

Convert the above diagram into tables. 6

(f) What are the two advantages of a B-Tree

as an index ? Write the important features
of B-Tree of order N. 6
MCS-023 3 P.T.O.
2. (a) Define a view. Explain with the help of an
example. Also specify the conditions that a
view must meet in order to allow updates. 8
(b) Identify the following symbols in relational
algebra. What operations do they perform ? 4
(i) 
(ii) 

(c) Consider the following relation Person :

P-ID Name Age Salary

P-ID1 Ram 20 15000.00

P-ID2 Shyam 25 25000.00
P-ID3 Sita 30 30000.00
P-ID4 Gita 35 35000.00

What will be the output of the following

operations on the Person relation ? 4
(i)  > = 25 (Person)
(ii)  age, salary (Person)
(d) Where are Having and Group by clauses
used ?
What will be the output of the following
SQL statement on the Person relation
defined above in Q. no. 2(c) ? 4
Select Name, Max (Salary)
From Person
Group by Name Having Max (Salary) > 15000

MCS-023 4
3. (a) With the help of an example for each,
explain the following : 23=6

(i) Binary Lock

(ii) Multiple-mode Locks

(b) Define primary and clustering indexes.

Briefly discuss implementation of
clustering indexes. 8

(c) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages

of data replication. What are the objectives
of complete and selective replication ? 6

4. (a) What is use of a precedence graph in

database ? Write all the steps for
constructing a precedence graph. Suppose
there are two transactions T1 and T2.
Draw an edge between T1 and T2, if T2 has
written on item X first and T1 writes on the
same item later. 10

(b) What is Log-Based Recovery System ?

Explain the type of information kept in a
log about transaction. Which type of
transactions are selected for REDO and
UNDO for database recovery ? Explain
with an example. 10

MCS-023 5 P.T.O.
5. (a) Describe the following client-server
architecture with the help of a
diagram : 25=10
(i) 2-tier
(ii) 3-tier

(b) Explain the following concepts with the

help of suitable example : 25=10

(i) Lossless decomposition

(ii) Dependency preserving decomposition

MCS-023 6
No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-023

MCA (Revised) / BCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination
June, 2022



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 75%)
Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any
three questions from the rest.

1. (a) Draw ANSI-SPARC 3-level architecture of

DBMS. Write the languages associated
with different levels of ANSI-SPARC
3-level architecture. 5
(b) In terms of DBMS, what is a transaction ?
Discuss ACID properties of transaction. 5
(c) Compare and contrast serial file
organization technique with indexed
sequential technique in terms of storage,
access and other features. 5
(d) Define a JOIN operation, How is this
different from Cartesian product in
relational algebra ? Explain with the help
of an example. 5

MCS-023 1 P.T.O.
(e) Compare BCNF and 3NF. Discuss insert,
delete and update anomalies in 3NF, with
a suitable example of each. 10
(f) Discuss the role of views in DBMS ? Can
we perform insert, delete or modify
operations, if the view contains a group
function ? Justify. 5
(g) Explain the terms data replication and
data fragmentation, with the help of a
suitable example. 5

2. (a) Create an ER diagram for ‘‘LOAN

MANAGEMENT SYSTEM’’ of a finance
company. The company offers various kinds
of loans like Personal loans, Vehicle loans,
Home loans, Marriage loans, etc. To avail
them, they had put some criteria as well as
need for submission of support documents.
Various loans come with variable interest
rates. The company keeps track of all the
customers whether they are paying
regularly or not. It tracks defaulters and
takes appropriate steps to recover the
loan/instalments. Make and state suitable
assumptions (if any). 10
(b) What do you understand by Query
Optimization in DBMS ? How does
relational algebra help in Optimizing the
Query ? Discuss with suitable example.
List the operators used in relational
algebra and briefly explain them. 10

MCS-023 2
3. (a) What is Normalization ? Compare the
Synthesis and Decomposition approach of
Normalization. Discuss Lossless
decomposition and Dependency preserving
decomposition, with a suitable example of
each. 10

(b) What are Checkpoints ? How does this

technique of Checkpoints contribute to
database recovery ? 4

(c) Consider the following schema :

Employee (ENo, EName, City, Basic_Sal,
Projects (PNo, PName, PCategory)
Works_In (PNo, ENo, PDuration)
Write the appropriate SQL queries for the
following : 32=6

(i) Display all the names of

the employees who are working in
(ii) Display the ENo, EName of all the
employees who are working in
PNo = 123.
(iii) Find the average salary of all
the employees working in a project
MODULE OF XYZ’’ Company.

MCS-023 3 P.T.O.
4. Differentiate between the following (give example
for each) : 45=20
(a) Client-Server vs. Distributed Database
(b) Centralized DBMS vs. Distributed DBMS
(c) DBMS vs. File Base Systems
(d) 2-Phase Locking vs. 2-Phase Commit

5. Write short notes on the following : 45=20

(a) Concurrent Transactions
(b) Hashed File Organization
(c) DML Commands used in DBMS (any four)
(d) Functional Dependency

MCS-023 4
No. of Printed Pages : 11 MCS-023
Term-End Examination
December, 2022
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 75%

Note : (i) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

(ii) Attempt any three questions from the


1. (a) State the two integrity rules. In the

following two relations : customer and
sales-order, state which if any, of the
integrity rules are violated, when the
following tuples (rows) from (i) to (iv) are
added to the sales-order relation : 8
Name Address
C15 NM-1 ADR-1
C16 NM-2 ADR-2

P. T. O.
[2] MCS-023

Order- Cust-
No No

(i) <013, 2/6/2019, C15>

(ii) <014, 3/6/2019, NULL>

(iii) <015, 4/6/2019, C17>

(iv) <Null, 5/6/2019, C16>

The underlined attributes are primary

keys in the above relations.
(b) Is the following schedule serializable ?
Explain. 6

T1 T2
read (X);
write (X);
read (X);
write (Y);
[3] MCS-023

(c) Define 3NF. Justify whether the following

employee relation is in 3NF or not : 6

employee (emp_code, emp_name, deptt,

salary, project_no, termination_date)
where Project_No. → termination_date.
The underlined attribute is PK.

If it is not in 3NF, convert it into 3NF.

(d) Consider the following relatives :
Student (Stdid, Std_name, year_of_study,
basic_stipend, dept_no.)

dept. (dept_no, dept_name,


write SQL queries for the following : 6

(i) List std_name year_of_study,

dept_name of all students whose name
starts with “K”.

(ii) Select names of all the students of

Computer Science dept_name whose
basic stipend is more than ` 8,000 per

(iii) Increase the basic stipend of 3rd-year

engineering dept. by ` 3,000 per

P. T. O.
[4] MCS-023

(e) Design an E-R diagram for the following

and also create its related tables : 6
“A faculty can teach many courses and a
course can be taught by many faculty
(f) What are the different file organization
techniques based on access key ? Describe
the implementation mechanism for each
technique. 4
(g) What are the rules to be followed for
fragmenting the relation ? Create two
horizontal fragments frag 1 and frag 2 on
the state attribute Delhi and Haryana
respectively of deposit relation given below.
How are the horizontal fragments specified
through algebraic operations ? 4
Deposit Relation
State Acc_No. Cust_Name Deposit_Amt
Delhi ACC 1 CN 1 5,000.00
Delhi ACC 2 CN 2 10,000.00
Delhi ACC 3 CN 1 6,000.00
Haryana ACC 4 CN 2 15,000.00
Delhi ACC 5 CN 4 12,000.00
Haryana ACC 6 CN 4 15,000.00
Haryana ACC 7 CN 2 25,000.00
[5] MCS-023

2. (a) What will be the result of the following

algebraic operations on the following
relations R1 and R2 ? 6

(i) R1 ∪ R2

(ii) R1 ∩ R2

R1 : Eid Ename

Eid1 N1

Eid2 N2

Eid3 N3

Eid4 N4

Eid5 N5

R2 : Eid Ename

Eid2 N2

Eid4 N4

Eid5 N5

(b) What are order by clause and aggregate

functions in SQL ? Consider the employee
table having the following tuples :

P. T. O.
[6] MCS-023

Employee Table

E- Salary
ID Age Department
Name (`)
ID1 N1 20,000 30 D1

ID2 N2 15,000 35 D2

ID3 N3 25,000 40 D2

ID4 N4 30,000 35 D3

ID5 N5 22,000 45 D4

ID6 N6 27,000 42 D4

What will be the result of the following

query from the above employee table of
Q. 2(b) ? 6+2

(i) Select from employee ORDER by

Salary Name.

(ii) Select Max (salary) from employee.

(iii) Select Avg (age) from employee.

(c) What are the advantages of having three

levels of database architectures ? How are
they related to data independence ?
Discuss. 6
[7] MCS-023

3. (a) Define primary, secondary and foreign

keys. Identify the primary and foreign keys

in the following relations : Students and

School of studies : 6


Std_ID Program Department

ID1 M. C. A. D1

ID2 M. C. A. D1

ID3 B. Sc. D2

ID4 M. A. D3


Department Name Location

D1 Computer Science C-Block

D2 Science D-Block

D3 Social Science F-Block

P. T. O.
[8] MCS-023

(b) Explain the meaning of the following two

keywords :
Commit and Rollback. Write a code
fragment for transferring money from
account A to account B and show the uses
of Commit and Rollback. Assume both
accounts A and B exist in the bank. 6

(c) What are the reasons for occurrences of a

deadlock in a database system ? Explain
how does wait die scheme prevent in
deadlock. Explain with the help of an
example. 8

4. (a) (i) What is the use of locks in allowing

multiple transactions running
concurrently ? Why are multiple-mode
locks preferable over a binary
lock ? 4

The following is a schedule with the

initial values of X and Y are 50 and 60
respectively :
T1 T2

[9] MCS-023



4 X = X + 50

5 Write X

6 Unlock X

7 Lock X

8 Lock Y


10 Y = Y – 40

11 Write Y




15 Output = X

16 Display



P. T. O.
[ 10 ] MCS-023

Answer the following questions :

(ii) Whether the schedule is serializable or

not ? Justify. 4

(iii) What will be the output value

(schedule 16) ? 2

(iv) Whether the schedule Nos. 7 and 8

will be granted or not ? 2

(b) Discuss the basic model of database

access control with the help of the
following example : 8

Student (stdid, Name, e-mail, stipend,


Assume that there are two types of users :

student administrator and a student.
Create a sample authorization matrix for
the above relation.

5. (a) Write SQL commands for each of the

following. Also illustrate the usage of each
command : 10

(i) Creation of sequences

[ 11 ] MCS-023

(ii) Outer Join

(iii) Creating views with check option

(iv) Database access permission to users

(b) State BCNF. What are the anomalies

associated with a relation that is not in
BCNF ? Why is BCNF considered stronger
than 3NF ? Discuss with a suitable
example. 10


P. T. O.

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